Context for learning / curriculum area(s): HWB/Planning for choices and changes Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education, creativity; Collaborative learning Level/Sector: Second level Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning skills and interests to my future life. HWB 2-20a /3-20a/HWB4-20a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? Pupils will understand what skills and attributes are required for certain jobs/careers Pupils will recognise how those skills/attributes contribute to particular jobs/careers Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities/ Attributes being developed: Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? Pupils are able to name skills required for certain jobs/careers Pupils are able to explain the need for a range of skills Pupils are able to explain how those skills might be used in the chosen jobs/careers Remember and communicate ideas clearly Understand and apply knowledge Ask relevant questions to clarify points. Activities/Experiences: Discuss the range of skills which might be required for different types of jobs/careers Classify skills into main groupings Work in group to look at situation cards and identify which skills would be needed for each Create a spider gram using flip chart/situation cards Meeting Learners Needs: Support Paired learning Social groupings Impact Learning much more interactive P Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? Assessment –evidence of understanding will be shown through pupil dialogue/discussion, completed quiz, completed mind map Partnerships: