Literacy Outcomes, E and 0 coverage across the levels (Early, First... Success Criteria

Literacy Outcomes, E and 0 coverage across the levels (Early, First and Second)
Success Criteria
In working at becoming secure at CfE Levels, children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in any
particular order.
Early Level
First Level
Second Level
Bundle 1- Enjoyment and choice in
Bundle 1- Enjoyment and choice in
Bundle 1- Enjoyment and choice in
LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a
LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a Talking and
LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a Talking and
Talking and Listening/ Reading
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can repeat a simple sound rhyme, rhythm
I can freely select texts/ topics that they
I can freely select texts/ topics that they
and pattern in words
want to read, watch or listen to and are of
want to read, watch or listen to and are of
I can hear the different sounds and single
interest to them
interest to them
sounds in words.
I can give a clear account / explanation of
I can give a clear account / explanation of a
I can say something that begins with all my
a text that is of interest to the learner
text that is of interest to the learner and
and provide reasons for these choices.
provide reasons for these choices.
I can respond and contribute to discussions.
I can create texts of their own making
I can create texts of their own making
I can blend sounds to make simple words
independent decisions on style, format,
independent decisions on style, format,
I can hear the parts in a word
content and resources used.
content and resources used.
I can recite a rhyme
I can finish a rhyme
I can recite some action rhymes, nursery
rhymes and songs confidently
I can pick two rhyming words
I can think of words that rhyme.
I regularly select and
LIT 0-01b / LIT 0-11b Talking and
LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a Reading
LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a Reading
Listening/ Reading
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can choose a selection of texts from a
I can choose a selection of texts from a
I can freely select texts/ topics that they
range of genres to read independently.
range of genres to read independently.
want to read, watch or listen to and are of
I can make choices based on key features
I can make choices based on key features
interest to them
of the text including book covers, my
of the text including book covers, my
I can give a clear account / explanation of a
knowledge of the writer
knowledge of the writer
text that is of interest to the learner and
I can select the right type of text to suit
I can select the right type of text to suit a
provide reasons for these choices.
a particular purpose
particular purpose
I can create texts of their own making
I can explain why I like a text by
I can explain why I like a text by
independent decisions on style, format,
commenting on the language that the
commenting on the language that the
content and resources used
author has used to convey character, plot,
author has used to convey character, plot,
setting etc.
setting etc.
I can explain /elaborate on how the author
I can explain /elaborate on how the author
has used alliterations, rhyme, etc.
has used alliterations, rhyme, etc.
LIT 0-01c Talking and Listening
LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a writing
LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a Writing
The learner can;
The learner can:-
I can confidently select appropriate ideas
I can Write for a variety of purposes,
The learner can:-
and information from texts to listen to and
including my own enjoyment.
I can Write for a variety of purposes,
I can make and justify choices of texts
including my own enjoyment.
I can organise my ideas in a logical sequence
from a wide genre.
I can make and justify choices of texts
appropriate for my audience.
from a wide genre.
I can use words that are appropriate and
I can select and state why particular texts
useful for my audience during discussions.
are enjoyed.
I can select and state why particular texts
are enjoyed.
I can create texts, using the appropriate
plan, purpose, format, audience and
I can create texts, using the appropriate
resources, on an agreed theme/subject e.g.
plan, purpose, format, audience and
story, poem, report, play
resources, on an agreed theme/subject e.g.
I can write within a range of contexts
story, poem, report, play
adapting purpose to suit audience needs
I can write within a range of contexts
e.g. functional tasks
adapting purpose to suit audience needs e.g.
I can write within a range of contexts
functional tasks
adapting format and resources to suit
I can write within a range of contexts
audience needs e.g. to create all forms of
adapting format and resources to suit
21 Century texts e.g. e-mails, animations,
audience needs e.g. to create all forms of
spreadsheet, raps, films and blogs
21st Century texts e.g. e-mails, animations,
spreadsheet, raps, films and blogs
ENG 1-30a Writing
ENG 2-30a Writing
The learner can:-
The learner can:-
I can express my thoughts and feelings in
I can describe accurately the feelings or
my writing, using appropriate language.
views which context/set of circumstances
I can write accounts of personal
experiences in correct sequence, using
I can describe and develop their feelings or
appropriate vocabulary to describe my
views within a clear setting
feelings and thoughts and engage the
I can confidently express and explain my
thoughts and feelings in a wide range of
I can write a simple letter using
texts and for a variety of purposes.
appropriate layout, tone and vocabulary.
I can write accounts of real life
I can write employ vocabulary to convey
experiences with a coherent thread
feelings and emotions
running through to include a sense of
I can establish a setting which relates to
atmosphere and/or a personal response to
the feelings or thoughts described.
the circumstances.
I can logically order details to show why
I can use language to establish a
the writer thinks or feels as they do
context/set of circumstances.
I can include details important to the
I can use vocabulary and expressions to
reader’s understanding of the writer’s
effectively engage the reader’s emotions.
feelings or thoughts.
I can include overall shape, structure and
coherence appropriate to the task such a
suitable introduction
Bundle 2- Engaging with others
Bundle 2- Engaging with others
Bundle 2-Engaging with others
LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a Talking and
LIT 1-02a Talking and Listening
LIT 2-02a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can increasingly take turns when listening
And talking in a variety of situations.
I can listen to others, answer questions and
make a comment or offer a contribution.
I can respond well to the different
I can sit quietly and listen to the
roles within the group.
speaker, making eye contact.
I can provide ideas, opinions, information and
I can wait until it is my turn to speak/ or
experiences and can extend
politely indicate a need to speak.
and build upon others’ ideas.
I can adopt a role within the group, share
I can listen actively to others, make
I can talk clearly so others can understand me appropriate ideas, opinions, information and eye contact and use
appropriate facial expressions
I can acknowledge the opinions of others.
to show I am involved.
I can confidently contribute at the
I can maintain the discussion using gesture
appropriate time.
and questions.
I can ask and respond to more complex
questions within the group.
I can show respect when talking or
listening to school visitors, adults,
teachers, peers etc
LIT 0-10a Talking and Listening
LIT 1-10a Talking and Listening
LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a Talking and
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can listen to conversations and discussions. I can communicate clearly and
The learner can;
I can take part in conversations and
audibly and with increasing
I can plan and prepare a presentation
selecting and organising resources
I can use new words and phrases.
I can independently use resources to
tell the meanings of new words
enhance my talk as required
I can deliver a presentation to an audience
and phrases.
speaking confidently, clearly, audibly,
I can select and use appropriate vocabulary
fluently and expressively.
that clearly shows
I can adopt an appropriate style to suit a
 my ideas about the content
live performance, including
 my thoughts and opinions about the content
dramatic effects and suitability
for different audiences.
I can select , use and present the most
appropriate resources to support and
enhance a presentation
Bundle 3-Accessing and Understanding
Bundle 3- Accessing and Understanding
Bundle 3-Accessing and Understanding
ENG 0-12a / ENG 0-13a LIT 0-21a
ENG 1-12a Reading
ENG 2-12a Reading
Talking and Listening/ Reading/ Writing
The learner can:
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can recognise and say aloud all phonic
I can use their phonic knowledge and sight
I can recognise that environmental print
vocabulary to read fluently and accurately.
I can read the word aloud by recognising
I can skim and scan ahead in the text when
conveys meaning and can recognise
simple words in the environment by their and sounding phonic blends
shape and features.
I can tell the difference between a
word, a letter and a space.
reading to help intonation and delivery.
I can recognise and read aloud an
I can change the tone and pace of the voice
increasing number / a specific set of non
when reading to enhance meaning
phonetic ‘sight’ words that are familiar.
I can start at the left of the page and
I can pause, when reading, at full stops,
I can present a prepared reading passage
move to the right when reading
commas and other punctuation marks to
with fluency and accuracy
show understanding and help expression.
I can recognise and explain the meaning of
I can identify and define parts of speech.
texts when written in Scots.
i.e. noun, adjective, connective/
I can recognise that a poem has rhythm
conjunction, pronoun, vowel, consonant etc.
and pay
I can look at the pictures to help me
understand the words.
I can provide a word with the same
initial sound as a given word.
I can point to and hear each separate
I can read a familiar story
I can decode/recognise the word by
I can decode and read a simple unfamiliar
passage with expression and pace.
I can read unfamiliar words by using
contextual and grammatical knowledge and
using content and pictures contained in
I can re-read aloud a familiar piece of text
the story
adding expression, intonation and with full
I can say the first sound in a word
I can hear and say rhyming words in
I can match ‘reading’ words from text to
pictures and complete varied activities.
LIT 0-21b
The learner can;
I can recognise that environmental print
conveys meaning and can recognise
LIT 2-21a –writing
LIT 1-21a Writing
The learner can:-
The learner can:-
I can independently and accurately use a
I can use commonly spelt words in their
more complex dictionary to support
simple words in the environment by their I can use an increasing amount of sight
shape and features.
vocabulary in their writing.
I can independently use a thesaurus to
enhance my writing.
I can tell the difference between a
I can apply my knowledge of more complex
I can confidently and independently apply
word, a letter and a space.
phonic and spelling strategies when spelling
knowledge of patterns, rules and strategies
unknown words.
when spelling unknown words.
I can start at the left of the page and
move to the right when reading
I can use appropriate resources to spell
I can confidently and accurately spell
I can look at the pictures to help me
and write with increasing accuracy.
words used specific to different contexts
understand the words.
I can provide a word with the same
initial sound as a given word.
I can point to and hear each separate
I can read a familiar story
I can decode/recognise the word by
using content and pictures contained in
the story
e.g. theme based.
LIT 1-22a Writing
The learner can:-
I can confidently and independently self
I can use a capital letter, full stop,
correct using a wide range of resources
question mark and exclamation mark to
punctuate many sentences accurately.
LIT 2-22a Writing
I can use common conjunctions to join
The learner can:-
I can confidently and accurately use a wide
I can use commas in a list.
range of punctuation.
I can begin to use speech marks to
I can say the first sound in a word
how direct speech.
I can hear and say rhyming words in
I can form paragraphs to
I can match ‘reading’ words from text to
pictures and complete varied activities
I can say / use sounds to read individual
words and read sentences
I can read CVC words
I can blend phonemes to read words
I can use a simple word bank
I can confidently and accurately use
punctuation for direct speech and dialogue
organise ideas
I can confidently use a wide range of
and make meanings clear.
grammatical terms in my
I can write in an orderly sequence.
I can read over my written work to check
I can confidently use more complex
it makes sense
sentence structures and layout to fit the
I can confidently use paragraphs
appropriately in extended pieces of writing.
I can use appropriate topic and linking
sentences in my
Bundle 4- Engaging others in a text
Bundle 4- Engaging others in a text
ENG 1-03a Talking and Listening
ENG 2-03a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can slow down when talking during
I can make eye contact and use facial
particular points to add emphasis to key
expression effectively when talking to an
words or phrases.
I can speed up when talking during dramatic I can speak clearly and carefully allowing the
stories etc. to heighten emotion
listener to hear every word spoken
I can make eye contact and appropriate
I can change accent and dialect appropriate to
facial expression to show interest.
purpose and audience.
I can use gestures to enhance communication I can make decisions on which features of
I can change tone of voice to emphasize
language to use to suit purpose and audience
certain key points.
I can peer and self assess / evaluate their own
I can use ‘topic’/ theme / project vocabulary and others’ spoken language
appropriate to purpose and audience.
I can practise/ use / develop skills of
talking and listening across all learning with
increased confidence
ENG 1-13a Reading
.LIT 2-13a Reading
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can use picture clues; sound out; look for
I can identify prior knowledge, including
smaller words within words; break down
phonics, list questions to research,
into syllables; go back and read again; read
I can demonstrate skimming and scanning
on and try to work out meaning.
I can se a dictionary to read/understand
I can check that I understand what I am
new words before and/or during reading
reading; imagine what is happening in my
I can use information from a variety of
sources to suit purpose e.g. database.
I can gather information from the front
timetables, brochures, catalogue,
cover, title, blurb, captions, chapter
Bibliography and world wide web
headings, and images before/ during
I can relate questions based on their
reading and evaluate their success in
I can ask questions related to text. e.g.
• Who is ___ • What is/does ___? • When
I can explain / list/ describe the
is ___? • Where is ___? • Why does ___
strategies used to formulate questions
I can read complex sentences of varying
lengths and structures completing relevant
answering (HOTS)
I can use a dictionary, thesaurus,
contextual clues, etc to establish meaning
tasks that shows understanding and
explains their meaning.
as they read.
I can skim and scan the features of a
text to predict its content and genre.
.LIT 1-23a Writing
The learner can:I can recognise spelling errors and apply
strategies to correct them.
I can reread to check for consistency of
meaning and fitness for purpose.
LIT 2-23a Writing
The learner can:I can independently proof read my own
work and use a wide variety of strategies
to edit it.
I can confidently and independently use a
wide variety of self-correction techniques.
I can create a piece of writing which fulfils
the success criteria.
Bundle 4- Understanding the elements of
Bundle 5- Understanding the elements of
Bundle 5- Understanding the elements of
LIT 0-04a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
I can sit quietly and listen / watch
LIT 1-04a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
I can recall / discuss the main points that
I can gather / talk about/ recall the main pointsHave been listened to or watched.
I can identify and explain the purpose of
I have heard or watched.
I can convey one or two pieces of information the text and identify the genre
I can use this to convey information or
from watching or listening.
I can deliver a simple message about somethingrecount an experience or event.
listened to or watched.
.LIT 2-04 Talking and Listening
The learner can;
I can explain /identify the genre of the
text describing the content and main
I can give an opinion on the effectiveness of
the text
to I can talk about / list the main points
contained within the text.
I can identify / describe the supporting
I can use information gathered to make choices
information contained in the text.
or learn new things.
I can create texts of their own, using the
I can talk about the new things learned from
acquired knowledge, in a variety of ways for
watching or listening.
different purposes.
LIT 0-14a Reading
The learner can;
I can read out loud some everyday signs and
act on the information they convey.
I can read their own name
LIT 1-14a Reading
The learner can;
I can select the most appropriate type
LIT 2-14a Reading
The learner can;
I can locate / select / use the most
of text to find the desired information. appropriate type of text to provide desired
I can highlight / identify the key words information
I can locate and Point to important and
to help my search for information
I can collect / find information from
useful signs in their environment.
I can show an understanding of a
websites, journals and other increasingly
I can find, access and use resources in the
library system by finding appropriate
sophisticated sources.
classroom/school by reading labels on
I can identify main ideas using skimming
cupboards, drawers etc.
I can find information quickly by
and scanning techniques finding information
I can paint / draw/ print signs or labels for
skimming and scanning a text rather
confidently and quickly.
their own use and to make word banks /wall
than read the whole passage
I can isolate / list / arrange the main ideas
I can find simple information in a text and
talk about it.
I can choose a cookery book to find a
recipe, a dictionary to find the meaning of a
word, encyclopaedia to find facts etc
I can read aloud / highlight the main
ideas in a sentence
I can sequence / list / arrange
information in a logical /particular
and key words in a text.
I can find a particular text in a library
using classification scheme.
I can transfer my research skills and use in
all areas of the curriculum.
