Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 20 Votes needed for simple majority vote: 50% + 1 = 11 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 13 Location: Aptos Campus 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA SAC East, Room 225 Date and Time: Thursday, December 1st 2011 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Student Senate Minutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday, December 1st, 2011. These are the minutes reflective of that meeting. Item IX A Item Motion Motion to approve $500 from the programs account to support the reusable bag initiative being started by the bookstore to sell reusable bags at a discounted rate, with the senate logo on the bags Motion IX B Yeas Nays Abstains Result 11 6 0 Passed Yeas Nays Abstains Result 17 0 0 Passed Yeas Nays Abstains Result 14 2 0 Passed Yeas Nays Abstains Result 17 0 0 Passed Yeas Nays Abstains Result 12 3 2 Passed Motion to approve $500 from the 73 account so that supplies such as a printer, pencil sharpener and electronic stapler can be purchased for the Scotts Valley Center Item Motion XB Motion to approve $1000 from the Lecture Series account to fund the Social Justice Conference Item Motion XC Motion to approve the support the adoption of a resolution that commits us to not only fund, but also be a part of the Social Justice Conference Item Motion XD Motion to approve $80 from the 73 account to pay for the replacement of the power cable used to charge the SAC Cart Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 I. Call to Order A. Roll Call Executive Officers Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko-Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez-Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila-Present ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas-Present President: Charlotte Achen-Present Trustee: Joseph Watkins-Absent Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti-Present Scotts Valley Representative:Stephen Venegas-Tardy Senators-At-Large Stephanie Petrillo-Present Sharon O’Connor-Present Arthur O’Reilly-Present Chris Steele-Present Sage Goncharoff- Present Laura Hunerberg- Present Kathybelle Barlow-Present Darwin Constantino-Present Jennifer Venegas-Tardy Jesse Collins-Present James Williams-Absent Summer Maiorino- Present Advisors Sesario Escoto-Present Flor Chacon- Absent II. Positive Mindset Exercise III. Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Old business items C & D are tabled. New business item E is tabled. New business items F & G are scratched. The agenda is approved. 2 Minutes IV. Approval of the Minutes A. November 17th, 2011 The minutes are approved V. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker. VI. Announcements 5 Minutes A sheet went around for senators to select their available times to meet in the spring semester. The options are to start the meeting at 2:30 or at 3pm. Each senator is asked to select each time they are available for. The most recent bylaws are in the senators mailboxes. The holiday party for the senate is December 16th at 3pm. We will be playing Secret Santa and it will not be a mandatory meeting. It was discussed whether a white elephant game would be preferred over Secret Santa. This item will be discussed later in the meetings. If you are coming to this party, it is a potluck, so please write down on the sheet coming around the room what you will be bringing. Thank you to all those who helped at the Thanksgiving dinner. The next Senate meeting is in Watsonville and will start at 3:30pm. February 2 is the first meeting of the spring semester. If the lights go out there will still be a meeting. Happy Birthday Jesse! 3 minutes Vice President Chuiko moves to change the order of the day by moving item B of New business to before item A. This is seconded and unanimously approved. VII. Special Items VIII. Committee Reports 3 minutes per committee Joseph Gomez: Thank you to the Thanksgiving helpers. Thank you to Sam! Chris Steele: SAC committee now has 6 new contracts. Thanks to Carter who went out and collected some more! Now we are almost up to 50. Once we get to 50, we will put out a new booklet like we did last year. Darwin Constantino: I filled in for Arthur at the Faculty Senate meeting. I recommend reading the book Invisible Man as it sounds interesting. There will not be a book buyback in Watsonville in the Spring, so those students will have to come to Aptos to sell their books back. The Student Success Taskforce will be looked into more, and Brian King wanted a committee to be formed so it has been done. Volunteers from the faculty and the student body are needed. Sharon O’Connor: The food committee met and the cafeteria will be open until 7pm. There is controversy about Cup-OfNoodles being served as they are in Styrofoam containers. There will be a survey to get feedback on this. If you haven’t tried the new chef, it is recommended that you do. Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Laura Hunerberg: The furniture committee got a sample chair that is in the lobby near the tree. Please try it out and give your feedback on the chair. IX. X. Old Business A. Reusable Bag Initiative Info. / Action G. Avila 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $500.00 from the ____ Account to support the reusable bag initiative being started by the bookstore to sell reusable bags at a discounted rate, with the senate logo on the bags. Gaby has already shown us the mock-up bag that holds 4-5 large textbooks. It costs $1.59 per bag if we purchase 1000 bags or less, and there is also a logo charge of $92. Shipping should be less than $75 but we don’t have an accurate amount because we don’t yet know how many bags we will be ordering. Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve $500 from the programs account to support the reusable bag initiative being started by the bookstore to sell reusable bags at a discounted rate, with the senate logo on the bags, and Senator Barlow seconds the motion and it moves to discussion. These will be in circulation for the spring semester and if we run out we can decide if we would like to purchase more or not. Some people believe there are better things for us to be spending our money on. This item goes to vote and is approved by a vote of 11 yeas, 6 nay, 0 abstain. B. Supplies for Scotts Valley Info. / Action S. Venegas 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $500.00 from the ____ Account so that supplies such as a printer, pencil sharpener and electronic stapler can be purchased for the Scotts Valley Center. Stephan went online and found an electric sharpener and all-in-one printer for roughly $169. There is no shipping charges. Scotts Valley Representative Venegas moves to approve $230 from the 73 account so that supplies such as a printer, pencil sharpener and electronic stapler can be purchased for the Scotts Valley Center, and Watsonville Representative Riparetti seconds the motion and it moves to discussion. It was discussed about the tech department only being available for support for some types of printers and that we need to verify the one we are purchasing has tech support available. It was spoken about purchasing industrial strength machines since this is a school and many people will be using them. Senator Barlow moves to amend the motion up to $500 to cover costs of a more expensive printer, and the amendment is unanimously approved. Approving $500 from the 73 account so that supplies such as a printer, pencil sharpener and electronic stapler can be purchased for the Scotts Valley Center goes to vote and is approved unanimously. C. SSCCC Presentation Info. / Discuss. G. Avila This item is up for discussion regarding the Student Senate for California Community Colleges. This item has been tabled D. Survival Barrels for Wats. & S.V. Campuses Info. / Action J. Riparetti 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of up to $1,000.00 from the ___Account to purchase survival barrels and their contents for the Watsonville and Scotts Valley campuses. This item has been tabled 5 Minutes New Business. A. Signage for Perimeter Road Info. / Discuss. A. Chuiko 5 Minutes This item is to discuss and make a recommendation to the maintenance and facilities concerning the signage for the permit required parking on the west side of Aptos campus within the 300 yards off the Soquel intersection. A student guest, Ian, spoke to the Senate on behalf of students who are frustrated that there is not appropriate signage to notify people that parking on the perimeter road requires a permit. The signage is only available to view coming from one direction, and it has caused many people to receive tickets when they didn’t realize they were illegally parking since the signs are not visible from all directions. By suggestion of Vice President Chuiko, the senate had a majority approval rate of supporting this. Vice President Chuiko will bring this up at the meeting tomorrow morning. B. Additional Funding for Social Justice Conference Info. / Action L. Hunerberg 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the ____ Account to fund the Social Justice Conference. We have already had this issue presented at past meetings. The group requests an additional $1000 to help fund this conference. Vice President Chuiko moves to approve $1000 from the Lecture Series account to fund the Social Justice Conference and ICC Chair Sumano-Vargas seconds the motion and it moves to discussion. This event will take place at the Aptos campus on a Saturday. This goes to vote and is approved by a vote of 14 yeas, 2 nays. C. Social Justice Conference Resolution Info. / Action C. Achen 5 Minutes Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the adoption of a resolution that commits us to not only fund, but also be a part of the Social Justice Conference. This is just to have in writing the support from