Research Note Declining Body Condition of Northern Pintails Wintering in the Playa Lakes Region JENA A. MOON,1,2 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA DAVID A. HAUKOS, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA LOREN M. SMITH, Wildlife and Fisheries Management Institute, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA ABSTRACT Overwinter body condition (e.g., fat) provides an index to the health of northern pintail (Anas acuta) populations and may be a factor in the decline of the continental pintail population that has been previously overlooked or understated. We compared body condition between 1984–1985 and 2002–2003, and found that body condition of pintails arriving during early winter in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) of Texas, USA, has declined by an average of 32%. Body fat levels declined at varying levels with juvenile males showing the largest decline of 41%, followed by adult females with 39%, juvenile females with 30%, and adult males with an overall 18% decline. Declines are likely related to declines in migration and wintering habitat quantity and quality within the PLR and potentially across the Central Flyway. We recommend further acquisition and management of playas to ensure that these valuable habitats remain available to provide critical habitats for migrating and wintering pintails and other waterfowl in the Central Flyway. ( JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 71(1):218–221; 2007) DOI: 10.2193.2005-596 KEY WORDS Anas acuta, body condition, body fat, northern pintail, Playa Lakes Region. The North American population of northern pintail has declined since the late 1970s to levels .60% below the goal of 5.6 million birds established by the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service 1998, Miller and Duncan 1999, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2003). A number of potentially interrelated factors possibly contribute to the declining populations including low nest success, reduced recruitment, poor breeding propensity, disease (avian cholera [Pasteurella multocida], avian botulism [Clostridium botulinum], lead poisoning), and declining annual survival (Austin and Miller 1995, Miller and Duncan 1999). Body condition reflects the amount of lipids or other endogenous reserves that provide an index to the nutrient status of a bird or population (Reinecke et al. 1986). Body condition during migration and winter influences many of the factors associated with the decline of the pintail population. Body condition of nonbreeding waterfowl influences annual survival and future reproductive success in waterfowl (Heitmeyer and Fredrickson 1981, Whittow 1986, Raveling and Heitmeyer 1989). Specifically, body condition influences behavior, courtship activities, pair-bond formation, and habitat use of wintering pintails, thus affecting the entire life cycle of these birds (Miller 1986, Smith and Sheeley 1993). Body condition of waterfowl wintering in the Playa Lakes Region (PLR) of Texas, USA, is influenced by many factors including habitat conditions, weather, disturbance, and food availability (Bergan and Smith 1993, Haukos and Smith 1993, Smith and Sheeley 1993). The PLR provides important migrating and wintering 1 E-mail: Present address: Lower Rio Grande National Wildlife Refuge, Route 2 Box 202A, Alamo, TX 78516, USA 2 218 habitat for several million waterfowl each year (Bellrose 1980, Fedynich et al. 1989). Historically, at least a third of the pintail population wintering in the Central Flyway used the PLR, at times numbering over 300,000 birds during midwinter (Bellrose 1980). However, there has been an estimated 47% decline in midwinter pintail numbers since 1977 in the PLR (Haukos 2004); this drop is likely due to declines in the overall continental pintail population and habitat loss within the PLR (Luo et al. 1997, Moon 2004). Changing habitat conditions during the past 20 years across the Central Flyway (e.g., Reynolds et al. 2001, Gleason et al. 2003) could also affect body condition of pintails arriving in the PLR. Because of the importance of PLR habitats to midcontinental pintails (Haukos et al. 2006), body condition of birds using these essential wintering and migration habitats may influence the health of the continental population of pintails. Further, assessment of the influence of conservation efforts associated with pintail habitats requires an investigation of the contemporary body condition levels. We hypothesized that habitat changes since the mid-1980s in the PLR and Central Flyway have influenced body condition of the current population of pintails wintering in the PLR. Our objective was to compare past (1984–1985) and present (2002–2003) body condition of pintails arriving and wintering in the PLR to identify changes in body condition between the reference periods. STUDY AREA Our study area encompassed the PLR of northwest Texas, which included the High Plains (north of the Canadian River), the Southern High Plains (SHP), and a portion of the adjacent eastern Rolling Plains ecological region (Haukos and Smith 1994, Moon 2004). We concentrated the study in the SHP, which included 130,000 km2 and contained about 20,000 playa wetlands (Haukos and Smith The Journal of Wildlife Management 71(1) Table 1. Average (SE) and associated 90% confidence intervals of grams of fat for after-hatch-year (AHY) and hatch-year (HY) northern pintails captured on the Southern High Plains of Texas, USA, during 1984–1985 and 2002–2003. M F AHY Capture date HY AHY x̄ SE 90% CI n x̄ SE 90% CI n x̄ SE 90% CI 1984 Oct Nov 112.5 185.7 16.5 14.4 81–143 160–211 8 17 147.7 198.8 22.5 41.2 107–188 123–274 10 9 195.0 195.3 44.0 64.0 