" ! % $#" Two benchmark circuits are used for objectively evaluating ASIC supplier performance claims. The method applies first-order equations relating capacitive discharge currents and transistor saturation current to arrive at a technology constant. The method has been used to survey 14 ASIC suppliers with over 76 different technologies. Results are shown for 48 CMOS technologies. % " "& % *' +446' 0( &'5'3.+/+/) 7#-+& 1'3(03.#/%' (03 4611-+= '34 +4 #-8#:4 1#3#.06/5 +/ 5*' .+/&4 0( &'4+)/'34 *004+/) # 4611-+'3 $#4'& 0/ #))3'44+7' 1'3(03.#/%' %-#+.4 %06-& -'#& 50 &+4#453064 3'46-54 / 5*' 05*'3 *#/& %*004+/) # 4611-+'3 8+5* %0/4'37#5+7' 1'3(03.#/%' %-#+.4 3'46-54 +/ *+)*'3 %0454 5*#/ /'%'44#3: $'%#64' 0( 46$015+.#- 1'3(03= .#/%' #/& #3'# 65+-+;#5+0/ /' 8#: 50 %0.1#3' 4611-+'3 5'%*/0-0): 1'3(03.#/%' +4 5*306)* $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+54 *' 53#&+5+0/#- 4+.1-+45+% =+/165 NAND )#5' +/53+/4+% &'-#: 03 '7'/ (#/065 &'-#: *#4 )+7'/ 8#: 50 .03' %0.1-'5' $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+54 65 8*+%* $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+5 %07'34 5*' 3#/)' 0( &'4+)/ 1044+$+-+5+'4 *06-& +5 4%#-' 8+5* 5'%*/0-0): 1#3#.'5'34 46%* #4 53#/4+4503 &3+7' .'5#- 8+3' -'/)5* 03 %#1#%+5#/%' "*#5 #$065 +/5'3= %0//'%5 .'5#- 3'4+45#/%' "*#5 #3' #113013+#5' +/5'3(#%'4 50 5*' 3'#- 803-& 03 ':0/& &'4+)/ %0/4+&'3#5+0/4 8*#5 %0/&+5+0/4 8'3' 64'& 50 )'/'3#5' 1'3(03.#/%' #/& &'-#: /6.$'34 "*#5 70-5#)' 5'.1'3#563' +/165 4-'8 5+.' #/& 130%'44 %0/&+5+0/4 8'3' 64'& $: 5*' 4611-+'3 63 +/7'45+)#5+0/ #&&3'44'4 5*'4' +446'4 (5'3 %0/5#%5+/) 4'7'3#- &+7+4+0/4 8' '/&'& 61 64+/) 580 $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+54 5*#5 *#7' $''/ #306/& +/ 7#3+064 (03.4 4+/%' #/& 8'3' .045 3'%'/5-: 16$-+4*'& +/ "' 4637':'& 5'%*/0-0)+'4 (30. 7#3+064 4611-+'34 50 %0.1#3' $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+5 1'3(03.#/%' %-#+.4 +/%' 5*' $'/%*.#3, 4+.6-#5+0/4 )+7' 500 .6%* -#5+56&' 50 461= 1-+'34 8' 64'& 41'%+(+% &'7+%' 5'%*/0-0): &'5#+-4 50 %0.= 1#3' #/& '7#-6#5' 5*' #%%63#%: 0( 4611-+'3 %-#+.4 "' 0$= 4'37'& $05* #))3'44+7' #/& %0/4'37#5+7' 1'3(03.#/%' %-#+.4 )+7'/ 5*' 6/&'3-:+/) 5'%*/0-0): *' 130%'44 8' &'4%3+$' #-40 #--084 &'4+)/'34 50 (0%64 0/ #3'#4 8*'3' # 4611-+'3 *#4 46$015+.#- &'4+)/4 ! " " ! *' $'/%*.#3, %+3%6+54 #3' 4*08/ +/ +) *' (+345 %+3%6+5 '/%*.#3, +) # 4*084 # %0.1-'5' 1#5* (30. +/165 1#& 50 065165 1#& *'3' +4 # 46$45#/5+#- 065165 1#& -0#& 0( 1 8*+%* .03' %-04'-: 3'13'4'/54 3'#-=803-& #11-+%#5+0/4 / +/5'3/#- 1#5* %0/5#+/4 7#3+064 5:1+%#- -0)+% )#5'4 8+5* (#/065 #/& 8+3' -'/)5* 41'%+(+%#5+0/4 *' 4'%0/& %+3%6+5 '/%*.#3, +) $ +/%-6&'4 580 (-+1=(-014 #/& # 6)645 '8-'55=#%,#3& 063/#- =+/165 NOR )#5' '/%*.#3, &0'4 /05 +/%-6&' +/5'3(#%'4 50 5*' 3'#- 803-& #/& +4 3'-#5+7'-: 4+.1-' +/ %0.1#3+40/ 50 '/%*.#3, 0 # -#3)'3 '95'/5 '/%*.#3, )+7'4 # %-04'3 (''-+/) (03 5*' +/53+/4+% 1'3(03.#/%' 0( # )+7'/ 5'%*= /0-0): 03 $05* $'/%*.#3,4 8+3' -'/)5* #/& )#5' (#/065 %#1#%+5#/%' 4%#-' 8+5* 5'%*/0-0): 03 +/45#/%' +( .'5#1+5%*'4 $'%0.' 4.#--'3 8*'/ .07+/) 50 5*' -'#&+/)='&)' 5'%*/0-0): 8+3' -'/)5*4 4*06-& $' 4*035'3 +,'8+4' )#5' (#/065 %#1#%+5#/%' 4*06-& 53#%, 8*'/ .07+/) 50 4.#--'3 4530/)'3 53#/4+45034 +/ # -'#&+/)='&)' 5'%*/0-0): "' 0$5#+/'& %0.1-'5' 1#5* &'-#:4 (03 5'%*/0-0= )+'4 (03 &+(('3'/5 4611-+'34 +/%-6&+/) +/5'3/#- #/& 1#5* 3+4+/) #/& (#--+/) &'-#:4 (03 '/%*.