The Review of Economic Studies Ltd. Consumer Demand and the Life-Cycle Allocation of Household Expenditures Author(s): Richard Blundell, Martin Browning, Costas Meghir Source: The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 61, No. 1 (Jan., 1994), pp. 57-80 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 20/03/2011 13:03 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Oxford University Press and The Review of Economic Studies Ltd. are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Review of Economic Studies. Review of Economic Studies (1994) 61, 57-80 ? 1994 The Review of Economic Studies Limited Consumer 0034-6527/94/00050057$02.00 Demand and the of Life-Cycle Allocation Household Expenditures RICHARD BLUNDELL University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies MARTIN BROWNING McMaster University and COSTAS MEGHIR University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies First version received June 1991; final version accepted March 1993 (Eds.) The purpose of this paper is to estimate the parameters of household preferences that determine the allocation of goods within the period and over the life cycle, using micro data. In doing so we are able to identify important effects of demographics, labour market status and other household characteristics on the intertemporal allocation of expenditure. We test the validity of the life-cycle model using excess sensitivity tests and find that controlling for demographics and labour market status variables can largely explain the excess sensitivity of consumption to anticipated changes in income. 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to estimatethe parametersof household preferencesthat determinethe allocation of goods within the period and over the life-cycle, using micro data. In doing so we areable to identifyimportanteffectsof demographics,labourmarket statusand otherhouseholdcharacteristicson the intertemporalallocationof expenditure. The distinctivefeatureof our approachis that it integratestraditionaldemandanalysis with intertemporalsubstitutionmodels in a coherentway. The organizingidea behind our analysis is the life-cycle hypothesis. The principal implicationof this hypothesisis that householdswill allocate consumptionexpenditures so as to try to keep the marginalutility of wealth (A) constantover time (see Heckman (1974), Hall (1978), MaCurdy(1983) and Browning,Deaton and Irish (1985)). This is true both in the short run (for example,saving to capturethe benefitsof high real rates of interest)and in the long run (for example,savingfor retirementor for a "rainyday"). Of course, A is unobservableso that the empiricalconsequencesof this "smoothing" have to be derivedfor expenditureson individualgoods. Althoughnonparametrictests are availableundercertainconditions(see Browning(1989)) the usual procedure,which we follow here, is to specify a parametricutility function and then to derive the Euler equationthat governsindividualexpenditures. The relationshipbetween A and expenditureson individualgoods dependson many things. Amongstthese are the shape of Engel curves;the amountof substitutionbetween 57 58 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES goods; the demographiccompositionof the household and the labour marketstatus of the household. Analyses that assume that agents buy only one good ("consumption") and that preferencesover this good are additively separablefrom demographicsand laboursupplyarepotentiallyquitemisleading. In this paperwe specifya set of household preferencesthat allow us to modeljointly within-periodallocations(the demandsystem) and between-periodallocations (the consumption function). Although our principal interestis in the latterwe shall see that we also need to model the former. We utilize a time series of U.K. cross-sectionscovering 70,292 households over a 17-yearperiodto investigatethe linkbetweenwithin-periodpreferencesand intertemporal substitution. Micro-leveldata avoids the problemof aggregationbias and allows us to analysethe importanceof demographicand labour supply variables. Our empiricalresultsare based on a structuralmodel of demandand intertemporal substitutionas well as on a simple iso-elasticspecificationwhich we extend to allow for household characteristics.To meet the great many reservationsto the life-cycle model, documented recently by Deaton (1992), we carry out a number of specificationtests includingexcesssensitivitytests,testsof overidentifyingrestrictionsanda simplestructural change test. The mainconclusionis thathouseholdcharacteristicsare of fundamentalimportance in explaining the growth of consumptionover a household's life cycle. We find that controllingfor these characteristicsis sufficientto eliminateexcess sensitivityof consumption growthto predictableincome growth. The issue of whethercharacteristicscapture taste effectsor are simply a proxy for the effectsof liquidityconstraintsremainsan open question. 2. A THEORETICALFRAMEWORK We assumethe consumermaximizesthe discountedsum of period-specificutilities. Our estimationprocedureexploits the two-stage budgetingresults of Gorman (1959). The within-periodallocation of total consumptionx to individual goods with prices p, is completely characterizedby the indirect utility function V(p, x) and is invariantto monotonic transformationsof utility V.' Intertemporalallocationsare then determined by the period-specificutility function U = F[ V(p, x)] where F[*] is a strictlyincreasing monotonictransformationsuch that U is strictlyconcave in x. In what follows we partitiongoods into two groups. The firstis the groupof interest whose expenditureis x; let this have quantityand pricevectors(q, p). The second group containsthose goods that we do not model explicitly. For example,these include labour marketstatus and demographicstructure. Denote the vector of such goods z and let sub-vectorsbe given by zl, z2 and z3, where zi and zi may have common elements. We representperiod specific preferencesby the conditionalindirectutility function U(p, z, x) = F[V(p, zl, x), z2]+ H(z3). (2.1) This function gives the maximum utility in the period for an agent who has total expenditurex on the firstgroup of goods with prices p conditionalon other goods and household characteristicsz. This treatmentof conditioningfactorshas a naturalinterpretationfor our discussion of intertemporalallocations. All those factorsin Z3 but not in zl nor z2 enterneitherthe 1. See Deaton and Muellbauer (1980b) for a detailed description of the properties of indirect utility functions. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 59 demandsystemnor the consumptionfunction. They are explicitlyadditivefromall other commodities. Factors in Z2 but not in z1 enter the consumptionfunction but not the demandsystem. These are weakly separablefrom q. Those in z1 influencethe marginal rate of substitutionbetween elementsin q and are thereforenot separable. Factorsin z' but not in Z2 conditiondemanddirectlybut do not affectintertemporalallocationexcept throughtheir effect on the parametersof demandused in the consumptionfunction. 2.1. A model for within-periodpreferences The form of within-periodpreferencesis independentof the normalizationF[*] in (2.1). Moreprecisely,the shape of Engelcurvesand the specificformof within-periodsubstitution are independentof the parametersdeterminingintertemporalsubstitution.Suppressing the conditioning variables z, the indirect utility representationof within-period preferenceswe use is x (a(p)) 1 b(p) (.2 and ln x -ln a(p) =( b(p) (2.3) where { } representsa Box-Cox transformation J AI Y y{A} 1 A These two are members of the PIGL and PIGLOG classes respectively(Muellbauer (1976)). To completethe specificationwe adopt the followingstandardspecificationsfor the two price indices: ln a(p) =ao+Ek ln b(p)= Yk Pk ak lnPk+jEkEj ykjln pk ln pj, ln Pk* (2.4a) (2.4b) To satisfy adding-up we require E ak = 1, E &k =0 and Ek Ykj=0, while homogeneity implies >j ykj =0. Thus a( p) and b( p) are homogeneousprice indices of degreeone and zero respectively. Applying Roy's identity to (2.2) and using the above parameterizationswe obtain the demand system = ai +yj Wit yij ln pjt +f8i(x/a( p)){o}+ vit (2.5) where i denotes the i'th good, t is the observationindex and vitis assumedto represent unobservablecomponentsin demand.2The value of 0 determinesthe shape of the Engel curve. Given our choice of a(p) and b(p), if 0=0 we have the Almost Ideal Demand System of Deaton and Muellbauer(1980a). Alternatively,if 0= -1 we have quasihomotheticpreferenceswhilst 6 = + 1 gives a form of quadraticEngel curves in which 2. Note that the parameterization of the demand system implies that any stochastic variation of the parameters would either enter in a non-additive way (i.e. through a(p)) or would interact with the endogenous total expenditure term (if they enter through the ,3s). Moreover any random preferences would enter non-linearly in the utility index V. Hence, in order to be consistent we have to assume that the stochastic specification represents optimization errors in the allocation of budget shares. Adding-up implies that these errors sum to zero. 60 REVIEW OF ECONOMICSTUDIES expendituresharesarelinearin x. If all of the ,8i'sarezerowe havehomotheticpreferences; in this case all Engel curves are linear throughthe origin and 6 is not identifiedin the demand system. One of our objectives is to assess the importanceof demographiccharacteristics, labour marketvariablesand other taste shifters on intertemporalsubstitutionand consumptiongrowth. Since F[ *] and V( - ) in (2.1) are separatelyidentifiablewhen we use data on within-periodand intertemporalallocations,omittingthese characteristicsfrom the within-periodutility index V(*) may bias our conclusionsrelatingto intertemporal allocations.Moreover,other studies on micro data sets have shown demographicsto be very importantin demand systems. 2.2. The consumptionfunction Our approachin derivingthe consumptionfunction is based on the Hall (1978) Euler equationformulationimplementedon microdata by Heckmanand MaCurdy(1980) and Altonji (1986); it follows closely the methodology of MaCurdy(1983). Defining A,= OF,/Ox, as the marginalutility of an extra unit of expenditurein period t, we can write the condition for optimal intertemporalbehaviourunderuncertaintyas Et[(l + rt)At+l-At] = 0, (2.6) where rt is the nominalinterestrate earnedon assets held between t and t + 1 and Et{*} representsthe expectationconditionalon informationavailableat time t. We take the following functionalform for F(.) (2.7) F(Vt) = (1 + 8)-tqtVl+Pt} where 8 is the rate of time preferenceand where ct representssome scaling of utility which may depend on household characteristicsand other conditioningfactors and, as before, the superscriptin { } denotes the Box-Cox transform.The parameterp will be allowed to vary across households and across time accordingto movementsin demographicand other characteristics.Given this normalizationwe may writethe log of the marginalutility of expenditure(in currentterms) for any household in period t as: In At= In Ot- t In (1 + 8) + pt In Vt+In V' (2.8) where V' is the derivativeof Vtwith respectto xt. To estimatePt we shall exploit the Eulerequation(2.6) which governsthe evolution of At over time. To proceed, we re-write(2.6) as: (1 + rt)At+l= Aktut+, Et(ut+1)= 1. (2.9) Takinglogs through(2.9) we can then write (2.6) as: A InAt+1+ In (I + rt)+ dt = -t+i, where A refers to the first difference operator. Defining Et (ln ut+i) = -dt, (2.10) 6t+1 is such that Et(Et+1)= 0. If ut+1is lognormal then dt= 1, o2 being the variance of ln ut+1 conditionalon informationin time period t. In generaldt will also be a functionof higher momentsof ln ut+1. Substituting(2.8) in (2.10) and re-arrangingwe have: -A In V+1 - ln (1 + rt)= Apt+,In Vt+1+ (dt- At)+ Et+, (2.11) in whichall parametersareidentifiablefromwithin-periodallocationsand aresummarised BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 61 in the V and V' expressions. We haverewrittenA In (,t+1) -In (1 + 8) as -3, whichcould be a function of levels and changes in household characteristics.To interpret(dt-t) assume ut+1in (2.9) is lognormallydistributed;then the difference (0,- _,6t) can be interpretedas capturingthe trade-offbetweenimpatienceand caution.To see the relationship betweenthis and intertemporalsubstitution,note thatincreasesin futureuncertainty, decreasesin impatienceand increasesin the nominalrate rt all act in the same direction. Thus d, can be thought of as capturingthe precautionarymotive for saving. Using our definitionof indirectutility V from (2.2), the Euler equation (2.11) can be rewritten [(1 + 0)A ln Ct+1- it + A ln b(pt+1)] = A[pt+jl[n C{I1I}- ln b(pt+1)]] + (dt -At) + et+i, (2.12) where we have used Ct to representtotal real consumers'expenditurext/a(pt) and it = ln (1 + rt) - A ln a(pt+i) is the real interestrate measureimplied by our specification of individualpreferences. In (2.12) the left-handside resemblesthe iso-elasticspecification;indeed if b(p,) is constantover time and if Pt= 0 then the differencebetween consumptiongrowthscaled by (1 + 6) and the real rate is just equal to dt- St and an innovation;this is preciselythe log-linear version of the iso-elastic model. In general, given values for Pt and St, intertemporalallocationswill depend on the set of conditioninggoods via the two price indices a(pt) and b(pt) which characterisewithin-periodsubstitution. Nevertheless demographicvariables may also affect intertemporalallocations directly since Pt (i.e. F[ *] in (2.1)) may be a function of variables,such as the numberand age of children and labour marketstatus. We thus specify: Pt = Po+ 2k PkZkt. (2.13) We discuss alternativeinterpretationsof the results obtained from such a specification in the empiricalsection. The relationshipsgiven by (2.5) and (2.12) constitute our descriptionof the consumer'sallocationscheme. This parameterizationhas a recursivenature:there are some parametersthat enter both the intratemporaland intertemporalallocation decisions i.e. and b(pt). There is also a set of parameters that characterize only intertemporalconsumptionallocations,namelyPt, dt and St. In particular,0, a(pt) O and the parameters of a (pt) and b(pt) determinethe shape of the underlyingEngel curveswhile, for any given value of these, Pt determinesintertemporalsubstitution.If we changethe formerthen we shall usually change the latter. The intertemporalsubstitutionelasticity (ISE) a ln Ct/l ln (1+ it) implied by our model takes the form (Dt = xtulf Pt- (I + O)C{t} (2.14) where U' is the partial derivativeof U( ) in (2.1) with respect to x. If Pt =0 then (D= -1/(1 +6) and (2.12) reducesto the standardiso-elasticEulerequation. Given our concavityassumptionthe intertemporalelasticityshould be negativefor all values of Ct. This requiresp < (1 + 0)CI01for all observationsin our data. The specificationof the model implies various relationshipsbetween the ISE and consumptiondependingon the estimatedparametersp(Zt) and 6. As C tends to 00, 4 tends to -1/(1 +9). (When 6 = -1,ID tends to 1/p). If p < 0 then the absolutevalue of D increaseswith consumption,while if p > 0 the reverseis true. 62 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 3. ESTIMATION AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE 3.1. Data In estimatingour demand system describingwithin-periodpreferenceswe have chosen a group of seven broad commoditiesfor