Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 14 Votes needed for simple Majority vote: 50% + 1 = 8 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10 Location: Aptos Campus SAC East Room 225 Date and Time: Thursday, June 21st, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:50 pm Student Senate Agenda NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday June 21st, 2012. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. The purpose of this meeting is to be the direct representation of Cabrillo College’s Student Body. We will see to it that the student’s best interests are being served and that the students are given the opportunity to be heard. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. Please note that any action item that is discussed may not have an action taken during this meeting. Item Notable Motions Yeas Nays Abstains Result Approve $3,000.00 from the Programs Account for additional graphics for the gym floor. 6 2 0 Passed VII B Approve $1,500.00 from the Programs Account for the Second Harvest food drive event. 8 0 0 Passed VII C Approve $5,000.00 from the Cultural Events Account for the Thanksgiving community event. 8 0 0 Passed VII D Approve $1,000.00 from the Student Representation Account for expenses for the retreat. 8 0 0 Passed 7 1 0 Passed Approve $600.00 from Student Representative Account to pay for an advisor to accompany the Student Trustee to the training event. 8 0 0 Passed Approve $1,000.00 from the Programs Account for the S.T.A.R.S. Summer Bridge trip. 7 0 1 Passed Approve $1,000.00 from 73-SuppliesAccount for additional sustainable food supplies. 7 VII A VII E VII H VII I VII K VII L VII M I. Approve $86.00 from the Programs Account to pay for food given during finals week. 1 Approve $150.00 from the 73-Supplies Account for aquarium supplies. 8 0 0 Approve $166.97 from the Programs Account for reimbursement for AB540 field trip. 8 0 0 Passed Passed 0 Passed Call to Order A. President: Charlotte Achen, PRESENT B. Vice President: Laura Hunerberg, ABSENT C. Treasurer: Darwin Constantino, PRESENT D. Legislative Representative: VACANT E. Student Trustee: Cedar Green, PRESENT F. Inter-Club Council Chair: VACANT G. Watsonville Representative: Abbygale Gonzalez, PRESENT H. Scotts Valley Representative: VACANT 1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Aimee Cornett: PRESENT Tana Desandres: ABSENT Carter Forest: PRESENT Devin Monahan: PRESENT Sharon O’Connor: PRESENT Ivan Sumano-Vargas: PRESENT Joseph Watkins: ABSENT II. Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Darwin moves to approve the Agenda of Thursday, June 21, 2012 Sesario seconds the motion, 8 yeas, unanimous. III. Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes May 24th 2012, Ivan moves to approve the minutes, Darwin seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous IV. Public Comments There is nothing new to announce. Without further adieu, move on. V. President Announcements 5 Minutes There are three (3) new vacant positions to fill in the ICC, Legislative representative and one (1) additional position with Students at Large. VI. Special Items There are no Special Items at this time. Without further adieu, move on. VII. New Business. A. Gym Floor Info. / Action A. Cornett 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $3,000.00 from the Programs Account for adding Cabrillo’s logo and additional graphics to the gym floor. Currently there are not markings to represent “Cabrillo College”. Basketball coach Tony M. proposes new logo for the gymnasium floor. He has raised $5,500 towards the total amount of ____. An independent artist founded by Tony would design the floor. The project would begin in late July. Treasurer Darwin moves to approve the action, Devin seconds the motion. 6 yeas, 2 nays. B. Second Harvest Info. / Action S. O’Connor 3 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,500.00 from the Programs Account for the Second Harvest food drive event. Whatever funds are not used it is suggested, by Sesario, to rollover to Cabrillo Food Pantry. Sharon moves to approve this action, Carter seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. C. Thanksgiving Info. / Action D. Constantino 13 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $5,000.00 from the Cultural Account for the Thanksgiving event. 2011 event went under budget, $5,000 was approved, but $4,167.03 was spent. . This covered food, entertainment and prize giveaways. Still needed are donations, volunteers from Senate, Clubs and then friends/peers. The committee: Aimee, Abbygale, Ivan, Devin, Sharon and Carter. Darwin moves to approve this action, Sharon seconds this motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. D. Additional Funding for Retreat Info. / Action C. Frost 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of an additional $1,000.00 from the Student Representation Account for the retreat. This money will be used to send additional club members, if needed, and also for any other expenses for the retreat. If students do not fill the 5 extra spots, the extra funds will go towards supplies. Carter moves to approve this action, Ivan seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. E. Additional Funding for Finals Week Event Info. / Action D. Constantino 3 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of an additional $86.00 from the Programs Account to pay for the food that was given out to students during the finals week event. The bill was not tallied 2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 correctly. The Business Office will not approve to pay the additional $86.00 because the actual cost is 10% more than the approved budget. Darwin moves to approve this action, Carter seconds the motion. 