#3, #/& .#9+= .6. 01'3#5+/) (3'26'/%: (03 '/%*.#3, '/'3#--: 461= 1-+'34 64'& .0&'-4 0( 5*'+3 5'%*/0-0): 50 '45+.#5' 1#5* &'= -#:4 3#5*'3 5*#/ .'#463'.'/54 0( #%56#- %+3%6+54 *' &#5# %0--'%5'& +4 4*08/ +/ #$-' Table I ASIC Supplier Sample Data 3#8/ 53#/4+4503 )#5' -'/)5* µ. (('%5+7' 53#/4+4503 )#5' -'/)5* µ. 3#/4+4503 )#5' 09+&' 5*+%,/'44 < +5%* (03 '#%* .'5#- -#:'3 µ. 08'3 4611-: 70-5#)' 64'& (03 $'/%*.#3,4 ! 6/%5+0/ 5'.1'3#563' 64'& (03 $'/%*.#3,4 ° 30%'44 %0/&+5+0/ 64'& (03 $'/%*.#3,4 (SLOW/NOM/FAST) /165 '&)' 3#5' 64'& (03 $'/%*.#3,4 /4 '/%*.#3, %0.1-'5' 1#5* 1 &'-#: /4 '/%*.#3, %0.1-'5' 1#5* 1 &'-#: /4 '/%*.#3, +/5'3/#- 1#5* 1 &'-#: /4 '/%*.#3, +/5'3/#- 1#5* 1 &'-#: /4 '/%*.#3, .#9+.6. 01'3#5+/) (3'26'/%: ; 611-+'34 8'3' 3'26+3'& 50 1307+&' '/06)* 130%'44 &'5#+-4 50 '7#-6#5' 5*' #%%63#%: 0( 1'3(03.#/%' %-#+.4 "' 8#/5'& 50 7'3+(: 1'3(03.#/%' 64+/) (+345=03&'3 (+)63'4 0( .'3+5 #/& %0.1#3+40/4 $'58''/ 4611-+'34 0 5*#5 '/& 8' %0/4+&'3'& 130%'44 #/& &'7+%' 1#3#.'5'34 5*#5 4530/)-: #(('%5 %+3%6+5 1'3(03.#/%' /#.'-: 53#/4+4503 '(('%5+7' )#5' -'/)5* '(( transistor oxide thickness (Tox), junction temperature, power supply voltage, and pitch for all metal layers. These parameĆ ters are shown in Table I. shown in Table II. Simulations were done with HP SPICE for a circuit deck equivalent to Benchmark 2 using 0.5Ƶm CMOS SPICE models. We evaluate supplier performance claims by relating delay or frequency numbers to manufacturing process specifics. Roughly speaking, propagation delay td is proportional to Leff, Tox, and temperature, and inversely proportional to VDD, as shown in equation 3 below. We arrived at equation 3, a firstĆorder constant relationship, by equating the rate of capacitive discharge current (equation 1) to transistor saturaĆ tion current IDSAT (equation 2). Equation 1 models the caĆ pacitive discharge of a node in terms of the power supply voltage, current, and rate of discharge (roughly proportional to delay). Equation 2 relates transistor saturation current to transistor effective gate length Leff, oxide thickness Tox (inĆ versely proportional to oxide capacitance Cox), mobility uo (related to temperature in Kelvin), threshold voltage Vto, transistor width Weff, and power supply voltage VDD. For simplicity, Vto is assumed to be proportional to VDD, while temperature is inversely proportional to uo. Table II Maximum Percent Error for Linear Fit of Delay as a Function of Various Variables I C dV dt I DSAT (1) u oC oxW eff 2 (V DD V to) 2 L eff Technology Constant (2) t dV DD . L effT oxTemp (3) Equation 3 is not very precise, and is valid only over narrow regions of operation. However, detailed SPICE simulations showed that there is a surprising amount of linearity, as shown in Fig. 2. The largest error was 6.4% for Leff variaĆ tions from 0.4 µm to 0.9 µm. The largest percent errors are 1 4-Input NAND 1 1 TTL Input 4 Input NOR 0 0 U2 b CIN U3 U1 In Pad Maximum Error Leff Tox Temperature VDD 0.4 µm to 0.9 µm 57 nm to 228 nm 0°C to 135°C 2.7V to 5.7V -6.4% -4.0% -1.2% 5.8% We first charted all performance numbers for various suppliĆ ers as shown in Fig. 3. For each supplier, Leff decreases as we move from left to right. Suppliers are generally