EXECUTIVE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEN'l' OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AUSTIN. TEXAS EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB96-9 RELATING TO TBE COlll'lNUA110N ANllIU:HAMING or TBETEXASSTATltCOMMISSlON ON NATIONAL AND COWMVNlT\' SEIl.V1CE WHEREAS, TCXNll are a d'Cdieated~ "eltleu people who mscs .md serve tneu fcUow <:itizeas; and s~tutly manhal volunteer t'e$OUt'CeS to meet WHEREAS, genuine vohmteerism encourages a sense of stc.ward!hip with foster a mORl resJ)QDsible and enterprising citizenry; and ottO'S ~mrmmity and btlps wmREAS, Tex.. WI benefit from a comprehelllive 4llel coorclinateel effort to (i) improve IIld 'Il'engtheQ we- !tate's voluntcerism and community service infrutructW'e. (ii) maxJmizo the utilization of ..vaillble reso=. onel (iii) nulttv,to volunteer scrvioe opportunities that acIc1RssUle stato', p.....ina needs; enel WHEREAS. Congrot! passed and !be P....idenl.ignecl tho Netional and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 (Ull •Act") to rewanI eonununity servlce wttb edu••tiOll ar-nls; and WHEREAS. Texo> m\lllt de.ignate , sta1e entity to servo IS ito odmilli!1rltive vehicle under the At!, end ro over'" T....• p,rticipetion in prosrams &Ulhori7ed and appropriated by the Corpononoo for National and Community Servicej and WHEREAS. in 1995. the 74th Texas Lesislaturo passed House Bill 1363 (now codifiecl os Tc:xas Labor Code § 302.021), which consolidatod several job-trliaing. employment, and employment-related ed~ational plOl:fOltlS and function., incluellng progrem. under tile Act, under lbe autl10rity of lbe Division of Worlcforco Development of the Texas Workfare< CommisSion; NOW, TKElU:FORE,I, GEORGE W. BUSH, GOVERNOR OF TEXAS. by virtue of the pow" vested in m.. do Ilenby cn!er T State Commission 00 Nation.l and Community Srrvioe. nnw ronamed lb. Texas Commission on Vohlllteeri and Community So",l.. ("1'l<CVCS") is heroby contiD\lCCI: _the Aside from eay additional duti.. prescribed by the Act, TxCVCS is clJorgecl with tho following responsibilities: I. Secving u tile sta!o'. llaiion to the Corporatioo for National and Community Service. Ipplylall for funding under the At!, ovel\lecing Texat' participation In the relevant prollJOm•• lIlel preparing. compreh.".ive n.tional ead community !elVice plan for the . _ that shall be updateel annually; 2. Providing technical usistance:, cdw::ation, infonoatioa, and other support to Toxas' eJC1en5ive volunteer community, and improving and strengthDDU1' the state', )loJunteerism and cOn1n\unity servite infiutru~; 3. PromotinQ innontivc and model pra;rams lAd initiatives public safety, human, and enviromnental ncecb; thBt Address Texu' educational, 4. Working clo.ely willi faith-b..ed and privato charities. commuoity-basecl grnups, voluntary associations. edueaticnal entities, and other organization! to promote voluoteerl.sm and community service based not on the institutions of government, but on tho mstifutign, of civil jOCiety, and to: (a) (b) eni;Ouragti community len1U and volunteer partilO:ipation as II means of ccmmuniryand state problmwiOlviDa; promote and support voluntary citizen involvemont in "arious Pl"Opa:ls IhrouglloUl tho 'Illte: S_ Ell-a in'" a Memonndum of UDclemandil>I wi1h the Govemor'e Commisoion for Women, which hOUIe. tho Governor', Offic. of Volua.teer1.sm, in ardor to lUbe in tha prepamion ..d pRIenlllioD oCthe Governor', VOIUDteeT t.eadenhip CODf....... on<! tbe Governor', VoLun.e.. AwvdI for OllUtaDdina Service, on<! In IUjlpOlt othet volunteer.fl"om in tha suto. TxCVCS ,ball be h""'ed under tho authority of tile Toxas Wortt'oroo Colnmi,.ioo', DMJiOl1 of Workforce Deve\opmen~ PunuADI '" § 302.021 of the T.... l.abor Code. TxCVCS ohall OC<01DIIlish its ruponsibilili....d charges undor tbe diRolion of. aDd in coopontl.. with, tbe Texas Workforce Commi,.ioa, whicb .ball -.let adminJ!tralive UJd proarammatic ovet'lanl purruanl to § 302.002 of the Labor Cem. Whil. exercising ultimate .opcrvlslon over TxCVCS' fuca!, pct1OlIIlO~ aod legal matters, tho Workforce Conuniulon is dirtetod to lOCOgoi:zo T1CVCS' unique status as a federally. authorized and -funded entity. r._ I~ The lOla! number of voting membcro 011 TxCYCS ahalt be IB for &II interim period, aod 1hcD .-h in April 1997. of which no m... than 50 pcteolll plUl 0IIt un be from the same political party. Curmrt TxCVCS colDJlliuioaer. whose term. have.ot yotupirod >hall COJllplot. th.ir tcnJu. AU commissio.ers subsequently IIppointed by tho Govomor !bell serve tbRc-ycar temu. Members may be fCIIppoillted and ,ervo up to two consceutivc lonna. The votina membcro DfTxCVCS who .... ofticcn or employees of the stl1tc 'hall .01 exceed 25 pc=1 (reduced to the Deaml whole number) of the lDlIl mcmhmhip. Tho GoveTllOr may repllKe I TxCVCS COIIImisaion.r who miuo' throe Icb.duled meeriDgs. Tho voting members ofTxCVCS sball elOCllI\Dually 0.0 of ita VOtiDS members to serve as C~OD. PunlWll to ie<lerallaw, TxCVCS .hall include tha following voting members and >UCb otb<r voting membeR as the Governor may ap,pomt I. &II individual with expertilc in tha educational, trainlDg, and developmonl llm!o of youth, pozticuJarly disadv&lll>8od youth; 2. IJ1 individual with tXpertiso in promoting involvement of senior citizens in and vohmteerilm~ Strvi~ 3. a represcntaUvCl ofcommunity· based, organizations within tilt state; 4. the commissioner of the Texas Education Aioncy; S. • reproscntativo of local govemmeDts in the ...te; 6. • re~S6Dtati\le of local labor unions in the state; 1. • representative ofbu~incssi 8. In Individual between tho ages of 16 and 2' who is .. participant or superviJoc in a service program; .IIJd 9. a rcpresentative ofa netioDal service proanm. The Governor may also appoint as ex affiero, nonvotlni members representatives selected from among officen and W'ploycea of ItI.te AGenCies OIMrating ~omtnunity senrice, youth service. education, social scrIlce, senior .ervi.e, and job WiIlin& programs. NODvoting member. shall serve at tho ple...uce of tho Governor. A member of T1CVCS 'hall .erve without compenulioo, bur may be reirnbucsod by the TOlW Workforce Commission for .....onabl. and llOCOS.Iary travel oxpetlSC5 incumd while performing IIpproved raCVCS duli••• u provided 10 th. General ApproprictiOSl' ACL ", ? GIven under lOy hlnd this the 14 th Novellber , 199>0: day of -IU A\9l1ll TIlE (JIfl1l Of i~t _~(fSi~n ANTONIO 0, GARZA. JR. SecrOlaCy of Slalo NOV 14.1996 •