INTERNATIONAL WADER White-wingedScoters,(Melanitta perspicillata),preliminaryanalysis of Carbon- 13 indicates considerable variation between individuals in the relative contribution of terrestrial preyto overalldiet.Individual valuesrangefromhighlymarine signatures to highly terrestrialones, andthe populationaveragevaried significantlybetweenyears, suggesting thatuseof field varies both within populationsand over time.No significant differences in foodoriginwerefoundbetween sexesand age classes.Sincethe use STUDY GROUP requiredup to 18 daysto achieve sustainedflight. Among 12 and 19 broodsobservedin 1999 and 2000, respectively, malestendedbroodsa meanof 11.75 daysand 13.2 days after hatch,while mean female attendancewas 8 and6.4 daysin thosetwo years. Males and females didnotdiffersignificantlyin the lengthof attendance in 1999,but BreedingEcologyofWestern Sandpipersonthe centra!YukonKuskokwim Delta, ALASKA. Dan Ruthrauff 2000. Males demonstrated bandedin 1998,only5 (23.8%)were resighted in 1999,only 1 (4.7%) of which was subsequently resighted againin 2000. Of 31 malesbandedin 1998,23 (74.2%) wereresighted in 1999,and20 (64.5%)wereagain resightedin 2000. Despitefindinga Males were observed 0700- 1900h (ADT) whilefemales incubated from2000- 0600h (ADT). Thiswithin-daypatternof incubation between the sexes did not changeduringthe threeweek incubationperiod. Duringthebrood careperiod,mostmalesremained with theirbrooduntil fledging. Femalesdesertedtheirbroodpriorto theirmates(22 of 24, 91.6%). The numberof daysthat a female remained with her brood was negativelycorrelatedwith hatchdate (r = - 0.66,P < 0.001). Theseresults suggestthat male Western Sandpipers contributesignificantly moreduringthe incubationand 35 ha. areasurroundingour core studyplotin 1999and2000, we broodcareperiods,providingstrong observed no additional banded parentalcare. AK 99559. email: brian_mccaffery• 2000 than unsuccessful females. We We studiedthe breedingecologyof the WesternSandpiper(Calidris mauri) from 1998through2000 at a permanentYukonDelta National WildlifeRefugefield sitein western Alaska. The densityof nestingpairs 1999. Therewasa cleartemporal divisionof parentalrolesduring incubating moreoften(57 % of time) thanfemales(43%). Maleswere morelikely to be incubating between females.Further,femaleswhobred successfully in 1998werelesslikely to be resightedin both 1999 and WildlifeRefuge,POBox346,Bethel, remained with the brood in 1998 and incubation. combined 99 nests on an additional HumboldtStateUniversity,PO Box 4212, Arcata,CA 95518, drr6•,andBrian McCaffreyYukonDeltaNational (Holmes1973, Erckmann1981).To determineparentalrolesof Western Sandpipers on theirbreeding groundsnearNome, Alaska,I repeatedlydocumentedwhichmate was presentat the nestduringthe incubationperiod,andwhichmate significantlylongerthanfemalesin from other studies. Of 21 females BIOLOGY TIN males remained with broods significantseasonaldeclinesin durationof attendancein both years, of fields to at least some extent is whilefemalesexhibitedsignificant widespreadthroughoutthe seasonal declinesonly in 2000. Finally,survivalestimatesbasedon population,I proposethat land stewardshipprogramsare necessary resightingsof bandedadultswere to ensure the future conservation of extremelylow for femalesrelativeto this importantandpreviously malesat our studysite,aswell asto undervalued shorebird habitat. breedingfemalesurvivalestimates BREEDING BULLE thereforesuspectthat the low survivalestimateisprimarilythe restfitof mortalityratherthan emigration. Divisionof parental rolesin breedingwesternsandpipers. evidence that the sexes differ in Age-specificvariation in the reproductiveperformanceof westernsandpipers. Brett K. Sandercock Dept.of ForestSciences, University of BritishColumbia,VancouverBC, Canada. email: bsanderc• in 1999 and 2000 was 2.95/ha. and 3.01/ha.,respectively, amongthe highestdensitiesrecordedfor this species.Mayfield nest successon a 16ha.plotfrom 1998to 2000 was 0.56,0.24 and0.35,respectively. Fledgingsuccess, definedas a nest fledgingoneor moreyoung,was 75% (12 of 16hatchednests)in 1999 and68% (19 of 28 hatchednests)in 2000. Chicks were observed to 38 fledgeas soonas day 13, but often Julie A. Neville Researchin the pastdecadehas shownthat juvenile Western Department of Biology& Wildlife, Sandpipers (Calidrismauri)face Universityof Alaska-Fairbanks, manyecologicalandphysiological Fairbanks,AK 99775. e-mail: challenges duringtheirfirstyearof ftjan•uaf. edu life. Comparedto adults,juveniles departbreedingareasat laterdates Previous observations of Western andwith lower fat reserves,maintain Sandpipers (Calidris mauri), a a largergutduringfall migration,and monogamousshorebird,suggested havelargerhomerangesat more differencesin parentalcaremay exist northerlywinteringsites.If these Bulletin 93 December 2000 INTERNATIONAL