UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES AGENDA There will be a meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies at 2.00pm on Wednesday 4th June 2014 in room CMR 1.0, in University House. K Sloan Registrar and Chief Operating Officer Note: Questions on agenda items or apologies for this meeting should be directed to the Secretary to the Board, Dr J A Taylor, email or telephone extension 22633. _________________________________________________________________________ 1. Minutes TO CONSIDER: (a) The minutes of the meeting held on 19th February 2014 (copy at (b) The minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2014 (copy at ) 2. Matters Arising on the Minutes TO REPORT: (a) Postgraduates as Teachers (BUGS minute 4(c)/13-14 refers) TO RECEIVE: An oral report from the Chair. (b) Pass Mark for 4th Year Modules on IUMDS (minute 4(e)/13-14 refers) TO REPORT: (i) That the Quality Assurance Working Group, at its meeting on 2 May 2014, resolved that the recommendations of the Sub-Group established to 1 consider the implications of changing the pass mark on Level 7 modules taken by students on integrated masters degrees to 50% be endorsed as set out in paper QAWG 6/13-14, noting that the Sub-Group should be reconvened, by correspondence if necessary, to consider the outstanding issue related to the right of undergraduate students to remedy failure in a permitted number of modules; and that the revised conventions would also need to be considered at the Board of Undergraduate Studies and Board of Graduate Studies, prior to recommendation to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and the Senate. (QAWG 11/1314) (ii) That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, at its meeting on 14 May 2014, recommended to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee that the Committee should provide a paper on the proposals [referred to under (i) above] to be circulated to faculty committees for consideration. (SUGS minute 33(3)/1314) (c) Intermediate-year Undergraduate Progression Conventions (minute 10/13-14 refers) TO RECEIVE: A report from the Chair on the progress of the Working Group on Intermediate-year Undergraduate Progression Conventions. (d) BA degree courses in Politics, International Studies and Quantitative Methods and in Sociology and Quantitative Methods (BUGS minute 27(a)/13-14 refers) TO RECEIVE: A paper submitted by the Q-Step Centre providing more details of the Quantitative Methods Camp had been considered by the Board who welcomed the innovation to offer Quantitative Methods Spring Camps (paper BUGS 21/13-14, copy at: ). (e) Intermediate-year Resits in the School of Engineering 2014/15 (BUGS minute 27 (f)/1314 refers) TO REPORT: That Chair acting on behalf of the Board, has approved the proposed resit arrangement for 2013/14 only. 2 (f) The Board of Undergraduate Studies’ Terms of Reference (minute 29/1314 refers) TO CONSIDER: Proposed Revised Terms of Reference for the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUGS paper 22/1314, copy at ). g) Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2012/13 (BUGS minutes 28/13-14 refers) TO REPORT: (i) That the Chair has contacted departments where responses to External Examiner’s Reports were outstanding. (ii) That the External Examiners’ Reports and the responses from Departments are available (copy at ) TO RECEIVE: A report from the Chair (Paper BUGS 23/1314, to be tabled at the meeting) h) Interdisciplinary teaching (BUGS minutes 33/13-14 refers) TO REPORT: That the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, at its meeting on 27 February 2014, endorsed the proposal from the Board of Undergraduate Studies that departments be encouraged to support their staff who wish to be involved in interdisciplinary modules through the award of appropriate departmental teaching credit (AQSC minute 73/1314) i) First-year Board of Examiners (FYBOE) Conventions (BUGS minute 10/1314 refers) TO REPORT: (A) That, at its meeting on 2 May 2014, the Quality Assurance Working Group considered proposed amendments to the First-Year Board of Examiners (FYBOE) conventions to provide further clarification on the requirement for resits in certain circumstances (paper QAWG 11/13-14) and recommended (to Academic Quality and Standards Committee) that the proposed amendments to the First-Year 3 Board of Examiners (FYBOE) conventions be approved as set out in paper QAWG 11/1314. (B) That, at its meeting on 15 May 2014, the Academic Quality and Standards Committee recommended to the Senate that the proposed amendments to the First-Year Board of Examiners (FYBOE) conventions be approved as set out in paper QAWG 11/1314. 3. Chair’s Action (a) “Seen” examination status for EN 3480 TO REPORT: That the Chair has taken action on behalf of the Board to permit "seen" examination status for EN 3480 for this year only, noting that if the Department wishes to set a seen exam in future years a further request should be made, setting out the rationale. (b) Accreditation of Prior Learning request from the Centre of Lifelong Leaning TO REPORT: That the Chair has taken action on behalf of the Board to reject an APL request for a named student submitted by the Centre of Lifelong Learning on a basis of lack of congruence with the Warwick modules for which exemption was requested. 4. Chair’s Business Directors of Undergraduate Studies Lunch 5. New Courses of Study (a) Proposed BSc (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance and BSc (with Foundation year) in Management TO REPORT: That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, at its meeting on 14th May 2014, considered a proposal from the Warwick Business School for a new BSc degree course (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance, and A BSc degree course (with Foundation Year), as set out in papers UFSS.45-49/13-14, and recommended to the Board of Undergraduate Studies: 4 “ That the introduction of the two new degrees proposed by Warwick Business School, namely the BSc (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance and the BSc (with Foundation Year) in Management, as set out in papers UFSS.45-49/13-14, be approved” (UFSS minute 43(a)/13-14) TO CONSIDER: The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences that the new degree course (with Foundation Year) in Accounting and Finance , and A BSc degree course (with Foundation Year) , as set out in papers UFSS.4549/13-14(copy at ), be approved. (b) BA (Hons) Education Studies TO REPORT: A proposal from the Centre for Education Studies for the introduction of a new undergraduate degree course entitled BA (Hons) Education Studies, as set out in papers UFSS.50-55a/13-14, copy at (UFSS minute 43(b)/13-14) TO CONSIDER: The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences that the new that the introduction of the new degree course BA (Hons) in Education Studies, proposed by the Centre for Education Studies, as set out in papers UFSS.50-55a/13-14, be approved. (c) Proposed Integrated Masters Degree (MLang) in German Cultural Studies (paper AUSC 25/1314) TO REPORT: That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, at its meeting on 14th May 2014, considered a proposal for a new Integrated Masters degree (MLang) in German Cultural Studies, to commence in October 2015 (paper AUSC.25/13-14), and recommended that the proposal be approved. TO CONSIDER: The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts that the new Integrated Masters degree (MLang) in German Cultural Studies , as set 5 out in paper AUSC.25/13-14, (copy at ), be approved. 6. Discontinuation of Courses TO REPORT: (a) That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, at its meeting on 14th May 2014, had resolved that the discontinuation of F102 BSc Chemistry (SUGS paper24/13-14 refers) and the discontinuation of Computer Science G400 BSc and G402 MEng degree courses in Computing Systems from September 2015 (SUGS paper 25/13-14 refers) be approved. (SUGS 36/1314) (b) That the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, at its meeting on 14th May 2014, resolved that the proposal from the Centre for Education Studies to discontinue the courses as followed be approved: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) UIEV-X3ZX Certificate for Children’s Workforce Practitioners; UIEV-X3XE Counselling Studies (North Warwickshire College); UIEV-X3XH Humanistic Counselling (Tile Hill College); UIEV-X3XI Humanistic Counselling (North Warwickshire College); UIEV-X3XS Integrative Counselling (Solihull). (UFSS 43(b)/1314) 7. Higher Education Achievement Report TO CONSIDER: (a) A paper from the Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality) setting out proposed governance arrangements for the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) (paper BUGS 24/13-14, copy at 2014-06-04/ ) (b) A proposal to recognise three new extra-curricular achievements as part of the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) (paper BUGS 25/13-14, copy at 2014-06-04/ ) 6 8. AOB jat/dc 27.05.14 7