each household. These are: food, alcohol, fuel, clothing,transport,servicesand othergoods. The resultsreportedhere referto a sample of 70,292 households from 1970-1986inclusive, whose eldest adult is more than 18 and less than 60 yearsof age and is not self-employed.These data are drawnfromthe annual U.K. Family ExpenditureSurveyand are more fully describedin the data appendix at the end of the paper. Our choice of goods clearly excludes some non-durableslike tobacco as well as most durables,leisure and public goods. As describedin Section2.1 we allow for the effect of some of these on our allocation scheme by enteringthem as conditioningvariablesin the demandsystemand consumptionmodel (see Browningand Meghir(1991)). We note firstthat our data, ratherthan being a panel followingthe same individuals across time, is a time series of repeated cross-sections. As a result we construct a pseudo-panel using cohort averages in order to estimate the model as suggested by Browning,Deaton and Irish (1985). The cohortsare chosen in five-yearage bands. The methodology which uses exact aggregation, and the assumptions underlying it are describedbelow. In this paperourfocus is on life-cyclepatternsof consumption.Westartby presenting some of the principalfeaturesof our data that are salientfor consumption. In particular we look at co-movements in consumption, income, demographicsand labour force participation. It is our strong belief that since these are all determinedjointly by the same household,looking at any pair in isolation may be quite misleading. In Figure1(a) we present the life-cycle path of consumptionfor marriedcouples.3 In each of these figures,each separateline representsthe evolution over time of the relevantvariablefor one date of birth cohort defined over a five-yearband. This has the familiarpattern: consumptionrises initially and then falls after the mid-forties. Figure1(b) shows the life-cycle path of household income. Once again, the shape and the correlationwith consumptionarefamiliar. If we identifythe causeof the correlationseen hereby assuming that income is exogenousthen it looks like consumptiontracksincome very closely over the life-cycle. The next two figures(1(c) and 1(d)) look at the paths of two potentially importantdeterminantsof consumptionand income respectively:children and female employment. As we expect, female employmentdrops during the child-bearingyears and the numberof childrenin the householdpeaks soon thereafter.Whatis particularly interestinghere is that althoughfemale participationfalls in the early years, household income does not. One obvious explanationfor this is that householdschoose the timing of births relativeto the husband'scareerprofile but this once again implicitlyassumes that the latteris exogenous. It will be clear,however,thatthese figuresare also consistent with the hypothesisthat husbands'income paths are chosen to facilitateparticularpaths of births. In Figure1(e) we presentthe path of consumptiondeflatingby "equivalent"household size which equals the numberof adults plus 0 4 times the numberof children.4As can be seen, this removesmost (if not all) of the "hump"shape in consumption. 3. In our analysis below we include single-adult households with appropriate controls; here we use just married couples to abstract from awkward composition effects. 4. Obviously we could use more sophisticated equivalence scales that allowed for economies of scale and for age differences in children; this does not change things very much. 4q 4.5 (a) 3 28 63 HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES BLUNDELL ET AL. (b) / 4 403 - 3-7 -42 36 - 41* - 3-5 -4 3-4-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 3 _ _ 20 _ _ 25 _ _ _ 30 Log real household __ _ _ 35 _ _ _ 40 age _ _ 45 consumption __ _ 50 _ _ _ _ 55 .5 _3 _ I 20 60 25 35 30 3 -(c) 40 45 age 50 S5 60 income over the life cycle Log real household over the life cycle .8 -(d) 2-5.7 2 65 1-5 6 II..45- .5 .40253 5 306 3540455 20 age in the householdoverthe life cycle Numberof children 35 25 40 45 50 55 age Femaleemploymentoverthe life cycle 60 2.7 2-6 2.52-4 2-3 2.2- (e)~~~~~~~~~~28 Lo osmto e dl quvln 21 20 25 yl vrte)lf 30 3 40 45 50 5 6 age Log consumptionper equivalentadultoverthe life cycle FIGURE 1 (a) Log real household consumption over the life cycle. (b) Log real household income over the life cycle. (c) Number of childrenin the household over the life cycle. (d) Female employmentover the life cycle. (e) Log consumptionper equivalentadult over the life cycle The principalconclusionwe drawfromthese figuresis that it is verydifficultto infer anythingabout life-cycle consumptionfrom looking at simple descriptivegraphs. Apart from not being able to distinguishbetween anticipatedand unanticipatedcomponents in the series,we cannotproperlytake accountof the possibleendogeneityof otherfactors that affect consumption. Thus we must have recourseto an econometricanalysis that addressesthese issues by conditioningon demographicsand labour marketstatus and by using an instrumentalvariablesapproach. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 64 Comparing Figures 1(a) and 1(e) also gives us some insight into how controlling for life-cycle events may change our perceptions of year to year consumption changes. As can be seen from l(a), for younger (older) households, consumption growth is largely positive (respectively, negative). This life-cycle variation may mask a lot of year to year variations and the correlation of the latter with common variables such as the real rate. Thus not controlling for changes due to changes in "life-cycle" variables may make it difficult to pick up high frequency intertemporal substitution effects. In Figure 2 we plot the time path of real consumption growth and the smoothed time path of the real interest rate.S As is well known the ex post real interest rate was negative throughout the 1970s. On the other hand consumption growth has been positive most of the time. In terms of the standard life-cycle model this must either imply that the ex ante real interest rate was positive or that precautionary savings is an important influence on consumption growth. In terms of our model this would mean that d, - 3, was a positive number in the 1970s. After 1981, the real interest rate jumps, becoming positive and higher than consumption growth. We investigate the implications of this real rate jump in the empirical section. 3.2. Estimating within-periodpreferences To estimate the parameters of the expenditure share system we adopt an iterative moment estimator in which we allow for the endogeneity of total expenditure and iterate on the a(p) price index and on the Engel curvature parameter 0. The estimation procedure and *2 15 Real consumption growth rate *1 - -05 0-1 Real interest rate -*15 - -.2 I I I 1971 1973 1975 - I IiII 1979 1977 year 1981 1983 1985 FIGURE 2 Real consumptiongrowthand the "ex post" real interestrate 5. The consumptionpath in Figure2 is for all cohortsaveraged. In estimationwe use the three-month treasurybill rateadjustedby the averagetax rate. We use the Stonepriceindexoverour subsetof commodities to constructthe inflationrate with which the interestrate is deflated. