Reversible Irreversible Engineering Electric network for non-reversible Markov chains Joint work with Áron Folly Márton Balázs University of Bristol Random walks on graphs and potential theory University of Warwick, 20th May 2015. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reversible chains and resistors Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet principles Monotonicity, transience, recurrence Irreversible chains and electric networks The part From network to chain From chain to network Effective resistance What works The electric network Reducing the network Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet principle Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y a x y b Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y a 1V a y x x Rax Rxy y b Ryb b 0V i Electric resistor network: the voltage u is harmonic (C = 1/R): ux = X y C P xy · uy ; z Cxz ua = 1, ub = 0. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y a 1V a y x x Rax Rxy y b Ryb b 0V i Electric resistor network: the voltage u is harmonic (C = 1/R): ux = X y C P xy · uy ; z Cxz ua = 1, ub = 0. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Pxy = P z Cxz Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Cxy Pxy = P =: . Cx z Cxz Pxy = Cxy /Cx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Cxy =: Pxy = P . Cx z Cxz Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µy Pyx = y Cx = y X y Pxy = Cxy /Cx X Cy Cxy Cy µy Cxy Cy Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Cxy =: Pxy = P . Cx z Cxz Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µy Pyx = y X y Cx = X y Cy Cxy Cy ; Cx = µx . Pxy = Cxy /Cx µy Cxy Cy Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Cxy =: Pxy = P . Cx z Cxz Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µy Pyx = y X y Cx = X y Cy µy Cxy Cy Cxy Cy ; Cx = µx . Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Thus, Cxy Cxy =: Pxy = P . Cx z Cxz Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µy Pyx = y X y Cx = X y Cy µy Cxy Cy Cxy Cy ; Cx = µx . Notice µx Pxy = Cxy = Cyx = µy Pyx , so the chain is reversible. Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then X X Cxy ny nx = ny Pyx = C y y y Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then X X Cxy ny nx = ny Pyx = C y y y ux = X Cxy y Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx · uy Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then X X Cxy ny nx = ny Pyx = C y y y ux = X Cxy y ux Cx = X Cxy y Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx Cy · uy · uy Cy Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then X X Cxy nx = ny Pyx = ny C y y y ux = X Cxy y ux Cx = Cx X Cxy y Cy · uy · uy Cy ; ux Cx = nx . Pxy = Cxy /Cx Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reversible chains and resistors Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then X X Cxy nx = ny Pyx = ny C y y y ux = X Cxy y ux Cx = Cx X Cxy y Cy · uy · uy Cy ; ux Cx = nx . Ea (signed current x → y before absorbed in b) = nx Pxy − ny Pyx = (ux − uy )Cxy = ixy . Pxy = Cxy /Cx normalisation. . . Cx = µx Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reducing a network Series: Q R Reff = R + Q Parallel: R Q 1 1 1 = + Reff R Q Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Reducing a network S∗ Star-Delta: R∆ Q∆ Q∗ R∗ S∆ R∗ = Q∆ S∆ , R∆ + Q∆ + S∆ R∆ = R∗ Q∗ + R∗ S∗ + Q∗ S∗ . R∗ Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Thomson, Dirichlet principles Thomson principle: 1 R 1 Q The physical unit current isP the unit flow that minimizes the sum of the ohmic power losses i 2 R. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Thomson, Dirichlet principles Thomson principle: 1 R 1 Q The physical unit current isP the unit flow that minimizes the sum of the ohmic power losses i 2 R. Dirichlet principle: 1V R u Q 0V The physical voltage is the function that minimizes the ohmic P power losses (∇u)2 /R. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Monotonicity, transience, recurrence The monotonicity property: Between any disjoint sets of vertices, the effective resistance is a non-decreasing function of the individual resistances. Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing a network Thomson, Dirichlet Monotonicity Monotonicity, transience, recurrence The monotonicity property: Between any disjoint sets of vertices, the effective resistance is a non-decreasing function of the individual resistances. ; can be used to prove transience-recurrence by reducing the graph to something manageable in terms of resistor networks. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Equivalent: ∗λpr x R pr ∗λse y (ux − i · R pr ) · λpr = uy x R se y ux · λse − R se · i = uy Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Equivalent: ∗λpr x R pr ∗λse y (ux − i · R pr ) · λpr = uy λpr = λ x R se y ux · λse − R se · i = uy λse = λ Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Equivalent: ∗λpr x R pr ∗λse y (ux − i · R pr ) · λpr = uy λpr = λ pr R = λ+1 2λ · R x R se y ux · λse − R se · i = uy λse = λ se R = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... The part i ∗λ x R/2 R/2 y Voltage amplifier: keeps the current, multiplies the potential. (ux − i · R R ) · λ − i · = uy 2 2 Equivalent: ∗λpr x R pr ∗λse y (ux − i · R pr ) · λpr = uy λpr = λ pr R = λ+1 2λ · R R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R x R se y ux · λse − R se · i = uy λse = λ se R = λ+1 2 ·R R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 Rxb /2 b R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 se Rxa x se Rxb b R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X y R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 se Rxa x se Rxb b C se P xy se · λxy uy z Cxz R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X y R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 se Rxa x se Rxb b C se P xy se · λxy uy z Cxz R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X y R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 se Rxa x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X y R pr = λ+1 2λ ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 se Rxa x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X = X y y with γxy = R pr = λ+1 2λ se Rxa x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz D γ P xy xy · uy z Dxz γzx p λxy = ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 1 γyx , Dxy = 2γxy Cxy (λxy +1) = Dyx . R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X = X y y with γxy = R pr = λ+1 2λ se Rxa x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz D γ P xy xy · uy z Dxz γzx p λxy = ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 1 γyx , Dxy = 2γxy Cxy (λxy +1) = Dyx . R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X = X y y with γxy = R pr = λ+1 2λ se Rxa x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz X Dxy γxy D γ P xy xy · uy = · uy Dx z Dxz γzx y p λxy = ·R b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 1 γyx , Dxy = 2γxy Cxy (λxy +1) = Dyx . R se = λ+1 2 ·R Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Harmonicity ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxa /2 Rxa /2 x Rxb /2 ux = X = X y y with γxy γxy = se Rxa λxy x b se Rxb X Cxy λxy2+1 C se P xy se · λxy uy = · λxy uy P 2 z Cxz z Cxz λ +1 y xz X Dxy γxy D γ P xy xy · uy = · uy Dx z Dxz γzx y p = λxy = p b ∗λxb ∗λxa a Rxb /2 1 γyx , Dx = Dxy = X z Dxz γzx 2γxy Cxy (λxy +1) = Dyx . Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From network to chain Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y ux = X Dxy γxy y γxy = p λxy Dx Dx = X z · uy , Dxz γzx ua = 1, ub = 0. Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From network to chain Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y ux = X Dxy γxy y Dx · uy , Pxy = γxy = p λxy Dx = X z ua = 1, ub = 0. Dxy γxy . Dx Dxz γzx Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From network to chain Irreducible Markov chain: on Ω, a 6= b, x ∈ Ω, hx : = Px {τa < τb } (τ is the hitting time) is harmonic: hx = X Pxy hy , ha = 1, hb = 0. y ux = X Dxy γxy y Dx · uy , Pxy = γxy = p λxy Dx = X ua = 1, ub = 0. Dxy γxy . Dx Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From network to chain Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µz Pzx = z z Dx = X Dz z γxy = p λxy Dx = X X Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx µz Dzx γzx Dz Dzx γzx Dz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From network to chain Stationary distribtuion: µx = X µz Pzx = z X µz z Dx = X Dz z Dzx γzx Dz Dzx γzx Dz ; Dx = µx . γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... ”Markovian” property ux = X Pxz uz ; z X Pxz = 1 z ux ≡ const. is a solution of the network with no external sources. This is now nontrivial. γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... ”Markovian” property ux = X Pxz uz ; z X Pxz = 1 z ux ≡ const. is a solution of the network with no external sources. This is now nontrivial. X Pxz = z X Dxz γxz z Dx : = X Dx =1 Dxz γzx z γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... ”Markovian” property ux = X X Pxz uz ; z Pxz = 1 z ux ≡ const. is a solution of the network with no external sources. This is now nontrivial. X Pxz = z z Dx : = X p λxy Dx = X Dx Dxz γzx = z γxy = X Dxz γxz Dxz γzx z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X =1 Dxz γxz . z Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... ”Markovian” property ux = X X Pxz uz ; z Pxz = 1 z ux ≡ const. is a solution of the network with no external sources. This is now nontrivial. X Pxz = z X Dxz γxz z Dx : = X Dxz γzx = z γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dx Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X =1 Dxz γxz . z X z Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Pxy = Dxy γxy Dxy γxy = Dx µx 2 µx Pxy · µy Pyx = Dxy ; µx Pxy 2 = γxy = λxy . µy Pyx γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Pxy = Dxy γxy Dxy γxy = Dx µx 2 µx Pxy · µy Pyx = Dxy ; µx Pxy 2 = γxy = λxy . µy Pyx Reversed chain: Replace Pxy by P̂xy = Pyx · µy µx . ; Dxy stays, λxy reverses to λyx . γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then nx = X ny Pyx = y γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X Dyx γyx y X z Dxz γxz Dy ny Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then nx = X ny Pyx = y ux = p λxy Dx = X Dy y X Dxy γxy Dx y γxy = X Dyx γyx Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z ny · uy Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then nx = X ny Pyx = y ux = X Dxy γxy Dx X Dxy γxy Dy y γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dy y y ux Dx = X Dyx γyx Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z ny · uy · uy Dy Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then nx = X ny Pyx = X Dyx γyx Dy y y ux = X Dxy γxy Dx y ux Dx = X Dxy γxy Dy y ny · uy · uy Dy ; ûx Dx = nx in the reversed chain. γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z Dxz γxz Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... From chain to network Let nx = Ea (number of visits to x before absorbed in b). Then ; ûx Dx = nx in the reversed chain. Ea (signed current x → y before absorbed in b) = nx Pxy −ny Pyx = (ûx γxy − ûy γyx )Dxy = îxy . γxy = p λxy Dx = X Dxz γzx = z Pxy = Dxy γxy /Dx X z Dxz γxz normalisation. . . Dxy = 2γxy Cxy /(λxy + 1) Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Effective resistance Suppose ua , ub given, the solution is {ux }x∈Ω and {ixy }x∼y ∈Ω . Current X iax ia = x∼a flows in the network at a. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Effective resistance Suppose ua , ub given, the solution is {ux }x∈Ω and {ixy }x∼y ∈Ω . Current X iax ia = x∼a flows in the network at a. ;The ”Markovian” property has another solution: constant ub potentials with zero external currents. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Effective resistance Suppose ua , ub given, the solution is {ux }x∈Ω and {ixy }x∼y ∈Ω . Current X iax ia = x∼a flows in the network at a. ;The ”Markovian” property has another solution: constant ub potentials with zero external currents. ; The difference of these two: {ux − ub }x∈Ω is a solution too, with ia flowing in the network. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Effective resistance Suppose ua , ub given, the solution is {ux }x∈Ω and {ixy }x∼y ∈Ω . Current X iax ia = x∼a flows in the network at a. ;The ”Markovian” property has another solution: constant ub potentials with zero external currents. ; The difference of these two: {ux − ub }x∈Ω is a solution too, with ia flowing in the network. ; Going backwards from ub − ub = 0 at b, all currents and potentials are proportional to ua − ub at a. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... Effective resistance Suppose ua , ub given, the solution is {ux }x∈Ω and {ixy }x∼y ∈Ω . Current X iax ia = x∼a flows in the network at a. ;The ”Markovian” property has another solution: constant ub potentials with zero external currents. ; The difference of these two: {ux − ub }x∈Ω is a solution too, with ia flowing in the network. ; Going backwards from ub − ub = 0 at b, all currents and potentials are proportional to ua − ub at a. ; In particular, ia is proportional to ua − ub . We have effective resistance. Reversible Irreversible Engineering What works ... the analogy with P{τa < τb }. The part Chain Network Effective Works... Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... What works ... the analogy with P{τa < τb }. Modulo normalisation. . . Ea (signed current x → y before absorbed in b) = îxy . in the reversed network! Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... What works ... the analogy with P{τa < τb }. Modulo normalisation. . . Ea (signed current x → y before absorbed in b) = îxy . in the reversed network! Theorem (Chandra, Raghavan, Ruzzo, Smolensky and Tiwari ’96 for reversible) Commute time = Reff · all conductances. Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... What works For all sets A, B, capacity∼escape probability. eff cap(A, B) = CAB = 1 eff RAB Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... What works For all sets A, B, capacity∼escape probability. eff cap(A, B) = CAB = This is non-physical! 1 X 1 = Cxy (ux − uy )2 . eff 2 RAB x∼y ∈V Reversible Irreversible Engineering The part Chain Network Effective Works... What works For all sets A, B, capacity∼escape probability. eff cap(A, B) = CAB = 1 X 1 = Cxy (ux − uy )2 . eff 2 RAB x∼y ∈V This is non-physical! In particular, symmetrising the chain (Pxy → increase escape probabilities: Pxy +P̂xy ) 2 cannot ◮ symmetrising leaves Cxy unchanged; ◮ the above sum is minimised by the symmetric voltages, not {ux } (Classical Dirichlet principle). Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet The electric network Series: ∗µ ∗λ R/2 R/2 Q/2 ∗µ ∗λ R Q/2 Q se pr ∗λµ Q se ∗λµ R pr R pr Q′ ∗λµ pr S pr ∗λµ S/2 S=R S/2 µ+1 (λ + 1)µ +Q . λµ + 1 λµ + 1 Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet The electric network Parallel: ∗λ R/2 ∗λ R se R/2 ∗µ Q/2 ∗µ Q se Q/2 Compare this with ∗ν S se RQ R+Q Qλ(µ + 1) + Rµ(λ + 1) ν= . Q(µ + 1) + R(λ + 1) S= Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet The electric network Star-Delta: Star to Delta works, Delta to Star only works if Delta does not produce a circular current by itself (λµν = 1). R/ 2 2 Q/ 2 Q/ R/ 2 ∗λ ∗µ ∗ν S/2 S/2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Nonmonotonicity ∗1/5 3/2 ∗5/13 3/2 R ∗5 3/2 R eff = 2/2 3/2 2/2 ∗13/5 2/2 1296 27 + . 14 1225R + 2268 2/2 Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Nonmonotonicity ∗1/5 3/2 ∗5/13 3/2 R ∗5 3/2 R eff = 2/2 3/2 2/2 ∗13/5 2/2 1296 27 + . 