I can transfer my research skills to use in
other areas of the curriculum.
LIT 1-24a Writing
The learner can:I can use joined handwriting confidently
and consistently.
I can create a piece of writing for a
specific purpose and audience
I can use key features to enhance writing
e.g. imagery, graphics, etc.
I can display my writing attractively to
engage my audience.
LIT 2-24a Writing
The learner can:I can use consistent, fluent, linked and
legible handwriting.
I can consistently present my work
attractively by selecting appropriate forms
of layout for the purpose and audience.
I can select the most appropriate method
to publish and display completed work both
in and out-with class.
I can effectively use lettering, graphics
and other features such as bullet points,
underlining, italics and bold text in ways to
engage the reader
Bundle 6- Note Taking skills
Bundle 6- Note Taking skills
LIT 1-05a Talking and Listening
LIT 2-05a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can make organised notes in order to give
I can make notes under headings for texts I an account of what I have heard or watched
watch or listen to with increasing
I can make effective and clearly structured
notes appropriate to my role within a group
I can read over and recall my notes to help
I can write down key words and phrases only
me understand what I have watched or
and organise information under main
listened to.
I can make new texts (spoken or written)
I can tell an audience about what you have
using previous notes
heard or watched using your own words
I can prepare a talk by researching, planning
and organising ideas.
LIT 1-15a Reading
The learner can;
I can use given headings to scan for key
words in a text.
I can highlight the key words and make
notes from a text and use these to create
a new text of my own.
I can use a range of strategies with
increasing confidence to find relevant
information in a text.
I can suggest some simple headings to help
LIT 2-15a Reading
The learner can;
I can with a degree of independence; I can
make notes using many of my own words
from a piece of information.
I can organise different forms of notes
including mind-maps.
I can collect and organise key ideas from a
range of sources.
I can use my notes orally or to create a
range of texts for a variety of purposes
and audiences.
me create new texts.
I can use my notes to create a text that
I can create my own mind map to generate
conveys my thinking and understanding of
and organise my ideas and explore given
the topic in my own words.
I can acknowledge my sources and create a
LIT 1-25a Writing
LIT 2-25a Writing
The learner can:-
I can organise different forms of notes
I can identify the difference and purpose
between notes and prose.
I can make notes to help plan writing.
I can organise my ideas and information
using tools such as headings, graphic
organisers, questions and mind mapping.
I can create new text which is reflective
of the notes taken.
The learner can:including mind-maps.
I can use my notes to create a text that
conveys my thinking and understanding of
the topic in my own words.
I can use my notes to create a range of
texts for a variety of purposes and
I can collect and organise key ideas from a
range of sources.
I can reference my sources appropriately
in a bibliography
Bundle 5- Creating Texts
Bundle 7- Creating Texts
Bundle 7- Creating Texts
LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a
LIT 1-06a Talking and Listening
LIT 2-06a Talking and Listening
Talking and Listening/ Reading
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can confidently select appropriate ideas
I can use a wide range of vocabulary and
I can use the correct questioning words
and information from texts I listen to and
talking tools to enhance the talk for my
to ask questions.
I can ask questions about the text in a
clear voice to help me understand what
I have listened to or watched.
I can talk about my own experiences
I can organise my ideas in a logical sequence I can confidently and independently select
appropriate for my audience.
I can use my notes to organise my ideas in a sources.
logical sequence to contribute to a group
I can organise information in a logical,
sequential and structured manner when
I can use words that are appropriate and
presenting, using notes if required.
useful for my audience.
I can deliver a well sequenced presentation
relevant/ linked to what they have watchedI can present a sequenced talk that is
or listened to.
interesting / useful
LIT 0-26a Writing
The learner can:I can share my ideas in writing to show
difference between real and imaginary
situations e.g. drawings, moving images,
poems, letters, instructions, talking
I can write to reflect own experiences and
feelings, ideas and information.
I can write to convey my message or
relevant information from a variety of
LIT 1-16a Reading
using subject specific vocabulary and
LIT 2-16a Reading
The learner can
The learner can;
I can identify purposes and main ideas
I can use a variety of sources to obtain
across a range of texts and pick out
supporting details.
I can read across learning independently
I can confidently discuss the structure and
for a variety of purposes.
style of a variety of texts in light of the
I can confidently identify the purpose of
author’s purpose for writing and the
different genres.
audience intended.
I can identify the main ideas in a text.
I can recognise the ways in which a writer
presents issues and points of view in
information e.g. set of instructions, personal
increasingly complex fiction and non-fiction
news, and imaginative story.
I can pick out the individual genres in a
mixed-genre text.
I can transfer my reading skills to all areas
of my learning.
I can confidently discuss the structure and
style of a non-fiction text in light of the
author’s purpose for writing and the
audience intended.
LIT 1-26a Writing
LIT 2-26a Writing
The learner can:-
The learner can:-
I can identify the type of text being
I can confidently and independently
written e.g. functional, imaginative, and
identify the type of text I am required to
I can rite a piece of text relevant to type
I can sustain a style and tone in writing
e.g. report, story, and personal experience.
using appropriate vocabulary which suits
I can include several relevant details
the audience e.g. imaginative, functional,
appropriate to the purpose of my writing
and scientific.
which are mostly organised in a logical
I can include information which establishes
clearly the sequence of events.
I can Select and use several interesting
I can create a more detailed text that
and ambitious words which are specific to
gives clear, logically sequenced information.
the task and which interest the reader.
I can elect and use increasingly more
interesting and ambitious words which are
specific to the task and which interest the
Bundle 6- Questioning
LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a
Bundle 8- Questioning
Bundle 8- Questioning
LIT 1-07a Talking and Listening
LIT 2-07a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can use the correct questioning words to
I can ask more complex questions
I can ask literal, evaluative and
ask questions.
I can answer / respond to simple and
inferential questions.
Talking and Listening
complex questions with increased confidence I can ask the right kind of/best question
I can ask questions about the text in a clear I can confidently ask questions to secure
to gain the required information.
voice to help me understand what
I can ask questions to help me more sense
I have listened to or watched.
I can ask questions, using the
of / clarify my understanding of the text.
appropriate questioning words
I can ask questions to find out more
I can talk about my own experiences relevant/ that will gain the right information that is
information and detail of a theme/topic
linked to what they have watched or listened to.
after watching or listening.
I can answer literal, evaluative and
inferential questions after watching or
ENG 1-17a Reading
The learner can;
I can answer some analysing and evaluating
questions about the text.
I can frame more complex analysing and
evaluating questions.
I can read between the lines using clues in
the text.
ENG 2-17a Reading
The learner can
I can compare and contrast points of view
which are inferred with those that are
openly stated.
I can make more complex inferences by
interpreting and integrating literal and
inferential information from across the
I can discuss messages, moods, feelings and
attitudes by reading between the lines and
using deduction.
I can frame analysing and evaluating
questions and justify my responses with
evidence from the text.
I can generate questions and use
appropriate strategies to help me
investigate gaps in my understanding
ENG 2-27a Writing
The learner can:I can relate texts which have a variety of
interesting openings, middles and conclusions
to engage an audience.
I can use and understand similes, metaphors
and alliteration.
I can confidently use appropriate vocabulary
to meet the needs of the task.
I can create and develop a variety of settings
using appropriate vocabulary to convey tone,
mood and atmosphere.
I can punctuate texts to convey meaning and
engage the reader.
I can create a text with more complex
sequence of events that conveys key
messages to the audience.
I can create texts which develop characters,
plot and setting by considering actions,
feelings and dialogue.
Bundle 9-Factual texts
LIT 1-08a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
I can identify factual information
within a text and explain why it
is factual.
Bundle 9-Factual texts.
LIT 2-08a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
I can evaluate the reliability of some of my
I can identify when I am being persuaded.
I can identify and discuss ‘opinion’ informationI can recognise, understand and identify some
in a text and explain their reasons. I am
of the techniques used to persuade or influence
becoming more aware of how others influenceme.
my opinion
I can make the correct decisions in when
to say “I know…” and “I think…” when taking
part in conversations.
I can distinguish /list fact from opinion to
help me develop an Informed view.
I can participate more fully in a debate about a
given subject, clearly expressing my opinion.
I can organise and shape a talk for a debate
making connections between ideas and drawing
on different points of view.
LIT 1-18a Reading.
The learner can:
I can independently recognise and
understand the difference between fact
and opinion.
I can give an opinion and give reasons for
this opinion
LIT 2-18a Reading
The learner can;
I can confidently identify the different
language authors use to present fact or
I can identify and point out when I am
I can list the differences between fiction
being influenced or persuaded and
and non-fiction texts
articulate my response to this.
I can state / write/ list the factual
I can assess how useful and reliable my
information from a text and the
sources are and use evidence to support my
information based on the author’s opinion.
I can explain/ indicate that different
I can identify, discuss and make comments
authors can have different opinions
on the information, ideas, values and
I can give reasons why this might be so
attitudes represented in a text.
I can compare the author’s point of view
with those of others and my own beliefs
and justify my point of view.
LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a Writing
LIT 2-28a Writing
The learner can:-
The learner can:-
I can write a report that contains main
I can write a set of instructions that are
ideas, gives clear information and uses
clear, concise, in sequenced steps and using
correct vocabulary.
I can write a set of instructions in the
I can write a more complex set of
present tense which are clear and in
directions which follow a logical sequence.
correct sequence, using linking words and
I can design a more complex poster
pictures or diagrams if appropriate.
conveying the idea or event and supporting
I can design a poster/leaflet with
details, using an appropriate format and
sufficient detail conveying the idea or
event and using an appropriate format.
I can independently design an informative
I can make a diagram using labelled
poster leaflet/advertisement using
illustrations and logical language.
persuasive language and appropriate
I can write a set of directions which follow
a sequence using sufficient detail to make
I can complete an application form giving
the meaning clear.
clear reasons for the request.
I can produce a flowchart to give
I can include supporting detail to clarify
instructions using illustrations.
and develop the points/facts made such as
I can write a newspaper report with an
photographs, diagrams, graphs
exciting headline and one or two
I can use terms and phrases which are
supporting details.
specific to the topic confidently and
I can include my own opinion or view in my
writing in an attempt to persuade the
I can include relevant information which is
organized in a logical order.
I can sequence events, process and
I can write a clear, logically sequenced
thoughts to persuade the reader and share
report using topic sentences in each
I can make appropriate use of persuasive
I can include a suitable introduction and
language and text features (italics,
conclusion or closing statement.
underlining, bold type)
I can make appropriate use of more
complex and a wide variety of persuasive
language and text features.
Bundle 7- Create and understand genres
LIT 0-09a Talking and Listening
Bundle 10- Create and understand
Bundle 10- Create and understand
LIT 1-09a Listening and Talking
LIT 2-09a Talking and Listening
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can talk clearly and logically about
I can offer information, experiences, ideas I can talk clearly and effectively making sure
experiences and events.
and opinions in discussions with increasing
that all relevant information etc is
I can confidently share news and other
communicated to the listener.
I can respond appropriately to the opinion
I can share information, experiences and
I can observe an activity and recount it in
of others and offer my own opinion.
opinions with increasing confidence.
a clear, logical sequence
I can accept group decisions graciously.
I can explain more complex processes and
I can convey my feelings , experiences and
I can ask questions to show I understand or ideas using a variety of talking tools.
information by appropriate use of body
want to find out more.
I can identify issues and talk about the main
language and gestures. experiences and
I can encourage others to say more by
points after having listened to or watched a
asking them directly.
I can use resources and props to
I can confidently summarise main points or
communicate effectively
findings of what I listen to
I can make decisions on the best approach
or watch.
to use when communicating
I can ask others to say more by asking
questions or prompting.
LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a
ENG 1-19a Reading
ENG 2-19a Reading
Talking and Listening/ Writing
The learner can;
The learner can;
The learner can;
I can recognise the writer’s message and
I can confidently discuss structure,
I can confidently select appropriate ideas
relate it to my own experiences
characterisation, setting and theme using
and information from texts to listen to and
I can explain my views on actions and
quotations from the text.
events using evidence from the text.
I can offer a critical response to the
I can organise my ideas in a logical sequence
I can recognise the writer’s theme and
structure, character, setting and theme.
appropriate for my audience.
clearly relate it to my own experiences.
I can analyse how the author has created
I can use words that are appropriate and
I can make comments on the writer’s use
different themes, moods, feelings and
useful for my audience.
of language, structure and layout to convey
attitudes through different aspects of
I can create texts of their own making
language using examples from the text.
independent decisions on style, format,
I can identify aspects of language the
I can identify and articulate my responses
content and resources used.
writer has used to create moods or build
to the text and explain how this relates to
LIT 0-19a Reading
my own experiences and those of my peers
The learner can;
I can identify and discuss the personality,
and offer a critical response or emotional
I can talk about what I like and dislike
behaviour and emotions of the characters
about the characters and events in stories
in a text.
I can compare, contrast and explore the
and say why
I can create an evaluation of a text using
styles of different writers and provide
evidence to back up my opinion/views
evidence from the text to back up my
I can retell the main points and recount in
the right order
I can compare the styles of various
ENG 1-31a Writing
different writers
I can retell a story in different ways
The learner can:-
I can List/discuss/ articulate the individual
including role play, puppets and drawing.
I can identify and use the elements that
features of various different types of
are specific to different writing genres
I can predict what comes next in the story
e.g. poetry and rhyme, play scripts and
I can explain / identify what imagery the
or how the story might end
layout, etc.
writer has used to emphasize his point,
I can write an account/story telling where,
created mood, etc.
I can provide different endings for the
when, how and why
LIT 2-29a Writing
I can develop characters in my stories
The learner can:-
through their actions and feelings.
I can write a set of instructions that are
I can write a story concentrating on the
clear, concise, in sequenced steps and using
opening, ending and the setting.
I can use a variety of sentence structures
I can write a more complex set of
and sentence openers and understand how
directions which
they can be used to create different
I can follow a logical sequence.
something happened.
I can design a more complex poster
I can write a story concentrating on the
conveying the idea or event and supporting
sequence of events.
details, using an appropriate format and
I can create my own poem, play or story
using a variety of structures.
I can independently design an informative
I can use appropriate language to describe
poster/leaflet/advertisement using
aspects of setting/scene and character.
persuasive language and appropriate
I can complete an application form giving
clear reasons for the request.
I can include supporting detail to clarify
and develop the points/facts made such as
photographs, diagrams, graphs
I can use terms and phrases which are
specific to the topic confidently and
I can include relevant information which is
organized in a logical order
I can write a clear, logically sequenced
report using topic sentences in each
I can include a suitable introduction and
conclusion or closing statement
I can make appropriate use of more
complex and a wide variety of persuasive
language and text features
ENG 2-31a Writing
The learner can:-
I can identify and use the elements that
are specific to different writing genres e.g.
poetry and rhyme, play scripts and layout,
I can write an account/story telling where,
when, how and why something happened.
I can develop characters in my stories
through their actions and feelings.
I can write a story concentrating on the
opening, ending and the setting.
I can use a variety of sentence structures
and sentence openers and understand how
they can be used to create different
I can write a story concentrating on the
sequence of events.
I can create my own poem, play or story
using a variety of structures.
