Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Ben M. Jordan Advaned Elastiity Harvard University June 5, 2009 Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Outline Examples Topis Denintions Considè re ondition Helmholtz free energy Stability of equilibrium Time-dependent, inhomogeneous deformation Virtual work formulation Ben M. Jordan Truss example Neking example Coexistent phases example Critial fore and Gibbs free energy example Gibbs free energy of spherial balloon example Wave in pre-stressed bar example Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Overview For small deformations, we applied F=ma in the referene frame For large deformations, this is no longer a valid approximation If we upgrade our denitions to handle more situations... ...formulate new material models using the free energy density... ...and link it to the nite element method... ...we an explore all kinds of new phenomena! Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Strains Streth: Engineering: Natural: Lagrange: λ = Ll e = l −LL = λ − 1 ε = log ( Ll ) = log (λ ) h i 2 η = 12 Ll − 1 = 12 λ 2 − 1 NOTE: These are all funtions of the streth (λ ) Stresses True/Cauhy: Nominal/1st Piola Kirho: NOTE: Others an be dened as well Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases σ = Pa s = PA Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Inrements and Work-Conjugates Inrements Taking the derivates of our strain denitions w.r.t. λ gives us δ λ = δLl δe = δλ δ ε = δλλ δη = λδλ Work-onjugates Find pairs that give "inr. of work in ur." = P δ l AL "volume in ref." With nominal stress, Pδ l = sδ λ = sδ e AL With true stress, PaLδ l = σ δ ε What about Lagrange? P δ l = δ η (?) = λ δ λ (?) AL (?) = S = λs , the 2nd Work An inrement of work is given by P δ l Ben M. Jordan Piola-Kirho Stress! Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Truss Example Deformation geometry √2 2 l +l λ1 = Ll11 = 1, λ2 = Ll22 , λ3 = Ll33 = √ 12 22 L1 +L2 Note: only unknown here is l2 Material Model: Neo-Hookean si = µ (λi − λi−2 ), i = 1, 2, 3, s1 = 0 Note: nominal stress form Fore Balane Fx : By symmetry, this is 0 Fy : W − 2(os (θ )s3 a3 ) − s2 a2 = 0 Inompressibility AL = al ⇒ a = ALl Mixing results in... W − 2 ll23 s3 A3l3L3 − s2 A2l2L2 = 0, whih is 1 eqn. for 1 unk. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Neking 1 x-axis: ε , y-axis:P /AK What is the fore/strain relation for a power law material, suh as aluminum? One possible formulation using natural strain / true stress is: ε = log (λ ), P = σ a A power law material model is used, whih ts the experimental ε → σ urves well. σ = K ε N , N = 12 for our example Inompressibility: AL = al ⇒ a = Ae −ε Mixing these gives σ = Pa = AeP−ε = K ε N Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Neking 2 dP = AK (e −ε N ε N −1 − ε N − e −ε = dε a(σ ′ − σ ) = 0 at the maximum a annot be zero, and thus σ ′ = σ (the Considè re condition) Applying our material model, this gives ε =N x-axis: ε , y-axis:P /AK Note that σ ′ is the tangent modulus Material hardening / geometri softening Model is invalid after this ondition, as this is only good for homogenous deformation Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Neking 3 We an also formulate this using s , λ λ = Ll , P = sA Using ε = log (λ ) and AL = al ,the power law material model beomes N s = K log (λλ ) Mixing these gives N x-axis: λ , y-axis:P /AK P = KA log (λλ ) = As (λ ) dP = As ′ ⇒ s ′ = 0 (Considè re ondition) dλ Taking this derivative from the material model gives N = log (λ ) ⇔ λ = e N Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Denitions Truss example Neking Examples Neking 4 What about for Neo-Hookean materials? Formulate this using s , λ λ = Ll , P = sA Material model beomes s = µ (λ − λ −2 ) P = µ A(λ − λ −2) dP = µ A 1 + 2 , 1 + 2 = 0 dλ λ3 λ3 (Considè re ondition) √ x-axis: λ , y-axis:P /Aµ This is satised when λ = 3 −2, whih is not valid. Conlusion: no neking in Neo-Hookean materials. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Helmholtz free energy 1 θ is temp., l is length Given F (l , θ ),δ F = ∂∂Fl δ l + ∂∂ Fθ δ θ = P δ l + ηδ θ Assuming that temperate hange is negligible, i.e. adiobati, and thus onsider δ F = P δ l Reall P = sA and l = λ L ⇒ δALF = PALδ l δ W = s δ λ ⇒ s (λ ) = dW d λ , where W is the energy density Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Helmholtz free energy 2 Using our material models, we an write them in terms of energy density For neo-Hookean, s (λ ) = µ (λ − λ −2 ) = dW dλ Integrating gives W (λ ) = µ2 λ 2 + 2λ −1 − ,W (1) = 0 ⇒ = 3 N For power law, s = K log (λλ ) = dW dλ Integrating gives W (λ ) = NK+1 log (λ )N +1 Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Stability of equilibrium If fore is stati, then objet may equilibrate. If so, what is λ in this state? Is it stable? Gibbs free energy = potential energy=Helmholtz free energy - work done by external fore G = ALW (λ ) − PL · (λ − 1) = F (λ ) − P · (l − L) Using thermodynamis, we an show that the equilibrium state is reahed when G is minimized. Evaluating G at λ + δ λ by expanding a Taylor series about λ (x0 = λ , x − x0 = δ λ ) G (λ + δ λ ) = G (λ ) + G ′(λ )(δ λ ) + G 2(λ ) (δ λ )2 + ... Setting G ′ (λ ) = ALW ′ − PL = 0 ⇒ W ′ = PA = s (stress is reovered) This is a stable equillibrium if G ′′ (λ ) > 0 i.e. if W ′′ > 0 NOTE: Reall from neking that W ′′ = s ′ = 0 where maximal fore is ′′ ahieved. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Coexistent phases example Mixed phases → non-onvex energy density → material model not one to one. L′ + L′′ = L, l ′ + l ′′ = l , λ ′ L′ + λ ′′L′′ = l Problem: For some nononvex W (λ ),nd the unstable stress regime. ′ dW st = Wλ ′′′′−−W λ ′ = d λ is the tangent line that passes through the points λ ′ and λ ′′ Maxwell's rule: dW = s at λ ′ and λ ′′ t Rdλλ′′ λ ′ sd λ = 0 The area under the urve is equal F = W (λ ′ )AL′ + W (λ ′′ )AL′′ Summary: In equilibrium the phases separate, but if metastable, they oexist. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Gibbs example 1 Problem: For a power law material, determine P and plot G (λ ) for value around it. Power law in terms of nominal stress: s = Kλ log (λ )N N −1 N Considè re ondition: s ′ = 0 ⇒ ddsλ = K (log (λ ) λ 2N −log (λ ) = 0 λ = 1 or λ = e N N N P = kKA log (λλ ) = sA ⇒ P = KAN eN Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Gibbs example 2 Let's examine the behaviour around PC of G (λ ) Reall W (λ ) = NK+1 log (λ )N +1 G (λ ) = ALW (λ ) − PL · (λ − 1) For the above G(lambda), the fore is less than the ritial fore, and for small lambda near 1, the helmholtz free energy is less than the work being done. x-axis: λ , y-axis:G (λ ), P < P Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Gibbs example 3 G (λ ) = ALW (λ ) − PL · (λ − 1) For Pmore, the work being done is always greater than the Helmholz free energy. x-axis: λ , y-axis:G (λ ), P > P Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Spherial balloon example 1 Problem: Disuss Gibbs free energy of balloon G = 4π r 2 HW − p 34 π r 3 Using three ingredients: Def Geom: λ1 = λ2 = 22ππRr = Rr , λ3 = Hh Inompressibility: 4π R 2 H = 4π r 2 h ⇒ λ3 = λ1−2 Fore balane: σ3 ≈ 0, σ1 = σ2 = Pr 2h , (biaxial state) Consider a half sphere: 2π rhσ1 = π r 2 p σ = (σ1 , σ2 , 0) and add hydrostati pressure to get (0, 0, −σ1 ) Material model (true stress): −σ1 = µ · (λ 2 − λ −1 ) Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Helmholtz free energy Gibbs free energy Examples Spherial balloon example 2 Result: p = −R2H (λ1−7 − λ1−1 ) We an nd ritial pressure from here, and plot G (λ )as before. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Time-dependent, inhomogeneous deformation Now we move to a more ompliated model and onsider time and spae variation 4 ingredients: ,t )−x (X ,t ) (X ,t ) Def Geom: λ (X , t ) = x (X +dXdX = ∂ xdX Cons. of Mass: ρ (X ) only. Cons. of Momentum (Fore Balane): s (X , t )A(X ))dX + B (X , t )A(X )dX = ρ (X ) ∂ ∂ ∂X ( Mat. Model: Ben M. Jordan 2 x (X ,t ) ∂t Finite Deformation: Speial Cases A(X )dX s = g (λ ) Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Wave in pre-stressed bar example Using the ingredients: Def. Geom: x (X , t ) = λ0 X + u (X , t ), λ = ∂∂Xx = λ0 + ∂∂Xu Mat. Model: Expand s = g (λ ) using TS to nd: s ≈ g (λ0 ) + g ′(λ0 )(λ − λ0) + 12 g ′′(λ0 )(λ − λ0 )2 + ... 2 Cons. of Momentum: ∂∂X s (X , t ) = ρ ∂ x∂(tX2 ,t ) By keeping up to linear terms from TS, we an mix ingredients to nd: g ′ (λ0 ) ∂ 2 u ∂ 2u = 2 ρ ∂ t2 ∂t q ′ = g (λ0 ) ρ Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Virtual work formulation Dene virtual displaement: δ x = δ x (X ) Virtual streth: δ λ = ∂ (∂δXλ ) Using onservation of momentum, we an write an expression for virtual work: As δ x |XX21 + R X2 ∂ X1 ∂ X (sA)δ xdX R Integrating by parts gives us: XX12 As ∂∂X (δ x )dX For an arbitrary segment, s δ λ = s ∂∂X (δ x ) is the virtual work done by all fores on the segment. This is the basis for the nite element method. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work Researh Biomaterials are ompliated, inhomogenous, anisotropi materials Tissues, in partiular, require onsideration of speial material models Tissues also grow and this addition of mass and volume hange must be onsidered My ongoing work will onsider various models for growth Appliations to limb, root, and ell, and embryo growth. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases Overview Energy Formulations of Material Laws Time, spae, work The end Thank you all for a great semester. Ben M. Jordan Finite Deformation: Speial Cases