Running head: CHEMISTRY PREREQUISITE PATHWAYS Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways to Biology for Allied Health Students Rick Fillman Institutional Research Analyst Planning and Research Office Summer 2010 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 2 of 12 Introduction Chemistry department faculty are interested in how well chemistry course work prepares Allied Health students for Human Physiology and Microbiology. The faculty expressed a desire to examine the grade distributions of biology students according to the nature and type of their chemistry preparation. Human Physiology and Microbiology enrollments from spring 2007 through fall 2009 were examined. This time span includes three spring terms, three fall terms, and the intervening summer sessions – basically a three year period. This nets about 2100 student enrollments in Human Physiology and Microbiology. The table below shows the number of sections and the enrollment count for the terms examined. Some of the enrollments are repeat enrollments. Because this inquiry is about student preparation, only first-time course enrollments are analyzed. The preparation of repeaters might be affected by their experience in the course the first time around. Prior enrollments in Human Physiology and Microbiology were identified using the Cabrillo Research Data Warehouse. For the time period examined, about 15% of Human Physiology enrollments and about 11% of Microbiology enrollments are repeat enrollments. The charts below show the population the course sections examined for this study. Human Physiology (BIO-5) enrollments 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 SP 07 FA 07 SP 08 FA 08 SP 09 FA 09 First-time enrollments Sections Enrollments 5 170 124 5 166 137 5 172 132 6 194 155 7 234 182 6 205 160 Page 2 Average Average First-time enrollments enrollments per section per section 34.0 24.8 33.2 27.4 34.4 26.4 32.3 25.8 33.4 26.0 34.2 26.7 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 3 of 12 Microbiology (BIO-6) enrollments 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 SP 07 SM 07 FA 07 SP 08 SM 08 FA 08 SP 09 SM 09 FA 09 First-time enrollments Sections Enrollments 4 126 107 2 67 63 4 121 96 4 129 107 2 61 50 4 132 103 4 129 113 2 67 60 4 127 103 Average Average First-time enrollments enrollments per section per section 31.5 26.8 33.5 31.5 30.3 24.0 32.3 26.8 30.5 25.0 33.0 25.8 32.3 28.3 33.5 30.0 31.8 25.8 The prerequisite CHEM course records are aligned according to the term completed, and then filtered such that only the prerequisite course work that was completed prior to a student’s first enrollment into Human Physiology or Microbiology, respectively, are included in the analysis. Prerequisite pathways Preparation in biology is a requirement for Allied Health majors. In addition to Human Anatomy (BIO-4 at Cabrillo College), students in Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Radiologic Technology are required to take Human Physiology (BIO-5), and students in Nursing and Dental Hygiene are also required to take Microbiology (BIO-6). Both Microbiology and Human Physiology, in turn, require coursework in Chemistry, so the prerequisite path for Allied Health majors is considerable. The Chemistry prerequisites for BIO 5 and BIO 6 are the same; however there are several possible pathways. A student can meet the prerequisite by successful completion of either CHEM-2 (Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry [4 units]), CHEM-30A (Inorganic Chemistry for Health Occupations [4 units]) or CHEM-32 (Chemistry for the Allied Health Major [5 units]. Beyond the Biology prerequisites, to complete their program, Dental Hygiene and Nursing students may also be required to take the CHEM30B (Introductory Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry for Health Occupations [4 units]). Although CHEM-30B is a not prerequisite for either of the Biology courses, as it is a program requirement, many students will have already completed this course by the time they take Page 3 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 4 of 12 Human Physiology or BIO6. Though not a prerequisite, CHEM-30B will be treated as one of the chemistry courses which prepares a student for Biology. Finally, there are some sections of CHEM-30A which are on an alternative schedule; these sections meet in an all-day format on