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 65 TABLE I Priceand incomeelasticities Fuel Transport Services 0'019 0'553 -0'196 -0'568 -0'329 -0'142 -0'066 0-495 -0'331 -0'672 -0'708 0'341 0-058 -0'215 -0-435 -0-026 0'405 -0*901 0-006 0'383 -0-312 -0'093 -0'048 -0'237 0'081 0'630 -0'076 -0'513 -0'274 0'040 0'062 0'653 -0'086 -0'559 -0'593 0'717 0'143 -0 110 -0'271 0'049 0'481 -0'651 Average budget shares 0'067 0'347 0'102 0'086 0'176 0'117 Income elasticities 0'896 0'725 1.391 0'643 0'651 2'131 Food Uncompensated -0'619 -0'229 -0'460 0'107 -0'110 -0'311 Alcohol Clothing price elasticities -0'068 -0'033 0'291 -1-508 0-158 -0'454 0'449 -0'159 0'203 -0-115 -0'202 -0'455 Compensated price elasticities 0-015 -0'368 -1-448 0'082 0'252 0'023 0'492 0'330 0'247 0'116 -0'060 0'429 the computationof the asymptoticcovariancematrixfollows from Browningand Meghir (1991). The complete specification,the parameterestimatesand the list of instrumentsare all presentedin AppendixA. Thereis a clear indicationof the importantrole played by demographicand labourmarketvariablesin the allocationof within-periodexpenditures. It is also worth noting the significanceof the f3iparameterswhich imply a rejectionof homotheticityand hence the b(p) index will vary with relative prices. The value of 0 was estimatedto be 0 54 with a standarderrorof 0 45. This would not rejectthe Almost Ideal model of Deaton and Muellbauer(1980a) but we have not imposedthis restriction. Table I presentsthe elasticitiesfor our model with 6 = 0 54. The overallresultsare sensibleand conformwith the usual findingsin the literature:the budgetsharesfor food, alcohol, fuel and transportdecline with increasing total expenditurewhile clothing, servicesand other goods are luxuries. All own uncompensatedand compensatedprice elasticitiesare negativeand this is in fact true almost everywherein the sample.6 3.3. Cohort aggregation and the estimation of intertemporalsubstitution The estimationof the demandsystemprovidesestimatesfor the parametersthatdetermine the two priceindicesa (Pt) and b(pt) as well as the curvatureparameter6; in the estimation of the Euler equation which we now describe, we take these as given.7 The main econometricproblemhere relatesto the fact that we do not have repeatedobservations for any one individual: as noted above, our data consists of repeated cross-sections spanning the seventeen-yearperiod 1970-1986. We thus use a groupingmethodology used in Browning,Deaton and Irish (1985). 6. For a more detailed analysis of the intratemporalallocationson this data (albeit on shortertime periods)see Browningand Meghir(1991) and Blundell,Pashardesand Weber(1993). 7. In AppendixB we show how the standarderrorsfor the Eulerequationcan be adjustedfor the fact that we are conditioningon pre-estimatedparameters.This adjustmentmade verylittle differencehere. 66 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES The method relies on obtaininga randomsample of the same date of birth cohort of individualsovertime and modellingthe averagebehaviourof the group. Thusconsider the expectedvalue of the Eulerequationfor consumption(2.10), conditionalon a cohort and on time period t. This is AE[ln AitIiE c, t]+ln (l+rtl)+dt=-E[eitIie c, t], (3.1) wherei standsfor individual,t fortimeperiodand c for a cohortandwherethe conditional expectationof the log marginalutility of wealth is E[ln AitIiE c, t]=-t ln (1+8)+E[p(zit) ln c, t]+E[ln VitIiE (V't)IiE c, t]. (3.2) The estimationproceduremodels the behaviourof the cohort mean of the log of the marginalutilityof wealth. Thuswe estimatethe groupedEulerequationanalogof (2.12). Using (2.13) we have (d-8) + [et]. (3.3) In the above, the terms enclosed in square bracketswith a subscript"c" denote sample averagesof these quantitieswithin a date of birthand time period cell. The lefthand side is the averagegrowthrate of consumptionminusthe averagereal interestrate adjustedfor the price index b(p).8 The right-handside involves the growthrate of the averagewithin-cohortcross-productof the characteristicsZkt with [ln C"' -ln b(pt)]. The next set of termsinvolve differencesin the averageof some householdcharacteristics A[(1+ 6) ln Ct+ ln b(pt)]c - [it-J]c = S pkA[zkf(ln + }-ln b(pt))]t C{, which may enter the discount rate or the conditional variance term dt. Finally [E,]c is the within-cohortaverageof the innovations. In estimationwe use 5-yearcohortsobservedannually.At this level of aggregation the cell is probablysufficientlylargeso as to reducethe importanceof measurementerror (see Deaton (1985)); details on the groupeddata are given in TableII. TABLE II The structure of the grouped data Cohort Year of birth Period of observation Average cell size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1916-1920 1921-1925 1926-1930 1931-1935 1936-1940 1941-1945 1946-1950 1951-1955 1956-1960 1970-1975 1970-1980 1970-1985 1970-1986 1970-1986 1970-1986 1970-1986 1974-1986 1979-1986 518 601 522 500 512 555 591 479 405 For consistent estimationof the parametersof interestwe need to impose certain conditions. First, our estimationprocedure(both for the demandsystem and the Euler equation) assumes asymptoticson both N (individuals)and T (time periods). Given this, the averageinnovations[et]c tend to zero unless there are commonshocksaffecting 8. The real interest rate i,_1 = In (1 + r,-1) - A In a(p,) is individual specific for two reasons. First, because of the individual specific nature of the inflation rate A In a (p,) which depends on household characteristics. In addition each household is observed at a different point in time. The resulting nominal interest rate is a weighted average of the interest rates for the grouping period with the proportion of individuals observed at each point in time as weights. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 67 all membersof the cohort. Moreover,any idiosyncraticrandompreferenceerrorsentering throughthe discountfactor at the individuallevel averageout at the cohort level. Thus our only sourceof stochasticvariationis cohortlevel shocks;these areassumedto average out over our 17 years of data. The natureof the model is such that [Et]Jwill be correlatedwith consumption,prices and most choice variables dated t (unless they are subject to relativelylong decision lags). Moreovertime-aggregationcan induce serial correlationand hence [Et], may also be correlatedwith past values of the decision variablesand prices. Hence we must use an instrumentalvariablesprocedureusing appropriatelags as instruments.The instruments,listed below, involvethe secondlag of the growthrateof incomeand consumption, the interactionsof the latterwith characteristicsas well as the characteristicsthemselves. The latterare eitherdated t - 2 (labourmarketstatus) or dated t (all other demographic variables).9 Consistencyrequiresthe groupedinstrumentsto be orthogonalto the groupederror termover time. This will be true if each memberof the cohorthas in his informationset the average cohort values of the variables we use as instruments. If the individuals' informationsets containonly values relatingto themselvesthen this orthogonalitycondition will not be satisfied and cohort aggregationwill not lead to consistent parameter estimatesdespite our exact aggregationprocedure(see Pischke(1991)). Finally,sufficientconditionsfor consistencyof our instrumentalvariablesprocedure are (a) PlimT, Et [qt]c[Et]c/ T= 0, where [qt]c is the cell average of the instrumental variables, (b) plimT,OEt[qt]LX'1c/T=Mqx where rankMqx =rows of Xt and where Xt= [A[z'(ln Cl-o0-ln b(pt))], A[zt]']' is the set of right-handside variablesin (3.3) above, and (c) plimT Et [qt]c[qt]/ T = Mzz where Mzz is full column rank. The stationarityassumptionsimplicit in the above do not relate directlyto any of the individualseries of interestrate or pricesbut to functionsof these variables. Hansen (1982) and Hansenand Singleton(1982) discuss the sufficientconditionsfor consistency in the estimationof Euler equationswith long time series. Given these conditions, the estimatorfor the unknown parametersin the Euler equation (Pk, k = 0, . . ., K and (d - 8)) is = (X'Q(Q'QQ)-lQQx)-lxXQ(Q'flQ)-1Q , where Y is the left-handside of (3.3), X is the collectionof the right-handside regressors and Q is the matrix of instruments. We replace Q'fQQby its estimate c is an estimateof [Et]cfroma firstroundunweightedIV regression(see White where[ (1980)). The covariancematrixof the estimatoris presentedin Appendix B. 3.4. Empirical resultsfor the intertemporalconsumption model In Table III we presentestimatesof threevariantsof our base model. Thesethreemodels illustratehow demographicsand laboursupply variablesinteractin the Eulerequation. To interpretthe results note that the coefficientspresentedare those in (2.13); that is, Pt = Po+ k PkZkt where the variablesZktare those listed in TableIII. Lowervalues of p withlog realconsumptionwithin 9. Precisely,we constructthe averagecross-productof the characteristics a cohortandthenwe takefirstdifferencesof this measure.Thesecondlag of this variableis thenourinstrument. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 68 TABLE III The Euler equation for consumption Po HWORK WWORK KI NCHILD OWNER SINGLE MULTIPLE d -s8 Sargan p-value 4) (1) (2) (3) -2-369 (3.923) 2-863 (1.457) 2-212 (1.500) -0-872 (0.989) 0-466 (0-219) 0.091 (1-027) 4-280 (4.339) 1-432 (1.140) 0.011 (0.018) 22'5 (14) 7% -0-75 (0.12) -2-233 (3.785) 3*096 (1.439) 2-884 (1.082) 0-570 (3-273) 0*478 (0*206) -0-291 (0.938) 3-700 (3.694) 1-204 (1.078) 0.021 (0.013) 24.72 (15) 5.4% -0-77 (0-12) -2-377 (0 724) 0-326 (0-212) 2-242 (0-762) 5*931 (2.702) 1*947 (0.865) -0*028 (0.010) 28.7 (16) 2-6% -0 75 (0. 11) Notes: Asymptotic standard errors in parentheses. c1: Estimate of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for consumption at the sample mean. HWORK: Head of household in paid employment, WWORK: Wife in paid employment, Kl: Number of children 0-2 years of age, NCHILD: Total number of children, OWNER: Owner occupier, SINGLE: Single adult household, MULTIPLE: Multiple (>2) adult household. Sargan: Test of overidentifying restrictions (degrees of freedom in parentheses). Sample: 95 grouped observations. Test for the joint significance of cohort dummies (x2): 12X3p-value 12%. Instruments. Age, Cohort Dummies, Kl, NCHILD, real interest rate lagged two years, two year lags of the first difference in the interaction of real expenditure with: Kl, NCHILD, HWORK, WWORK, SINGLE, MULTIPLE, OWNER and the second lags of OWNER, real income growth and real consumption growth. imply less intertemporalsubstitutionfor the referencehousehold which is a childless couple living in rented accommodationwith neither spouse in employment. The value for the intertemporalsubstitutionelasticity, 1, presentedat the bottomof the table is the value given by equation (2.14) evaluated at the sample mean. In all cases we use instrumentslaggedtwo periods;the Sarganstatisticis a test of the orthogonalityconditions (or over-identifyingrestrictions)for these instruments. The first column of TableIII gives our most general base model; it includes both laboursupply and demographicvariables. As can be seen, the test of the over-identifying restrictionsis borderlinebut the actualp-valueis higherthanfor similartests on aggregate data. The next two columns focus on the interactionbetween labour supply variables and the presence of an infant in the household. As is well known there is a strong correlationbetween the latter and female employment;the effect of this can be seen in columns 2 and 3. Excludingthe labour supply variablesincreasesthe (absolutevalue) of the coefficienton infants a great deal but leaves the estimateof the ISE unchanged. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 69 TABLE IV Excess sensitivity tests PO HWORK WWORK Kl NCHILD OWNER SINGLE MULTIPLE INCG (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) -4-559 (4.123) 2-066 (1.609) 2-252 (1.368) -0 444 (0.943) 0 439 (0.198) 0-180 (0.955) 1-869 (3.925) 1-235 (1.124) 0 545 (0.368) -2-185 (3.741) 2-182 (1.363) 2-253 (0.904) -5 474 (3.562) -2-360 (2.832) 3 430 (1.219) 3-660 (0.862) 0 740 (0.797) 0-467 (0.188) -0 353 (0.777) -0-723 (2.258) 0-714 (0.898) 8-479 (1.776) 0-462 (0 662) 1-501 (0.455) 0 007 (0.407) 0-219 (0.089) 0-160 (0.362) 0 577 (1.111) 0 707 (0.401) 7-563 (2.137) 0-331 (0.710) 1-510 (0.450) 0 044 (0.398) 0-218 (0.087) 0-229 (0.369) 0-122 (1.248) 0-624 (0.402) 0.110 (0.172) 0-082 (0.007) -0 039 (0.009) 9.6 (13) 73% -1.11 (0.17) 1-127 (0.724) 0-267 (3.194) 0.091 (0.760) 0-276 (0.397) -1-616 (0.655) 0 359 (0.157) 1-598 (0.584) 1-917 (2.216) 1-487 (0.779) 1.115 (0.305) D1980 d -s Sargan p-value 4) 0*007 (0.018) 25.6 (13) 2*6% -0-64 (0.11) 0 009 (0.011) 29.0 (15) 1-6% -0-71 (0.14) -0-025 (0.010) 28.4 (15) 1.9% -0.55 (0.07) 0-041 (0.012) 25.7 (15) 4% -0-78 (0.09) 0-084 (0.007) -0 039 (0.009) 9.2 (14) 82% -1-21 (0.13) (7) 10-070 (1.29) 0-320 (0.102) 0 093 (0-0056) -0*046 (0.0039) 26-4 (20) 15% -1.17 (0.12) Notes: INCG: Growth rate of household income. D1980: Dummy equal to one pre 1981. See also notes for Table 3. Instruments: Columns (1), (2) and (3) as in Table III. Columns (4), (5) and (6) include D1980. Excess sensitivity test for model in column (4) 0-27 (0.48). We prefer the model in the first column but since some will be sceptical of including laboursupplyvariablesin the Eulerequationwe presentbelow estimateswithand without them. The test statisticfor the exclusion of the laboursupply variablesin column 1 has a p-value of 4-7%. There are at least two good reasons why the labour supply variablesin Table III might be significant. Within the maintained model the obvious explanation is that intertemporalallocationdoes indeed depend on labourforce participation;for example, there are positive costs of going to work. An alternativeexplanationwhich lies outside the theoreticalmodel is that consumptiongrowthis correlatedwith anticipatedincome growthwhich is in turn correlatedwith labourforce participation.To look at this issue of "excess sensitivity"we present some estimates in TableIV of models that include (instrumented)real income growthas an additionalvariable.10 Comparingthe first column of Table IV with the first column of Table III we see that including anticipatedincome growth(the INCG variable)does not do very much; the extra variableis itself insignificantand the other parameterestimatesare not much affected. The result that there is no evidence of excess sensitivityif we condition on demographicsand laboursupply has also been found by Attanasioand Browning(1991) and Attanasioand Weber(1993). Excludingthe demographicvariablesas in column (2) 10. See Deaton (1987) and Hayashi (1987). 70 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES does little to change this result. If, however,we exclude the labour-supplyvariablesas in column (3) then the coefficienton INCG does become "significant";this reflectsthe strongcorrelationbetween these two sets of variables. As shown in Figure2, in 1981the real interestratejumped to a higheroveralllevel at which it stayed for the remainderof the 1980s. Moreover,real consumptiongrowth showed no correspondingincrease,even allowing for a reasonabletime lag. A possible interpretationis thatthe macroeconomicpolicies thattriggeredthe increasein the interest rate also led to a fall in the conditionalvarianceof income relativeto the rate of time preference(d - 8). To investigatethe effects of allowing for such an interceptshift we includea dummy(D1980) whichtakesthe value 1 before 1981.11 The resultsarepresented in TableIV:12 column (4) reproducescolumn (1) of TableIII with the 1980 dummy included in the instruments. This does result in a shift of the parameters(with large effects on those most impreciselyestimated) but the main effect seems to be a large reductionin the standarderror. However,the ISE at the meanpoint displayslittle change. Includingthe 1980 dummyin the equationhas a dramaticeffect. First,the estimate of the ISE increasesby about 50%;this is what we would expect given the differences beforeand after1980in Figure2. Second,includingthe 1980dummychangesthe estimate of (d - 8); before it was constrainedto be equal for the whole period and was estimated to be0O041.Now it is 0 045 before 1981and -0 039 after1980. Third,the Sarganstatistic is muchlower;thus includingthe 1980dummyclearsup some of the correlationbetween consumptiongrowthand lagged variablessuggestedby the Sarganstatisticsin TableIII. The inclusion of the 1980 dummychanges some of the other parameterestimatesa good deal (comparecolumns4 and 5 of TableIV). Havingnoted the impactof the 1980 dummy it is worth stressingthat it has no effect on the significanceof the anticipated income variable;comparethe coefficienton INCG in columns 6 and 1 of TableIV. In view of the impactof the D1980 dummy,we presentbelow elasticitiesderivedfromboth specifications. 