I can use appropriate language to describe
aspects of setting/scene and character.
Numeracy & Maths Outcomes Securing Levels with Success Criteria
Maths Early Level
Bundle 1
Maths First Level
Maths Second Level
I can create my own marks and
pictures to represent numbers and
I can round numbers up or down –
nearest 10/100.
MNU 1-01a
I can use a range of mental strategies for
addition and subtraction for an extended range
of numbers – rounding and adjusting.
I can compare two quantities and tell
you which is more and which is less.
I can talk about how numbers are used
all around them.
I can use doubles, near doubles and halves to
help in calculations.
I can explore taking away quantities
from a bigger amount.
MNU 0-01a
I can count on and back in sequence, use
this to help me accurately count a group
of objects and know if my answer makes
I can notice and talk about numbers
that are around me and are special to
I can join in actively with counting
rhymes and songs.
I can touch, count aloud and move a
set of objects, actions and sounds up
to about five, recognising when there
are none.
I can match a written number to an
amount up to about five/ten, including
I can combine two quantities working
out how many I have altogether.
I can create a set of addition facts
for each number to five/ten.
I can use numbers to describe the order
of items.
I can discuss the digits in a number,
their position, their value and I know
why zero is important – up to at least
1 can count on and back in steps of 1,
10 and 100 and can describe how this
changes the digits in the number.
I can recognise and record numbers in
different formats – up to 100.
I can use the rule for the order of operations in
I can round a wide range of numbers to the
nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and use this to
MNU 2-01a
I can use my knowledge of place value to count,
read, write, partition and order numbers
I can use an extended range of numbers –
beyond 5 digits.
MNU 2-02a
I can recall number bonds quickly and accurately
and use multiples of 10 and 100 to create new
I can compare numbers and put them in
order – up to 100/1000/beyond 1000.
I can recall my table facts quickly and
accurately and can use multiples of 10 and 100
to create new facts.
I can use symbols to help describe
number relationships – up to at least
100. MNU 1-02a
I can work with the four operations using a
variety of strategies to solve calculations.
I understand what it means to share
and group in everyday life.
I can explore doubles.
I have explored numbers beyond 10.
MNU 0-02a
I can count on two from any given
number and relate this to adding on
I can count back one or two and relate
this to taking away one and two.
MNU 0-03a
I can create and complete number
sequences by repeatedly adding or
subtracting a number.
I can use and explain the connection
between addition and subtraction and can
work out related facts.
I can use pictures, jottings and models
to work out and record my addition and
subtraction calculations.
MNU 1-03a
I can multiply and divide by 1000.
I can change the order of numbers in a
calculation using brackets to show my thinking.
I can work out and record addition and
subtraction calculations using formal methods for
any whole numbers.
I can work out and record my division
calculations in a variety of different ways –
Chunking method (2-digit ÷ 1-digit); Expanded
method (2-digit ÷ 1-digit, 3-digit ÷ 1-digit, 2and 3-digit ÷ multiple of 10); Formal method
(2-digit ÷ 1-digit and 3-digit ÷ 1-digit).
I know how to extend my range of mental
strategies for multiplication – rounding and
I know how to extend my range of mental
strategies for multiplication – Multiples of 10,
100 and 1000.
I can work out & record multiplication
calculations in a variety of different ways – Grid
method (2-digit × 1-digit and 3-digit × 1-digit);
formal methods (2-digit × 2-digit and 3-digit ×
I can select and use the most appropriate
strategy to solve a calculation.
MNU 2-03a
I can use an extended range of numbers –
Negative numbers.
MNU 2-04a
I can explain and use the tests of divisibility.
I can explain how a number being odd or even helps
me to work out what it is divisible by.
I can use halving skills to test if numbers are
divisible by 4 and 8.
I can explain how the last digit can help test if a
number can be divided by 5 or 10.
I can work out the sum of the digits to test if it
is divisible by 3 or 9.
I can create a set of multiples and find common
multiples between tables.
I can work out factor pairs and work out which
numbers are prime.
MTH 2-05a
I can split a whole object into smaller
Bundle 2
I recognise smaller parts made from a
larger object and match.
MNU 0-07a
I understand what a half and a quarter
means – creating & identifying a
half/quarter of a shape and finding
half/quarter of a number; describing &
recording a half/quarter in a variety of
different ways and locating them on a
number line.
I understand what a tenth/fifth means –
creating & identifying tenths/fifths of a
shape and can find tenths of a number;
describing and recording tenths/fifths in
I can explain what a percentage is and how it
relates to fractions and decimals.
I can find a simple percentage of an amount
using knowledge of fractions.
I can demonstrate knowledge & understanding
that a division with a remainder can be
represented as a decimal or a fraction.
I can solve problems involving percentages finding a percentage of an amount; increase or
a variety of different ways and locating
them on a number line.
I can compare and order simple fractions
– halves, quarters, fifths and tenths
MNU 1-07a
MNU 1-07b
MTH 1-07c
Bundle 3
Use money in play.
I can explore different ways to sort
coins and notes.
MNU 0-09a
I can talk about and act out how and
why money is used in everyday life and
can recognise and name a range of coins
and notes.
I can total my coins and notes to work
out how much money I have.
I can find different ways to pay an
exact amount using a variety of coins and
I can work out the total cost, how I
should pay and any change I should
receive when buying several items.
MNU 1-09a
MNU 1-09b
decrease by a percentage.
MNU 2-07a
MNU 2-07b
MTH 2-07c
I can talk about the different ways that money
are represented and accessed.
I can talk about the different products and
services people spend money on and the choices
they make.
I have developed a sense of costs value and
I can compare deals and offers and talk about
what represents the best value.
I can plan and make choices for spending money
within a budget.
I can carry out an enterprise project and
present and discuss accounts, working out the
profit and/or loss involved.
MNU 2-09a
MNU 2-09b
MNU 2-09c
Bundle 4
I can engage in discussion about times
which are special to me.
I can engage in discussion about why time
is important in our lives.
I can engage in discussion about how people plan
their lives, using times and dates.
I can show that I am beginning to have
a sense of how I organize my time.
I can tell the time on digital and
analogue clocks – o’clock, half past,
quarter past, quarter to, multiples of 5
minutes and 1 minute times.
MNU 1-10a
I can tell any time on 12 hour digital and
analogue clocks.
I can engage in discussion about days,
months and seasons and relate this to
how they are shown on different
MNU 1-10b
I can explore the different time calculations
people carry out to help them plan their lives.
I can arrange times of my day and
other events in the year in order.
MNU 0-10a
I can read, interpret and create
timetables to help in planning their time.
MNU 1-10a/MNU 1-10b
I can measure how long it will take to do
something using non-standard units,
showing that I am beginning to have a
sense of how long a second, minute or
hour lasts.
I can estimate what I can do in
different lengths of time, checking my
estimates using a variety of different
timers and units of time.
MNU 1-10c
I can tell the time on 24 hour digital clocks,
relating this to 12 hour times.
I can explore how people plan and make decisions
about their time and how these are recorded.
MNU 2-10a
I can estimate and then measure how long tasks
or events will take and what I can achieve in a
given time period.
MNU 2-10b
I can explore the relationships between speed,
time and distance.
MNU 2-10c
I can solve a variety of problems involving time.
MNU 2-10a/MNU 2-10b/MNU 2-10c
Bundle 5
I have experimented with everyday
items as units of measure to
investigate and compare sizes and
amounts in my environment, sharing my
findings with others.
I can estimate how long or heavy an
object is, or what amount it holds, using
everyday things as a guide, then measure
or weigh it using appropriate instruments
and units.
I can explore objects which have
different sizes; different weights and
can hold different amounts.
I can engage in discussion about how
measurements are used all around them.
I can make comparisons between two
objects and say which is longer,
heavier or holds more.
I can make comparisons and order the
measurements of different objects, using
direct comparison and non-standard units
– length, weight, capacity and volume.
I can explore and make choices about
how they measure.
MNU 0-11a
I know how to explore the need for
standard units, talking about different
I can use my knowledge of the sizes of familiar
objects or places to assist me when making an
estimate of measure.
MNU 2-11a
I can use the common units of measure, convert
between related units of the metric system and carry
out calculations when solving problems.
I know how to engage in discussion about how and why
measurement is used in everyday life.
I know how scale can be used to help me represent
objects in drawings, plans and maps.
MNU 2-11b
I can use the measurements of everyday items to help
me estimate.
I can estimate, measure and compare
different quantities – length, weight,
area, capacity and volume.
I know how to estimate and measure items and then
check to see how close they were – capacity and liquid
volume; weight; length.
MNU 2-11a/MNU 2-11b
I can solve problems involving measures.
MNU 1-11a
I can explain how different methods can be used to
find the perimeter and area of a simple 2D shape or
volume of a simple 3D object.
I can estimate the area of a shape by
counting squares or other methods.
I can make comparisons and order the
measurements of different objects, using
direct comparison and non-standard units
– area.
MNU 1-11b
I know how to explore the area and perimeter of 2D
shapes and the volume of solid 3D objects – area and
perimeter of squares and rectangles; of compound
shapes using squares and rectangles and triangles;
volume of solid objects and their surface area.
MNU 2-11c
I can interpret a problem involving measures and find
a solution.
MNU 2-11a/MNU 2-11b/MNU 2-11c
Bundle 6
I can recognise, copy and continue a
I can create my own patterns in a
RELATIONSHIPS) variety of ways – singing, playing
instruments, using my body, art, block
play, weaving.
I know that numbers create patterns.
MTH 0-13a
I can describe, continue and make
patterns using shape and colour etc.
I understand odds and evens; time
I can design a pattern using isometric
MTH 1-13a
I can describe and continue simple
number sequences within 100.
I can estimate the place of a number on
a number line.
MTH 1-13b
I can compare and describe statements
using = and 
Bundle 7
I know and can use =, , , & 
MTH 1-15a
I can find missing number in statements
I can compare and describe 3+2=
I can replace a symbol with a number in
equations to 20/100/1000.
MTH 1-15b
I can look at a complex number sequence,
identify the rule being used and be able to apply
it to carry on/complete the sequence.
I can continue, identify and explain a sequence
involving square numbers; triangular numbers;
involving prime numbers.
I can continue, describe and understand more
complex linear patterns.
MTH 2-13a
I can find the output given input and a function.
I can find the missing numbers and/or operations
in more complex statements.
I can find the function given the input and
output; find the input given the function and
MTH 2-15a
Bundle 8
OF 2D & 3D
I can talk about shapes and objects
around me.
I can explore how different shapes fit
together to make a tiling pattern.
I can explore further a variety of 3D objects –
flat and curved surfaces.
I can create a model using 3D objects
and talk about what I have made.
I can create a picture or model using a
wide variety of 3D objects or 2D shapes.
I can explore how simple 3D objects can be
constructed from a net of 2D shapes.
I am beginning to see the link between
3D objects and 2D shapes.
MTH 0-16a
I can explore and talk about a range of
3D objects and 2D shapes.
I know how to create new shapes and patterns
by reflecting and rotating lines and shapes.
MTH 2-16a.
MTH 2-16b
MTH 2-16c
I can use the language of position and
turning to talk about where something
is and give directions.
MTH 0-17a
Bundle 9
I can make a symmetrical pattern with
different materials.
MTH 0-19a
I can name 3D objects and 2D shapes
and can sort them according to their
properties 2D shapes and the link to 3D
MTH 1-16a
MTH 1-16b
I can describe the position of a person
or object in my own way.
I know how to describe and make journeys using
the eight compass points.
I can give and follow directions using
simple language of movement and can
record these in their own way.
I know how to describe and make journeys using
the eight compass points.
MTH 2-17a/MTH 2-17b/MTH 2-17c
I can give and follow directions using an
extended range of vocabulary and can
record these in a variety of ways.
I can investigate how to estimate, create and
measure angles – Classifying angles using
knowledge of right angles; Estimating and
measuring with degrees; Creating and drawing
MTH 2-17a/MTH 2-17b
I can use the compass points to help me
locate positions and follow directions.
I know how to use right angles to help
me describe turns.
I can use my knowledge of right angles
to help me compare and describe the
angles in 2D shapes.
I know how to explore how right angles can be
measured in degrees and how this links to
fractions and compass points
MTH 2-17c
I know that scale is used to produce maps, plans
and diagrams.
I can record and interpret a route or
journey using pictures, symbols and maps
MTH 1-17a
I can use scale to interpret maps, plans and
MTH 2-17d
I know how explore different grid
systems and can use them to describe
and locate positions.
MTH 1-18a
I can read and use a coordinate system to
locate a point on a grid; to plot a point on a
I can identify and mark lines of
symmetry on a range of different
I can make my own symmetrical pictures
and patterns and can recognise when a
shape or pattern is symmetrical.
Bundle 10
I can collect objects and ask questions
to gather information, organising and
displaying my findings in different ways
I can ask questions to help gather
information and display findings in
different ways.
MNU 0-20a
I can match objects, and sort using my
own and others’ criteria, sharing my
ideas with others.
I can sort when playing and in everyday
I can make my own symmetrical pictures
and patterns and can recognise when a
shape or pattern is symmetrical.
MTH 1-19a
I have explored a variety of ways in
which data is presented and can ask and
answer questions about the information it
I know how to explore and gather
examples of the different ways that
information is collected and presented in
their world and how it helps them.
MNU 1-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect
information and can sort it in a logical,
organised and imaginative way using my
own and others’ criteria.
I can record locations using coordinates
MTH 2-18a
I know how to create shapes and patterns by
reflecting and rotating lines and shapes.
MTH 2-19a
Having discussed the variety of ways and range
of media used to present data, I can interpret
and draw conclusions from the information
displayed, recognising that the presentation may
be misleading.
MNU 2-20a
I have carried out investigations and surveys,
devising and using a variety of methods to
gather information and have worked with others
to collate, organise and communicate the results
in an appropriate way.
I know how to explore and design questionnaires
to help them answer questions and solve
MNU 1-20b
I can sort in a variety of different
ways according to own and others’
MNU 0-20b
I can use the signs and charts around
me for information, helping me plan and
make choices and decisions in my daily
I can create and ‘read’ signs and
MNU 0-20c
Using technology and other methods, I
can display data simply, clearly and
accurately by creating tables, charts and
diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a
I can sort and organise objects based on
own and others’ criteria and talk about
what was done.
I can create and use own questions to
find out information and display findings
in different ways.
I know how information can be sorted
and displayed in different ways, talking
about what was done – One or two
criteria: Venn, Carroll and tree
I can devise and use simple
questionnaires to collect information
I can select and use the most
appropriate way to display information
MNU 1-20a/MNU 1 – 20b/ MTH 1 – 21a
MNU 2-20b
I can display data in a clear way using a suitable
scale, by choosing appropriately from an
extended range of tables, charts, diagrams and
graphs, making effective use of technology.
MTH 2-21a
I know how to explore and gather examples of
the different ways that information is collected
and presented in my world and how it helps me.
MNU 2-20b/MTH 2-21a
I know how to display information in pictograms,
bar and bar line graphs and understand the
impact of scale on these.
I can sort data using Venn, Carroll and tree
I can interpret information presented in a pie
I can interpret and create line graphs.
