CLD Plan for City of Edinburgh - Action Plan 2015/16 Appendix One Improved life chances for people of all ages, including young people in particular, through learning, personal development and active citizenship Outcome Indicators What we will do Strategic Lead/Sponsor Timescale There is evidence of more opportunities to improve health and wellbeing, learn about health improvement, minimise ill health and reduce health inequalities Increase partnership opportunities to enhance work with Community Health Initiatives to make a positive contribution to tackling the wider determinants of ill health, including low educational achievement and social isolation, (including the role and reach of the Outlook Project and work with older people) Literacy provision responds to the wide range of interests and purposes of learners Prioritise adult (including young adults) literacy, numeracy and ESOL work in marginalised and deprived communities, including financial and digital literacy Work with parents contributes to raising the attainment of the lowest achieving children in nursery and early primary and to raising families out of poverty Evidence the impact that the role and scope of work with parents has on raising attainment for primary age children There is an improved variety and choice of adult learning and active citizenship across the different ages, stages and circumstances that learners find themselves in Demonstrate that gaps have been filled and duplication minimised in the provision of a variety and choice of adult learning across the different ages, stages and circumstances that learners find themselves in Universal youth work across the city reflect the needs of young people on a spectrum stretching from open access work to a focus on specific intervention outcomes Identify current gaps in community-based youth work and develop a plan to fill those gaps to ensure that all children and young people have access to youth work (for personal and social development ) in their local area Learners have a strong influence on the content of provision Organise annual learners’ event to review the CLD Plan and plan for the following year CLD Plan for City of Edinburgh - Action Plan 2015/16 Appendix One Stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities Outcome Indicators What we will do Evidence that the CLD sector plays an integral part in the work to develop Edinburgh as a Cooperative Capital and community planning in the city, leading to greater engagement of citizens in designing, developing and delivering services Deliver a locality-based awareness-raising programme of asset-based and co-production approaches Evidence that the CLD sector contributes to improving the social capital of more deprived communities, reducing isolation and building community cohesion Develop three pieces of partnership work to improve community cohesion and reduce social isolation amongst adults and young people Increased engagement with volunteering in communities, in line with the city’s strategy for volunteering Improve local intelligence-sharing amongst local sector agencies to maximise the number of volunteers and the use of volunteers locally Community aspirations are supported in relation to the Community Empowerment (Scotland ) Act Identify and support opportunities for transfer of assets to local community ownership in line with the aspirations of the Community Empowerment Act Strategic lead/sponsor Timescale CLD Plan for City of Edinburgh - Action Plan 2015/16 Appendix One CLD sector works better together to deliver efficient, outcome-focused services Outcome Indicators What we will do ECLDP takes strategic responsibility for the development, implementation and monitoring of the Plan Establish a subgroup to take the Plan forward and identify strategic leads for each action Establish a checkpoint group of users of CLD sector services Organise an annual conference of users and stakeholders to plan and review Develop a co-ordinated marketing strategy for the CLD sector Strategic lead/sponsor Timescale