Kilmarnock College Sector leading practice in the use of e-assessment in health and social care Building on previous use of the college VLE by staff/students, staff from the Health and Social Care curriculum area developed and implemented a completely VLE based assessment process for all units within HNC Social Care. The difference between this and the more routine approach to e-assessment is that this model had all assessment as e-assessment rather than smaller parts. The project was also fully monitored and evaluated. The outcomes for this were varied and included: Increased flexibility for students including continuous, open access Increased flexibility for staff including 24/7 access, the ability to mark when outwith the college building Reduction in paper usage Increased support for students during assessment process Increased focus on assessment and increased submission rates Centralisation and security of assessments and assessment feedback Standardisation of delivery and support over different cohorts and modes of attendance Better use of technology to reduce assessment burden for students Improved student ICT skills and confidence Prepared students for future study The implementation involved using the features within the VLE (Moodle) to support the assessment and feedback process. One feature was the ability for students to upload their assessments to the VLE for marking and feedback by the lecturer. Lecturers can mark, grade and return a feedback document to the learner via the VLE for students to access. Another feature that was used is the ‘Forum’ tool which allowed students to work in groups on an assessment project. Alongside the VLE tools used for assessment were supporting materials on the VLE. Students can access questions, case studies including audio versions and video guides to the assessment recorded by the lecturer. Staff and learner feedback on this is positive, with staff saying that the project exceeded their expectations, and 90% of learners in a survey recommended it be adopted for other courses.