MNU 2-20a/MTH 2-21a
I can guess/ predict Heads and tail; how
many times the dice will land on ‘6’ in a
Bundle 11
Bundle 12
I can use language to describe likelihood
of events occurring.
I can describe events using language like:
likely, probable, unlikely; certain, never;
possible, impossible.
I can participate in discussions about life
regarding the ‘chances of x happening’
MNU 1-22a
I can list all the possible outcomes of an event,
such as rolling a die.
I can assign a numerical value to the likelihood of
the occurrence of simple events understanding,
for example: equal chance; fifty-fifty; one in two
or two in three; percentage chance.
I am aware of how the implications of chance are
used in daily routines, decision making and the
I understand the meaning of fair, unfair and
MNU 2-22a
I can discuss the important part numbers
play in the world.
I can name various ways that mathematics has
impacted on the world and discuss these.
I can read and write Roman Numerals to
I know that maths is incorporated in some
everyday objects e.g. computer, games console.
I know our numbers are Arabic.
MTH 1-12a
I know how Maths has played its part in
advances and inventions and can give examples.
MTH 2-12a
Food & Health
Early Level
Bundle E1
Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking and learning
about different foods, discovering ways in which eating
and drinking may help us to grow and keep healthy.
HWB 0-30a
I enjoy eating a diversity of foods in a range of social
HWB 0-29a
I know that people need different kinds of food to keep
them healthy.
HWB 0-32a
I explore and discover where foods come from as I
choose, prepare and taste different foods.
HWB 0-35a
First Level
Bundle F1
Second Level
Bundle S1
By investigating the range of foods available I can
discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet.
By applying my knowledge and understanding of
current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a
healthy eating plan.
HWB 1-30a
I experience a sense of enjoyment and achievement
when preparing simple healthy foods and drinks.
HWB 1-30b
I am beginning to understand that nutritional needs
change at different stages of life, for example the role
of breastfeeding in infant nutrition.
HWB 1-32a
When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am
becoming aware of the journeys which foods make
from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local
availability and their sustainability.
HWB 1-35a
HWB 2-30a
I understand that people at different life stages have
differing nutritional needs and that some people
may eat or avoid certain foods.
HWB 2-32a
Through exploration and discussion, I can
understand that food practices and preferences are
influenced by factors such as food sources, finance,
culture and religion.
HWB 2-34a
When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am
becoming aware of the journeys which foods make
from source to consumer, their seasonality, their
local availability and their sustainability.
HWB 1-35a / HWB 2-35a
By investigating food labelling systems, I can begin
to understand how to use them to make healthy
food choices.
Bundle E2
I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and
safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this
knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care
of my teeth.
HWB 0-33a
HWB 2-36a
Bundle F2
Bundle S2
I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and
safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this
knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking
care of my teeth.
Having learned about cleanliness, hygiene and
safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday
routines, understanding their importance to health
and wellbeing.
HWB 1-33a
HWB 2-33a
Bundle F3
Bundle S3
I am discovering the different ways that advertising
and the media can affect my choices.
HWB 1-37a
I can understand how advertising and the media are
used to influence consumers.
HWB 2-37a
Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing
Early Level
First Level
Bundle E1
Bundle F1
Second Level
Bundle S1
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am
developing the ability to talk about them.
HWB 0-01a
I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and
emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am
learning ways of managing them.
HWB 0-02a
I understand that there are people I can talk to and that
there are a number of ways in which I can gain access
to practical and emotional support to help me and others
in a range of circumstances.
HWB 0-03a
I understand that my feelings and reactions can change
depending upon what is happening within and around
me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and
the way others behave.
HWB 0-04a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality
and love are important in building positive relationships.
As I develop and value relationships, I care and show
respect for myself and others.
HWB 0-05a
I am learning skills and strategies which will support me
in challenging times, particularly in relation to change
and loss.
HWB 0-7a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how
to give appropriate support.
HWB 0-08a
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am
developing the ability to talk about them.
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and
am developing the ability to talk about them.
HWB 1-01a
HWB 2-01a
I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and
emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am
learning ways of managing them .
I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts
and emotions that affect how we feel and behave
and I am learning ways of managing them .
HWB 1-02a
HWB 2-02a
I understand that there are people I can talk to and
that there are a number of ways in which I can gain
access to practical and emotional support to help me
and others in a range of circumstances.
I understand that there are people I can talk to and
that there are a number of ways in which I can gain
access to practical and emotional support to help
me and others in a range of circumstances.
Bundle E2
Bundle F2
I am learning skills and strategies which will support me
in challenging times, particularly in relation to change
and loss.
HWB 0-7a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how
to give appropriate support.
HWB 0-08a
HWB 1-03a
HWB 2-03a
I understand that my feelings and reactions can
change depending upon what is happening within and
around me. This helps me to understand my own
behaviour and the way others behave.
I understand that my feelings and reactions can
change depending upon what is happening within
and around me. This helps me to understand my
own behaviour and the way others behave.
HWB 1-04a
HWB 2-04a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness,
equality and love are important in building positive
relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I
care and show respect for myself and others.
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness,
equality and love are important in building positive
relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I
care and show respect for myself and others.
HWB 1-05a
HWB 2-05a
I am learning skills and strategies which will support
me in challenging times, particularly in relation to
change and loss.
I am learning skills and strategies which will support
me in challenging times, particularly in relation to
change and loss.
HWB 1-07a
HWB 2-07a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning
how to give appropriate support.
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning
how to give appropriate support.
HWB 1-08a
HWB 2-08a
I am learning skills and strategies which will support
me in challenging times, particularly in relation to
change and loss.
HWB 1-07a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning
how to give appropriate support.
Bundle S2
I am learning skills and strategies which will support
me in challenging times, particularly in relation to
change and loss.
HWB 2-07a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be
misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning
how to give appropriate support.
As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled,
I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and
accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show
respect for the rights of others.
HWB 0-09a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given
to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can
help to encourage learning and confidence in others.
HWB 0-11a
Representing my class, school and/or wider community
encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows
me to contribute to and participate in society.
HWB 0-12a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a
part in bringing about positive change in my school and
wider community.
HWB 0-13a
In everyday activity and play, I explore and make
choices to develop my learning and interests. I am
encouraged to use and share my experiences.
HWB 0-19a
HWB 1-08a
As I explore the rights to which I and others are
entitled, I am able to exercise these rights
appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go
with them. I show respect for the rights of others.
HWB 1-09a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am
given to improve and manage my learning and, in
turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence
in others.
HWB 1-11a
Representing my class, school and/or wider
community encourages my self-worth and confidence
and allows me to contribute to and participate in
HWB 1-12a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I
play a part in bringing about positive change in my
school and wider community.
HWB 1-13a
Through taking part in a variety of events and
activities, I am learning to recognise my own skills and
abilities as well as those of others.
HWB 1-19a
Bundle E3
Bundle F3
I understand the importance of mental wellbeing and
that this can be fostered and strengthened through
personal coping skills and positive relationships. I know
that it is not always possible to enjoy good mental health
and that if this happens there is support available.
HWB 0-06a
I am developing my understanding of the human body
and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my
wellbeing and health.
HWB 0-15a
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect
myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm
when possible.
HWB 0-16a
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and
others safe and how to respond in a range of
I understand the importance of mental wellbeing and
that this can be fostered and strengthened through
personal coping skills and positive relationships. I
know that it is not always possible to enjoy good
mental health and that if this happens there is support
HWB 1-06a
I am developing my understanding of the human body
and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve
my wellbeing and health.
HWB 1-15a
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect
myself and others, and to reduce the potential for
harm when possible.
HWB 1-16a
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and
others safe and how to respond in a range of
HWB 2-08a
As I explore the rights to which I and others are
entitled, I am able to exercise these rights
appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go
with them. I show respect for the rights of others.
HWB 2-09a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am
given to improve and manage my learning and, in
turn, I can help to encourage learning and
confidence in others.
HWB 2-11a
Representing my class, school and/or wider
community encourages my self-worth and
confidence and allows me to contribute to and
participate in society.
HWB 2-12a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I
play a part in bringing about positive change in my
school and wider community.
HWB 2-13a
Opportunities to carry out different activities and
roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to
identify my achievements, skills and areas for
development. This will help me to prepare for the
next stage in my life and learning.
HWB 2-19a
Bundle S3
I understand the importance of mental wellbeing
and that this can be fostered and strengthened
through personal coping skills and positive
relationships. I know that it is not always possible to
enjoy good mental health and that if this happens
there is support available.
HWB 2-06a
I am developing my understanding of the human
body and can use this knowledge to maintain and
improve my wellbeing and health.
HWB 2-15a
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect
myself and others, and to reduce the potential for
harm when possible.
HWB 2-16a
emergency situations.
HWB 0-17a
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.
HWB 0-18a
emergency situations.
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself
and others safe and how to respond in a range of
emergency situations.
HWB 1-18a
HWB 2-17a
HWB 1-17a
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.
HWB 2-18a
Bundle F4
Bundle E4
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of
abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school
community one which values individuals equally and is a
welcoming place for all.
HWB 0-10a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a
part in bringing about positive change in my school and
wider community.
HWB 0-13a
I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and
be part of a group in a range of situations.
HWB 0-14a
Bundle E5
I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do
and I am finding out about the wider world of work.
HWB 0-20a
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of
abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school
community one which values individuals equally and
is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 1-10a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I
play a part in bringing about positive change in my
school and wider community.
HWB 1-13a
I value the opportunities I am given to make friends
and be part of a group in a range of situations.
HWB 1-14a
Bundle S4
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend
of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my
school community one which values individuals
equally and is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 2-10a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I
play a part in bringing about positive change in my
school and wider community.
HWB 2-13a
I value the opportunities I am given to make friends
and be part of a group in a range of situations.
HWB 2-14a
Bundle F5
Bundle S5
I can describe some of the kinds of work that people
do and I am finding out about the wider world of work.
I am investigating different careers/occupations,
ways of working, and learning and training paths. I
am gaining experience that helps me recognise the
relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my
future life.
HWB 1-20a
HWB 2-20a
Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport
Early Level
First Level
Bundle E1
Bundle F1
I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feelings
especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I
recognise the need to follow rules.
HWB 0-23a
I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in
different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and
HWB 0-25a
I know that being active is a healthy way to be.
HWB 0-27a
Second Level
Bundle S1
I can follow and understand rules and procedures,
developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I
recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of
practical activities.
While working and learning with others, I improve
my range of skills, demonstrate tactics and achieve
identified goals.
HWB 1-23a
I am experiencing enjoyment and achievement on a
daily basis by taking part in different kinds of
energetic physical activities of my choosing,
including sport and opportunities for outdoor
learning, available at my place of learning and in the
wider community.
Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying
daily opportunities to participate in physical activities
and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor
HWB 1-25a
I am aware of the role physical activity plays in
keeping me healthy and know that I also need to sleep
and rest, to look after my body.
HWB 1-27a
HWB 2-23a
HWB 2-25a
I can explain why I need to be active on a daily
basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a
good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity.
HWB 2-27a
Bundle E2
Bundle F2
I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to
manage and control it and finding out how to use and
share space.
HWB 0-21a
I am developing my movement skills through practice
and energetic play.
HWB 0-22a
By exploring and observing movement, I can describe
what I have learned about it.
HWB 0-24a
I can describe how I feel after taking part in energetic
activities and I am becoming aware of some of the
changes that take place in my body.
HWB 0-28a
I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills
to create movement patterns and sequences. This has
motivated me to practise and improve my skills to
develop control and flow.
HWB 1-21a
I am developing skills and techniques and improving
my level of performance and fitness.
HWB 1-22a
I can recognise progress and achievement by
discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and
accepting feedback.
HWB 1-24a
By reflecting on my own and others’ work and
evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise
improvement and achievement and use this to
progress further.
Bundle S2
As I encounter new challenges and contexts for
learning, I am encouraged and supported to
demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply
movement skills and strategies, creatively,
accurately and with control.
HWB 2-21a
I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to
improve my performance. I am developing and
sustaining my levels of fitness.
HWB 2-22a
By reflecting on my own and others’ work and
evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise
improvement and achievement and use this to
progress further.
HWB 2-24a
HWB 2-24a
I understand that my body needs energy to function
and that this comes from the food I eat. I am exploring
how physical activity contributes to my health and
HWB 1-28a
I have investigated the role of sport and the
opportunities it may offer me. I am able to access
opportunities for participation in sport and the
development of my performance in my place of
learning and beyond.
HWB 2-26a
I can explain the links between the energy I use
while being physically active, the food I eat, and my
health and wellbeing.
HWB 2-28a
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood
Early Level
First Level
Bundle E1
Bundle F1
I am aware of how friendships are formed and that likes,
dislikes, special qualities and needs can influence
HWB 0-44a
I am aware of the need to respect personal space and
boundaries and can recognise and respond
appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication.
HWB 0-45b
I recognise that we have similarities and differences but
are all unique.
HWB 0-47a
Bundle E2
I understand positive things about friendships and
relationships but when something worries or upsets me I
know who I should talk to.
HWB 0-44b
I know that there are people in our lives who care for
and look after us and I am aware that people may be
cared for by parents, carers or other adults.
HWB 0-45a
Bundle E3
I am aware of my growing body and I am learning the
correct names for its different parts and how they work.
HWB 0-47b
I am learning what I can do to look after my body and
who can help me.
HWB 0-48a
I am aware of how friendships are formed and that
likes, dislikes, special qualities and needs can
influence relationships.
HWB 1-44a
I understand positive things about friendships and
relationships but when something worries or upsets
me I know who I should talk to.
HWB 1-44b
I am aware of the need to respect personal space and
boundaries and can recognise and respond
appropriately to verbal and non-verbal
HWB 1-45b
Second Level
Bundle S1
I understand that a wide range of different kinds of
friendships and relationships exist.
HWB 2-44a
I am aware that positive friendships and
relationships can promote health and the health and
wellbeing of others.
HWB 2-44b
I am aware of the need to respect personal space
and boundaries and can recognise and respond
appropriately to verbal and non-verbal
HWB 2-45b
I recognise that we have similarities and differences
but are all unique.
HWB 1-47a
Bundle F2
Bundle S2
I know that there are people in our lives who care for
and look after us and I am aware that people may be
cared for by parents, carers or other adults.
HWB 1-45a
I am identifying and practising skills to manage
changing relationships and I understand the positive
impact this can have on my emotional wellbeing.
HWB 2-45a
Bundle F3
Bundle S3
I am learning what I can do to look after my body and
who can help me.
HWB 1-48a
I am aware of my growing body and I am learning the
correct names for its different parts and how they
HWB 1-47b
I am learning about respect for my body and what
behaviour is right and wrong. I know who I should talk
to if I am worried about this.
HWB 1-49a
I am learning about where living things come from and
about how they grow, develop and are nurtured.
HWB 1-50a
I am able to show an awareness of the tasks required
to look after a baby.
HWB 1-51a
I recognise that how my body changes can affect
how I feel about myself and how I may behave.
