Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 16
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Aptos Campus
SAC East RM 225
Date and Time:
Thursday, May 10, 2012
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Student Senate Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday May 10th, 2012.
These are the minutes reflective of that meeting.
Notable Motions
Approve a bylaw amendment to prevent the parliamentarian from voting.
Not recorded
Not recorded
Not Passed
Call to Order at 3:07pm
A. Roll Call
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Watsonville Representative: (vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo- Present
Sharon O’Connor-Present
Chris Steele- Absent
Steven Culver- Present
Kyle Logan-Present
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Late 3:20
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Absent
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Late 3:20
Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant)
Laura Hunerberg-Present
Darwin Constantino- Present
James Williams- Absent
Sarah Davies- Present
Aimee Cornett- Present
Sesario Escoto-Present
Flor Chacon- Present
Adoption of the Agenda
- Special Item B is postponed.
- New Business item D will be sponsored by Aimee
- New Business item B is moved to after New Business Item D
- Treasurer Gomez moves to approve agenda, Senator Davies seconds, 10 yea.
Approval of the Minutes
A. May 3, 2012
- Senator Davies moves to approve the minutes, Treasurer Gomez seconds, 10 yea.
Public Comments
- Food Coop wants to open a food kitchen on campus, we think this would be a great idea for students to improve our
campus health and well-being.
President Announcements
- Next week will be in Watsonville, and will start at 3:30
Special Items
A. Social Justice Conference Report: Yaoming and Jackie came to thank the senate for sponsoring the Social Justice
conference. We received a wonderful letter from Santa Cruz County Coalition Against Racism. This year’s
conference is what makes Cabrillo stand out. Thank you to the staff, students, and community members for
contributing to this event. Thank you for setting the stage for this year’s social environment, bravo! This letter comes
from an important group within Santa Cruz, it is an honor to be recognized by them. Thank you to various senators:
Darwin, Laura, Joseph, Sarah, thank you for volunteering and participating. We are planning to lead the conference
again next year. We will get a few thank you gifts to you soon. Senator Davies: the SJ Converence was a really
great experience, it aws great bringing the community together as a whole, working together. Trustee Watkins: It
Student Senate Minutes 5.10.12-1
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
was an empowering event that is necessary given the hardships we are all currently facing. I thought it was amazing
to see all of our students there.
General Assembly Presentation
Item Postponed.
New Business
A. Purchasing Boxee moved to move item A to after item C
- Trustee Watkins moves to have this item after item C, Treasurer Gomez seconds, 10 yea, 0 nay.
B. Constitution / Bylaws Amendments
Info. / Action
S. Culver
- Section Proposed to strike 12, make a new 12, and add a 13, 12 would be “may not vote”, 13 would be “may not debate
agenda items.” This is because the parliamentarian cannot be partial to any debate if you can dictate the parli pro. It is
unusual to have a voting parliamentarian. We are looking at the position itself. As the final authority when it comes to
voting, it can be abused. Trustee Watkins: I want to argue against this, but I can’t because it makes too much rational
sense. If the person who decides the rules they are partial. VP Oleksii: One vote isn’t going to make that much of a
difference, this would take away the right of a VP to participate in the debates. I don’t see how this will change the
outcome of a vote. Senator Constantino: Let’s say the VP is in favor of an item, and the decision is based on
technicalities; the parliamentarian can use his power.
It is discussed that most CCC don’t even have a parliamentarian, we could maybe assign that role to someone other than
the VP.
Sesario: You can eliminate the role of Parliamentarian for the VP, which would mean you are responsible for handling
yourselves, or you could structure your bylaws to have senators be parliamentarians. The role of parliamentarian can hold
a lot of power. Or you could leave it as is, it can be a conflict of interest. Senator Culver: 2/3 vote is stated in the
parliamentary procedure. The parliamentarian can be very powerful, the VP will take over ICC functions in the absence of
the ICC Chair, the VP is the chair of bylaws, the position would be far from useless if the vote is taken away. I don’t think it
is relevant [how many voting members we have present]. Trustee Watkins: I don’t see any point in removing the powers
that are within this position. Senator Constantino: It doesn’t make sense to have one person be the final say, if we all act
a parliamentarian for one another. The point of parliamentarian is to have someone who actually knows the rules.
