Product Request Form (All Non Catalogue orders) The “Product request form” should be used for all non-catalogue purchases and can be used whether or not a supplier for the product is known. The form can be found in the Campus and Commercial Services showcase on the Home/Shop page To launch the form select the “Product Request Form” icon” IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING NEW CONTRACTS (LIVE PERFORMANCES) – ARTS CENTRE YOU MUST ASCERTAIN WHO WILL BE INVOICING THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK PRIOR TO MAKING THE BOOKING IN ARTIFACTS. WHERE SUBCONTRACTS AND/OR ALTERNATIVE PAYEES APPLY PLEASE SEEK GUIDANCE FROM YOUR DESIGNATED FINANCE OFFICE CONTACT FIRST: act_list.pdf Page 1 of 11 The form will launch in a new browser window This is where you begin to create your cart (please note the information at the top of the form) Page 2 of 11 For purchases where the supplier is unknown please select the “Unknown” vendor. (Begin typing “UNKNOWN” in the text box and select the name which appears below your text this will populate the supplier field) Page 3 of 11 If you know the supplier: 1 .Supplier Search (if your nominated supplier is currently on OPeRA their name will appear in the search results. Select the name and the supplier details will pull through to your cart. 2. If the search results give a nil return you will need to enter their information manually Select the “Enter Manually” option Complete the “Supplier Name” and ensure that the “Manual” Box (under the Distribution section) is ticked You do not need to complete the DUNS No, Supplier Phone, Supplier Fax, or Web Address (supplier email is optional) The Procurement Team will be responsible for checking the supplier details and establishing if the goods can be sourced via an existing contract. Where a contract does not exist the team will then verify the supplier details in accordance with Financial Regulations and take necessary action to approve your order. Page 4 of 11 Use this box to provide the Procurement team with useful information regarding the purchase (including web links) Insert *catalogue number, product description, quantity required and net unit price *you could also use a quote reference number or if you don’t have a number insert N/A Select the “Add and go to cart” from the available actions and select “Go” Page 5 of 11 “Proceed to checkout” Your default is set to “Express Checkout”, here you can see a general overview of your order, to expand a particular field select “+” The green tick indicates that the field has been successfully completed Page 6 of 11 The “Express Checkout” feature allows you to see a brief overview of your cart, the green ticks indicate …errors will be highlighted with: ! and can be amended by expanding the relevant field and selecting “Change” Page 7 of 11 Special instructions can be added to the order via the Notes” field Internal Information - should be used for information/instructions to University staff (i.e. Procurement Team) External Information – is printed on the Purchase order and will be sent to the supplier therefore use this option for Quotation references, special delivery instructions etc. Shoppers should assign their cart to the designated Budget Holder and will have only one their checkout screen Shoppersoption shouldon“Assign” their cart to the Budget Holders have two options designated Budget Holder and will have only “Assign Cart” and “Submit Requisition” one option on their “Checkout “screen (see Budget Holder View) Budget Holders – have two choices, “Assign Cart” (if you need another user to review the details) and “Submit Requisition” Page 8 of 11 Should you need to send paperwork with your order (i.e. quotation, delivery schedules etc.) or have paperwork required by the Procurement Team (APP forms, Tender Documents, additional quotations from alternative suppliers etc.) you will need to access the “Advanced checkout” before you assign/submit your cart Select “Go to Advanced checkout” to launch the Requisition summary screen. (See below) Page 9 of 11 Select “add attachment” Files can be located using the “Browse” function (all files formats will be supported) Remember External notes and attachments will be sent to the supplier, quotations from alternative suppliers, tender documentation etc. should be attached as an Internal Attachments Page 10 of 11 As with the express checkout Shoppers will have only one option “Assign Cart” Budget Holders – have two choices, “Assign Cart” and “Submit Requisition” The unique requisition number is allocated once the cart has been assigned/submitted in to workflow. Page 11 of 11