Health and Wellbeing: Food and Health Significant Aspect of Learning 5 3 Level

Health and Wellbeing: Food and Health
3rd Level
Significant Aspect of Learning 5
Knowledge and understanding that food practices and choices depend on many factors including availability, sustainability,
season, cost, religious beliefs, culture, peer pressure, advertising and the media.
Learning Statement(s)
Understand the impact food choice may have on health.
Evaluate the information on food packaging in relaton to a health/nutrional need..
Experiences and Outcomes
HWB 3-34a: Having explored a range of issues which may affect food choice. I can discuss how this could impact on the individual’s health.
(Health and wellbeing > Food and health > Food and the consumer)
HWB 3-36a: Using my knowledge of nutrition and current healthy eating advice, I can evaluate the information on food packaging, enabling me to
make informed choices when preparing and cooking healthy dishes. (Health and wellbeing > Food and health > Food and the consumer)
Secondary Organisers
MNU 3.08a: I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems to everyday contexts.
LIT 3.06a I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in
a logical order and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.
LIT 2-23a: I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my
Lesson 1: Researching and Understanding…
Researching current
dietary advice.
Learning Intention(s)
I will be learning about healthy food
choices and will be applying this
knowledge to evaluate and suggest
changes to a person’s diet.
Knowledge & Understanding
and Skills development:
Peer discussions
Reflecting upon personal
learning through
IT research.
Developing knowledge of
current dietary advice.
Solving problems.
Critical thinking.
Class teachers recap the Eat
Well Plate with pupils
(previously taught in primary
school). The class is then
introduced to the Scottish
Dietary Targets at a basic
level. Pupils then have to
discuss with their partner
ways in which we can
incorporate these targets
into our diets. Each pupil
then has to produce a
poster/leaflet which can be
displayed in the school
canteen to promote healthy
food choices in relation to
current dietary advice.
Evaluating a person’s
Using prior knowledge, pupils
then have to analyse a case
study and suggest changes to
improve the persons’ diet,
health and lifestyle.
Success Criteria
Pupils can identify 4 of the 8 dietary targets and give one way of incorporating each into their diet.
Pupils can analyse someone’s diet and explain at least 3 improvements for a healthier lifestyle.
Pupil Comments
Pupil Comment
“It is important we try to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and
vegetables a day as they contain antioxidant vitamins which
can help prevent cancer and heart disease.”
“The school canteen also has to follow nutritional
guidelines to help improve our diet and limit the amount
of fat, salt and sugar we eat”
“Sometimes we can make small changes without even
Next steps for learners:
Apply knowledge in practical food lesson.
Keep their own food diary and compare it with current dietary advice.
Investigate the impact of advertising on our food choices.
Lesson 2: Consolidating and evaluating…
Learning Intention(s)
We will be learning to evaluate the
information on food labels.
Knowledge & Understanding
and Skills development:
Peer discussions
Reflecting upon personal
learning through
Applying knowledge of
Solving problems.
completed by learner
to evaluate
information given on
food packaging for
the Penny Plump Case
Success Criteria
I can read a food label and understand what contributes to high fat, salt and sugar.
I can make evaluative comments about the food label.
I can decide what product is healthier using the food label.
Evaluating food
packaging in relation
to a health need.
Pupils should all have a
basic knowledge of
nutrition and use this
information to
evaluate a food label.
The same case study
from Lesson 1 is used
as pupils have already
identified some
changes this person
needs to make.
This information is
used as a catalyst for
class discussion on
Learner’s comment:
Learner’s Comment:
Learner’s Comment:
Penny plump should eat pizza B
as it contains less fat, this will
help reduce obesity.
Food labels provide lots of
information which can help us
make healthier choices.
If the nutritional information is
per 100g it is easier to compare
products and make choices.
Next Steps in Learning as identified by the children:
 Produce food items to meet current dietary advice.
 Make changes to recipes to help meet current dietary advice.
Produce a health guide at the end of the unit to collate all their nutritional knowledge.
Teacher comment:
A series of practical lessons are linked to this where recipes are used to incorporate their dietary advice.
Pupils also adapt a recipe for pizza, this is made and then evaluated. At third level, current dietary
advice is taught at a basic level and this is developed though 4th level and then onto National courses.