This is a document that was made to help people fill out their RFFs    1. Name of club, course, program, or department requesting for funds ­ Put the name of 

This is a document that was made to help people fill out their RFFs 1. Name of club, course, program, or department requesting for funds ­ Put the name of club, your program, or organization 2. Name of person representing club, course, etc. ­ Put your name 3. Phone Number ­ Put the phone number you want to be contacted if we have any questions relating to this request 4. Name of advisor, instructor, supervisor ­ Write down the name of your advisor or you own name if this does not apply 5. Phone number of advisor, instructor supervisor ­ This may be the same number as above or a different number if your advisor is not the same person who you want us to contact with questions specific to this request 6. Total budgeted amount for this activity ­ This is the total amount you are budgeting for in this project 7. Amount you will provide/fundraise, etc. ­ This is the amount you will be or have already raised through other means. If this is not applicable to you then leave it blank 8. Amount you are requesting ­ This is the ​
amount you will need from us 9. Purpose/benefit to Cabrillo Students – describe in one or two paragraphs how students will benefit ­ Your project should, in some way, benefit cabrillo students and this is your chance to summarize your vision 10. Budget Detail – what will these funds be spent on?/ Description of Items ­ List the items this project will be used for including how much each item will cost. For multiple of the same item, simply denote the multiplication within the same line and write the total amount under the same amount line. 11. List other funding sources you are using for this event:/ Name of Resource ­ In the event of fundraising or seeking different organization for funds, use this section to list the resources that will be aiding you and how much each will provide. If this is not applicable then leave it blank. If approved, you must gather all expense documentation and submit for reimbursement (all at one time) to the sponsoring Senate or ICC representative. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring representative to process the Purchase Requisition for payment. ​
Please keep a copy of all receipts. 