7 yeas, 1 nay. F. Library Furniture Info. / Action C. Frost 3 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $10,000.00 from the ___ Account to purchase furniture for the Library. TABLED G. Amendment to Emergency Loan Support Fund Info. / Action D. Constantino 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding amending the wording to the action item passed on March 22nd regarding the revolving loan portion of the Emergency Support Fund. It would now read, as “The remaining funds from the 71 Account will be transferred to the revolving loan portion of the Emergency Support Fund at the end of 2011-2012 fiscal year The amount to transfer would be determined by the Business Office as part of the year end close process. The amount would constitute the balance of the budget after all outstanding expenses are paid for the current fiscal year.” Darwin proposed the amendment of wording of the above statement for the benefit of the Business Office. It was decided that no amendments were necessary. H. Student Trustee Training Info. / Action C. Green 3 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $600.00 from the Student Representation Account to pay for one advisor to accompany the Student Trustee to the upcoming training. The $600.00 requested was amended to $450.00. The dates for this event are August 10 th & 11th. Cedar moves to approve this action, Darwin seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. I. S.T.A.R.S. Field Trip Info. / Action D. Constantino 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the Programs Account for the S.T.A.R.S. Summer Bridge Field Trip. These funds will go towards students in the Summer Bridge Program. Darwinmust abstain from this vote because he is involved in this trip and he is speaking on behalf of Eric Gabriel, the club’s Representative. Darwin moves to approve this action, Ivan seconds the motion. 7 yeas, 1 abstain. J. Appointment of New Senators 1. Inter-Club Council Chair 2. Scotts Valley Representative 3. 4 Senators-at-Large K. Sustainable Food-ware Info. / Action A. Cornett 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the 73-Supplies Account to purchase additional sustainable food-ware supplies as they are beginning to run low. Additional funds would come from ICC. Discussion of needs: foil, plastic wrap, etc. Aimee moves to approve this action, Ivan seconds the motion. 7 yeas, 1 abstain. L. Aquarium Maintenance Info. / Action S. O’Connor 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $150.00 from the 73-Supplies Account for aquarium maintenance, food, filters, and any other needs. This would provide for new filters, chemicals and food. Sharon moves to approve this action, Carter seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. M. AB540 Field Trip Info. / Action A. González 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $166.97 from the Programs Account to reimburse for a field trip for a group of AB540 students whom visited SFSU and UC Berkley. This field trip was part of the Dreamer’s English Scholarship Tutoring workshop. These funds would reimburse for the car rental and parking cost at UC Berkley. The Budget Committee meeting approved for this action. Sesario HIGHLY recommends that a new policy be put into place: Before approval of such reimbursements, stricter guidelines need to be addressed, i.e. NOT after the money has been spent but rather departments need to account for reasonable, miscellaneous spending. Abby moves to approve this action, Darwin seconds the motion. 8 yeas, unanimous. 3 Minutes for speech, 3 minutes for questions 3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 N. Voter Registration Campaign Info. / Discuss. C. Green 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the possibility of the Student Senate creating a voter registration campaign that would encourage students to register to vote. Proposition Brown’s Tax Incentive would create another $142,000.00 in reductions. Cedar volunteered to chair this committee, Carter and Abby are supporting members of the committee extending to Watsonville campus. AGS and ICC need to appoint a point guard. It was also suggested that CCFC become involved. O. Fax Machine Info. / Discuss. C. Frost 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the fax machine and the senate’s responsibility to staff it. Senate involvement is greatly needed to offer time to help with students. Cater would like two sheets from each person, ONE with the available hours during the summer and TWO with availability for the Fall Semester. Carter will then make calendars and post. Please email these sheets to Carter within the week. P. Business Cards Info. / Discuss. C. Achen 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding Student Senate Business cards. Who would like business cards and how many? They are $27.00 a box, per Senator. Discussed the alternative, which was to have each person make own. Sesario: “Please use your position to get to know your students. Your business cards are marketing this student body.” Darwin will be responsible for the organization for ordering. VIII Delta Representative Report There is nothing to report. IX 5 minutes Reports 3 minutes ea. *Discuss budget cuts *Cash Flow had funds to operate Cabrillo effectively. There is a meeting July 18 th and 25th. Senate, PLEASE attend. There is power in numbers. *Remember to stay aware of your work environment and to maintain a professional and appropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior reflects badly on this department when students are observing this. Please monitor yourself. Darwin: The Business Office is closing the accounts for this year. June 30th is the last day of open books; get anything still pending in before that time. Any funds left over goes to the Emergency Loan Program. We need to change paper work to reflect the stricter regulations now enforced on reimbursements. Darwin moved to Chair the Thanksgiving Committee. Cedar: The new trustees are adapting well. It is challenging to plan around uncertain budget. Barls is the new trustee at Watsonville campus. Abby: The Meeting with Mentors last event was at Watsonville High School. Trying to encourage students to be more involved. The kids expressed enthusiasm. Devin: Nothing new to report. Carter: Recommended that the Senate meet as often as possible throughout the summer break. The progress that has been made is “awesome”. The Executive board will be meeting Wednesday, June 27 th from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. everyone here is welcome to join the meeting. Carter and Sharon will care for the aquarium and fish. Ivan: Administrative Drop Box- ICC requested to reserve a room or rooms for meetings. Visitors’ parking is no longer free during the summer. Ivan will be working with Sesario this summer. Aimee: Lois is running the Barrow A Book meeting at Cabrillo, Olga will be running the meeting at the Watsonville campus. Discussing the history of the program and current procedures. *July 1, 2012 begins the 2012-2013 school year. All money discussed today need to be in by June 30 th, that is the 2011-2012 budget. Sesario: No one has the approval to be in this office after 10 p.m. All work should be done or left for the following day by 6 p.m. Food pantry hours have changed; it will no longer be open on Fridays. *iPads, who wants one and how will it be determined who receives one? *Who will be responsible for maintaining the microwave and refrigerator? The President, Charlotte, will determine this. *Leadership conference is October 19 th, 20th & 21st. *CG65 needs one Senator, the code is 76463; it meets on Tuesdays and is only CSU transferable. 4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Flor: THANK YOU, Sharon and Carter for all of your work to maintain the aquarium and fish. Please lets alternate the duties as not to place the entire burden on one person. Otherwise there will be a removal of this feature. You all have two weeks from today to out your workspaces otherwise, Flor will be cleaning the spaces and that is no bueno. YOU do not want that to happen. Thank you Abby “you are awesome” Darwin will be managing the business card orders. Budget Items None at this time. Executive Board iPad discussion at the Senate Executive meeting. Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen Vice President: Laura Hunerberg Treasurer: Darwin Constantino Legislative Representative: Steven Culver Student Trustee: Cedar Green Inter-Club Council Chair: (Vacant) Watsonville Representative: Abbygale González Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant) Senators-at-Large Devin Monahan Kyle Logan Sharon O’Connor Ivan Sumano – Vargas Carter Frost Aimée Cornett Joseph Watkins Tana Desandres Advisors Sesario Escoto 5 minutes ea. Flor Chacòn Agenda Building Adjournment 5 Minutes 4:50 pm Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda (To be held after the Student Senate Meeting) Call to Order Roll Call All E Board members are present. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Approval of the Executive Minutes Regular Business A. Attendance from Last Meeting B. Discussion of Meeting 5 Minutes 20 Minutes Sesario: Darwin’s presentation was inspirational, lets post the Thanksgiving Dinner on the Senate web page. Paperless meetings, do we like? YES!! It can be used in accordance with dropbox. Dropbox has been used frequently with RSFs, the Senate’s response has been positive. Charlotte is responsible for organizing the folders within dropbox. Noticed that there are less committee reports. E Board has discussion items that deal with outside senate issues. My concern is that meetings will run longer. I propose an extra 10 minutes to be added. OFFICE RULES: Please govern yourselves. Be professional with language and actions. Address those that are inappropriate. Mediate before coming with Sesario with these complaints. Do we want “rules” for the office area? Brainstorm: Keep workstation clean, Senators only in workstations, No outside socializing inside. With the exceptions of students a person of the Senate must accompany using the fax machine. Senator holds accountability for the guest and/or student. This needs to include past Senators. Keep in mind when enforcing these guidelines that people will not be pleased. When friends come to visit, take them to the lobby and have your discussions there. Lets think about having signs stating “Quite Zone”. Bottom lines, keep noise to a minimum, no vulgarity, keep work areas clean and we need to extend this ICC and the Senate. We need to designate someone for the iPad training and assign the iPads to those that need/want to use one. 5 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Ivan will sponsor this item. Alex will train person(s) for that person to give the tutorial to the others. Sharon, Ceder and Darwin will meet with Alex. We should have this clarified by July 5 meeting. There are still three areas of the department that need positions filled, ICC Chair, Legislative Representative and an additional position in Students at Large. Flor: Meeting again July 5. I am passing out your new edu. Email addresses. DO NOT lose. They are expensive to replace. C. D. Creating Office Rules and Behavior Assigning and Updates of Mentors Abby has not met with Joseph Darwin and Devin will be meeting this afternoon Sharon and Tana have not met. Cedar and Joe W. have not met. Carter and Ivan have met. A. Advisors Reports Sesario Escoto Flor Chacòn B. C. Executive Agenda Requests Adjournment 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 5 Minutes ea. 5:45 pm 6