Cabrillo College ASCC Senate and ICC RFF (Request for Funding) Name of club, course, program, or department requesting funds: Name of person representing club, course, etc.: Phone Number: Name of advisor, instructor, supervisor: Phone number of advisor, instructor supervisor: Total budgeted amount for this activity: Amount you will provide/fundraise, etc.: $ $ Amount you are requesting: $ Purpose/benefit to Cabrillo Students – describe in one or two paragraphs how students will benefit: Budget Detail – what will these funds be spent on? Description of Items: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) TOTAL Amount List other funding sources you are using for this event: Name of Resource: Amount provided If approved, you must gather all expense documentation and submit for reimbursement (all at one time) to the sponsoring Senate or ICC representative. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring representative to process the Purchase Requisition for payment. Please keep a copy of all receipts. For Office Use Only Date of Event: Date of this request: Approved