14 1225R + 2268 2/2 / Reversible Irreversible Engineering Dirichlet principle Classical case: Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Irreversible case (A. Gaudillière, C. Landim / M. Slowik): (iu∗ )xy = Dxy · γxy u(x) − γyx u(y) , X 2 iu∗ − Ψxy · Rxy . EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ)= x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Irreversible case (A. Gaudillière, C. Landim / M. Slowik): eff Rab = EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ), (iu∗ )xy = Dxy · γxy u(x) − γyx u(y) , X 2 iu∗ − Ψxy · Rxy . EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ)= x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Irreversible case (A. Gaudillière, C. Landim / M. Slowik): eff Rab = min EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ), Ψ: flow (iu∗ )xy = Dxy · γxy u(x) − γyx u(y) , X 2 iu∗ − Ψxy · Rxy . EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ)= x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Irreversible case (A. Gaudillière, C. Landim / M. Slowik): eff Rab = min EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ), min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 Ψ: flow (iu∗ )xy = Dxy · γxy u(x) − γyx u(y) , X 2 iu∗ − Ψxy · Rxy . EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ)= x∼y Reversible Irreversible Engineering Reducing Nonmonotonicity Dirichlet Dirichlet principle Classical case: eff Rab = min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 EOhm (iu ), (iu )xy = Cxy · u(x) − u(y) , X EOhm (iu )= (iu )2xy · Rxy . x∼y Irreversible case (A. Gaudillière, C. Landim / M. Slowik): eff Rab = min EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ), min u:u(a)=1, u(b)=0 Ψ: flow (iu∗ )xy = Dxy · γxy u(x) − γyx u(y) , X 2 iu∗ − Ψxy · Rxy . EOhm (iu∗ − Ψ)= x∼y Thank you. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Theorem (Well Known Theorem) A Markov chain is reversible if and only if for every closed cycle x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . , xn = x0 in Ω we have Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 . In particular, any Markov chain on a finite connected tree G is necessarily reversible. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Plug in Pxy = Dxy γxy , Dx Dxy symmetric: Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 γx0 x1 · γx1 x2 · · · γxn−1 x0 = γx0 xn−1 · γxn−1 xn−2 · · · γx1 x0 λx0 x1 · λx1 x2 · · · λxn−1 x0 = 1. ◮ Total multiplication factor along any loop is one. , or Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Plug in Pxy = Dxy γxy , Dx Dxy symmetric: Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 γx0 x1 · γx1 x2 · · · γxn−1 x0 = γx0 xn−1 · γxn−1 xn−2 · · · γx1 x0 λx0 x1 · λx1 x2 · · · λxn−1 x0 = 1. ◮ Total multiplication factor along any loop is one. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. , or Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Plug in Pxy = Dxy γxy , Dx Dxy symmetric: Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 γx0 x1 · γx1 x2 · · · γxn−1 x0 = γx0 xn−1 · γxn−1 xn−2 · · · γx1 x0 λx0 x1 · λx1 x2 · · · λxn−1 x0 = 1. ◮ Total multiplication factor along any loop is one. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. , or Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Plug in Pxy = Dxy γxy , Dx Dxy symmetric: Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 γx0 x1 · γx1 x2 · · · γxn−1 x0 = γx0 xn−1 · γxn−1 xn−2 · · · γx1 x0 λx0 x1 · λx1 x2 · · · λxn−1 x0 = 1. ◮ Total multiplication factor along any loop is one. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. ◮ The network is ”Markovian”: potential is constant. , or Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Plug in Pxy = Dxy γxy , Dx Dxy symmetric: Px0 x1 · Px1 x2 · · · Pxn−1 x0 = Px0 xn−1 · Pxn−1 xn−2 · · · Px1 x0 γx0 x1 · γx1 x2 · · · γxn−1 x0 = γx0 xn−1 · γxn−1 xn−2 · · · γx1 x0 λx0 x1 · λx1 x2 · · · λxn−1 x0 = 1. ◮ Total multiplication factor along any loop is one. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. ◮ The network is ”Markovian”: potential is constant. ◮ All λ’s are 1, and the chain is reversible. , or Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. ◮ The network is ”Markovian”: potential is constant. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. ◮ The network is ”Markovian”: potential is constant. ◮ All λ’s are 1, and the chain is reversible. Reversible Irreversible Engineering A trivial statement Electrical proof. Repeat for trees: ◮ There are no loops. ◮ Zero current and free vertices is a solution. ◮ It’s the only solution. ◮ The network is ”Markovian”: potential is constant. ◮ All λ’s are 1, and the chain is reversible. Second thank you.