Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 14 Votes needed for simple Majority vote: 50% + 1 = 8 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 9 Location: Aptos Campus SAC East Room 225 Date and Time: Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 3:00 pm – 5:35 pm Student Senate Minutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday August 23rd, 2012. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. The purpose of this meeting is to be the direct representation of Cabrillo College’s Student Body. We will see to it that the student’s best interests are being served and that the students are given the opportunity to be heard. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. Please note that any action item that is discussed may not have an action taken during this meeting. Item VII I I. Notable Motions Yeas Nays Abstains Result Approve $350.00 from the Programs Account to purchase 15, 5th edition copies of the Leadership Challenge book for the CG65 Leadership course. 11 0 1 Passed Call to Order A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. II. III. IV. President: Charlotte Achen, PRESENT Vice President: Laura Hunerberg, PRESENT Treasurer: Darwin Constantino, ABSENT Legislative Representative: Aimeé Cornett, PRESENT Student Trustee: Cedar Green, PRESENT Inter-Club Council Chair: VACANT Watsonville Representative: Abbygale Gonzalez, PRESENT Scotts Valley Representative: VACANT Bobby Buckter, PRESENT Tana Desandres: PRESENT Carter Forest: PRESENT Devin Monahan: PRESENT Sharon O’Connor: PRESENT Ivan Sumano-Vargas: PRESENT Bianca Torres, PRESENT Joseph Watkins: PRESENT Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Joseph moves to adopt the agenda, Devin seconds the motion. 12 yeas, unanimous. Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes A. July 19th, 2012 Joseph moves to approve the agenda, Ivan seconds the motion. 12 yeas, unanimous. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker. There is nothing new to announce, without further adieu we move on. V. President Announcements 5 Minutes A. Abby, Bianca, Carter, Cedar, Laura and Tana volunteered to help set up at 2:30 p.m. in the Quad area. B. Monday through Thursday will be… If you are not helping with set-up please contact Charlotte. VI. Special Items There is nothing new to report. 1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 VII. New Business. A. Appointment of New Senators 1. Inter-Club Council Chair 2. Scotts Valley Representative 3. 4 Senators-at-Large 3 Minutes for speech, 3 minutes for questions Devin Monahan ran for the Inter-Council Chair. When asked why he was the right candidate for the position, Devin reassured everyone that he had taken the time to evaluate his schedule and abilities. Devin expressed excitement and readiness for the challenge. It was a unanimous vote by 12. B. All College Day Info. / Discuss. C. Achen 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding All College Day, this Friday at 8am at the Crocker Theater. Please arrive promptly at 8:00 a.m. There will be breakfast, coffee for everyone. President, Brian King will open the ceremony. Intermission from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Introductions of new faculty, staff and Senate members will follow, throughout the morning we will watch 4 films and hold a raffle. C. Internal Committee following the Brown Act Info. / Action J. Watkins 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the possibility of some or all Student Senate internal committees having to follow the brown act. Joseph believes that if the ICC were follow the Brown Act it would help keep log of absences and sets a precedent for future committees. The ICC would have to post the agenda and minutes as the Student Senate. It is good practice. There was discussion: Carter- “lets get the Senate up-to-date before getting the ICC on this.” Sesario suggested “refer this to the Bylaws/Constitution Committee. Carter moves to refer this to the Bylaw committee, Bianca seconds the motion. 10 yea, 2 nay. D. Bookstore Items Info. / Discuss. C. Achen 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding purchasing some remaining items that the bookstore would like to sell us. Tabled E. Voter Registration Campaign Info. / Discuss. C. Green 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the voter registration campaign. This is something that was discussed and voted on as a goal: getting more people to vote in all elections. Voter Registration Committee announced that that an Ad-Hoc committee would be established consisting of members: Abby, Brooke and Carter. We would like Cedar to join the committee. The first meeting will be some time in this coming week. We will discuss developing strategy, talk to other groups to for guidance, the teachers union as a networking platform; with the use of PowerPoint in classrooms to inform students and writing to letters to editors to local newspapers to help perpetuate the cause. Juan Quinines, director for Santa Cruz County and the Democratic Central Committee spoke about the upcoming election months. He will have 3 tables set up for unregistered voters to sign up. One table will be off campus and two will be accessible on Cabrillo’s