President Achen: When I was at GA the President was turning to the Parliamentarian, having everyone in that role would
be overwhelming. Trustee Watkins: the point of Executive powers is to stay within the executive body. This should be for
only the VP and the President. Senator Davies: Maybe this should be for the new senate to discuss.
- Trustee Watkins moves to take out of the bylaws that the VP has a vote, Senator Culver seconds 5 yea, motion fails.
I.C.C. Budget Review
Info. / Discuss.
I. Sumano-Vargas
We allocated $25K at the beginning of the year. Trustee Watkins: is there a process where the leftover funds stay
with ICC or go to the Senate? Chair Sumano-Vargas: Some clubs got money approved but never held the event,
thus never spend the money. We have received around $16K from closing club accounts. A club must be inactive
for two semesters in order to have their account closed. The ICC money that isn’t spend rolls over to the next year.
We can change this procedure if you want to.
- Senator Stephanie moves to recess ten minutes, Treasurer Gomez seconds, 3 yea, 7 nay.
- Trustee Watkins moves to strike Item A, Senator Davies seconds, 8 yea 2 nay.
D. End of Year Luncheon or Dinner
Info. / Discuss.
Aimee Cornett
Run down of what happened: All we discussed were restaurant options, we haven’t decided whether we are going to do
something afterwards. The restaurant options are Zelda’s (0), Laili’s (1), Crow’s Nest (5), Peachwoods (5). Davies:
Crow’s Nest: Each place has veggie and vegan options.
Crow’s Nest wins! We are eating at Crow’s Nest. May 24th is the last senate meeting before the new senate takes over. If
we hold the dinner before then, we need to be sure to invite them. The point of the dinner is incorporating both senates.
No opposition to the 18th, aside from Ivan and Laura, and Davies suggests 6pm. Aimee is in charge of the After Party
Committee, we will leave from SAC East at 5:30, to arrive at restaurant at 6pm. Dinner will be held on May 18th.
Delta Representative Report
Our current principal is leaving, this is tragic, we will miss her. We are going to have interviews for a new principal in
June. There will be approx. 50 students participating in Running Start. June 6 – Graduation in the Sesnon House.
Student Senate Minutes 5.10.12-2
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen I want to remind you all that when July starts, the new budget takes effect. So
everything approved this semester must be done by July. Meeting in Watsonville next week.
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko Happy Birthday Steven! Elections: this is a very heated time. You will know soon
enough who will be the next President and VP and treasurer and so on. Tomorrow is citizens oversight committee,
you need to find a person to be there tomorrow at 9am, if you are not involved in S4C.
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez: For the 71 account we have $1,324 in Programs, we have $25 in the Cultural Events
account. We purchased furniture for Watsonville. We met last Friday and picked three different color sequences.
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila Not present.
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins We met with architect last week for cafeteria, he will look them over and draft up
what it is going to cost, what it will look like. If you have any ideas about ways to design the cafeteria, shoot those
over to us. A governing board member resigned last week. It was very profound. S4C is tomorrow, we hope many of
you will be there to help with the fourth graders. My F-Pack meeting is in last week’s minutes.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas Yesterday we chartered Outdoor Club, we are now at 27 clubs, the
highest number in recent years. Food Coop requested money for the Amgen Tour, but will instead just hand out food
to students.
Watsonville Representative: (Vacant)
Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo Everyone is invited to my birthday party next week from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at the Santa Cruz
Roller Rink – invintations to come.
Laura Hunerberg I am so excited for the 4th graders tomorrow!!! It will happen tomorrow at 7:30 in the stadium, the
first kids get here at 8, the second wave gets here by 12, and everyone will be gone by 2pm. If you can give 5
minutes or ten hours, that is great. Remember Amgen is on Monday. My classes were all cancelled.
Sharon O’Connor No report.
Darwin Constantino Hi everyone, are you all listening? Remember how I used to commend individuals? I feel it is
necessary to commend Aimee for the videos she uploaded to the Facebook page. Thank you Aimee, you did a great
job editing the videos and getting them up.
Chris Steele Not present.
