Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date _____12/14/12_____________ Department ____Human Services_____________________

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _____12/14/12_____________
Department ____Human Services_____________________
Division HAWK
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
1) Identify and secure a permanent smart
classroom for the Human Services Program
flexible enough to accommodate small group
work, lectures, flexible desk arrangements,
acoustic needs, etc.
HSERV still does not have a dedicated, permanent smart
classroom. However, ALH programs have graciously given
HSERV use of classrooms when space allows. It is nice but
generic—no program related materials on walls, hard surfaced
walls make small group discussion and dyad exercises difficult
to do as students cannot hear one another. With classes of 40
students the classroom actually is almost too small for breakout groups.
2) Develop Certificate of Achievement in Drug
and Alcohol Studies that acknowledges the skills
and expertise of our students in this field.
Completion of all Alcohol and Drug Studies
courses (the 160’s) and the HSERV Skills
Certificate meet the requirements of the State for
counselor certification
3) Develop a Human Services management XX
course to meet Social Work and Human Service
employer’s needs with succession planning. The
SLO’s for HSERV 50 & 51 focus on introductory
Human Services skills—not management.
Explore feasibility of using DMCP 110.
Certificate has gone through the curriculum process and has
been approved.
Application to the Chancellors office is almost completed
pending employer survey and other back-up materials.
4) Have 1 faculty person attend training on
Faculty unable to attend due to medical emergency.
Will attend CAADE conference this Spring (Sp 13)
teaching strategies to develop competence in
differential diagnosis of Substance Abuse and
other co-morbid disorders consistent with the
needs of State AOD Counselor Certification
PC currently working with CTE to complete.
Discussions with local Human Services Employers continue
re: employer needs.
Lone faculty/PC’s work has focused on other projects at this
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5) Identify resources to assist students in
finding low-cost laptop computers and
internet providers.
Local low cost resources for students to purchase used
computers have been identified. PC currently developing
scholarship fund for students to purchase laptops.
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
1) Identify needs and supportive resources for Faculty time to
2/3 of HSERV students are over 25. 1/3 of HSERV students are in the
older students and students with families to
develop and
40+ category. A majority of students are parents, many with young
enhance academic success
conduct surveys
and interpret
The stress of balancing Family, school and work continues to be one
of the major impediments to successful completion.
A survey Monkey survey was developed and sent out to former
HSERV students. The results are currently being reviewed in hopes
of generating resources and appropriate supports.
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If not every thing was completed, explain why.
Having presented the Program Plan to CIP last spring, this is year 1, semester 2.
HSERV 160 and 164 have been reviewed based on the most recent assessment and recommendations.
HSERV 163 content is being revised to reflect changes from the last assessment. It will be offered in Sp 13.
Per the attached schedule no SLO’s were assessed. However curriculum discussionscontinued in departmental meetings.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
Per the attached schedule no SLO’s were assessed, however the follow-up on recommendations to improve HSERV 160 and 164 were
implemented with good success. Results were discussed in HSERV Dept. meeting in the first week of December.
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SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
Date of meeting where
SLO, or CTE Program SLO analysis / dialogue took
Assessed. Example: all course place. Example: Department
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Meeting 8/27/10
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
Discussion of the implementation of recommendations in HSERV 160 and 164:
In HSERV 160 student presentations were of a higher quality. Students exhibited careful critical analysis of the presentation subjects (e.g.,
Substance Abuse amongst Women in Prison, At-Risk Youth and Substance Abuse, etc.). Students were given more in-class time to prepare in
addition to group meetings outside of class. Presentation outline proposals were submitted and reviewed 3 weeks before the assignment was
due. This helped students revise where needed and tighten the organization of their presentation. Presentation skills were discussed in class and
reviewed before the assignment day. Instructor met with each group during the planning process to both critique their plan and to facilitate more
group cohesion.
In HSERV 164 student performance on the Ethical Dilemma papers was similar to the previous year (80%) in spite of the implementation of numerous
interventions as outlined in the original assessment. Students did participate in more collaborative decision-making group exercises in class but many
still underutilize the Ethical Decision Making Model in the final assignment. The dilemmas chosen were much more applicable to the Human Services
setting. They displayed a more mature understanding of how a problem might develop into an ethical dilemma and generally what to do.
The teacher’s attendance of a Law and Ethics in Social Work workshop earlier in the year enhanced the in-class discussions of emerging ethical
challenges utilizing electronic records, social media and websites.
Assessment Evaluation
The schedule for assessment will be as follows:
Describe the process the
department uses to
evaluate assessment
results. Include:
Year One (Spring and Fall 12)
 Present plan to CIP
Discussion and implementation of HSERV 160
based on current assessment
Report findings from CAADE Conference re:
differential diagnosis/co-morbidity curriculum
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 Discuss HSERV 163 changes due to SLO
 Discuss HSERV 164 implementation and
evaluation of SLO Assessment
Year Two
(Spring 13)
Review SLO’s HSERV 50 & 51
(Fall 13)
Review SLO’s HSERV 52 & 53
Year Three
(Spring 14)
Review SLO’s HSERV 160 & 161
(Fall 14)
Review SLO’s HSERV 162 & 163
Year 4
(Spring 15
Review SLO’s HSERV 164 & any other catchup
Fall 15
Reassess HSERV Degree SLO’s
Reassess HSERV Generalist Skills Certificate
Year 5 Spring 16
Reassess HSERV Drug and Alcohol Skills
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Fall 16
Reassess HSERV Cert of Achievement—
Generalist Practice
Year 6 Spring 17
Write program plan
We will discuss assessment results each flex
and will write up the results on the
Departmental Assessment Analysis form
which will be submitted with our annual
reports and our next program plan.
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