campus. This opportunity begins Monday, August 27 and runs through to Wednesday, August 29th. The absolutely last day to register to vote for the 2012 election is October 22. F. SAC Event Info. / Discuss. A. Cornett 15 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding a SAC event that could happen in the spring. There was an informal discussion on holding a SAC event to promote the Senate, SAC card and community as a whole. Looking at March 2013 for event date. There would be a showcase of talents from Cabrillo’s clubs and departments i.e., English, Math, VAPA, etc. There will be an application process. The application fee would be waived for SAC holders and a small fee to those that are not faculty/staff and students. Aimee would like to work with the PR Committee to help promote this event. Ivan suggested getting the merchants involved. Aimee- “ I cannot stress to you enough: if this becomes an action and you decide to become involved you must commit from day one and follow-through.” Carter moves to extend time by 5 minutes. Ivan seconds the motion. 8 yea, 2 nay. Sesario talked about how volunteers come in large numbers but most are not willing to do the work. He suggested booking the theater early, as the spring is the most active for annual events. Charlotte excuses herself in order to attend All College Day rehearsal. Vice President, Laura H. will take order from this moment. 2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 G. Senate Positions and Responsibilities Info. / Discuss. C. Frost 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding Senate positions and their responsibilities. In full detail, Carter went over the Senate positions and bylaws. This outline applies to everyone in this meeting and the Inter-Council Club members. Should anyone have questions about the bylaws and the responsibilities of the positions under the Senate please contact Carter Frost or visit the Cabrillo College website. Carter moves to extend time by 5 minutes. Devin seconds the motion. 7 yea, 4 nay. H. Microwave and Refrigerator in SAC East Info. / Action S. O’ Connor 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the microwave and refrigerator in SAC East. Please do your part in keeping the microwave and refrigerator clean. Sharon is the point guard for the schedule; please contact her to offer the time that fits your schedule. When leaving food over night mark your containers with your NAME and DATE. Friday afternoon everything will be thrown away, even food that is stored in nice plastic containers (the word Tupperware is a brand). Right now Bianca, Tana, Cedar, Brooke and Abby have volunteered to help. The ICC will be asked to help in this matter. The schedule will be posted on the wall next to the refrigerator. I. Textbooks for CG65 Course Info. / Action S. O’Connor 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $350.00 from the Programs Account to purchase 15 5th edition copies of the Leadership Challenge book for the CG65 Leadership course. These books are resourceful for the next 5 years, the students are current and the class becomes more manageable. Sharon moves to approve $350.00 from the programs account for the purchase of the Leadership Challenge book. Cedar seconds the motion. 11 yea, 1 abstain. J. Student Senate Meeting Norms, Part 1 Info. / Action C. Achen 45 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding creating our meeting norms. President, Charlotte is out of the office, Sesario will take over this discussion. This exercise is to help the Senate perform a productive meeting. This will be on the agenda for next week’s meeting and we will complete this exercise. VIII. Committee Reports 3 minutes ea. Bianca: Faculty Senate meeting is Tuesday, August 28th at 3:00 p.m. They will be discussing proposition 30. Tana: Cabrillo College data for basic skills for Math and English departments. Currently smoothing out the program’s details. September is the meeting time. They will be discussing year 2012-’13 goals and long-term goals for the departments. Contact Tana with questions. Aimee: SAC last meeting the discussion was on the promotions for the i.d. card, SAC event and contracts. The next meeting will be held in two weeks. The Legislative Committee needs to decide when to hold our first meeting. Laura: Fall Wellness Fair is September 27th, the time will be announced. It will be held in the Quad area. The Health Center is offering FamPACT services for reproductive health. There will be blood drives in November, the 5th through the 8th and April 23rd through the 25th. Charlotte: If the budget is cut the Student Employment Center will be closed on Fridays. Joseph: Along with Sharon, Joe will be working on the Cafeteria Committee. Abby: P.R. will be meeting Friday, September 7th, the time to be announced. IX. X. Delta Representative Report Reports Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities. A. Executive Officers 5 minutes 2 minutes ea. President: Charlotte Achen: This Friday is All College Day. Look your best, be your best and most of all enjoy yourself. Vice President: Laura Hunerberg: Nothing at this time. Treasurer: Darwin Constantino: ABSENT 3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Legislative Representative: Aimée Cornett: Fall General Assembly, there are 4 open seats for the senators. The cost is $192.00 round trip. The dates are October 19th through the 21st. The Student Leadership Conference is November 2nd through the 4th. The cost is $191.00 round trip. Student Trustee: Cedar Green: Enjoyed the Leadership Conference, thank you for sending me. Inter-Club Council Chair: Devin Monahan: Nothing to report at this time. Watsonville Representative: Abbygale González: Nothing to report at this time. Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant) B. Senators-at-Large Carter Frost: Thank you Sesario for all of your assistance and foot-work. Tana Desandres: Nothing at this time. Bianca Torres: Nothing at this time. Sharon O’Connor: Welcome Week Committee will meet Friday, August 31 st from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Joseph Watkins: Nothing to report at this time. Ivan Sumano – Vargas: As the Trustee for the ICC I will help Devin with the adjustments and guide him into the position of Chair. Bobby Buckter: Nothing to report at this time. C. Advisors 5 minutes ea. Sesario Escoto: There are two conferences, the General Assembly and the Leadership Conference. We need to narrow down attendees to one or the other. Prioritize which is most important to you. A few of you have already agreed on which you would like to attend and it has been noted. Otherwise decide that you would like to rank yourself low on the list and as people attend or drop form the list, you will rise to the top. Budget Committee, your completion date has been pushed to April 30 th. Flor Chacòn: Absent XI. Agenda Building 5 Minutes 31 Metro Pass Budget Approval SAC Event Part 2 of the Meeting Norms Talk about Sustainability Committee, renewal Senate meeting will be held in the Quad area. SET UP: Bianca, Laura, Cedar, Tana and Carter. XII. Adjournment 5:29 pm 4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda (To be held after the Student Senate Meeting) XIII. Call to Order A. Roll Call B. President: Charlotte Achen, PRESENT C. Vice President: Laura Hunerberg, PRESENT D. Treasurer: Darwin Constantino, ABSENT E. Legislative Representative: Aimeé Cornett, PRESENT F. Student Trustee: Cedar Green, PRESENT G. Inter-Club Council Chair: Devin Monahan, PRESENT H. Watsonville Representative: Abbygale Gonzalez, PRESENT I. Scotts Valley Representative: VACANT XIV. Adoption of the Executive Agenda XV. Approval of the Executive Minutes Devin moves to approve the minutes, Cedar seconds the motion. 5 yeas, unanimous. XVI. Regular Business A. Retreat Attendance 10 Minutes The replacement of Joseph Watkins was Joe Gonzales. The money was not lost all together however the advisors were left with the responsibility of finding the replacement without warning. Joseph’s defense is that his work schedule did not post for viewing until one week prior to the retreat. He attempted to switch shifts with someone at his place of business but he was unsuccessful in doing so. The question is should Joseph be held to the bylaws that state anyone who may be unable to attend an event must find a replacement themselves, and if not the consequence of two absences marked on record and pay a fine. There was discussion of suggested consequence: waive fine, just give a warning and/or record two absences. Because a replacement was found, the $50.00 ought to be dismissed. Abby moves to dismiss the $50.00 fine, Laura seconds the motion. 4 yeas, unanimous. XVII. 5:35 p.m. B. Approval of Ad-Hoc Committees Info. / Action C. Achen 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of several Ad-Hoc committees. All ten (10) committees were voted on and passed unanimously. The secretary had the individual votes noted if you would like a copy, please feel free to ask for one. Those committees are: 1. Halloween 2. Thanksgiving 3. Welcome Week 4. March in March 5. Elections 6. Cafeteria 7. Voters Registration 8. Second Harvest 9. Metro Pass 10. Forum C. Discussion of Meeting Nothing to discuss 20 Minutes D. Discussion of Senate Nothing to discuss 10 Minutes E. Assigning and Updates of Mentors 10 Minutes Sharon: Bobby is doing very well. We are meeting nest week. I am meeting with Tana next Friday at 10 a.m. Abby: I will be meeting with Cedar and Joe; times are being discussed. Advisors Reports 5 Minutes ea. Sesario Escoto: Think about sharing the responsibilities of each of the committees and those that may want to be a chair but not sure that they can manage it. Leadership is to encourage each other to participate. I would like to thank you for passing the motion to fund new books for the CG65 leadership class. 5 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Flor Chacòn: ABSENT XVIII. Executive Agenda Requests 31 Metro Pass Budget Add Action Item: SAC Event XIX. Adjournment 6:10 p.m. Upcoming Senate Meetings Unless noted, the Student Senate will be holding their meetings the following days at 3pm on the Aptos Campus in SAC East 225. August 23rd September 6th September 20th (Watsonville) October 4th October 18th (Watsonville) November 1st November 15th (Watsonville) December 6th August 30th (Aptos, in Quad) September 13th September 27th October 11th October 25th November 8th November 29th 6