113–276 59–331 1985 Oct Nov Pooled 1984–1985 223.6 235.7 205.2 12.7 17.4 7.9 202–245 206–265 192–218 22 22 69 210.2 179.9 30.4 19.7 149–271 147–212 5 24 199.4 238.4 212.9 33.6 14.4 17.4 2002 Oct Nov 174.1 198.2 5.4 12.5 165–183 176–219 153 20 105.2 178.2 8.2 26.4 91–119 131–224 75 14 120.11 170.3 2003 Oct Nov Pooled 2002–2003 168.8 149.7 169.3 6.2 8.9 3.6 158–179 135–164 163–175 103 64 340 109.5 74.4 106.2 11.3 7.3 5.6 91–128 62–87 97–115 70 37 196 126.4 139.5 130.4 1994). The SHP had a dry steppe climate with mild winters (Blackstock 1979), an average growing season of 180–220 days (Gould 1975), and an average annual precipitation of 47–53 cm, depending on region (National Climatic Data Center 2004). Most precipitation occurred as rainfall, with 54–72% occurring during intense, localized thunderstorms from May to September (Bolen et al. 1989). Elevations in the SHP range between 1,000 m and 1,200 m (Haukos and Smith 1994), with nearly level to gently undulating topography interrupted by numerous enclosed depressions lined by a vertisol clay that held playa wetlands (Blackstock 1979). METHODS We determined body condition (g lipids) of after-hatch-year (AHY) and hatch-year (HY) pintails in the PLR during October and November, which represented pintails that either had just arrived or had been in the region for a short period. During 1984 and 1985, we shot pintails on playa basins (Smith and Sheeley 1993); during fall 2002 and 2003 we captured pintails using baited swim-in traps and rocket nets (corn and hen scratch). Landowners did not allow hunting during periods of capture. We aged (HY and AHY) and sexed collected or captured birds based on plumage characteristics (Duncan 1985, Carney 1992). We measured wing chord (mm) and body mass of each bird. We released birds at their capture site after we determined age and sex and took structural measurements. We estimated body fat, as an index to body condition, based on equations derived by Smith et al. (1992) using wing chord and body mass values. These equations accurately estimate body fat of pintails in the PLR, with R2 values of 0.73, 0.69, 0.72, and 0.75 for adult males, adult females, juvenile males, and juvenile females, respectively. For each year (1984, 1985, 2002, 2003), month (Oct, Nov), Moon et al. Declining Body Condition of Pintails in Texas HY x̄ SE 90% CI 8 4 149.5 112.5 29.5 19.4 94–204 71–153 8 4 132–267 213–264 184–241 5 11 28 165.5 246.5 154.4 25.0 23.1 17.0 93–238 179–314 126–182 2 2 16 4.4 8.6 113–127 155–185 69 18 88.9 171.3 5.7 9.3 79–98 155–187 50 27 7.3 9.2 3.7 114–138 124–155 124–136 77 32 196 94.9 99.7 108.5 8.9 11.4 4.1 79–109 79–119 102–115 40 19 136 n n and age and sex class, we present the average estimated grams of body fat as well as associated standard error and 90% confidence intervals. We pooled years (1984–1985 and 2002–2003) for each respective study period because of small samples sizes in the first reference period and we were interested in the average overall decline in body condition between the 2 reference periods. We calculated an average percentage change in body fat levels from 1984–1985 to 2002–2003 and used a t-test to compare average lipid levels for each age and sex class between the reference periods. We set a ¼ 0.05 and used a Bonferroni adjustment to account for multiple comparisons; final a ¼ 0.0125 (Scheiner and Gurvitch 1993). RESULTS We estimated body lipids for 137 and 868 pintails for the reference periods of 1984–1985 and 2002–2003, respectively. Body lipids of AHY males declined by 18% from 1984–1985 to 2002–2003 (t407 ¼ 4.11, P , 0.001). Although we did not collect HY males in 1985, we did document an overall decline in pooled body condition (1984 vs. 2002–2003) of 41% for HY male body fat (t218 ¼ 4.25, P , 0.001). For AHY females, body lipids declined by 39% (t202 ¼ 7.05, P , 0.001) from 1984–1985 to 2002–2003. Despite the relatively low sample size of HY females (16) when compared with other age and sex classes during 1984– 1985, we found a 30% decline between the reference periods (t150 ¼ 3.48, P , 0.001; Table 1). DISCUSSION Body condition in ducks is influenced by numerous environmental and anthropogenic factors (e.g., habitat conditions, available forage, precipitation, disturbance, and weather) associated with the wintering period, making it a highly variable measure (Miller 1986, Smith and Sheeley 219 1993). Pintail body condition in the PLR is principally related to amount of natural foods in playas (Haukos and Smith 1993, Smith and Sheeley 1993). The trend of lipid gains from October to November during both reference periods (exception of M during 2003 and F during 1984) demonstrates the importance of available natural foods in playas for pintails upon arrival in the PLR. However, body condition of pintails wintering in the PLR has declined considerably since the mid-1980s. This decline possibly reflects relatively poorer habitat quality across the Central Flyway (e.g., drought, cropland conversion [i.e., decrease in cereal grains], and grassland conversion) during fall migration, which may be causing pintails to arrive in the PLR in poorer condition than 20 years ago (Reynolds et al. 2001, Gleason et al. 2003). These declining body condition estimates also may indicate that birds are over-flying traditional stopover areas, experiencing increased levels of disturbance, or may be migrating from nontraditional breeding areas. Indeed, before 1975, nesting pintails were documented to settle at an average of 53836 0 N latitude; however, since 1985, pintails have increased distances traveled to settle at an average of 568N latitude (Runge and Boomer 2005). This increase in overall distance traveled may have a negative effect on pintail