HWB 2-47a
I can describe the physical and emotional changes
during puberty, understand why they are taking
place and the importance of personal hygiene.
HWB 2-48a
I know that all forms of abuse are wrong and I am
developing the skills to keep myself safe and get
help if I need it.
HWB 2-49a
I am able to describe how human life begins and
how a baby is born.
HWB 2-50a
I can describe the role of a parent/carer and the
skills, commitment and qualities the role requires.
HWB 2-51a
Substance Misuse
Early Level
Bundle E1
First Level
Bundle F1
Second Level
Bundle S1
I understand there are things I should not touch or eat
and how to keep myself safe, and I am learning what is
meant by medicines and harmful substances.
HWB 0-38a
I know that there are medicines and some other
substances that can be used in a safe way to improve
health and I am becoming aware of how choices I
make can affect my health and wellbeing.
I understand the effect that a range of substances
including tobacco and alcohol can have on the
HWB 1-38a
I know that popular culture, the media and peer
groups as well as my own attitudes and values can
influence how I feel about substance use and
recognise the impact this may have on my actions.
I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and
HWB 0-42a
HWB 2-38a
HWB 2-39a
I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s
ability to make decisions.
HWB 2-40a
I can identify the different kinds of risks associated
with the use and misuse of a range of substances.
HWB 2-41a
I know of actions I can take to help someone in an
HWB 2-42a
I understand the impact that misuse of substances
can have on individuals, their families and friends.
HWB 2-43a
Purple relates to Christianity
Green relates to Other World Religions
Religious and Moral Outcomes Securing Levels Success Criteria
In working at becoming secure at CfE Levels children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in any particular order.
Early Level
First Level
Second Level
Bundle 1
I can identify that some people believe Jesus is
the son of God and can tell you something about
why they think he is special
RME 0-01a
Bundle 1
I can tell you that some people think that Jesus
was the son of God sent him to tell his stories &
live on Earth
RME 1-01a
RME 1-02a
Bundle 1
I can explain that there are different parts of the Bible
and can explain why its stories are important both in the
past and still today
RME 2-01a
I can say how I feel about a family celebration
RME 0-01a
I can relate a simple version of the Christmas
Story and at least one other religious story, e.g.
Noah & ask relevant questions about them
RME 0-01a
I am able to relate some simple religious beliefs,
e.g. be kind
RME 0-01a
I can use religious stories to help me think about
my own feelings and experiences
RME 0-01a
I can use some religious words in context
RME 0-01a
I can show a simple understanding of
RME 0-01a
I can identify some Christian artefacts &
symbols and respect
I can remember some stories (parables, gospels &
miracles) which Jesus told & talk about how they
influence peoples’ lives
RME 1-01a
RME 1-02a
RME 1-02b
I can give examples of a commandments, gospel stories,
parables & a miracles & can present them in a variety of
ways to show the moral values being depicted within them
RME 2-01a
RME 2-02a
I can identify some key Christian figures & explain how
these people have impacted upon the lives of others & how
I can talk about a specific world religion story which they have influenced the development of Christian morality
reflects a key belief & talk about what it is telling
& values
RME 2-02a
RME 1-04a
RME 1-05a
I can listen & ask relevant questions to extend my
knowledge & understanding of other points of view & use
this to form my own opinions
I can talk about some important festivals and
RME 2-02b
customs, other than Christian ones, within the local
community & can tell you why they are important &
I can explain why human rights are an important part of
how they influence lives
our society
RME 1-05a
RME 2-02b
Through presentations I can explain the meaning behind a
I can retell a story from a particular faith & explain variety of religious stories & explain how values are evident
the moral behind it
in today’s society
RME 1-05b
RME 2-04a
and ask relevant questions
RME 0-01a
RME 2-05a
I can identify some key figures & explain how these
figures have impacted upon the lives of others & how they
have influenced the development of religious morality
RME 2-05a
I am able to identify the people who care for me
RME 0-01a
I can talk about stories from other religions
RME 0-04a
Bundle 2
I can talk about some Christian festivals &
customs e.g. Christmas & Easter & how these are
RME 0-03a
Bundle 2
I can present information which I have found out
about Christian festivals & answer relevant
RME 1-03b
I can offer my thoughts about what Christians
RME 0-03a
I can produce a calendar of my family celebrations
RME 1-03b
I can talk about stories from other religions
RME 0-04a
I can talk about another World Religion festival &
customs e.g.
Diwali & Hannukah & how these are celebrated
RME 0-06a
I can explain what it means to be a member of
that religion
RME 0-06a
I can talk about the most common Christian
practices & identify key Christian artefacts
& talk about their significance & how the are used
within Christian practice
RME 1-01b
I can identify significant Christian places within
Scotland & elsewhere
RME 1-01b
I can discuss the main characteristics & practices
of Christian Communities in the area in which I live
& why
RME 1-03a
I can ask relevant questions to develop my
knowledge & understanding of Christian practices &
I can talk about human rights & explain how these can be
achieved – within my school, local community, country,
RME 2-05b
Bundle 2
I can identify key Christian figures, beliefs & practices
within various Christian denominations & explain their
RME 2-01b
RME 2-03a
I can name the main artefacts used within the practices of
various Christian denominations & explain their importance
RME 2-03a
I can write or talk about the various characteristics and
beliefs in religions and their stories
RME 2-04a
I can give examples of how various faiths worship & the
artefacts which are significant to them
RME 2-06a
I can name the major life events within various World
Religions & explain how these are celebrated
RME 2-06b
identify similarities & differences between the
RME 1-03a
I can identify religious places linked to other World
Religions both within Scotland & elsewhere
RME 1-04b
I can talk about the most common practices within
selected World Religions
RME 1-04b
I can identify the most common artefacts & talk about the
significance of them & how the are currently used within the
identified World Religion
RME 1-04b
Bundle 3
I can listen & ask relevant questions to extend
my knowledge & understanding of other points of
RME 0-07a
I can talk about other World Religions and
explain their beliefs, values & customs
RME 0-07a
I can share my own ideas and feelings & explain
why I think this
Bundle 3
I can demonstrate through a range of media my
own family celebrations & discuss how we celebrate
these events & why these are important to me &
my family
RME 1-01c
Bundle 3
I can give examples of religious behaviour & events. both
Christian & non, and how these l reflect key religious
principles & teaching
RME 2-01c
RME 2-04c
I can talk about what I think when finding out about I can make & explain decisions based on my own values &
other religious beliefs
beliefs & talk about others who have done the same &
RME 1-04c
recognise that our beliefs influence our behaviour
RME 2-01c
I can demonstrate through a range of media how
RME 2-04c
RME 0-07a
I can talk about things which have happened to
me that have been unfair & suggest how these
could have been made fair
RME 0-09a
I can talk about how you care for different
things / creatures
RME 0-09a
I can give examples of how I look after the
World around me e.g. picking up litter, watering
plants, recycling
RME 0-09a
I can begin to understand other children’s
feelings & how my behaviour can make them feel
RME 0-02a
RME 0-05a
families of other World Religions celebrate events
& why these are important to them
RME 1-04c
I can listen & ask relevant questions to extend my
knowledge & understanding of other points of view
RME 1-07a
RME 1-08a
RME 1-09a
I can talk about other World Religions and explain
their beliefs, values & customs
RME 1-07a
I can share my own ideas and feelings & explain
why I think this
RME 1-07a
RME 1-08a
I can explain fairness is important
RME 1-07a
I can wait patiently until it is my turn when
playing & doing activities
RME 0-02a
RME 0-05a
I can explain how what I think can affect my
RME 1-08a
I can begin to explain what fair means to me
RME 0-02a
RME 0-05a
I can identify school values & explain why we have
RME 1-09a
I can talk about people who help me e.g. lollipop
RME 0-02a
RME 0-05a
I can name which values are important to me &
explain why
RME 1-09b
I can begin to identify what is fair and unfair in
I can listen to other people’s values & ask relevant
questions to understand why they are important to
RME 2-08a
RME 2-09d
I can research, identify and explain the key characteristics
within a traditional World Religion & can ask relevant
questions to extend my knowledge & understanding
RME 2-06c
RME 2-07a
I can listen to alternative points of views and ask relevant
questions to extend my knowledge & understanding
RME 2-08a
I can research & identify key people whose beliefs have
influenced lives today e.g. Bob Geldof, current First
Minister of Scotland, Head teachers etc.
RME 2-09b
RME 2-09a
I can name the four values inscribed on the Scottish mace
(wisdom, justice, integrity & compassion) & explain what
these mean for people in Scotland
RME 2-09c
RME 2-09d
different situations
RME 0-02a
RME 0-05a
RME 1-09b
I can identify times when I have been allowed / not
allowed & why
RME 1-09c
Bundle 4
I can review a variety of Christian celebrations, festivals &
customs & can explain how different denominations mark
them both within Scotland & abroad
RME 2-03b
RME 2-03c
I can research key religious figures & their beliefs to
explain the impact which they have/ had
RME 2-04b
Curriculum Coverage Sciences Outcomes Securing Early Level
In working at becoming secure at CFE Levels children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in any particular order.
Bundle 1
I can classify under the headings living, nonliving and once living.
SCN 0-01a
I know what living things are and I can sort
them into groups (e.g.: plants and animals.)
SCN 0-01a
I can identify special features of living things
i.e. movement, respiration, feeding, excretion,
sensitivity, growth & reproduction.
SCN 0-01a
SCN 0-03a
I can describe how animals and plants depend
on each other for their basic needs i.e. food,
shelter, warmth, water, air & exercise.
SCN 0-01a
SCN 0-03a
I can plant a seed and record its growth.
SCN 0-03a
I can label a plant with root, stem, leaf & flower.
SCN 0-03a
I know seeds are found in the fruits produced by
SCN 0-03a
Bundle 1
I can explain the difference between living & non-living
things. Living things involve: respiration, movement,
reproduction, feeding, excretion, growth & sensitivity.
Non-living things cannot.)
SCN 1-01a
I can sort living things into plant & animal groups using a
variety of features including hair, fur, scales, wings,
feathers, flowering & non-flowering plants.
SCN 1-01a
I know that the Sun is the main source of energy and
I am aware that energy can be taken in by green plants.
They are the ultimate source of food for virtually all
living things.
I can use the terms producer/ consumer,
predator/hunter and prey/hunted.
I know about, can use and can construct a simple food
chain and can identify the structure of a food chain in a
specific habitat.
I can describe what seeds/ plants need to germinate/
grow i.e. water, warmth, air & stored food/ light, water
and air.
Bundle 1
I can use a simple key to identify a living thing.
I can classify into vertebrates and invertebrates and
explain my reasons.
I can discuss the 5 vertebrate groups/ 7 invertebrate
groups and their characteristics.
I can describe how plants and animals have adapted to
their environment.
I can suggest reasons why some species are extinct or
endangered and why others have increased chances of
survival e.g. the changing environment/ activities of man.
SCN 2-01a
1 I can use the terms primary & secondary producer &
I can use the terms herbivore, carnivore & omnivore.
I know and can explain the energy flow within a food
I understand that a change in one part of a food
chain/web will affect other parts of the chain/web.
2 I can design a wildlife area and explain my reasoning
behind choices made.
I can manage and build on an existing wildlife area
explain my reasoning behind choices made.
I can explain the effects of fertiliser on plant growth.
I know some of the benefits & risks associated with
I can describe the purpose of a fertiliser and what they
may contain.
I know genetic information is passed from one generation
to the next and can be seen in characteristics such as: shape of body, colour of eyes, hair etc. and that specific
information which corresponds to any given
characteristic is called a gene.
I know in organisms such as animals and plants one set of
genetic material is inherited from each parent; half from
the mother, half from the father.
I know some characteristics may skip one or more
I can use & construct simple diagrams to describe how
characteristics can be passed down through subsequent
generations e.g. brown eyes, striped wings.
I know a family is a group which share the same genetic
characteristics. For example, cat family, dog family,
human family, flowering plants family
In each family group e.g. the cat family there are a large
number of different types of cats - cat, tiger, lion, and
puma. This is known as variation.
I can explain simply the difference between organic and
intensive farming methods.
I can describe how plants have benefited society in many
ways i.e. Food, medicine, dyes, paper, fuels, construction,
1 I know all species have specific methods of
I know the journey from birth to death is known as the
life cycle which is specific for each individual species.
I know there are two distinct groups in the animal
kingdom - vertebrates and invertebrates
I can compare the lifecycles of the five main types of
fish - spawn
bird - eggs which are rigid but fragile
amphibian (frog) - spawn and metamorphosis
reptile (snake) - leathery shelled eggs
mammal - live young
I can compare the lifecycles of some invertebrates e.g.
butterfly, spider.
I can name the parts of a plant and their functions –
root, stem, leaf, flower
I can name the parts of a flower – sepal, petal, stamen,
anther, filament, stigma, style, ovary, ovule
I can name the reproductive cells in a flower - male –
anther, pollen
female –
ovary, ovule
I can describe how pollination occurs when the male
cell(pollen) lands on the stigma.
I can describe cross pollination is brought about by
insects or wind.
I can describe how fertilisation occurs when the male
cell fuses with the female cell
I know this is known as sexual reproduction
I know the fertilized ovule develops into a seed, the
ovary ripens to form a fruit.
I know seeds are dispersed by - wind, water, animals
(eaten or caught in their coats) and mechanical
I know some plants may reproduce asexually (vegetative
propagation e.g. runners in strawberry plant)
I know some plants e.g. ferns & mushrooms are nonflowering, they reproduce by spores.
I know a seed is made up of a seed coat, food store and
an embryo; a seed needs water, air, a food store and
warmth to germinate; a seed develops into a new plant.
2 The study of inherited characteristics is genetics
A gene is the unit of inheritance passed from one
generation to the next
Genes are long strands of DNA.
In most living things half DNA is a gene from one parent
and half from another.
Characteristics such as eye and hair colour, heights,
right/left handedness are inherited characteristics.
Environmental factors e.g. diet can affect how a gene is
expressed e.g. weight, intelligence.
Every living thing has its own DNA fingerprint.
Bundle 2
1 Energy Transfer
I know that there are different kinds of
energy to make things work.
I can name different kinds of energy i.e.
electricity, movement, heat & light.
2 Energy Sources
I know human beings, petrol, batteries &
wind-up springs are sources of energy.
3 Energy Uses
I know many toys and appliances need
energy to work.
Balanced & Unbalanced Forces
I can use words push & pull to describe how
things move.
Forces & Speed
Bundle 2
1 Energy Transfer
I can describe the sun as our main source of heat & light
energy, and how this affects our growth & survival.
I can describe how our bodies transfer energy for our
growth & survival.
2 Energy Sources
I know heat & light energy comes from the sun.
I know light energy comes from lights.
I know that sound energy comes from the voice, radio,
telephone, musical instruments etc.
3 Energy Uses
I can explain how energy is used in everyday life i.e.
Heat, Light & Sound.
Balanced & Unbalanced Forces
I can describe forces which can change the shape if
some materials – twisting, rolling, bending, squeezing,
stretching, blowing.
I know that to move an object we need to apply aI force.
know if a push & pull are equal to one another there is
I can investigate how pushing and pulling can
no movement (balanced force)
move objects, start/stop, speed up/slow
down or change direction.
