Pupils will:  Technologies

Language & Literacy
Pupils will:
enjoy exploring and choosing stories and
other texts related to CSI., to watch, read
and listen to and respond to events and
characters in stories, sharing my thoughts
in different ways. LIT 0-01b LIT 0-11b
Enjoy exploring events and characters,
stories and other texts. Sharing my
thoughts in different ways.
LIT 0-19a
Expressive Arts
Pupils will:
Mathematics & Numeracy
have the freedom to choose and explore movement,
expression and voice in different kinds of role play
and drama. EXA 0-12a
By Exploring my local community, I have
discover the different roles people play and
how they can help. SOC 0-16a
I make decisions and take responsibility in my
everyday experiences and play, showing
consideration for others. SOC 0-17a
By exploring the ways in which we use and
need rules, I can consider the meaning of rights
and responsibilities and discuss those relevant
to me. SOC 1-17a
have the freedom to use their voice, musical
instruments and musical technology to discover and
enjoy playing with sound and rhythm. EXA 0-17a
Pupils will:
Pupils will:
Show an understanding of values, such
as caring, sharing, fairness, equality and
love. RME 1-09b
Develop and understanding of what is
fair and unfair and why caring and
sharing are important. RME 0-09a
enjoy playing with and exploring
technologies to discover what they can
do and how they can help us. TCH 0-01a
Explore the technologies in the wider
world and consider how they can help.
TCH 1-01a
Explore software and use what they learn
to solve problems, and present their
ideas, thoughts or information. TCH 003a
Be aware of how routines and events in my
world link with times, and have explored
ways to record and display these using
clocks, calendars and other methods. MNU
Tell the time using 12hour clocks realising
there is a link with 24hour notation,
explain how it impacts on my daily routine
and insure that I’m organised and ready for
events throughout the day. MNU 1-10a
Social Studies
People, society, economy and business
have the freedom to discover and choose ways to
create images and objects using a variety of media.
EXA 0-02a
Context for Learning
Pupils will:
Pupils will:
Talk about science stories to develop
their understanding of science and the
world around them. SCN 0-20a
Contribute to discussions of current
scientific news items to help develop my
awareness of science. SCN 1-20a
Health & Wellbeing
Pupils will:
Be able to identify ways of getting help
in unsafe situations and emergencies.
HWB 0-42a
Recognise that we all have similarities
and differences but are all unique. HWB