quite competitive with their leadingĆedge technology, but some suppliers' leadingĆedge technologies appear slower than another supplier's mature technology. Some suppliers appear to do quite well in the total path delay for Benchmark 1 but do not perform as well in the maximum operating frequency for Benchmark 2. We applied equation 3 to all delay and frequency numbers, computing a value for each supplier's technology performance claim. However, since the technology constant is only a constant under an idealized firstĆorder approximation, we looked for patterns and trends. We computed the mean and standard deviation for all suppliers across all technologies for each Benchmark 1 and 2 constant. After plotting technology constants for each benchmark for all suppliers and their technologies, we placed guardbands one standard deviation from the mean as shown in Fig. 4. Technology constants falling above the upper guardband were labeled conservative and technology constants falling below the lower guardband were labeled COUT a U4 0 Range 4-Input MUX 1-Bit Adder Fanout=2 Variable Fanout=3 0 0 0 XOR 0 1 2 3 U5 y S0 S1 0 0 0 U6 TTL Output Out U7 Pad 50-pF Load (a) A B Zn D D Q CLK –Q CLR Q CLK –Q CLR CLK CLR (b) (a) Benchmark 1 includes a complete path of internal and I/O delays. (b) Benchmark 2 includes D flipĆflops with reset. August 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal 2.4 1.2 2 Delay (ns) Delay (ns) 1 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.35 0.55 0.75 Leff (m) (a) 0.6 0.35 0.95 90 120 150 Tox (nm) (b) 180 210 240 1.6 0.85 0.8 1.4 1/Delay (1/ns) Delay (ns) 60 0.75 0.7 1.2 1 0.65 0.6 0.8 0 35 70 Temperature (C) 105 140 (c) 2 3 4 VDD (volts) (d) 5 6 0,/4 /' %&,"9 "3 " '5.$4*/. /' " &'' # /8 $ 4&-0&2"452& ".% % ! /04*-*34*$ 4 3)/5,% #& ./4&% 4)"4 4&$)./,/(9 $/.34".4 6",5&3 "2& %*''&2&.4 '/2 %*''&2&.4 #&.$)-"2+3 /2 0/24*/.3 /' " #&.$)-"2+ 2/- ". &8"-*."4*/. /' *( 3/-& 42&.%3 ".% 0"44&2.3 &-&2(& /2 *.34".$& -".9 3500,*&23 4&.% 4/ #& -/2& $/.; 3&26"4*6& '/2 4)&*2 ,&"%*.(;&%(& 4&$)./,/(9 )*3 -*()4 2&; 35,4 '2/- *.)&2&.4 4&.%&.$*&3 4/ #& -/2& $/.3&26"4*6& 4 $/5,% ",3/ #& 4)"4 42".3*34/2 0&2'/2-".$& "3 -&"352&% 4)2/5() &,&$42/. 6&,/$*49 3"452"4*/. 7*,, 4&.% 4/ ,&6&, /'' '/2 3-",,&2 &'' /-& 3500,*&23 $,&"2,9 $,"*-&% 0&2'/2-".$& 4)"4 *3 3*-0,9 5."44"*."#,& (*6&. 4)&*2 4&$)./,/(9 %&3$2*04*/. "3 3&&. *. *( 3 7& *.6&34*("4&% '524)&2 7& '/5.% /54 7)9 4)&9 "00&"2&% $/.3&26"4*6& /2 /04*-*34*$ /2 *.34".$& 3500,*&2 53&% " ;*.054 NAND ("4& *.34&"% /' " ;*.054 NAND ("4& $,"*-*.( 4)"4 4)&9 7&2& /04*-*:*.( 4)& $2*4*$", 0"4) 53*.( " ;*.054 NAND ("4& '/2 4)& $2*4*$", 0"4) ".% " ;*.054 AND ("4& '/2 4)& 2&34 /' 4)& ./.$2*4*$", 0"4) 500,*&2 53&% )",' 4)& 490*$", 5.*4 7*2& $"0"$*4".$& $/.34".4 '/2 $/-054*.( *.4&2.", .&4 $"0"$*4".$&3 'µ- *.34&"% /' 'µ- . 4)& /4)&2 &842&-& 3500,*&2 7)*,& )"6*.( $/-0&4*4*6& 0&2'/2; -".$& $,&"2,9 7"3 $"0"#,& /' %/*.( 35#34".4*",,9 #&44&2 '4&2 %&4"*,&% $/.6&23"4*/.3 *4 #&$"-& "00"2&.4 4)"4 4)&*2 4&$)./,/(9 *3 *--"452& ".% 0//2,9 %&'*.&% 7*4) )*() .&4 24 800 Delay (ns) 20 * 16 * 12 * * + * + + 8 + + + + + * + + + + 4 Maximum Frequency (MHz) * * + 600 + + + + + + + + + + 400 + * 200 * * * * * 0 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L A M B C D E F G Supplier Internal Delay I/O Delay * Rechar 3V (a) H I J K L M Supplier Odd 4V + True 3V * Rechar 3V Odd 4V + True 3V (b) Fig. 3. /4", 0"4) %&,"9 *.$,5%*.( " &.$)-"2+ *.4&2.", 0,53 %&,"9 ".% # &.$)-"2+ -"8*-5- '2&15&.$9 '/2 6"2*/53 4&$)./,/; (*&3 ".% 3500,*&23 /2 &"$) 3500,*&2 &'' %&$2&"3&3 '2/- ,&'4 4/ 2*()4 '/2 4)&*2 2&30&$4*6& 4&$)./,/(9 /''&2*.(3 /-& 4&$)./,/(*&3 "2& 3*-0,9 2&$)"2"$4&2*:"4*/.3 '2/- ! 4/ ! 7)*,& /4)&23 "2& 425& ! 5(534 &7,&44;"$+"2% /52.", 2 Conservative + * 2 + + * + + * * * 1 + + + + ++ * * Optimistic Technology Constant (Thousandths) Technology Constant (Thousandths) 3 0 Conservative 1.5 + * 1 + + * 0.5 + + ++ + * * + Optimistic B C D E F G H I J K L M A B C D E F G Supplier (a) * Rechar 3V Odd 4V + True 3V (b) + * + 1 + 0.5 * *+ + + + * * * * *+ + + + + Optimistic Technology Constant (Millionths) Conservative 1.5 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L * Rechar 3V 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 I J K L M Odd 4V + True 3V + + + + * * + + * * * * * + + ++ ++ Optimistic A M Odd 4V Conservative B C D E F G Supplier * Rechar 3V H Supplier 2 Technology Constant (Thousandths) + * * 0 A (c) + * + H I J K L M Supplier + True 3V (d) * Rechar 3V Odd 4V + True 3V Optimistic versus conservative technology constants for (a) Benchmark 1 total path delay, (b) Benchmark 1 I/O path delay, (c) Benchmark 1 internal path delay, and (d) Benchmark 2 maximum frequency for various technologies and suppliers. For each supplier, Leff decreases from left to right for their respective technology offerings. Some technologies are simply recharacterizations from 5V to 3V (*) while others are true 3V (+). capacitances computed based on previous technology offerĆ ings and less than compact layout. Comparisons through the technology constant method also allow us to determine if suppliers have potentially optimized I/O or internal cells as seen in Figs. 4b, 4c, and 4d, respectively. Table III compares supplier K to another with very similar gate array technology, supplier H. Both suppliers offer gate array products. Supplier K used a wire capacitance constant of 0.1 fF/µm, which explains partly why they claimed higher performance. In fact, supplier K has larger metal pitches than supplier H, which should result in substantially longer net wire lengths after place and route, further increasing net wire capacitances and decreasing overall performance. Both suppliers use Cadence's Gate Ensemble for layout, so it is unlikely there would be substantial wire length differences even if they had the same metal pitches. As stated preĆ viously, supplier K was found to have overly optimistic perĆ formance claims. Comparisons through the technology conĆ stant method allowed us to home in quickly on the reasons why, chief among them being the unrealistically low wire capacitance constant of 0.1 fF/µm. For the sake of expediting the process of ASIC technology benchmarking, we used a simplified approach that we can improve upon for future supplier analysis. Our detailed questions did not ask for wire unit capacitance; one supplier used wire capacitance values half those given by convenĆ tional wire capacitance statistical modeling. Neither did we include wire unit resistance effects. However, the benchĆ marks have relatively short wire lengths so it is unlikely