Forces & Speed
I know that humans, wind, water, animals &
machinery can make things move by pushing & I can describe the impact of a force on a moving object –
may change the speed, direction, distance or shape.
I know about friction and that this causes moving objects
to slow down.
Force at a Distance
I know & can explain the following:
Magnets exert a force
Magnets attract certain materials - iron and iron alloys
Magnets have a north pole and a south pole
Bundle 2
1 Energy Transfer
I can describe the law of conservation of energy – that
energy can be converted from one form to another but
cannot be created or destroyed.
I can describe the energy transfers that are occurring
around us every day, e.g. in everyday appliances.
I know when energy transfers take place energy is lost,
the less energy lost the more efficient the transfer.
2 Energy Sources
I know and explain the terms renewable and nonrenewable.
I know coal, oil & gas are fossil fuels and are nonrenewable.
I know and can describe alternative sources of energy
including wind, wave, solar, geothermal & nuclear.
I can describe Scotland’s use of energy today and
contribute to discussions of energy sources in the
3 Energy Uses
I know that most of our electrical energy is supplied by
power stations and is transferred to our homes by power
lines called the National Grid.
I can describe the impact of using fossil fuels, including
pollution, greenhouse effect & global warming.
I can describe the impact of using nuclear power,
including storage of radioactive waste.
I can describe the impact of renewable sources of
energy, including wind farms.
Balanced & Unbalanced Forces
I know that friction is a force caused by one surface
rubbing against another.
I know that air resistance is a type of friction.
I can investigate how to reduce air resistance by
The terms attract and repel are used to describe the
pushing and pulling effects of magnets
Like poles repel
Unlike poles attract
Magnets have many uses in everyday life
I can apply this knowledge to can work with others to
design a game.
Forces & Speed
I know about and can describe the following:
Friction slows down or stops moving objects
Friction tries to prevent objects moving
Friction can be useful e.g. tyres gripping on roads/brakes
Friction can be a problem e.g. opening a door/ moving
parts of a bicycle
Friction can be increased by making a surface rougher
Friction can be decreased by smoothing the surface or
using a lubricant
Air resistance is caused by the surface of an object
moving through the air.
The amount of air resistance depends on the speed of an
object and its surface area.
Air resistance can be useful e.g. parachutes
Air resistance can be a problem e.g. cars, aeroplanes and
Air resistance can be reduced by streamlining.
Force at a Distance
I know & can explain the following:
All things are pulled towards the centre of the Earth this pull is caused by gravity
Gravitational Force can be measured with a Forcemeter
or Newtonmeter and is measured in Newtons.
Some objects may become electrically charged by
rubbing two surfaces together – the charges produce an
electrostatic force
There are two kinds of static charge – positive &
Magnets are mostly made from iron or iron alloys
Magnets exert a force
Magnets attract certain materials
Magnets have a North Pole and a South Pole
Like poles repel / unlike poles attract
Magnets in a compass point North because of the
direction of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Know that magnetic and electrostatic forces can both
repel and attract.
These forces of attraction and repulsion have a variety
of uses in everyday life
I can apply this knowledge to can work with others to
explore practical applications.
Bundle 3
Bundle 3
Bundle 3
I know that water exists in three states i.e.
solid, liquid, gas.
I can describe how water changes state i.e.
water freezes, ice melts, steam condenses,
and water boils.
I can describe water changing state in
everyday occurrences.
1 I can describe changes in the state of water i.e. boiling,
melting, evaporating, condensing & freezing.
I can describe the properties of water in each state i.e.
liquid flows, solid keeps its shape, gasses go everywhere.
2 I can apply the above to discuss the water cycle – the
heat from the sun makes standing water change into
water vapour which will fall again as liquid rain.
I can describe and use the following: Water is one of the
most important substances on the Earth.
I know that some substances dissolve in water (soluble)
and some don’t (in-soluble).
I know when a substance dissolves the solids seem to
I know when substances dissolve, the liquid formed is
clear (can be coloured but is see-through)
I can predict which substance will dissolve.
I can carry out investigations to find out which
substances dissolve.
I can identify times around me when things dissolve i.e.
sugar in tea, salt in water.
I can identify times around me when things don’t dissolve
i.e. sand on a beach.
Water evaporates when heated.
Water exists in 3 different states solid (ice), liquid
(water), or gas (water vapour)
Water boils at 100 °C
Water freezes at 0°C
Ice melts at 0°C
Water vapour condenses when cooled.
The Water Cycle is a very important process in nature.
Heat from the Sun causes liquid water(sea, rivers,
puddles) to evaporate.
Water as a gas (vapour) moves upwards and as it
becomes colder, it condenses into droplets to form
Wind moves clouds.
Droplets accumulate which leads to precipitation (rain)
Temperature plays an integral part in the water cycle i.e.
high temperature causes evaporation
lower temperature causes condensation and
very low temperature causes precipitation to fall as
snow or hail
Annotated diagrams are an effective way to display the
mechanism of the water cycle.
Water is necessary for life e.g. growth of crops,
drinking, river formation/flow etc.
I know that some objects will float in water while others
will sink. Objects which float are buoyant.
I know that the term buoyancy describes the upward
pushing force (up thrust) which causes objects to float.
I know objects lighter than the upward thrust will float
and objects heavier will sink.
I know that when an objects floats, the forces acting on
it are balanced up thrust force = gravity
I can describe some of the factors which affect
floating: material object is made of, the object’s shape,
the type of liquid it is in (density)
I know there are three states of matter i.e. solid, liquid
& gas.
I know solids stay same size & shape, liquids stay same
size (volume) but shape changes to container, gas
changes shape & size to fit container.
I can use these terms to describe changes melt (solidliquid), freeze (liquid-solid), evaporate (liquid-gas),
condense (gas-liquid)
I can identify and investigate changes to the properties
of materials which are reversible and can easily be
changed back (physical change) e.g. Chocolate melting,
salt dissolving in water, water temperature rising or
I can identify and investigate changes to the properties
of materials which are irreversible (chemical changes)
e.g. Cooking, rusting, toasting bread, striking a match.
I can identify some of the signs of a chemical reaction
i.e. bubbles, colour/texture change, heat given in/taken
I have investigated, can give examples of and can discuss
changes in substances i.e. chocolate, bread, candle, glass.
1 I can use the terms soluble, insoluble, dissolve and
I understand dissolved materials (soluble solids) cannot
be separated by filtering but can be separated by
I understand that insoluble solids of different sizes can
be separated by filtering( or sieving)
2 I know and can discuss reasons why the amount of
substance that dissolves is affected by a range of
conditions – temperature, time, amount of substance,
amount of solvent.
I know that stirring speeds up dissolving.
I know that powder will dissolve faster that big lumps
I know that the amount of substance that can be
dissolved can be increased up to a point by heating
I am able to relate to everyday examples such as
dissolving sugar in tea or salt in water (granules or big
crystals, hot or cold liquid, stirred or not stirred)
I know that the Earth’s structure comprises of the core,
mantle and the crust
I know there are three main types of rocks:
sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic
I have collected these three types of rocks and know
they have different properties and uses.
Igneous rocks: Formed from hot, molten rocky material
called magma. They are hard and have crystals.
Sedimentary rocks: Formed from the soft moving sands
and mud in rivers, lakes and sea. These rocks are soft
and have many layers.
Metamorphic rocks: Formed when rocks close to the
volcanic vent are altered by the heat or heat and
pressure of the magma. These rocks are very hard.
I know that soil is a mixture of tiny pieces of rock and
organic material (humus), living organisms, airspaces and
I know the composition of soil depends on the type of
rock materials and the kinds of organisms present
I know that there are three main types of soil: clay,
sandy, loam
Clay: does not drain well so holds water and sometimes
becomes waterlogged
Sandy: drains very well so sometimes becomes too dry
Loam: reasonable drainage, contains humus. The ideal
soil for the garden
I am able to describe a mineral and some of its uses.
I know that there is no new water in the world; it is
continually being re-cycled through the water cycle.
I know water should be clean before being consumed.
I have investigated different water samples.
I have investigated and can discuss the methods used to
clean water i.e. sedimentation, filtration, chemicals
added e.g. chlorine.
I know that waste water must be cleaned before
returning to the sea.
I know desalination plants remove salt from water.
I can describe the many methods used to conserve water
within the home, school and globally.
I am aware that water is necessary for life - for all living
I am aware that there are many uses of water; living
things / preservation (ice) / generate electricity.
I know that many third world countries do not have
water treatment plants.
I know that diseases such as typhoid & dysentery are
transmitted by dirty water.
Bundle 4
Solar System
I know the sun is seen in the sky during the
I know the moon is seen more clearly in the
sky at night.
I can talk about daily time patterns.
Space Observation
I have been able to look at stars and the
I know the stars are in groups and these are
called constellations.
Bundle 4
Bundle 4
Solar System
I know about & can explain the following:
Identify the Earth, Sun & moon and be aware of their
relative sizes.
The Earth is the planet we live on which circles the Sun.
The Moon is a large rock which circles round the Earth.
During the day the Sun gives us light energy. At night
the light from the Sun does not reach us, so it is dark.
Know it is day time in the part of the Earth facing the
Sun, and night time in the part of the Earth away from
the Sun.
The sun gives us heat and light energy
The Earth is round and it spins around an imaginary line
through its centre called the AXIS.
The time taken for one complete spin is 24 hours.
The Earth takes 1 year to move round the Sun
The Moon takes 1 month to move round the Earth
As the Earth moves round the Sun we get the seasons
The seasons are called Spring, Summer, Autumn and
In summer, the days are longer and usually warmer.
In winter, the days are shorter and usually cooler
Space Observation
I know the moon appears to have different shapes in the
sky at different times.
I know the sun appears in a different position of the sky
during the day.
I understand what a shadow is and am aware they can be
used to tell the approximate time of the day.
Solar System
I know the Sun is a star at the centre of our solar
system, and it is a huge ball of hot gas
I can create a model of our solar system, showing the 8
planets in orbit around a central star which we call the
I can describe the key features of the planets including
size, distance from the Sun, length of day, length of
year, temperature, materials from which they are
predominantly made, number of moons
Any object that orbits a planet is called a satellite. The
moon is a natural satellite
I know gravitational force maintains the orbit of planets.
I know about solar & lunar eclipses.
Space Observation
I have observed and can talk about the planets moving
across the night sky.
I know the stars are as larger as the un, but appear to
be smaller due to the vast distance between them and
the Earth,
I know the solar system was formed by the pull of
gravity on a large cloud of rotating matter in space.
I know our Solar System is found in a Galaxy called the
Milky Way
I can describe other bodies out in space such as;
asteroids, meteors, comets, satellites and stars.
Bundle 5
Electrical Energy
Bundle 5
I know that electrical energy comes from
sockets or batteries.
I can identify machines we use at home or
school which use electrical energy.
I can explain about and use batteries:
I know a battery (cell) is a portable power source which
A battery/cell is a portable source of power, it has a
positive & negative terminal, it must be connected positive has a store of chemical energy.
I know that chemical energy changes to electrical energy
to negative.
in the wires and then to other forms of energy in the
Electrical Circuits
I know that batteries (cells) have a positive (+) and a
negative (-) terminal and that batteries (cells) must be
I know and can explain the following: An electric current
connected (+) to (-) i.e. pointing in the same direction.
is a flow of electricity.
I know in a circuit the electricity flows from one
A complete circuit is required for electricity to flow
terminal to the other via connecting wires and
through conducting materials and the circuit must
contain a power source.
I can build simple batteries (cells) using readily available
In a circuit the electricity flows from one terminal to
materials eg. orange, lemon, etc;
the other via connecting wires and components.
Electrical Circuits
I can identify machines we use at home or
school which use electrical energy.
Electrical Energy
I can name some of the common dangers
associated with the use of electricity.
I can design & create a poster highlighting
electrical safety.
Electrical Energy
A conductor is a material which will allow electricity to
flow through it.
An insulator is a material which electricity does not flow
through easily.
Some components of a circuit are a bulb, switch, motor,
bell, buzzer and battery.
Switches can be used to stop the flow of an electrical
Electrical symbols are used to draw circuit diagrams.
I can apply my knowledge of circuits to design and build a
game or model.
Electrical Energy
I know that mains electricity is dangerous.
Bundle 5
Electrical Energy
Electrical Circuits
I can describe an electric current as a flow of
I know a complete circuit is required for electricity to
flow: the circuit must contain a power source.
I know a series circuit is one where the components are
joined one after the other.
I know that in a parallel circuit each item is on a
different wire.
I know what happens to the current (brightness of bulb)
when you increase the number of cells in a circuit.
I know and can use some components of a circuit: bulb,
switch, motor, bell, buzzer, wires and a battery.
I can describe how these components transfer energy.
I know and can use electrical symbols to denote battery,
wire, bulb, switch, motor, bell and buzzer
I can use electrical symbols to draw circuit diagrams
I know a switch is a gap in a circuit that can be opened or
closed to control the flow of electricity
I know that materials which are conductors allow
electricity to pass through them; e.g. metals
I know that materials which are insulators have
important applications.
Electrical Energy
I know that the higher the voltage the more dangerous it
is likely to be i.e. a 1.5v battery is reasonably safe, while
the 240v main is not.
Materials which are insulators have important applications
which prevent electricity from harming living things.
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
Body Systems & Cells
Body Systems & Cells
I know there are five sense i.e. sight,
hearing, taste, touch & smell.
I know that we use these senses to find out
about the world around us.
I know that the skeleton gives us support and helps us
move and protects important organs
I know the brain is found inside the skull; it controls
what we do and think.
I know the heart is found inside the rib cage. It pumps
blood around the body. It is protected by the rib cage.
I know the skin covers the whole body and keeps the
insides in and the outsides out
The can describe the position & function of the lungs,
stomach, bladder, liver & kidneys.
I know how to have a healthy lifestyle by choosing a
balanced diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep and
making good choices about drugs, alcohol & smoking.
I am able to identify the lungs, windpipe and bronchi as
being part of the respiratory system
I know the function of the respiratory system e.g. gas
I know the main preventable causes of bronchitis, lung
cancer and asthma e.g. smoking
The body
I can compare and contrast the things that
are the same and the things that are
different about people.
I can identify how their body changes as they
grow older.
I can compare and contrast the different
talents that people have.
I can identify all the parts of their body.
I can identify what their different body
parts do.
I can recognise the qualities that make them
special and discuss why we are all different.
I can compare and contrast the things that
make us different.
I know the five senses are used to detect information.
I know the five senses keep us safe.
I have taken part in investigations which show the
limitations of my senses ie blind-folding, taste test.
I know the symptoms of common diseases.
I understand that germs can be transferred from hand
to mouth, mouth to hand, hands to food, hand to hand,
sneezing and coughing.
I know some methods of preventing common diseases eg
good hand washing, using handkerchief, medicines.
I know that keeping healthy is related to good hygiene.
I know that everyone has a responsibility for their own
I am able to identify the heart and blood vessels as
being part of the circulatory system
I know the function of the circulatory system e.g.
transport of food, oxygen and waste materials
I know the main preventable causes of heart disease or
stroke e.g. obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, high
(saturated) fat diet etc.