3.5. Comparisons with a simple model Thispaperpresentsa numberof innovations:we have allowedfor intratemporalpreferences when estimatingpreferencesabout allocation over time and we have allowed the latterto depend on demographics,laboursupplyvariablesand the level of consumption itself. We now considerthe following question:how differentwould our conclusionsbe if we took an alternativesimplerformulationand estimatedthem on our data? We addressthis questionin three steps. First,we look at how importantit is to use the price indices derivedfrom the demandsystemratherthan some other ad hoc indices commonlyused. In the second step we considerhow much differenceit makesto allow the ISE to varywiththe level of consumption,given we allow it to varywith demographics and laboursupply variables. Finally,we investigatehow importantit is to conditionon the lattervariables. For the firststep of our investigationswe replacethe a() price index in (2.12) by a weighted geometricmean of prices, where the weights are household-specificbudget shares(that is, a household-specificStone price index); this allows for some dependence of the deflatoron family compositionand relativeprices (in so far as they affectbudget 11. The asymptotics here require that the number of observations pre- and post-1980 is large enough to average out aggregate shocks within each sub period. 12. We postpone discussion of column 7 of Table IV until the next sub-section. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 71 shares). To deal with the b(*) index we note that it depends only on relativeprices so that it is likely to be of only second-orderimportance;we simplyset it equal to unity for all households. Replacing the price indices in (2.12) in the way describedabove and setting 6 to 0-54 leads to some minor changesin the parameterestimates(not reported) but the broad outlines of our resultsremainunchanged. The only changeof note is that the coefficienton INCG (the expectedincomegrowthvariable)increasesand its standard errorfalls; not enough, however, to make the coefficient"significant".'3Fromthis we conclude that there is not much sensitivityto the precise form of the price indices. In particularA ln b(p) is very small at the cohort level relativeto the interestrate (see the consumptionfunction (2.12)). Since A ln b(p) is close to zero and, since the Stone price index at the cohortlevel is a good approximationof ln a (p), we concludethat all aspects of intertemporalsubstitutioncan be directlyidentifiedusing total real consumption,at least for our data set. Acceptingthat for our sampleperiodwe do not need to use moresophisticatedprice indices than those introducedin the last paragraphwe now go on to investigatewhether a simpleiso-elasticformgivesmuchthe sameresultsas ourmorecomplicatedspecification. To do this, we defineconsumptionC, as total nominalexpendituredividedby our Stone priceindex and we estimatethe followingregressionusingthe sameinstrumentsas before: A[ln Ct] , = ln Ct], + (d -8) + [ut,] where the variables in square brackets are again cohort means. The implied ISE is = - Yo/(1 - k YkZk)- The results of this regressionare presentedin TableV, columns 1 to 4. In all cases the estimatedISE is lower than the mean ISE for the corresponding specification;sometimesmuch lower (for example,comparecolumns 1 in TablesIII and V). Thusit seemsthat if we constrainthe ISE to be constant,the estimatedvalueseriously underestimatesthe mean of the ISE when we use a flexible specification. Also of note is the fact that the 1980 dummy is less well-determinedand there appearsto be some significantexcess sensitivitywhen we use this dummy. We conclude that constraining the ISE to be constantmay lead to erroneousinference. Our final experimentconsists in droppingthe conditioningvariables. These results are reportedin column 7 of Table IV for our specificationand in columns 5 and 6 of Table V for the iso-elastic specification. Comparingcolumns 6 and 7 of Table IV we see that droppingthe labour supply variablesand demographicsdoes not change our estimateof the mean of the ISE very much. On the other hand, as expected,the coefficienton INCG is now significant.For the iso-elasticmodelwe see thatwhenwe dropthe conditioningvariablesthe 1980dummy becomesinsignificantand thereis strongevidenceof excess sensitivity. Moreoverfor the first time in all our specificationsthe ISE is not well-determined(if we allow for the excess sensitivity). Referringback to the discussionat the end of Section 3.1 we see that this may explain why investigatorsusing aggregatedata or using micro data without controllingfor demographicsand laboursupply have usually found only weak evidence of intertemporalsubstitution. Our interpretationof these resultsis that in terms of estimatingthe ISE it may be misleadingto use an iso-elasticspecification.On the otherhand, ignoringdemographics and labour supply variablesdoes not seem to lead to much bias in the estimateof the Yo[ it]c + YkvkA[Ztk 13. A disadvantage of our Box-Cox transformation is that even when A In b(p) is zero the 0 parameter remains identified from the Euler equation and hence its choice can affect even then the estimated ISE. In our experiments relating to the sensitivity to the choice of price indices we have just considered 0 = 054 as implied by estimated curvature of the Engel curves. This retains comparability with our complete specification. 72 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES TABLE V An isoelastic specification Comparison Table (col) Real rate HWORK WWORK Kl NCHILD OWNER SINGLE MULTIPLE (2) (3) (4) A5) III (1) 0*178 (0.057) 0 309 (0-070) 0*068 (0.094) 0.045 (0.061) 0*034 (0-010) -0*037 (0.056) 0*231 (0-262) 04024 (0.070) IV (1) 0-193 (0.051) 0*208 (0.096) 0.101 (0.084) 0*061 (0.056) 0-023 (0-010) 0-004 (0.048) 0 054 (0.283) 0-067 (0.063) 0-143 (0.142) IV (5) 0-607 (0'209) 0-244 (0.070) 0-096 (0.070) 0-034 (0.056) 0-038 (0-010) -0-026 (0.056) 0-178 (0-188) 0-140 (0.064) IV (6) 0*546 (0.207) 0'143 (0.081) 0.109 (0.064) 0-046 (0.050) 0*024 (0.010) 0-013 (0.046) 0*003 (0-182) 0*068 (0.051) 0*253 (0.120) 0*042 (0.023) -0*015 (0.017) 10.0 (13) 69% -0*73 (0.21) IV (7) 0-451 (0-377) 1-05 (0-41) 0'537 (0.196) 0-035 (0.041) -0-019 (0.021) 0 (1) 99% -0-45 (0.38) 0-102 (0.043) 0 046 (0.023) 4-2 (2) 12% -1-05 (0-41) INCG D1980 d -a Sargan p-value (6) (1) 0*009 (0.007) 14.6 (14) 40% -0-20 (0.065) 0.009 (0.001) 11.4 (13) 58% -0-21 (0.056) 0-051 (0.023) -0-017 (0-018) 13-8 (14) 46% -0-96 (0.36) Notes: Dependent variable is real consumption growth deflated by a Stone price index defined on the included goods. Instruments: Columns (1) and (2) as in Table IV including (INCG). Columns (3) and (4) include D1980, Columns (5) and (6) only include consumption growth, the real interest rate, real income growth all lagged two years and D1980. mean of the ISE. Nevertheless,the ISE does varysystematicallywith these variablesand the results of our excess sensitivitytests depend criticallyon whetherwe include such variables. 