Student Services Program Planning Annual Update

Student Services Program Planning Annual Update
Department: Student Life/Student Activities/Student Leadership
Date December, 15 2015
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan
Facilitate proper and ethical leadership
practices within the Student Senate
Increase the number of diversity and cultural
related activities on campus
Clarifying processes and procedures for
Cabrillo’s Clubs
Revised October 22, 2012
progress (inclu
de projected
Source of
Comments (include any modifications to goals due to
feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data
when possible)
Goal Met
In Progress
Yr 1 Provide training and education on ethical leadership
Yr 2 Improve and enforce procedures that promote
ethical behavior
Yr 3 Facilitate Leadership Development class with a
focus on ethical decision-making
Yr 1 Create a calendar and a framework for increasing
diverse event offerings on campus
Yr 2 Promote collaboration and team work between the
clubs & senate to facilitate these events
In Progress
Yr Define issues and challenges with club processes and
Yr 2 Improve and enforce processes
Yr 3 Evaluate Goal
New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Goal/Recommendation (include timeline)
Increase multicultural activities as part of
student senate goals
Focus on clarifying processes and
procedures for Cabrillo’s Clubs to increase
club chartering and support
Explanation/Evidence of Need
(indicate how this need was
The equity focus has led to a desire
on the part of the college to offer
more multicultural activities and
This semester the clubs significantly
declined as a direct result of the
reduction of the Student Activities
Coordinator position to 50%. The
student senate has funded the
position to be reinstated.
Status (Comment on progress of
new goals/recommendations listed
in last annual update)
We will focus on establishing a
program and increase activities as
part of student senate’s
This 20 hours increase in Spring
2016 will focus on increasing clubs
and providing all the support they
need to bolster student life via
club participation.
SSLO/AUO Assessment Progress
In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last
year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why.
The 50 % reduction to the Student Activities Coordinator position is believed to have resulted in a reduction in the number of clubs charters
and school events that would build student life. As we start Spring 2016 semester, with the reinstated position, we will focus on increasing
clubs and events. We will enforce and improve the charter procedures. As we finish the spring semester we will evaluate our goal and
determine next steps with program and delivery enhancements.
In the Spring 2016 semester we will develop and implement a multicultural program.
In the Spring 2016 we will evaluate ethical leadership practices within the Student Senate.
Revised October 22, 2012
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SSLO/AUO Assessment Results
List SSLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below.
Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Program
SSLO/AUO Assessed
Revised October 22, 2012
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting on 00/00/2012
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment.