Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date 12/11/12 Department SOCIOLOGY

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date 12/11/12
Department SOCIOLOGY
Division HASS
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
GOAL #1: Enhance student success by
improving consistency of and access to
faculty by changing staffing level from
29% contract to 71% adjunct to 64% to
36% respectively
Did not submit proposal for faculty replacement this academic
year. Will submit next year.
GOAL #2: Assist majors in achieving
academic excellence while at Cabrillo and
facilitate their transition to universities
GOAL #3: Increase student engagement yes
with class material by encouraging
students to see the real world applicability
of course content and to identity openings
for social change within our community
Faculty are involved in a new Sociology student club focusing
on developing the capacity of our majors to excel at Cabrillo
and transfer institutions.
In Fall ’12 the Program established ties with Barrios Unidos, a
local nonprofit working on youth and violence issues.
Representatives came to speak in 3 different classes.
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
[POSSIBLE] Begin an informal class visit
We think we can all benefit from seeing how other instructors teach.
system, especially for the new(er) instructors
to be able to visit the more experienced
instructors’ classes.
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SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If not every thing was completed, explain why.
We submitted Program Plan in Spring ’12 so we have not had a full assessment semester.
We are going to begin the multi-year process by assessing the "Core Four." The outcome we are measuring first is: Communication. Instructors
are asked to submit their Individual Forms before Spring ’13 Flex. PC will collect them and we will complete our Dept level form during our
Flex meeting.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
Date of meeting where
SLO, or CTE Program SLO analysis / dialogue took
Assessed. Example: all course place. Example: Department
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Meeting 8/27/10
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Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of