eventshavelong-termeffects, WesternSandpipers and other migratoryshorebirds mightbe expectedto exhibitage-specific variationin theirvital rates(i.e., breedingpropensity, fecundityand survivorship.Indeed,some yearlingsoversummer at equatorial latitudesin theirfirst spring,whereas othersmigrateto arcticareasto breed. The objectiveof this study wasto investigateage-specific variationin the reproductive performance of femaleWestern Sandpipers.Birdswereclassifiedas yearlings,newlybandedadultsor old returningadultson thebasisof plumagecolorationandprevious bandinginformation.A subsetof known-agebirdsshowedthat WADER STUDY GROUP difficult to age. The resultsof this studysuggestthat the potential effectsof ageshouldreceivegreater attention in future studies of shorebirdbiology. FeedingandPhysiology The Role of Corticosterone in the Orchestrationof Long- Distance ShorebirdMigration. BULLETIN conditions. To furtherexploretheregulatoryrole of corticosterone duringmigration,I experimentally manipulated corticosterone levelsduringthe migratoryperiodandmonitored resultingbehavioraldifferencesin captiveRed Knots Calidris canutus, alsoa long-distance migratory shorebird. Red Knots were chosen Meta M. Landys as the modelspeciesbecausethey performwell in captiveconditions, andbecausethey displayan Dept.of Zoology,Univ.of Washing- association between corticosterone ton, SeattleWA 98195, USA. email: andmigratorysub-stage that is similarto thatseenin godwits.Only probingbehaviordifferedbetween groups;RedKnotswith artificially meta• Avianspeciesmigratelong distances betweensummerbreeding coloration of the inner tertials and localitiesanddistantwinteringsites upperwing covertswasa reliable to take advantageof seasonalcycles characterfor agingWestern in foodabundance. Many of the Sandpipers.In newlyformedpairs, behavioralandphysiological yearlingandadultfemalesmated processes expressed during assortatively with birdsof the same migrationincludethosethat age-class.Yearlingfemalesnested glucocorticosteroid hormones significantly later(by 6 d), andlaid regulate,e.g.,metabolism, feeding eggsthatwere5% smallerthan and activity.Corticosterone, the those of old adults. Clutch size did glucocorticosteroid foundin bird notvary with age-class; a majorityof species, maythereforeplaya primary clutchescontained4 eggs.Yearlings role in theorchestration of migration. lowered corticosterone titers tended to investigate the mudflat andcage floor less than did control birds. In addition,birdswithartificiallylow corticosterone titerssignificantly decreased in mass,eventhough feedingbehaviorswerenot affected. Theseresultssuggestthat corticosterone assists birds in perceivingtheenvironment during flight, andalsoallowsbirdsto maintainthe heavymasstypicalof departure- perhapsthrough bad lower ratesof nest success, In fact, levels of this hormone lowered metabolic rate or increased higherratesof partialclutchfailure, andlowerratesof renestingthanold adults. In all components of reproduction,new adultshad performancethatwasintermediateto yearlingsandold adults.Overall, themeannumberof nestlings leavingthenestwas2.07 per yearlingfemale,2.93 pernewadult, and3.66 perold adult. For the same population,minimumestimatesof survivalforadultfemalesrangefrom 0.55 to 0.59. Preliminarypopulation modelingwith an age-structured increasespecificallyduringthe migratoryperiodin manybird species. digestiveefficiency.On-going matrix model indicated that the observedlevelsof productivity would be adequateto maintain stablepopulationnumbers,but only if survivalof juvenilesisrelatively high(ca.70% of adults). Comparativedatafor other populationsof shorebirds are few becausemost specieshave strong nataldispersal andareotherwise To investigate whichparticular processes of migration corticosterone mayregulate,I examinedthepatternof corticosterone secretion across studies will determine whether corticosterone alsoplaysan energymobilizingroleduringmigration,and whether measured effects are specificto themigratorystage. Foragingecologyofjuvenile WESAs in southwestern BC during their first fall migration. differentmigratorysub-stages in a long-distance shorebirdmigrant,the Bar-tailedGodwitLimosalapponica. Nicholas Wolf Elevated levels of corticosterone werefoundonlyimmediatelypriorto andduringmigratoryflight. Corticosterone may therefore regulateprocesses expressed specificallyduringthe flight stage, whichmayincludeenergy mobilization,organreconstruction, Zugunruhe,andexploratory movement - a behavior that would adaptivelyincreaseawarenessof rapidlychangingenvironmental BehavioralEcologyResearch Group, SimonFraserUniversity,Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, nwolf• The goalof thisprojectwasto determine(1.) whatjuvenileWestern Sandpipers are eatingwhenthey forageon two mudflatsnearthe FraserRiver estuaryin British Columbia,and(2.) whethertherate Bulletin 93 December 2000 39