the Senate for documentation purposes so the Social Justice Conference can list the Senate support on their website. Students are needed to speak at this event so please see Janice if you may be interested. This is an action item and will require a motion to approve the resolution. Senator Goncharoff moves to approve the support the adoption of a resolution that commits us to not only fund, but also be a part of the Social Justice Conference, and Senator Petrillo seconds this item, and it is approved unanimously. D. Cart Cable Info. / Action F. Chacòn 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $80.00 from the____ Account to pay for the replacement of the power cable used to charge the SAC Cart. This cable has already been replaced, but we still need to pay for it. This item has already been repaired but it needs to be paid for. We can pay the bill and then the gym will owe us the money. Senator Barlow moves to approve $80 from the 73 account to pay for the replacement of the power cable used to charge the SAC Cart, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion and it moves to discussion. It was discussed whether we could just gift this item to the gym, and also was discussed whether there was a reason the gym had not paid the bill to begin with. This item is called to question and unanimously is approved to go to vote. This item is passed by a vote of 12 yeas, 3 nays, 2 abstain. E. Override System for SAC East Info. / Action L. Hunerberg 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $5,000.00 from the ___Account to purchase an override system for SAC East that will lock down the doors in the case that there is a lockdown, or code- red lockdown at Cabrillo. This item has been tabled F. Purchasing Sustainable Popcorn & Oil Info. / Action C. Maiorino 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding requiring that any popcorn and oil purchased for the popcorn machine will be sustainable. This item has been removed from the agenda G. Thanksgiving Discussion Info. / Discuss. This item is up for discussion regarding how the thanksgiving event went. This item has been removed from the agenda XI. Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading) Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities. J. Gomez 10 Minutes 3 minutes ea. A. Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen-Communicate more effectively; if you have a problem with someone you need to discuss it with that person. Thank you for what you do. I am looking forward to the holiday party. Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Go to Teacher/Staff Appreciation dinner tonight! I think we shouldn’t tell people to shut up and wait when they are talking if they are public; just let them talk if they already started. Let’s not keep bringing items to the agenda and then continuously tabling them. Treasurer: Jospeh Gomez- no report Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Remember that if we shut an idea/approval down, the groups may find other ways to get their funding; that’s what happened with the plastic bag initiative that we shut down. The group then received the $400 from the ICC to buy the plastic bags from the bookstore. Thank you for approving the reusable bags. As for the Secret Santa- I feel like I was forced into this and I like the idea of a White Elephant grab-bag game better. I am not okay with someone just picking things for me and think we should vote on this and discuss it as a group. Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- absent Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Sustainbility wants to do a media event. We had another new club join but they will have to be recharted next semester since this semester is almost over. Next week is the last ICC meeting of the semester. Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti- no report Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas- requested clarification about the popcorn machine item B. Senators-at-Large Stephanie Petrillo- There is not really anything we can do about the limit on taking a class 3 times, and I am in support of it, as this helps push people through the community college sooner. Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Jennifer Venegas- no report Sharon O’Connor- How many people bring their piggies to class? How many people would feel comfortable asking their teachers to offer extra credit for people who bring in food or donations? There is a meeting tomorrow at 11:30 if anyone would like to come. Arthur O’Reilly- no report Kathybelle Barlow- I have not been here much lately as I have been sick but I missed you all and thank you so much! Darwin Constantino- Steve Hodges is moving on from the Chair for the Faculty. Thanksgiving dinner was so fun! Chris Steele- I went to the art gallery a few weeks ago; they are having a “Life Without Art’ showing and I encourage you all to go visit it and see the message that appears within