that RC delays contribute significantly to total delay. In the fuĆ ture, we can specify gate array and standard cell height as Table III Comparison of Supplier Technologies Supplier Effective transistor gate length(µm) Transistor gate oxide thickness (Å) Pitch for each metal layer (µm) Power supply used for benchmarks (V) Junction temperature used for benchmarks (°C) Process condition used for benchmarks (SLOW/NOM/FAST) Input edge rate used for benchmarks (ns) Benchmark 1 complete path TpLH delay (ns) Benchmark 1 complete path TpHL delay (ns) Benchmark 1 internal path TpLH delay (ns) Benchmark 1 internal path TpHL delay (ns) Benchmark 2 maximum operating frequency (MHz) H 0.7 K 0.7 150 150 2.0,2.8,2.8 4.5 3.2,3.2,3.2 4.75 85 85 SLOW SLOW 1 1 14.4 8.04 12.2 8.72 7.3 4.8 7.1 4.4 317 460 August 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal the unit of length. We can also include the effects of transisĆ tor mobility, in particular threshold drops (Vto), which beĆ come important as we scale down to lower power supply voltage levels. We also should specify more precise input signal edge rates, power supply voltage, and junction temperature, such as 1Ćns 10ĆtoĆ90% rise and fall times, 10% off nominal power supply (4.5V for 5V or 3.0V for 3.3V), and 85°C junction temperature. The benchmarks left these numbers to the discretion of each supplier. Sometimes junction temperatures varied from 70°C to 125°C while power supply voltage varĆ ied from 5% to 20% off nominal. In the near future, we want to get supplier electrical and SPICE models, and ultimately verify performance through actual silicon. Equation 3 is only a firstĆorder approximation. Curve fit analĆ ysis shows the best fit for the SPICE simulation data is not necessarily always linear. Equation 3 might be better evaluĆ ated as equation 4 below for some situations: Technology Constant [ t dlnǒV DDǓ ǒLeffǓ 1.25 eTox Temp (4) We are also currently evaluating other issues such as optimal metal pitch as a function of transistor Leff, and library richĆ ness. Although having smaller metal pitches is advantageous in terms of routability and increased interconnection, there is a balance between transistor onĆresistance and metal wire resistance, and between routing density and process cost and manufacturability. If wire pitch is too fine, wire resisĆ tance will dominate over transistor output drive. FurtherĆ more, finer metal pitches increase process cost and reduce yield as well as longĆterm reliability. Library richness is another area considered critical by many designers. In particular, designers want a rich and complete set of library functions to allow maximum flexibility in imĆ plementing chip designs. The library must be wellĆmodeled and compatible with various CAD tools, especially mainĆ stream synthesis and simulation tools. This includes optimizĆ ing cell drives and functionality for synthesis. In the future, we need to review synthesis and simulation libraries for a number of ASIC technologies using small to mediumĆsize benchmarks. Critical path timing and gate count should be evaluated after synthesis. We need to have commonly agreedĆto benchmarks to evaluate and compare all major ASIC supplier libraries. These benchmarks should cover areas such as scan insertion, error