I am able to identify the mouth, food pipe, stomach,
liver, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus as
being part of the digestive system
I know the function of the digestive system e.g.
breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients, minerals
and water.
I know the main preventable causes of liver disease e.g.
alcohol and drug misuse
I am able to identify the kidneys, bladder and urine tube
as being part of the excretory system
know the function of the excretory system e.g. to
remove waste
I know the main preventable causes of urinary tract
infections, kidney disease and kidney stones e.g.
personal hygiene, hydration, drug misuse, alcohol misuse
and diet
I am aware that prevention and treatment benefit
society by stopping the spread of infection and keeping
people in work which means that services can continue as
I am able to identify the penis, testes, sperm
tube/duct, ovaries, egg tube/duct, uterus and vagina as
belonging the human reproductive systems
I know the function of the reproductive system e.g.
make a baby
I know some preventable causes of fertility problems
e.g. alcohol misuse, anorexia, obesity
I know the function of the skeleton support protection
and movement
I am able to identify the skull, spine, ribcage some
bones of the arm and leg
I know muscles are attached to bones
I know muscles work in pairs to move bone levers
I know muscles are attached to bones by strong tendons
I know some common problems of bones e.g. arthritis,
osteoporosis, breaks and how their incidence can be
reduced e.g., calcium in diet, weight-bearing exercise
I can make informed decisions to help me maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
I can list the eye’s main components some of their
function; two eyes enable us to judge distance better.
I can list the ear’s main components and their functions;
the ear is also involved in balance.
I can explain how my senses of taste, smell & touch work.
I can state that the nervous system is composed of the
brain, spinal cord and nerves.
I can describe how my senses work individually or
together to keep me safe from harm.
I know microscopic living things can also be called microorganisms or microbes.
I know microscopic living things multiply very rapidly;
they include bacteria, viruses and fungi.
I know some micro-organisms can cause disease but some
are beneficial to other organisms.
I can explain The action of some microscopic organisms
is used in food production, e.g. yeast in bread.
I know some micro-organisms break down food causing it
to be inedible / harmful if digested. Others exist in the
gut to break down food to aid digestion.
I know microscopic organisms are necessary for the
process of decomposition (the breaking down of dead
material – decay).
Bundle 7
Bundle 7
Bundle 7
I know the word material includes all
substances things are made of i.e. wood,
metal, plastic, fabric etc.
I can sort different materials according to
their properties.
I can compare materials noting similarities &
I can say why a material has been chosen for
an object because of its properties.
I am aware of the need to reduce, reuse &
recycle materials according to their
I can classify materials as natural or man-made
I know a natural material is a material arising from
I can discuss examples of natural materials are wood,
wool, cotton, stone, sand and metal ores.
I know a made or synthetic material is a material that is
made by humans.
I can discuss examples of ‘made’ materials are glass,
ceramics, polymers (plastics) and alloys.
I can identify and discuss the properties of different
materials. (Properties might include rigidity, flexibility,
hardness, softness, roughness, smoothness, permeability
(porous), waterproof)
I can identify materials and their uses linked to their
I can select materials for a particular job based on their
(Polymers for waterproofing, Glass for windows, cotton
for clothing, stone for buildings.)
I know when materials come into contact with others
they may; mix but remain physically discrete; interact so
that one dissolves in the other; react chemically
producing one or more new substances
I can explain why thoughtless discarding of rubbish can
endanger our environment
I can demonstrate knowledge of facilities to help us
recycle our waste
I can help to take care of the Earth’s resources
I can explain or show why humans must show
responsibility for reducing the impact they have on the
I know the effects of heating or cooling materials can
sometimes be easily reversed (reversible reaction) and
sometimes the changes are not reversible (irreversible
I know burning is also a chemical reaction since new
substances are produced
I know a chemical reaction usually involves an energy
change – takes in or produces energy – and always
produces a new substance.
I have participated in activities which show a simple
chemical reaction and am able to discuss these using
scientific terms.
Bundle 8
I know & understand how important science is
in our lives.
I can listen and talk about science stories.
I can relate aspects of these to my everyday
Bundle 8
I know & understand how important science is in our
I am able to research items of current interest.
I am able to discuss and report on these findings.
Bundle 8
I know the impact that science has had on the
development of human civilisations e.g. in design,
I know the contribution of some scientists to scientific
thought for example i.e. Archimedes, Robert Boyle,
Copernicus, Marie Curie, Darwin, Richard Dawkins,
Einstein, Galileo, Hubble, Huygens, Newton, Pasteur,
Pauling, Watson and Crick
I know & understand how science impacts on every
aspect of our lives.
I am able to research items of current interest.
I am able to discuss and report on these findings.
Bundle 9
Bundle 9
Bundle 9
Energy Transfer
I can describe the sun as our main source of heat & light
energy, and how this affects our growth & survival.
I can describe how our bodies transfer energy for our
growth & survival.
Energy Transfer
I can describe the law of conservation of energy – that
energy can be converted from one form to another but
cannot be created or destroyed.
I can describe the energy transfers that are occurring
around us every day, e.g. in everyday appliances.
I know when energy transfers take place energy is lost,
the less energy lost the more efficient the transfer.
Energy Sources
I know and explain the terms renewable and nonrenewable.
I know coal, oil & gas are fossil fuels and are nonrenewable.
I know and can describe alternative sources of energy
including wind, wave, solar, geothermal & nuclear.
I can describe Scotland’s use of energy today and
contribute to discussions of energy sources in the
Energy Uses
I know that most of our electrical energy is supplied by
power stations and is transferred to our homes by power
lines called the National Grid.
I can describe the impact of using fossil fuels, including
pollution, greenhouse effect & global warming.
I can describe the impact of using nuclear power,
including storage of radioactive waste.
Energy Sources
I know heat & light energy comes from the sun.
I know light energy comes from lights.
I know that sound energy comes from the voice, radio,
telephone, musical instruments etc.
Energy Uses
I can explain how energy is used in everyday life i.e.
Heat, Light & Sound.
I can show that there are different sources of energy
I can demonstrate the difference between renewable
and non-renewable sources of energy
I can research why renewable and sustainable energy are
increasingly important
Bundle 10
I know that we hear sounds with our ears.
I have investigated different ways to make
sound i.e. hitting, blowing, plucking, shaking.
I have investigated different ways to make
sounds louder and softer.
Bundle 10
Bundle 10
I know sound is caused by vibration in a material.
I know that the pitch of a sound is how high or low it is.
I know that the greater the vibrations the higher the
I know that sounds can be made higher by altering the
tightness, length, width or thickness or other physical
characteristic of the sound source.
I can collaborate with others in experiments to develop
my understanding of sound.
I recognise that loud sounds can be harmful.
I know sound travels by longitudinal waves and that
sound vibrations travel through solid, liquid & gas
I know the denser the material, the better the sound
I can describe how the voice box works i.e. blowing air
over the vocal chords, causing vibrations.
I can describe how the ears work i.e. ears detect
vibrations allowing us to hear, an ear’s main components
are:- outer ear, ear canal, ear drum, 3 small bones
(hammer, anvil, stirrup), cochlea and nerve to brain
I know the outer ear collects the sound waves, the ear
drum vibrates, this makes the 3 small bones vibrate in
turn and then the liquid in the cochlea. This affects the
nerve cells in the cochlea and a message is sent to the
I can explain how hearing is limited by the size, position,
move ability (direction) and efficiency of the ears.
I can describe how animals use sounds to communicate.
Bundle 11
Bundle 11
Bundle 11
I know that light travels in straight lines.
I know that light may be bent by lenses.
I understand that light is reflected by shiny surface:
curved faces distort the image.
I can describe how light travels through transparent and
translucent materials.
I know that some light is absorbed by opaque materials
and some bounces off and travels in all directions.
I know that most of the light is reflected back from
reflective materials. This is useful in many areas.
I know that the image in a mirror is created by the
reflected light.
I understand the position, shape and size of a shadow
depend on where the object is in relation to the light
I know opaque materials block the light travelling
towards them and so a shadow is cast.
I know a shadow is not coloured.
I have investigated light being broken up to show the
colours of the visible spectrum (e.g. as in seeing a
I can identify the colours (and order) of the rainbow are;
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
I know that we see objects because light rays enter our
eyes from that object.
I know we recognise the colour of an object because it
reflects that light wavelength and absorbs the rest.
Coloured filters have an effect on white light.
I know that mixing light of different colours produced
another colour.
I have experimented with different effects which can
be seen when looking at different coloured objects
through a variety of coloured filters.
Social Studies Early Level
Social Studies First Level
Social Studies Second Level
Bundle 1
Bundle 1
Bundle 1
SOC 0-01a
SOC 1-01a
SOC 2-01a
I can discuss the past and
I can explain the differences between past and
I can use primary and secondary sources selectively to research events in the past
explain how people, objects
present and make simple judgements on these.
SOC 2-02a
or events have changed over
SOC 0-02a
I can sequence important
people and events in my life.
I can interpret historical evidence from a range of periods to help build a picture
SOC 1-02a
of Scotland’s heritage and my sense of chronology.
I can sequence important people and events in
SOC 2-03a
my life and explain that items and pictures
I can investigate a Scottish historical theme to discover how past events or the
represent the past.
actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society.
SOC 1-03a
SOC 2-04a
I can find evidence relating to a specific person
I can compare and contrast a society in the past with my own and contribute to a
SOC 0-04a
/ place demonstrating an understanding of why
discussion of the similarities and differences
I can investigate the past
they were important.
SOC 2-06a
through books, videos and
SOC 1-04a
I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were
photographs and asking
I can select appropriate sources of information
important, placing them within a historical sequence
and show an understanding of differences
I can participate in
between past and present, identifying reasons
imaginative play and explain
for these changes through time.
differences between the
SOC 1-06a
past and present.
I can identify an important person from the
past and explain the ways their actions
influenced society.
I can give reasons for events taking place and
why they were important then and today.
Bundle 2
Bundle 2
Bundle 2
SOC 0-07a
SOC 1-07a
SOC 2-07a
I can explore my local
I can explore the local landscape and discuss physical
I can identify and describe features of Scotland’s landscape and explain how this
environment, identifying and
features within it.
was formed (weather, glaciations etc.)
SOC 1-08a
SOC 2-07b
I can talk about current environmental issues in
I can explain the physical processes of a natural disaster e.g. volcano, earthquake
SOC 0-08a
my school and community and discuss these
etc. and give examples of its impact on the lives of people and the physical
I can investigate and
with my peers.
observe different
SOC 1-11a
environments showing
I can explain the housing types and needs
SOC 2-08a
empathy and responsibility
within my local community and explain how
I can describe what aspects of human activity would have an impact on the
these needs are met.
environment and identify ways to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, thus
explaining interesting
SOC 0-16a
minimising or preventing environmental damage
I can describe the
SOC 2-08b
different roles of people in
I can research and gather information about land use development and present a
school and the community,
SOC 1-13a
reasoned argument for and against, discussing the impact this will have on the
recognising them through
I can describe the landscape in my local area
uniforms and discussing how
and discuss how the land is used e.g. farming,
SOC 2-13a
they can help me.
housing, and recreation.
I can describe the landscape in my local area and explain how the land is used.
SOC 1-13b
SOC 2-14a
I can identify features of a natural
I can use more detailed maps and an 8 point compass to give detailed directions,
environment other than my own and describe
describing important places and physical features using appropriate language
some of the living things that would be found,
making links where necessary.
I can use and create local plans or maps to colour - code land to show the land use in
SOC 1-14a
my local environment.
I can use a simple map and compass and give
SOC 2-15a
directions describing important local places and
I can discuss in detail the sources of my information and evaluate its validity
physical features.
SOC 2-16a
I can use simple maps to colour - code land use
I can identify different groups of people who are within their community, describe
for housing, leisure, shopping, farming, industry
their varying needs and identify support networks in place and their effectiveness.
SOC 2-16b
SOC 1-15a
I can define what the term discrimination means and give examples of different
I can discuss the sources of my information
types of discrimination, demonstrating an understanding of the negative effects of
and evaluate its validity
SOC 1-16a
I can demonstrate though discussion that I am a responsible citizen and can
I can discuss the difference between “needs”
identify the signs of discrimination, displaying empathy and offering advice and
and “wants” in relation to survival and
solutions where appropriate.
understand that some children in the world do
SOC 2-16c
not have their basic needs met.
I can describe what constitutes ‘our society’ in a national sense and can describe
some of the many different cultures and celebrations being experienced within
I can describe the restraints under which some
Scotland showing tolerance and empathy.
people have to live and can show an appreciation
I can discuss how multicultural differences can have positive and negative
towards the lifestyle we have in this country
influences on Scotland’s society and can discuss that all people have equal rights to
express their own values and how our traditions can cause challenges for some.
Bundle 3
SOC 0-09a
Bundle 3
SOC 1-09a
Bundle 3
SOC 2-09a
I can use different
I can identify a variety of foods produced in
I can describe different ways journeys can be made between different places,
materials to represent the
Scotland and what is needed to produce these.
considering the physical environments.
world around me and the
I can distinguish differences between arable
I can identify advantages and disadvantages for different types of transport and
journeys I make.
and stock farms and the work involved in each
explain their varying effects on the environment
SOC 2-10a
I can gather information about their local area.
use appropriate media to present information on different places to live, work and
relax and interesting places to visit
Bundle 4
Bundle 4
SOC 0-12a
SOC 1-12a
I can talk about seasons,
I can measure and record weather using a
types of weather and
variety of instruments and discuss the effects
weather conditions and can
of these conditions on my everyday life.
express my feeling about
SOC 1-12b
Bundle 4
SOC 2-12a
I can compare contrasting climates and discuss the impact of this on living things
showing an awareness of how some living things rely on weather conditions for their
I can identify the patterns of another area’s weather and climate (out with Britain)
I can describe main features of climate zones.
(Main ones being desert, tropical, polar, coastal
also equatorial, Mediterranean, continental) and
can explain some differences between them,
comparing the effects on living things.
Bundle 5
Bundle 5
Bundle 5
SOC 0-17a
SOC 1-17a
I can make decisions about
I can describe some rules and why they are
SOC 2-17a
my experiences in play
necessary ( in games, behaviour in school,
I can define the meaning of the term ‘democracy’ and can identify and discuss how
(what and when) and can
behaviour in town etc.)
this works within a democratic society, such as Scotland, voted for by citizens.
take responsibility for some
I can describe what is meant by a right and
I can discuss citizens’ rights and responsibilities, particularly those of children, and
aspects of this showing
what some of my rights are both as a pupil and
understand the needs, opinions and rights of others in society
consideration towards
as a child and the laws associated with these.
I can discuss some of the U.N Rights of the Child
others and their belongings.