the dried rose leaves on one of the diplays. Show your support for the arts! Finals are coming up! Buckle down! Jesse Collins- Reminder to use your Pino Alto gift cards! Maybe we can do something together. I like the white elephant idea too and think it would be a good idea to stay after adjournment and do a quick vote on it. Sage Goncharoff- Outdoor Club is going on a hike and hunt for mushrooms tomorrow at 10am and we will meet at Sweets in the Nude. Next week we are having an Eagle Rock Climbing Gym day next Saturday in Seabright. It is $21 if you have your SAC card. Also, we have a winter ski trip coming up in January, which is $200.Talk to me for more information! James Williams- absent Laura Hunerberg- Go try the chair! Cynthia Maiorino “Summer”- Thanksgiving was enjoyable and a lot of fun. If you are planning on attending Occupy Cabrillo movie night tonight, it has been cancelled as we will all be going to the old Wells Fargo downtown at River Street and Water Street that the Occupy Santa Cruz people took over. We are looking to try to unite with Occupy Santa Cruz and Occupy UCSC. C. XII. Advisors 5 minutes ea. Sesario Escoto- Thanksgiving dinner- I was impressed with how many were served; the lines were really long! We should have debriefing notes for the chair next year. The annual league in Sacremento is coming up and I need to know who is going. The Cabrillo food pantry you helped cosponsor opens a week from tomorrow and we need volunteers to work it! We have had glitches of people trying to use the technology in this meeting room and should consider adding a permanenet laptop and lock and key; maybe use the 73 account to do this. Also, remember the Vice President would not like all-Cabrillo emails to be sent out so please turn things in ahead of time and use the allschool-newsletter. You should try to refrain from allowing clubs to make loans to other clubs. If you have feelings on this, let me know. For the Social Justice Conference, you are being very generous and supportive so I hope that means you will have a strong presence there. Support it by helping on that day or making a presentation. It’s the home stretch for finals; study hard and do well and make that your priority! Flor Chacòn- absent Agenda Building 3 minutes Already tabled items; allied health; goals review; stroke and disability centers honors day; welcome week XIII. Adjournment ***it was decided that White Elephant would be used at the holiday party instead of Secret Santa*** 4:14 pm Student Senate Executive Meeting Minutes XIV. Call to Order at 4:25pm A. Roll Call Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen- Present Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Absent Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Absent Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti- Present ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas- Present Advisors Sesario-Present Flor-Absent XV. XVI. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Approval of the Executive Minutes Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-5 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 XVII. Regular Business A. Attendance from Last Three Meetings November 3rd attendance excusals: Gaby Avila: 3 yeas, 1 nay- APPROVED Cynthia “Summer” Maorini: 1 yea, 3 nay- NOT APPROVED 10 Minutes November 10th attendance excusals: Jennifer Venegas: 6 yeas- APPROVED Chris Steele: 5 yeas- APPROVED Ivan Sumano-Vargas: 5 yeas- APPROVED Stephan Venegas: 3 yeas, 2 nays- APPROVED Jesse Collins: 4 yeas- APPROVED Stephanie Petrillo: 5 yeas- APPROVED November 17th attendance excusals: Jennifer Venegas: 5 yeas- APPROVED Stephan Venegas: 5 yeas- APPROVED B. Discussion of Meeting 30 Minutes The meeting was good and went by fast. There was confusion between announcements and reports, and President Achen defines announcements as things all senators needed to know, that wasn’t things included in her report. It was brought up to discuss the Thanksgiving dinner however this item was removed from the earlier agenda so it was not discussed in this meeting. President Achen advised the board that the reason this was not on the agenda was because there did not need to be alarm brought to the individual this was affecting. Legislative Representative Avila stated that if we were going to put allegations against someone, that the person should have the right to know ahead of time so they would be able to defend themselves. This discussion was then ended. XVIII. Advisors Reports 5 Minutes ea. Sesario Escoto: You had an item called “Thanksgiving Dinner” on your agenda and you chose to take it off. My advice was to speak directly to this person. Why hasn’t this happened already? This is a public meeting; senators that have concerns with other senators should discuss it with their advisors and also speak directly with that person. Flor Chacòn: absent XIX. Executive Agenda Requests Adjourned at 4:38pm Student Senate MINUTES(12.1.11)-6