Saturdays. The faculty were interested in separately examining those students who met the Biology prerequisite via the Saturday course offerings. [A list of the Saturday sections is found in the Appendix.] Five main prerequisite patterns Although the original inquiry was in regard to Allied Health students’ preparation for the Biology courses, in order to gain the best possible perspective on students’ preparation for Biology, this study will examine the preparation of all students completing Human Physiology and Microbiology sections. This will include students who prepare for Biology by taking CHEM-2. It is noted that Allied Health majors typically do not use this route. In the list that follows, N represents the number of students in the Human Physiology or Microbiology cohorts, respectively, with the prerequisite course-work noted. The five groups to be examined are students who met the Biology course prerequisite by way of: Successful Successful Successful Successful Successful completion completion completion completion completion of of of of of CHEM-30A only (N=460/358) a CHEM-30A Sat. sections (N=74/56) CHEM-32 (N=58/60) CHEM-2 (N=56/57) CHEM-30A and CHEM-30B (N=51/46) There will be a few students whose pattern of preparation does not match any of the categories, necessitating a sixth category of “Other”. The “Other” category consists of three general groupings: students whose preparation is a mix of Cabrillo chemistry courses that do not match any of the above patterns, students whose preparation can be tracked to an equivalency which has been recorded in the student system (presumably entered by a counselor evaluating either a transcript from another college or the results of an AP or IB exam), or students whose preparation simply cannot be determined from the available data. [See the Appendix for more detail regarding this group.] Page 4 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 5 of 12 Success and grade distributions Of all the student grades in Human Physiology and Microbiology sections studied, there were two “incomplete” grades, which were omitted. There was one instance of a student with a grade of “CR” (for “pass”). This grade was re-coded to a grade of “C” for purposes of simplifying the grade distributions. The “NC” (no-credit) grades were more numerous, and were left unchanged. The average success rate (student received a grade of A,B, C or “Pass”) for courses in the Biology department as a whole hovers around 75% (as documented in the Cabrillo College Fact Book, Program Planning Data). There is some variation in the success rate among courses. The course success rate [all enrollments] for Human Physiology (BIO-5) is 71.8%, somewhat below the department average, while the course success rate for Microbiology (BIO-6) is 78.8%, somewhat above the department average. What about variation according to the Chemistry prerequisite? The following charts show the success rate for first-time enrollees in Human Physiology and Microbiology according the type of chemistry preparation. Human Physiology (BIO-5) Success by Chemistry Preparation 100% 85% 82% 80% 72% 70% 66% 67% 60% 40% 20% -3 0A , Page 5 th er O C H EM -3 0B C H EM -3 0A _S at C H EM -3 2 -3 EM H C EM H C C H EM -2 0A 0% Success Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 6 of 12 Human Physiology (BIO-5) Success by Chemistry Preparation Preparation Headcount Success Rate CHEM-2 56 69.6% CHEM-30A 460 72.4% CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B 51 82.4% CHEM-30A_Sat 74 66.2% CHEM-32 58 67.2% Other 183 85.2% Microbiology (BIO-6) Success by Chemistry Preparation 100% 80% 84% 80% 75% 85% 80% 93% 60% 40% 20% O th er -3 2 H EM C -3 0A _S at 0B C H EM EM -3 -3 0A H EM -3 0A ,C H Series1 C H EM C C H EM -2 0% Microbiology (BIO-6) Success by Chemistry Preparation Preparation Headcount Success Rate CHEM-2 57 75.4% CHEM-30A 358 80.2% CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B 46 93.5% CHEM-30A_Sat 56 83.9% CHEM-32 60 80.0% Other 223 84.8% Page 6 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 7 of 12 As might be expected, for both Human Physiology and Microbiology, the numerically largest group, the group with CHEM-30A preparation, comes close to matching the respective average course success rates. In both cases, the cohorts that exceed the course success average are the CHEM-30A-CHEM-30B preparation group and the “Other” group. The groups whose preparation consisted of CHEM-30A Saturday sections showed a lower-than-average success rate for Human Physiology, but a higher-than-average success rate for Microbiology. The grade distributions tell a more nuanced story. For both Human Physiology and Microbiology, the best performing students (as defined by earning a grade of A) are those from the CHEM-2 and the “Other” preparation groups. The following are the grade distributions by type of CHEM preparation for Human Physiology and Microbiology: BIO-5 Grades by CHEM Preparation 45% CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% A B BIO-5 CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other C A 35.7% 21.5% 29.4% 24.3% 31.0% 42.6% D B 25.0% 30.2% 33.3% 25.7% 27.6% 30.6% Page 7 C 8.9% 20.7% 19.6% 16.2% 8.6% 12.0% F D NC F 3.6% 4.6% 7.8% 1.4% 3.4% 1.1% NC 1.8% 4.3% 3.9% 4.1% 1.7% 1.6% 1.8% 1.5% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.5% W W 23.2% 17.2% 5.9% 28.4% 24.1% 11.5% Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 8 of 12 BIO-5 CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other Totals A B C 20 99 15 18 18 78 248 14 139 17 19 16 56 261 5 95 10 12 5 22 149 D F 2 21 4 1 2 2 32 NC 1 20 2 3 1 3 30 1 7 2 1 11 W 13 79 3 21 14 21 151 BIO-6 Grades by CHEM preparation 45% CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% A B BIO-6 CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other BIO-6 CHEM-2 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-32 Other Totals C A D B 36.8% 17.9% 30.4% 32.1% 28.3% 40.4% F C 31.6% 42.7% 41.3% 35.7% 30.0% 32.3% D 7.0% 19.6% 21.7% 16.1% 21.7% 12.1% A B C 21 64 14 18 17 90 224 18 153 19 20 18 72 300 4 70 10 9 13 27 133 Page 8 NC F NC 3.5% 3.1% 2.2% 3.6% 1.7% 1.8% 1.8% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% D F 2 11 1 2 1 4 21 W W 3.5% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 1.8% NC 15.8% 13.1% 4.3% 12.5% 16.7% 11.2% W 1 7 2 6 1 9 1 4 13 9 47 2 7 10 25 100 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 9 of 12 In light of the fact that the “Other” group shows evidence of success, the composition of this cohort begs examination. For both the Human Physiology and the Microbiology CHEM prerequisites, the largest component of the “Other” cohort consists of students who show some kind of equivalency record as having met the prerequisite elsewhere (about 44% for Human Physiology and about 70% for Microbiology). The next largest component consists of students whose CHEM prerequisite course-work at Cabrillo simply did not fit into any of the five large categories (about 30% of the “Other” group for both Human Physiology and Microbiology). Finally, there are the Human Physiology and Microbiology students who prerequisite preparation cannot be determined (about 27% for the Human Physiology “Others” and about 28% for the Microbiology “Other” groups). Statistical significance While the descriptive data presented thus far are accurate for the specific cohorts that were studied, if these results are to be used to inform decisions regarding future adjustments to curriculum or scheduling, then an examination of reliability and consideration of other possible influencing factors is warranted. Multiple regression analysis revealed that few of the preparation pathways are reliably associated with differences in student outcomes. In other words, the observed differences in outcomes are likely due to chance variation and not to any consistent difference in student preparation associated with a particular pathway. However, some differences were detected for particular preparation pathways; the CHEM-2 preparation and the Other preparation groups tended to have somewhat higher grades and somewhat better odds of passing the Biology courses. Overall, about 2 to 3% of the variation in grades is predicted by the type of preparation - statistically perceptible, but of rather weak predictive value. Attempting to increase the sample size, by pulling in an additional five years of data (going back to 2001) did not result in altering the picture. The type of preparation seems to reliably account for very little of the variation observed in success and grades. With the benefit of the larger sample sizes in the larger data set, the analysis uncovers, after equalizing for other factors [Estimated Marginal Means], that Latino students from the CHEM-30 Saturday