Restorative approaches training Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities

Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Restorative approaches training
Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education,
creativity... Collaborative Learning and Role Play
Level/Sector: Third
Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in
building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships I care and show respect for myself and others.
HWB 0-05a, 1-05a, 2-05a, 3-05a, 4-05a
Learning Intentions: What do you
want them to learn? Which part/s of
the E/Os?
-We are learning to hold
conversations in a respectful manner
which allows all parties to speak
-Using our knowledge of Restorative
approaches we can learn to create
solutions which are mutually
acceptable and beneficial for all
involved where possible.
Success Criteria: How will you
know/what are you looking for?
-Pupils will listen to each other and
share opinions effectively in a variety
of situations
-Pupils will apply their understanding
of compromise and negotiation by
devising a role play scenario
-Pupils will compare solutions and
demonstrate a compromising
attitude by selecting the most
conversations involve good
listening and reflection.
-Able to share and justify own
ideas and opinions.
-Demonstrate respect when
listening to others
-Recognise situations when
there is a need to negotiate
and compromise.
Meeting Learners Needs:
-Group work task to define how
sharing thoughts, feelings and ideas
is important in building positive
relationships (Say & write)
-Role play to demonstrate that they
can identify when there is the need
for negotiation and compromise and
can apply these skills as required.
-SFL input as needed.
-Mixed ability groups
Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their
-Peer assessment of role plays.
-Teacher observations of group work and role plays.
-Teacher questioning to explore understanding of sharing, negotiating, compromise.
/Attributes being developed:
-Know that restorative
-Able to take skill of
sharing and apply in
different situations.
-Demonstrate the ability to
share opinions in new
contexts with
Community Health Partner
involved in developing shared