Continuing Engagement of the learning community surrounding Dalbeattie High School

Continuing Engagement of the
learning community surrounding
Dalbeattie High School
Dumfries and Galloway Council
11 February 2014
Transforming lives through learning
In December 2012, HM Inspectors published a report on the learning community
surrounding Dalbeattie High School. Recently we visited the learning community
again. During our visit, we met with a range of staff, volunteers, partners and
learners. We focussed on discussing improvements based on particular areas that
had been identified and agreed in December 2012. As a result, we were able to find
out how well partners across the learning community are now working together to
support learners and communities to improve life chances.
There have been a number of positive changes since the original inspection. The
authority have appointed a number of community learning and development (CLD)
staff to build the team covering the wider Stewartry area. Partnership models are
being reviewed and a few key thematic groups have begun to meet to explore joint
approaches. This report sets out what we found and the next steps agreed with
1. How well are partners improving learning, increasing life chances,
promoting and securing wellbeing?
Partners are clearly committed to working together to improve life chances for local
people. Staff and volunteers have a good understanding of local needs and issues
and adapt their activities and programmes to meet these. Partners at authority and
learning community levels are discussing approaches to develop a better overview of
local learning needs and develop joint approaches to analysing and reviewing
performance data. These are not yet in place. Partners continue to have a clear
focus on employability and health issues for all age groups. Participants in
employability groups are well supported and staff are working well together to
develop progression pathways for all learners. Health and family learning staff are
working closely with colleagues in primary schools to meet the needs of targeted
children and families.
2. How well are partners working together and improving the quality of
services and provision?
Over the past few months there has been a focus on coordinating partnership
activity, with a number of establishments, agencies and organisations coming
together. There are a range of thematic partnership groups which have some
common themes, priorities and members. It is too early to assess the impact of joint
work on the learning community. Local CLD staffing has been increased and team
structures and processes have been reviewed to increase clarity for staff and service
users about roles and remits. This is at a very early stage and both CLD staff and
partners are very positive about early progress. The implications of the recent CLD
regulations have been discussed within partnership meetings and there are now
clear signs of those who deliver in the learning community committing to joint
approaches. Dalbeattie High School and relevant delivery partners including CLD
and the local college are working closely on shared priorities including youth voice
and employability. There is still further potential to increase recognition of young
people’s learning across settings to increase progression and accreditation.
Opportunities for joint CPD, particularly in relation to assessment and curriculum
development are being developed. A workforce plan has been developed for the
CLD team and plans are in place to share these approaches within partnerships.
3. What happens next?
There are a range of plans in place to improve the coordination of learning and
support to the local community. There is a clear commitment by partners to work
together to build an understanding of the overall needs and deliver programmes and
activities to meet these. The impact of most of these intentions are not yet
measurable at the time of this visit. We will request a report from Dumfries and
Galloway Council, within six month of the publication of this report, on the degree to
which partners are continuing to make improvements. Depending on the progress
which has been made we will consider whether or not to carry out any further
inspection visits.
Maureen Mallon
HM Inspector
11 February 2014
Additional inspection evidence, such as details of the quality indicator evaluations,
for this learning community can be found on the Education Scotland website at
If you would like to receive this report in a different format, for example, in a
translation you can contact the administration team on 01506 600 381.
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EH54 6GA.
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Education Scotland