correction and detection, RAM models, and others in addition to critical path timing and area optimization. The benchmarks should not include HP proprietary information so they can be freely used with external suppliers. This allows suppliers to run evaluations using their resources. HP divisions would simply have to corroborate ASIC supplier results. The benchmarks should be available in both VHDL and Verilog hardware description languages since both are being used within the HP community. August 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal Part of the survey asked for detailed power dissipation for various portions of Benchmark 1 and Benchmark 2. Often, simulated power dissipation numbers were significantly out of line with common sense analysis, giving us an indication of the limitations of power estimation CAD tools for some suppliers. We are investigating the area of power estimation as it relates to mainstream CAD tools and supplier methodologies. We have developed a simple, firstĆorder method for quickly determining the degree of optimism or conservatism of ASIC technology performance claims from various suppliers. We found suppliers that are not capable of delivering perforĆ mance as promised because of circuit tricks played with the benchmark or tooĆaggressive wire capacitances (0.1 fF/µm instead of 0.2 fF/µm). We also found suppliers that may have immature, poorly defined technology and design libraries. Our method helps designers choose appropriately characterĆ ized ASIC technology while avoiding the disastrous conseĆ quences of choosing an ASIC supplier not capable of delivĆ ering the promised performance. On the other hand, it points out inefficient or immature suppliers that may be inĆ curring extra costs because of suboptimal utilization of cirĆ cuit performance and area. The technology constant method also allows us to identify suppliers with potentially superior or optimized I/O or internal design libraries. The method is adaptable to any number of circuit benchĆ marks and ASIC suppliers. However, it is only a first step in the process of evaluating ASIC technologies. There are many other factors that should be considered when selecting ASIC technologies. The authors would like to thank Hyoung Jo Youn for conĆ tributing his CMOS26 and CMOS14 SPICE decks. Also, thanks to Robin Purohit and Noori Din for discussions and enlightenment on the issues of library evaluation through synthesis. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Sharon Fingold, wife of one of the team members, whose keen eye and clear mind kept our ideas and writing focused. Finally, we would like to mention the names of many other dedicated and creative people who contributed directly or indirectly through their discussions and otherwise, including but not limited to: Fritz Stafford, Harold Noyes, Theresa Prenn (Tideswell), Greg Marten, Bruce Schober, Rob Mankin, Scott Trosper, Gulu Advani, Atul Goel, John Jacobi, Donovan Nickel, Steve Chalmers, Margie Evashenk, Mike Stewart, Dave Fotland, Dave Goldberg, Bob Schuchard, Todd Spencer, Jon Riesberg, David Stewart, Paul Dembiczak, DaĆ vid Bond, Jeff Dawkins, Oren Rubinstein, and Alex WarĆ shawsky. 1. L. Vereen and M. Jain, Benchmarks Define ASIC Performance," , September 1993.