Club Advisor’s Agreement

Club Advisor’s Agreement
As a club advisor of Cabrillo College I assume the following roles and responsibilities:
Be present for all club meetings and provide advisement for:
The financial activities of the club in order to prevent an incurring club debt or
misusage of funds.
Planning of events and activities to adhere to school policies and procedures.
Approve official club activities/events.
 Event Request Form (ERF) must be Sign by the sponsoring adviser
 By signing the (ERF) the advisor agrees to:
o Be physically present at the activity
o Approve all expenditures pertaining the event
o Support the students planning the event
Monitor Club Expenditures.
o Advisors must Sign all club purchase requisitions (PR’s) to make sure that
the student treasurer or president signs the PR
that the expenditure is correct within club’s approval and existing school
policies (e.g. purchase of alcoholic beverages are never allowed).
 that all expenditures are recorded as an action item in meeting minutes. (this
includes a motion, second and a vote showing approval of the expenditure).
Mediate, as needed, on interpersonal conflict among club members.
Help each club officer and members understand their duties.
Help students understand and apply democratic principles within their own organization and in
working with others.
Be familiar with the ICC (Interclub Council) bylaws.
Ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to guarantee the safety and welfare of club members.
To make sure that the club/organization conforms to the District’s policies and regulations.
To advise and ensure that students have the opportunity to grow and learn from activities outside
of the classroom.
Print Name:
Club Name:
Advisor’s Signature:
Contact Number:
Title / Position:
Cabrillo College Club Charter Agreement Requirements All club advisers and their club members must agree to implement the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in revocation of a clubs charter and/or a fine of up to $100: 1) PAYMENT FOR SERVICES ‐ Never pay for any services in advance. RE‐EMBURSEMENT WILL NOT BE APPROVED. NO EXPCEPTIONS. Payment must be issued through a Club Purchase requisition directly to the service provider. This has to do with reporting requirements to the IRS for everyone who receives payment for services. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 2) STUDENT EMPLOYMENT ‐ The Student Employment (compensation for any service to clubs) process must be followed for any recurrent service to the club. For example, if a student is getting paid to take club minutes, or play the piano on a recurring basis, that student must be hired as a student employee. The proper paperwork must be completed and approved through the Student Employment Center. Scholarships will not be approved for recurring work. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 3) SUSTAINABILITY RESOLUTION ENFORMECEMENT ‐ Read and agree to enforce the ICC and ASCC Student Senate Sustainability Resolution. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 4) BIODEGRABLE SUPPLIES ‐ Agree to use the complimentary biodegradable eating utensils, paper plates and cups provided by the ASCC Student Senate. NEVER BUY STYROFOAM PRODUCTS per the sustainability resolution. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 5) ROOM RESERVATIONS ‐ Room reservations for all club activities must be made by the club adviser. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 6) ADVISER PRESENCE ‐ Club adviser agrees to be present at all club events and meetings. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials __________ 7) CLUB MINTUES TEMPLATE – All clubs must use the minutes template. Club minutes, for every meeting, MUST include the names of members present and the adviser. a. Adviser initials__________ b. Club President initials ________ 