James Williams Not present.
Steven Culver Thank you everyone who signed my Birthday Card, it was really nice.
Sarah Davies I thought the voice article was very interesting, I didn’t feel I was correctly described. I will be helping
out with the 4th grade experience, me and Kyle will spend some time together doing that. I hope no one felt I was
being too assertive or rude, I’m a tough person and I’d rather feed you before I’d feed myself. I don’t mean hard
feelings toward anyone. Carter and I have been working on an idea of a public forum, where the public can ask
questions to the student senate. It would be really neat to have a more casual setting where senators can give
feedback to questions the public might have. Carter has created a lovely website:
Kyle Logan I thought is was impressive that some senators were able to remain neutral regarding the protesters
from yesterday.
Aimée Cornett I admire everyone on the senate – no I admire everyone in this room! I am so happy I got the
opportunity to be on the senate this semester.
5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto Your president asked me to make reservations, so I have the authority to make the rules. You must
print your name on this list if you want to be able to go. Former senators are not invited so do not ask me about that.
You need to figure out how much you can order. You may not consume alcoholic beverages when you are at a
Cabrillo event. The Amgen Tour – if you have a class in the early afternoon, you should come early. Running Start is
May 18 (the same day of the dinner) Kyle and I have been working on the food, we think we can serve everyone who
is volunteering to work that day. I don’t know if the senate has requested a table, but that would be a great
opportunity for you. The meeting with the Metro – from their perspective this proposal means that you want us to give
you an additional 25% discount, we saw it as being exactly the same. They are considering it, it isn’t a loss of
revenue but an increase because we could probably sell twice as many. It is really important that everyone has a
presence at the board meeting. This committee – I hope you continue with this project during the summer. Things
usually fall apart in the transition from one senate to the next, lets try to prevent that. Remember you academics
come first! It is exciting for me to hear about your transfer plans, and your counselors want to share that with you too.
Wrap it up real good, study hard, do well on your finals.
Student Senate Minutes 5.10.12-3
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Flor Chacon: We have 605 votes so far, we got around 30 votes in Watsonville. There were not a lot of students
around in Watsonville, and we kept confusing high schoolers with Watsonville student, I don’t know how to tell the
difference. Remind your class that tomorrow is – your friends and Facebook – to vote! Tomorrow is the last day to
vote. Hopefully everyone votes. Tomorrow is the S4C, Monday is Amgen, next Friday is Running Start, the following
week is Latino graduating. Think about who you want the Leadership award to go to, this will be for one of your peers
– it will be announced at graduation. The meritorious award is also going on, it will be announced next fall.
Agenda Building
- Request from OLA regarding Latino graduation – request for money (Ivan sponsors)
- General Assembly
- Purchasing Boxxee
- End of Semester Food Distribution – request for $400 from Programs
4:41 pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call – All officers present at meeting are present at meeting.
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Regular Business
Attendance from Last Meeting – No one absent last week.
Discussion of Meeting – It was confusing switching the order of the items, I hope we can be more organized with
Sesario points out that the nays and abstentions were not voted. There were at least 2 abstentions; it isn’t a good
idea to make a habit of that.
Trustee Watkins – There were a lot of side conversations today, it is kind of absurd for that to be going on. In
regards to Boxxee, we voted for that in the Bylaws. The Bylaw is there for a reason.
VP Oleksii – Why was one copy of the RFF not sufficient?
Discussion about why the RFF is necessary and sufficient.
C. Report & Assignment of Mentors – None.
Advisors Reports
5 Minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto You need to make a seating chart so the incoming senators can sit with the veteran senators. We won’t
have a window seat at the Crow’s Nest. It has been challenging with the protesters on campus. I think the senators did a
good job handling it. You can help by talking to students and trying to calm them down. We have to tolerate one another.
The group that was here probably wanted to get cited and kicked off campus to get their issue in the press. I agree their
approach is very disturbing and intense, the Sergeant contacted other colleges, and they had put up a booth to block the
signs. The first day there was a fistfight, the second day the group moved to the quad.
Flor Chacòn I have to go do elections stuff, no report.
Executive Agenda Requests – None
5:08 pm
Student Senate Minutes 5.10.12-4