3.6. The implications of our estimates for intertemporalsubstitution In Table VI we presentthe estimatesof the ISE implied by three of our specifications above;the preferredmodel withoutthe 1980dummy(TableIII, column1) which we call model 1; the preferredmodel with the 1980dummy(TableIV, column5)-model 2-and the preferrediso-elastic model (Table V, column 4)-model 3. Consideringthe top panel in Table VI we see that systematicallythe estimatesfrom model 2 are higher (in absolute value) than those from model 1. For both models the importantvariableseems to be female participation:generallythe ISE is higher if the wife is in employment. The middlepanel in TableVI givesthe distributionof the ISE over ourwhole sample whereasthe lower panel gives the distributionallowing consumptionto vary but fixing all demographicsand labour supply variablesfor each household at the sample mean. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 73 TABLE VI* Elasticitiesof intertemporal substitution(4) (a) Elasticitiesat groupmeans WWORK HWORK OWNER C(61 r(l) (2) Iso-elastic -0 75 (0.12) -0-61 (0.12) -0-61 (0.11) -0-69 (0.10) -0-68 (0.09) -0-82 (0.23) -0 74 (0.16) -0-81 (0.14) -1-21 (0.13) -1-45 (0.32) -1-22 (0.20) -1-18 (0.14) -1-08 (0.10) -2-21 (0.82) -1-43 (0.27) -1-32 (0.16) -0-96 (0.36) -0 70 (0.24) -0-66 (0.22) -0 94 (0.37) -0*88 (0.33) -0-84 (0*26) -0 77 (0.24) -1.10 (0.45) -0 77 -1.19 -1.01 0-67 0-89 0 58 14-65 0 0 0 10-68 0 0 1 12-75 0 1 0 13-71 0 1 1 15-49 1 0 0 9-83 1 0 1 12-74 1 1 0 13-99 1 1 1 15-75 (0.12) (0.11) (0.39) (b) The distributionof the elasticitiesover the entiresample e1(1) (D(2) M1o M25 M50 M75 M90 %positive -1.10 -2*8 -0*81 -1.8 -0 76 -1.4 -0 70 -1-14 -0-66 -0-96 5*0% 0% (c) The distributionof the elasticitiesat averagehouseholdcharacteristics 4 (1) (D(2) M1o M25 M50 M75 M90 %positive -0*85 -0*80 -1.9 -0 77 -1*4 -0 74 -1*13 -0 72 -0 96 0% 5-7% -2*9 Mi is the i-th percentile. Notes: Asymptoticstandarderrorsin parentheses.Definitionsof variablesas in TableIII. Column(1) and 4 (1) referto the model in column (1) of Table III. Column(2) and 4 (2) referto the model in column(5) of Table IV. "Iso-elastic"refersto the model in column (1) in TableV. * Threethings standout fromthese distributions.First,the estimateswiththe 1980dummy are not only higherin meanbut also muchmorespreadout. Indeed,some of the estimates are positive which violatesthe concavityof the utilityfunction. Second,the distributions are fairly similar across the two panels; this suggests that most of the variationin the ISE across the population is due to differencesin consumption(which can loosely be thought of as a proxy for lifetime wealth) and not to differencesin demographicsand laboursupplyvariables.This is consistentwiththe resultsreportedin the last sub-section. 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The life-cyclemodelplays an importantpartin ourunderstandingof consumerbehaviour. It providesa comprehensiveframeworkfor analyzingthe relationshipbetweenintertemporal consumptionand intratemporalexpenditureallocations. This paper provides a rigorousanalysisof the interactionbetweenthese two stagesof the consumer'sbudgeting 74 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES problemusing a time-seriesof repeatedcross-sectionscoveringsome 70,000households in the U.K. over the 1970's and 1980's. We identify intertemporalbehaviourusing a pseudo-panelof groupedannualcohortdataconstructedfromour repeatedcross-section. Our principalconclusionscan be summarizedas follows: ' (a) Althoughhomotheticityis stronglyrejectedat the demandsystemlevel, a single price index is sufficientto describeintertemporalallocationsin our sample. This is because the rate of change of the homogeneous-of-degree-zero price index b(p), is in fact very small. Moreover using a Stone price index to deflate consumptiongives very similarresultsto using the exact price index estimated from the within-periodallocations. (b) Allowingthe intertemporalelasticityof substitutionto vary with consumption, as opposed to using an iso-elastic specification,is importantfor the estimates. This extra degree of flexibilityleads to higher estimatesof the ISE. Moreover we find that the ISE is very well determined. (c) An importantinnovationof our approachis the systematicanalysisof the effects of demographiccharacteristicsand labour marketvariables on intertemporal behaviour.We findthatdemographiccharacteristicsand labourmarketvariables have significantbut relativelysmall effectson intertemporalallocations. This is truedespitethe fact thatthe priceindex deflatingconsumptionis itself a function of these conditioningvariables. (d) In testing the validity of the life-cycle model we included the growth rate of income as an explanatoryvariableand performedstandardexcess sensitivity tests. Once we control for labourmarketstatuswe find no excess sensitivityin our full specificationalthoughthereis some evidenceof excess sensitivityin the iso-elasticmodel. The last of these findings is open to a variety of interpretationswhich cannot be distinguishedconvincinglywithin this framework. First, it is quite possible that the importanceof labour marketvariablesin the intertemporalmodel does in fact reflect shiftingtastesas a functionof labourmarketstatus;since labourmarketstatusand growth rate of income are obviously correlatedignoringthe formermakes the latterspuriously significant. For the same reasonsthe reverseis also possible: labour marketstatus is a good predictorof income growthand thus labourmarketstatusmay just captureexcess sensitivity. Nevertheless,we should note that the labour marketvariablesremain significanteven in the presenceof income growth. BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 75 DATA APPENDIX A full description of the Family Expenditure Sata codes used to construct the variables is available from the authors on request. TABLE D.1 Descriptive statistics for demographic characteristicsand expenditures Year Female works Male works Married Age of head Child 0-2 Child 2-5 Child 5-10 Child 11-16 Child 17-18 Number of adults Expenditure (x) Share of food Share of alcohol Share of clothing Share of fuel Share of transport Share of services 1970-1974 1975-1979 1980-1984 1985-1986 0 597 (0.490) 0-931 (0.252) 0-827 (0.378) 40-843 (11 00 0-218 (0.470) 0-152 (0.380) 0 457 (0.780) 0-328 (0.650) 0 040 (0.206) 2-083 (0.648) 31-436 (20.40) 0-364 (0.122) 0-061 (0.074) 0 109 (0.105) 0-081 (0.059) 0-169 (0.142) 0-108 (0.096) 0-699 (0.458) 0 900 (0.299) 0-792 (0.405) 40-308 (11.00) 0-174 (0.428) 0-128 (0.353) 0-413 (0.726) 0 339 (0.664) 0 044 (0.215) 2-054 (0.680) 63 655 (42.40) 0 352 (0.126) 0-068 (0.078) 0.100 (0.102) 0-081 (0.058) 0-170 (0.140) 0.113 (0.102) 0-682 (0.465) 0-832 (0.373) 0 757 (0.428) 40273 (1080) 0*173 (0.433) 0-108 (0.320) 0-346 (0.658) 0 339 (0-651) 0-060 (0.253) 2-042 (0.710) 113-643 (76.40) 0-321 (0.120) 0-067 (0.077) 0.093 (0.097) 0 091 (0.065) 0-185 (0.148) 0.126 (0.109) 0-696 (0.459) 0 797 (0-402) 0-711 (0.452) 39-732 (10.60) 0-170 (0-424) 0-114 (0.337) 0-317 (0-640) 0-283 (0-585) 0-054 (0.239) 1.997 (0.740) 142-404 (103.0) 0 307 (0-117) 0-068 (0.078) 0-096 (0.100) 0-096 (0.069) 0-173 (0.140) 0.139 (0.119) Sample standard deviations in parentheses 76 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES APPENDIX A. THE PARAMETERS OF THE ESTIMATED DEMAND SYSTEM (x1OO) The demand system has the form Wih = aih +Ej yij in Pjt + ih ( X/ a (p)) + Vih where alh = aio+Yk fi6h = Zkhaik, 13i0+Yk Vij = Vji ZkhlPik, TABLE A Parameters and standard errors (x 100) Food Alcohol Clothing Fuel Transport Services 8*65 (1.31) -1-87 (0.81) -2-79 (1.20) -0 55 (0.71) -4-88 (1.43) 2-68 (1.02) -3.45 (1.00) 1*92 (0.89) 3-62 (0.68) 3-13 (1.22) -1-39 (0.95) 5-77 (1.49) -1 50 (0*80) -2-31 (1.51) -4-72 (1.06) 3-32 (0.81) -6 58 (1.04) -0*01 (0.76) 3 49 (3.04) 7 57 (1.63) 0.25 (1.58) 46-39 (3.95) 9-89 (3.40) 4-93 (3.46) 12'13 (3.46) 7-12 (3.53) -1.34 (1.96) 10*74 (1.99) 4-84 (1.93) 0-66 (0.27) -0-27 (0.06) 2*19 (0.10) 2*22 (0.11) 2*72 (0.07) 2-76 (0. 