preparation groups are getting better grades than their counterparts in the other preparation groups. While evident for both target courses, this tendency was more Page 9 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 10 of 12 pronounced for grades in Microbiology (BIO-6) than for grades in Human Physiology (BIO-5). Other factors When student demographic variables were brought into the analysis, the predictive value of the model was strengthened. Student ethnicity had the greatest predictive power when it comes to grades in both Human Physiology and Microbiology. Ethnicity was coded as “Underrepresented” or “White/other”. Underrepresented includes Latino, African American, Filipino, and Native American students; at Cabrillo, this group is predominantly Latino. The White/other group is predominantly White, but also includes a few of students of Asian, decline-to-state, and Unknown ethnicity categories. Underrepresented students tended to receive lower grades than the “White/other” group of students. Age contributed to the predictive model, as well, with older students getting slightly better grades than younger students. Also, membership in the “Other” prerequisite preparation group begins to function as a predictor of better grades, as does the students’ age. The influence of these two factors appears about equal. Gender, on the other hand, does not appear be particularly significant. Removing the “W” grades, and repeating the analysis has the effect of slightly sharpening the model, but not to an extent that would change any of these patterns. Together, ethnicity, age and the type of preparation can account for approximately 10% of the overall variation in grades in Human Physiology and Microbiology. Summary There are many factors that can influence student performance; and many of these our beyond our ability to track. While some differences were found, on the whole, the type of Chemistry prerequisite preparation was not found to be a major factor in influencing grades in Human Physiology or Microbiology courses. Nonetheless, perhaps these data regarding the course taking patterns of Allied Health (and other) students in Chemistry and Biology will prove informative for faculty in the departments. Page 10 Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 11 of 12 Appendix Saturday CHEM-30A Sections SP 07 FA 07 SP 08 FA 08 SP 09 FA 09 CHEM-30A CHEM-30A CHEM-30A CHEM-30A CHEM-30A CHEM-30A 50179 53008 55388 59447 60559 63022 Composition of the "Other" cohort -BIO-5 Courses taken None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) CHEM 30A CHEM-2, CHEM-30A CHEM-2, CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-2, CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-2, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A, CHEM-2 CHEM-30A_Sat, CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B, CHEM-2 CHEM-30B, CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-30B, CHEM-32 CHEM-30B, CHEM-32 Equivalences Unknown CHEM2 CHEM2, CHEM30A CHEM30A CHEM30A, CHEM2 CHEM30A, CHEM30A CHEM30A, CHEM30B CHEM30B, CHEM30A CHEM2 CHEM30A CHEM2 CHEM30A Page 11 Headcount 59 50 2 38 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 5 2 35 1 2 3 5 1 1 27.1% 22.9% 0.9% 17.4% 0.9% 0.5% 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% 1.4% 2.3% 0.9% 16.1% 0.5% 0.9% 1.4% 2.3% 0.5% 0.5% Chemistry Prerequisite Pathways Page 12 of 12 Composition of the "Other" cohort -BIO-6 Courses taken None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) None (at Cabrillo) CHEM 30A CHEM-2, CHEM-30A CHEM-2, CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B CHEM-2, CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-2, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A, CHEM-2 CHEM-30A, CHEM-2, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A, CHEM-30B, CHEM-2 CHEM-30A_Sat, CHEM-30B CHEM-30A_Sat, CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B CHEM-30B, CHEM-2 CHEM-30B, CHEM-2 CHEM-30B, CHEM-30A_Sat CHEM-30B, CHEM-30A_Sat Equivalency Unknown CHEM2 CHEM2, CHEM30A CHEM30A CHEM30A, CHEM2 CHEM30A, CHEM30A CHEM30A, CHEM30B CHEM2 CHEM2 CHEM2 CHEM30A CHEM2 CHEM2 Page 12 Headcount 74 62 1 40 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 36 6 6 7 1 6 1 28.4% 23.8% 0.4% 15.3% 1.1% 0.4% 0.8% 0.4% 0.8% 0.4% 0.4% 1.5% 0.8% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 13.8% 2.3% 2.3% 2.7% 0.4% 2.3% 0.4%