body condition and consequently may decrease potential reproductive effort. Although our collection method differed between reference periods, methods likely did not have an impact on our results. Weatherhead and Ankney (1984) speculated a sample collected with bait traps would likely result in a biased sample of birds in lower body condition. However, tests for a condition bias related to the use of bait traps either have found no relationship (Reinecke et al. 1988) or were inconclusive (Dufour et al. 1993a). Weatherhead and Ankney (1984) also predicted that shooting birds over decoys would also result in a negative condition bias due to exploitation of a feeding response, and several studies have demonstrated that condition was biased low for birds collected over decoys (Hepp et al. 1986, Reinecke et al. 1988, Dufour et al. 1993b). However, we did not use decoys to collect birds during 1984–1985 but rather shot birds flushed from playas. Therefore, we feel confident that neither sampling effort biased the estimated fat levels of our sample. Disparate habitat conditions based on availability of wetlands between reference periods could have had an effect on our results. Body condition has been tied to habitat conditions for wintering pintail populations in the PLR and California (Miller 1986, Smith and Sheeley 1993). Both reference periods had a relatively wet year (average habitat: 1985, 2002) and dry year (below-average habitat: 1984, 2003); therefore, we do not feel that body condition estimates between the 2 reference periods were skewed based on wetland availability. Data on pintail arrival time in the PLR respective to capture period were unavailable for the first reference period, which also may have had an impact on body condition levels, but should have been 220 similar between periods given pintail migration patterns (Bellrose 1980). Similar to pintails, the continental population of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) is experiencing an overall decline (Anteau and Afton 2004). The Spring Condition Hypothesis states that female scaup are arriving on their breeding grounds in poorer body condition than historically (Afton and Anderson 2001). Declines in spring lipid reserves for scaup have been documented to negatively impact reproduction, because hens in poorer body condition are less likely to breed and have fewer resources to dedicate to reproduction (Anteau and Afton 2004). However, recent research has found that fall and winter scaup body mass tended to be similar or greater than estimates from the 1980s, indicating that fall migration and winter habitats remain adequate for scaup in the Mississippi Flyway (Vest 2002). The continental pintail population may be experiencing similar trends in body condition. Therefore, we recommend additional monitoring of body condition levels of pintails arriving on breeding grounds to assess impacts on breeding pintails and ultimately, recruitment of young into the continental population. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Despite acknowledgement of the value of playas to waterfowl through the creation of the Playa Lakes Joint Venture by the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service 1998), past management recommendations to improve wintering habitats for pintails and other waterfowl have not been implemented across the region. Continued lack of wetland management and conservation in the SHP, where the majority of playas occur (Haukos and Smith 2003, Smith 2003), will continue to have negative impacts to body condition of pintails. Acquisition and perpetual protection of playas as suggested by Haukos and Smith (2003) will ensure availability of high quality wetland habitats for pintails and other waterfowl wintering in the PLR. If pintails show decreased body condition across their life cycle, females arriving on breeding areas in poorer condition may be less likely to breed, have smaller clutch sizes, and reduced recruitment rates, which would result in smaller fall flights. Therefore, further investigation of pintail body condition and causes for the decline in the PLR is warranted, in addition to examination of body condition in other major pintail wintering areas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Texas Tech University, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 2 Migratory Bird Office, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, and the Playa Lakes Joint Venture for providing funding. We are grateful to R. Cox, W. Johnson, B. Davis, L. Gustafson, D. Casida, J. Smith, J. Bredy, P. Thorpe, and F. Roetker for providing field assistance during this study. L. Nymeyer provided field technicians, vehicles, and access to trapping sites. We are appreciative of G. Filnor, J. Heath, J. Jones, B. Jones, M. The Journal of Wildlife Management 71(1) Been, M. Montene, C. Sargent, A. McNeil, and J. Stevens for providing access to private lands for trapping efforts. We thank D. Sheeley for collecting and measuring birds during 1984–1985. We also thank R. Cox, J. Fleskes, and 2 anonymous reviewers for thorough reviews of previous drafts. This is paper T-9-1088 of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University. LITERATURE CITED Afton, A. D., and M. G. Anderson. 2001. Declining scaup populations: a retrospective analysis of long-term population and harvest survey data. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:781–796. Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Auk 121:917–929. Austin, J. E., and M. R. Miller. 1995. Northern pintail (Anas acuta). Account 163 in A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. Birds of North America. 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