10) 2*74 (0.23) 1-92 (0.28) 4-60 (3.29) -2-32 (2.77) -2-02 (2.81) 1-22 (2.82) -3-55 (2.88) 1-30 (1.57) 4*20 (1.57) -5.14 (1.53) -0-73 (0.21) -0*02 (0.05) -1*09 (0.08) -1*03 (0.09) -0*95 (0.05) -0*78 (0.08) -1.10 (0*18) 2-50 (0*22) 8-64 (4.30) -2.81 (3.64) 0-14 (3.69) -4 93 (3.70) -0 70 (3.78) -1.47 (2.05) 2*70 (2.09) -1.18 (2.01) 0-02 (0.29) 0 07 (0.06) 0*31 (0.10) 0.15 (0.12) 0*20 (0.07) 0.51 (0.11) 0*44 (0.24) 0-26 (0.29) 18-33 (2.35) 1-57 (1.98) -0.17 (2.01) -0*52 (2.01) 1-85 (2.05) 0*35 (1.15) -9*25 (1.14) -1.34 (1*12) 0-02 (0.15) 0-03 (0.03) 0 94 (0.06) 0.56 (0.07) 0 25 (0.04) 0*06 (0.06) 0*16 (0.14) -0*56 (0.17) 6-08 (2.26) -14 07 (4.14) -6.32 (4.18) -6.29 (3.98) -11-26 (4.10) 5*82 (2.50) 15-83 (2.93) 4-86 (2.64) -0-65 (0.40) 0.19 (0.09) -1*88 (0.15) -1*48 (0.17) -1*21 (0.10) -0*86 (0.15) -0*37 (0.33) 1-30 (0.40) 3.93 (4.27) 7-14 (3.83) 1-46 (3.87) -1-00 (3.85) 6-81 (3.93) -2*03 (2.15) -0*47 (2.20) -2*20 (2.13) 0-68 (0.30) 0.10 (0.07) -0*59 (0.11) -0*29 (0.13) -0*91 (0.07) -1.79 (0.11) -1*77 (0*26) -4.55 (0.31) y parameters P Food P Alcohol P Clothing P Fuel P Transport P Services a parameters Constant Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Oct and Nov HWORK WWORK Married Age Age2 KI K2 K3 K4 K5 Number of Adults BLUNDELL ET AL. HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES 77 TABLE A-continued NORTH YORKSHIRE EAST MIDLANDS EAST ANGLIA LONDON SOUTH EAST SOUTH WEST WALES WEST MIDLANDS NORTH WEST COUNCIL HOUSE RENT UNFURN RENT FURN OWNER MORT OWNER NO MORT CENT HEAT TREND COH 1911-15 COH 1916-20 COH 1921-25 COH 1926-30 COH 1931-35 COH 1936-40 COH 1941-45 COH 1946-50 COH 1951-55 COH 1956-60 WHITE COLLAR HOUSE DURS CARS Food Alcohol Clothing -0*30 (0.20) 0 30 (0.19) 0-02 (0.19) 0*37 (0.23) 0-84 (0.17) 0 11 (0.17) 0-63 (0.18) 0-76 (0.18) 0 04 (0.19) -0 13 (0.18) 0-88 (0.25) 0 73 (0.27) -0 54 (0.32) 0.10 (0.24) 0-56 (0.27) -0-76 (0.10) -3 70 (0.56) 1.90 (1.40) 1-46 (1.27) 1-46 (1.16) 1-33 (1.04) 1-12 (0.93) 0 94 (0.83) 0 39 (0.72) 0 34 (0.64) 0-21 (0.56) -0-15 (0.53) -1-13 (0.12) -1-43 (0.22) -3-25 (0.17) 1*18 (0.16) 0 34 (0.15) 0.11 (0.15) -1*10 (0*18) -1 03 (0-13) -1 47 (0.14) -1.10 (0.14) -0-86 (0.14) -0-41 (0.15) 0-28 (0.14) 1 38 (0.19) 1-40 (0.22) 2-78 (0.25) 0 55 (0.19) 0-17 (0.21) -0 39 (0.08) 0-68 (0.45) 0-62 (1.10) 0.55 (1.00) 0-32 (0.91) 0-52 (0.82) 0 39 (0.74) 0.50 (0.65) 0-60 (0.57) 0 44 (0.50) 0 73 (0.45) 0-36 (0.41) -0-80 (0.09) -0-83 (0.18) -0-88 (0.13) -0*14 (0.21) -0 53 (0.19) -0-80 (0.20) -0 97 (0.24) -0-80 (0-18) -1 18 (0-18) -0 90 (0.19) -0-56 (0.19) -0-66 (0.20) -0-72 (0.19) -0-06 (0 26) -0.00 (0.29) 0 94 (0.33) 0-38 (0.26) 0-56 (0 28) 0-21 (0.10) 1-26 (0.66) -3.39 (1.46) -3-02 (1.33) -2-88 (1.21) -2-70 (109) -2-60 (0.97) -2-49 (0.86) -2-24 (0.76) -2-25 (0-66) -2-01 (0.59) -1-29 (0.55) 0-26 (0.12) 0.72 (0.24) -1-74 (0.17) Fuel -057 (0.11) -051 (0.11) -0-22 (0.11) 0*01 (0.13) -059 (0.10) 0-02 (0.10) -0.30 (0.10) -0-41 (0.10) -0 30 (0.11) -0-02 (0.10) 0-86 (0.14) 0.01 (0.15) -2-32 (0.18) 0 55 (0.14) 0-32 (0.15) 0-13 (0.06) 0.50 (0.36) 3-29 (0.79) 2-80 (0.72) 2-64 (0.66) 2-46 (0.59) 2-33 (0-53) 2-23 (0.47) 2-06 (0-41) 1-92 (0.36) 1-39 (0.32) 1-14 (0.30) 0-06 (0.07) 0-25 (0.13) -0-61 (0.10) Transport -056 (0.30) -0 95 (0.28) -0-83 (0.29) -0-61 (0.35) 0 11 (0.25) -0 09 (0 26) 0-06 (0.28) -0-51 (0.27) -0-48 (0.29) -0 37 (0.27) -1 63 (0.36) -1V64 (0.41) 0-46 (0.48) -1-31 (0.36) -1-63 (0.40) 0 54 (0.15) -0-21 (0.75) -2-20 (2.06) -1-56 (1.88) -1-07 (1.70) -0 99 (1.54) -0 90 (1.37) -0-97 (1-22) -0-87 (1.07) -0-91 (0.95) -0.51 (0.84) -0-17 (0.79) -0-63 (0.17) 0-82 (0.33) 10-04 (0.24) Services 017 (0.22) 0-52 (0.21) 0 59 (0.21) 0 43 (0*26) 0-52 (0.19) 0 54 (0.19) 0 55 (0.21) 0-20 (0.20) 0-52 (0.21) 0 35 (0.20) -0*11 (0.27) 0-46 (0.30) 0-31 (0.36) 0*51 (0.27) 0-82 (0.30) 0 34 (0.11) -0*45 (0-55) -0-17 (1.56) 0-14 (1.42) 0-07 (1.29) -0-24 (1.16) 0-16 (1.04) 0-24 (0.92) 0-17 (0.81) 0-40 (0.71) 0-24 (0.63) 0.55 (0.58) 1-61 (0.13) -0-28 (0.25) -2.28 (0.18) REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 78 TABLE A-continued Food ,8 parameters (C Alcohol Clothing -0-18 (0.30) -0-03 (0.25) -0*02 0*61 (0.40) -0 09 (0-33) -0-27 (0.33) 0-20 (0.33) -0-08 (0.34) 0-22 (0.19) -0-21 (0.24) 0 03 (0.21) Fuel Transport Services 0-28 (0.29) 1-42 (0.37) 0 70 (0 37) 0-74 (0.36) 1'13 (0.37) -0 45 (0.23) -1-52 (0.34) -0.50 (0.28) 1-54 (0.40) -0-28 (0.34) 0-25 (0.34) 0-52 (0.34) -0 37 (0-35) 0-17 (0-20) -0-01 x/a(p)) = C -1-42 (0.36) -0-67 (0.30) -0-26 (0.31) -0 93 (0.31) -0-49 (0-32) -0.01 (0.18) 1.00 (0.23) -0-23 (0.20) CxQUAR1 CxQUAR2 CxQUAR3 Cx(OCT-NOV) CxWWORK CxHWORK CxMARRIED (0.25) -0-31 (0.25) 0*13 (0.26) -0.06 (0.14) -0-23 (0.18) 0 49 (0.16) -1.11 (0.22) 0 04 (0.18) 0*15 (0.18) 0-04 (0.18) -0 18 (0-18) -0-11 (0.10) 0 75 (0.13) 0-11 (0.12) (0.25) 0-10 (0.22) 0 54 (0.45) 0 Notes: Asymptotic standard errors in parentheses. All parameters and standard errors are multiplied by 100. The parameters of the seventh commodity (OTHER) are implied by adding up. AGE = (AGE-40)/10. Default region: Scotland. Default season: Christmas. Default housing: Rent Free. Instruments: Seasonal dummies, regional dummies, cohort dummies, asset income, asset income squared, married, age and age squared of head of household, male and female employment status, child dummies, housing tenure dummies, number of adults, central heating dummy, occupation, durables and car ownership dummy, trend, trend squared and interactions of asset income with child dummies, employment status, married and seasonal dummies. APPENDIX B. THE VARIANCE COVARIANCE MATRIX OF THE ESTIMATOR We represent the Euler equation by the regression function y(C) = p'X(C)i, + uit where we denote the parameter vector of the demand system by g and where W()t = A I ?jC c[(1+O)(lnx,j-(In a(p| )),j)+(In b(pI|r))j] -[In (1+r,,)-A (In a(p| )X ], (B.1) =(A f{[ln (x,j/a(p IC,j)]01--In z=1( b(p I?1}). (B.2) In the above c denotes a cohort, j an individual and t a time period. Nct is the size of the cohort in time period t and Z2 is the i-th characteristic included in the Euler equation, for the j-th individual in the t-th time period. To compute the asymptotic standard errors we need the derivatives of y(C) and X(;) with respect to C. We denote the conditioning characteristics in the demand system by some vector z1. The non-zero elements of these derivatives have the following form: C zIj lnPk)t ay(C)tlaak = OA 8Y(0)t/YSk = OA(In pts InPtk) (Nct 1 1+ 8ks (B.3) ,~ (B.4) BLUNDELL ET AL. = A (I dy(,/da = dx(r)il/8k Ej HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURES (B.6) cIn Ctk) -,A Pjz i 79 Pn in in (B.7) where 5ks iS the Kronecker-8and k is the goods index. The vectorof derivativesis completedby placingzeros at the correct positions. Theestimatorof;~hasan asymptoticcovariancematrixV;. Theerrortermof the modelwhenwe condition on consistentparameterestimates;~can be approximatedto the firstorderby uX * = u-A[2X/o(](g-) +[ ty/di( p ) = U+ Q(-p ). (B.10) Hence Eu*(u*)I = l;x+QVQp. Finallythe asymptoticcovariancematrixof the GMM estimatorof p is X ilk where Pk (X=P-X) i Z(Z'KrZneZk,rwhere + 2(X PX pXP I[QV nQ]PtX(Xk PX)1, (B.ll) Z is the matrix of instruments used for the estimation of the Euler equation. 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