I can explain how along with rights also comes
and how these translate to everyday life
SOC 0-18a
SOC 2-18a
I can make a choice about
SOC 1-18a
I can explain why elections take place and that they form part of a democracy
where I work (e.g. at a desk,
I can take part in making decisions about
representing the views and entitlements of British citizens.
on the floor, outside the
aspects of classwork, enterprise, whole school
I can explain the responsibilities of political representatives at all levels (local
class) that is appropriate
activities and can make an informed choice
councillor, MP, MSP, and MEP) and understand that casting a vote takes
for the task I am doing,
when I am given options to choose from and
consideration and decision making
taking into consideration
explain why I made that decision
the presentation and who
might help or work alongside
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
SOC 0-20a
SOC 1-20a
SOC 2-19a
I can describe what I need
I can tell what and who makes up my community
I can describe the features of modern day Scottish culture and society (e.g.
in my daily life and who can
and the needs of those within it
population, religion, food, homes and school) and can draw comparisons and
provide for my needs
I can discuss the need for different housing
differences between Scotland and another country.
I can recognise and locate
and organisations within my community and why
different shops and
these are important and to whom.
SOC 2-20a
facilities within my local
I can describe that ethical trading is when companies take responsibility for human
community and can discuss
rights and working conditions anywhere in its supply chain
the roles of key people and
I can describe what basic human rights and needs are,
the service they provide for
who is entitled to them and the mental and physical consequences of not receiving
me in my life.
these rights.
I can discuss that developing countries are vulnerable to exploitation due to the
I can play in role play areas
lack of opportunity and historical events and can discuss how consumers have the
in class which are like shops,
power to influence and support ethical trading
services that I would use
I can understand the difficult situations faced by particular groups in the
developing world
identify reasons for ethical trading and ways to support this
Bundle 7
Bundle 7
Bundle 7
SOC 2-21a
I can describe the difference between essential and non-essential goods and
services using correct terminology
I can talk about the different options available when paying for goods and services
and can consider alternative methods of payment and explain which I would choose
and why
I can work out how to calculate interest and can describe that each option carries
different benefits and risks which can be different for different people.
SOC 2-22a
I can describe the features of a particular business and can identify the key roles
and responsibilities of those working within it, making informed choices in who will
play what role.
I can use the appropriate business terms and vocabulary and can describe how
business depends on different processes
I can describe how a business’ success can be influenced by external factors and
can evaluate the successes and challenges within a business experience
Technology Outcomes E & O coverage across levels
In working at becoming secure at Levels children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in any particular order.
Early Level
Bundle 1
I enjoy playing with and exploring
technologies to discover what they can do
and how they can help us.
First Level
Bundle 1
By exploring and using technologies in the
wider world, I can consider the ways in which
they help.
TCH 1-01a
TCH 0-01a
Within and beyond my place of learning, I
can reduce, re-use and recycle resources I
use, to help care for the environment.
TCH 0-02a
I can work with others to generate, discuss
and develop imaginative ideas to create a
product of the future.
TCH 1-01b
By exploring current news items of
technological interest, I have raised
questions on the issues and can share my
TCH 1-01c
Throughout all my learning, I take
appropriate action to ensure conservation of
materials and resources, considering the
impact of my actions on the environment.
TCH 1-02a
Second Level
Bundle 1
When exploring technologies in the world around me, I can use
what I learn to help to design or improve my ideas or products.
TCH 2-01a
I can investigate how an everyday product has changed over time
to gain an awareness of the link between scientific and
technological developments.
TCH 2-01b
Having analysed how lifestyle can impact on the environment and
Earth’s resources, I can make suggestions about how to live in a
more sustainable way.
TCH 2-02a
I can investigate the use and development of renewable and
sustainable energy to gain an awareness of their growing
importance in Scotland or beyond.
TCH 2-02b
Bundle 2
Bundle 2
Bundle 2
I explore software and use what I learn to
solve problems and present my ideas,
thoughts, or information
As I extend and enhance my knowledge of
features of various types of software,
including those which help find, organise,
As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various
types of software, including those which help find, organise,
manage and access information, I can apply what I learn in
TCH 0-03a manage and access information, I can apply
what I learn in different situations.
TCH 1-03a
I enjoy exploring and using technologies to
communicate with others within and beyond
my place of learning.
TCH 0-04a
I can access, retrieve and use information
from electronic sources to support, enrich or
extend learning in different contexts.
TCH 1-03b
I enjoy taking photographs or recording
sound and images to represent my
experiences and the world around me.
TCH 0-04b
I explore and experiment with the features
and functions of computer technology and I
can use what I learn to support and enhance
my learning in different contexts.
TCH 1-04a
different situations.
TCH 2-03a
Throughout all my learning, I can use search facilities of
electronic sources to access and retrieve information,
recognising the importance this has in my place of learning, at
home and in the workplace.
TCH 2-03b
I explore and experiment with the features and functions of
computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and
enhance my learning in different contexts.
TCH 2-04a
I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to
communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and
engaging ways.
TCH 2-04b
I can create, capture and manipulate sounds,
text and images to communicate experiences,
ideas and information in creative and
engaging ways.
TCH 1-04b
Bundle 3
I am developing problem solving strategies ,
navigation and co-ordination skills, as I play
and learn with electronic games, remote
control or programmable toys.
TCH 0-09a
Bundle 3
Bundle 3
I am developing my knowledge and use of safe
and acceptable conduct as I use different
technologies to interact and share experiences,
ideas and information with others.
I am developing my knowledge and use of safe and acceptable
conduct as I use different technologies to interact and share
experiences, ideas and information with others.
TCH 2-08a
TCH 1-08a
I am developing problem-solving strategies,
navigation and co-ordination skills, as I play and
learn with electronic games, remote control or
programmable toys.
TCH 1-09a
Using appropriate software, I can work collaboratively to design an
interesting and entertaining game which incorporates a form of
control technology or interactive multimedia.
TCH 2-09a
Bundle 4
Bundle 4
Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking
and learning about different foods, discovering
ways in which eating and drinking may help
us to grow and keep healthy.
I experience a sense of enjoyment and
achievement when preparing simple healthy
foods and drinks.
HWB 0-30a
I explore and discover where foods come from
as I choose, prepare and taste different foods.
HWB 0-35a
Throughout my learning, I share my thoughts
with others to help further develop ideas and
solve problems.
TCH 0-11a
Bundle 4
HWB 1-30b
When preparing and cooking a variety of foods,
I am becoming aware of the journeys which
foods make from source to consumer, their
seasonality, their local availability and their
When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming
aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer,
their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability.
HWB 2-35a
HWB 1-35a
Through discovery and imagination, I can
develop and use problem-solving strategies to
meet design challenges with a food or textile
Through discovery and imagination, I can develop and use problemsolving strategies to meet design challenges with a food or textile
TCH 2-11a
TCH 1-11a
Having evaluated my work, I can adapt and
improve, where appropriate, through trial and
error or by using feedback.
Having evaluated my work, I can adapt and improve, where
appropriate, through trial and error or by using feedback.
TCH 2-11b
TCH 1-11b
Bundle 5
Bundle 5
Bundle 5
Within real and imaginary settings, I am
developing my practical skills as I select and
work with a range of materials, tools and
I explore materials, tools and software to
discover what they can do and how I can use
them to help solve problems and construct 3D
objects which may have moving parts.
By applying my knowledge and skills of science and mathematics, I
can engineer 3D objects which demonstrate strengthening, energy
transfer and movement.
TCH 0-12a
Through discovery, natural curiosity and
imagination, I explore ways to construct
models or solve problems.
TCH 0-14a
Throughout my learning, I explore and
discover different ways of representing my
ideas in imaginative ways.
TCH 0-15a
TCH 2-12a
TCH 1-12a
During practical activities and design
challenges, I can estimate and measure using
appropriate instruments and units.
During practical activities and design challenges, I can estimate and
measure using appropriate instruments and units.
TCH 2-13a
TCH 1-13a
Through discovery and imagination, I can
develop and use problem-solving strategies to
construct models.
TCH 1-14a
Having evaluated my work, I can adapt and
improve, where appropriate, through trial and
Through discovery and imagination, I can develop and use problemsolving strategies to construct models.
TCH 2-14a
Having evaluated my work, I can adapt and improve, where
appropriate, through trial and error or by using feedback.
TCH 2-14b
I can use drawing techniques, manually or electronically, to
error or by using feedback.
TCH 1-14b
represent objects or ideas, enhancing them using effects such as
light, shadow and textures.
TCH 2-15a
I am developing an interest, confidence and
enjoyment in using drawing and colour
techniques, manually or electronically, to
represent ideas in different learning situations.
Throughout my learning, I experiment with the use of colour to
develop an awareness of the effects and impacts it can have.
TCH 2-15b
TCH 1-15a
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
Bundle 6
I have experienced the different jobs involved in
running a business enterprise and understand
the role each one plays in its success.
By experiencing the setting up and running of a business, I can
collaborate in making choices relating to the different roles and
responsibilities and have evaluated its success.
SOC 1-22a
SOC 2-22a
Curriculum Coverage Expressive Arts Outcomes Securing Early, First and Second Level with success criteria
In working at becoming secure at Early, first and Second Level children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in
any particular order.
Bundle 1 (Art)
I can make marks using
different art materials.
I can produce artwork that
shows understanding in other
curricular areas (e.g. Castle
drawing with basic shapes).
I can work on my own and with
others to solve a design
I can use my imagination to
create different styles of
EXA 0-02a
EXA 0-04a
EXA 0-06a
Bundle 1 (Art)
Bundle 1 (Art)
I can begin to use a range of art materials
and explain my choices.
I can produce evidence of a range of skills and
techniques in my artwork.
I can observe and record recognisable line
and shape.
I can use a range of appropriate colour and
tone in my artwork.
I can experiment with a range of patterns
and textures.
I can produce artwork that clearly
demonstrates understanding in other
curricular areas (e.g. Annotated drawing of
Castle drawing with architectural features)
I can transfer art and design skills when
working in other areas of the curriculum.
I can work on my own and with others to
demonstrate imagination and exploration to
solve a design problem linked to a real life
I can understand and follow a design brief.
I can use a range of art materials and tools for a specific
task and explain my choices.
I can combine a range of skills and techniques in my artwork which
are specific for a task.
I can carefully observe and record detailed line and shape
I can use colour and tone appropriately to show accurate
definition and detail.
I can discuss and incorporate pattern and texture within
my artwork.
I can produce artwork that clearly demonstrates
understanding in other curricular areas (e.g.
measure/scale/angles when drawing/making).
I can transfer and apply art and design skills suitable for
future planning and life.
I can explain and use the different stages of the design
process (Investigation, Development and Solution).
I can explain costing, materials, suitability for purpose
and time management in product pitch.
EXA 2-02a
EXA 2-04a
EXA 2-06a
EXA 2-03a
Bundle 2 (Art)
 I can make artwork that
communicates ideas, thoughts
and feelings (e.g. colour and
 I can talk about a piece of
 I can discuss how a piece of
artwork makes me feel.
 I can share my likes and
dislikes about my own and
other’s artwork.
EXA 0-05a
EXA 0-07a
Bundle 2 (Art)
 I can make artwork that demonstrates
skill in communicating ideas in relation
to real life situations (e.g. Colour and
seasons, tone and expressions).
 I can discuss the visual elements of an
artist’s work.
 I can ask and answer simple questions
to gain a deeper understanding of an
artist’s work (Higher Order Thinking
 I can use feedback to make positive
changes to artwork.
Bundle 2 (Art)
EXA 1-05a
EXA 1-07a
EXA 2-07a
Bundle 3 (Dance)
Bundle 3 (Dance)
I enjoy creating short dance sequences, using
travel, turn, jump, gesture, pause and fall, within
safe practice.
EXA 1-08a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my
ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work
in dance.
EXA 1-09a
I am becoming aware of different features of
dance and can practise and perform steps,
formations and short dance.
EXA 1-10a
I can respond to the experience of dance by
discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and
accept constructive comment on my own and others’
EXA 1-11a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts
and feelings through creative work in dance.
EXA 2-09a
I can explore and choose movements to create and present
dance, developing my skills and techniques.
EXA 2-08a
I have taken part in dance from a range of styles and cultures,
demonstrating my awareness of the dance features.
EXA 2-10a
I can respond to the experience of dance by discussing my
thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive
comment on my own and others’ work.
EXA 2-11a
I can independently demonstrate skill in using the visual
elements to communicate ideas in response to a stimulus.
.I can demonstrate in depth Higher Order Thinking Skills
when responding to the work of artists or designers (e.g.
discuss how artists have used the visual elements to
create mood and atmosphere.)
I can use feedback and self-evaluation to enhance quality
of art work in the future.
EXA 2-05a
Bundle 3 (Dance)
Bundle 4 (Drama)
Bundle 4 (Drama)
Bundle 4 (Drama)
I have the freedom to choose and
explore how I can use my voice,
movement, and expression in role play
and drama.
EXA 0-12a
I use drama to explore real and
imaginary situations, helping me to
understand my world.
EXA 0-14a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can
express and communicate my ideas,
thoughts and feelings through drama.
EXA 0-13a
I can respond to the experience of
drama by discussing my thoughts and
feelings. I can give and accept
constructive comment on my own and
others’ work.
EXA 0-15
I enjoy creating, choosing and accepting roles,
using movement, expression and voice.
EXA 1-12a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate
my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama.
EXA 2-13a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and
communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings
through drama.
EXA 1-13a
I can create, adapt and sustain different roles, experimenting
with movement, expression and voice and using theatre arts
EXA 2-12a
I have created and presented scripted or improvised drama,
beginning to take account of audience and atmosphere.
EXA 2-14a
I can respond to the experience of drama by discussing my
thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive
comment on my own and others’ work.
EXA 2-15a
I have developed confidence and skills in creating
and presenting drama which explores real and
imaginary situations, using improvisation and script.
EXA 1-14a
I can respond to the experience of drama by
discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and
accept constructive comment on my own and others’
EXA 1-15a
Bundle 5 (Music)
Bundle 5 (Music)
I can sing and use my voice in a variety
of ways.
I can handle and play a variety of
un tuned percussion instruments
I can copy a variety of simple
rhythms and beats.
I can show an understanding of
contrasts (: loud/quiet, fast/slow,
high/low, long / short, sound/silence).
I can use music technology to explore sounds
and rhythms
EXA 0-16a
EXA 0-17a
EXA 1-16a
EXA 1-17a
Bundle 6 (Music)
Bundle 5 (Music)
I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to
experiment with sounds, pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and
EXA 2-17a
I can sing and play music from a range of styles and cultures,
showing skill and using performance directions, and/or musical
EXA 2-16a
Bundle 6 (Music)
Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my own and/or
with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts
and feelings through musical activities.
EXA 2-18a
Bundle 6 (Music)
Inspired by a range of stimuli, and
working on my own and/or with
others, I can express and
communicate my ideas, thoughts and
feelings through musical activities.
EXA 0-18a
I can respond to music by describing
my thoughts and feelings about my
own and others’ work.
EXA 0-19a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my
own and/or with others, I can express and
communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings
through musical activities.
EXA 1-18a
I have listened to a range of music and can respond
by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give
and accept constructive comment on my own and
others’ work.
EXA 1-19a
I have listened to a range of music and can respond by discussing
my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive
comment on my own and others’ work.
EXA 2-19a
Curriculum Coverage Modern Languages Outcomes Securing Early Level
In working at becoming secure at Early Level children will exhibit most of the following outcomes but not necessarily in any particular order.
Bundle 1