Developing a strategic plan Cloud 10 work in progress...

Developing a strategic plan
Cloud 10
work in progress...
What is our current position?
Our school is a place where our children and young people
feel included, valued, respected and safe.
Our children, staff and parents work together to contribute to
the ethos and life of the school community.
Everyone is encouraged to do their best and to achieve in their
learning. We celebrate our achievements and encourage the
wider community to celebrate with us and take pride in our
school and its pupils.
Our curriculum is inclusive and we aim to provide a relevant
curriculum to meet the needs of our learners.
Experiences and Outcomes
Staff are using experiences and outcomes in English/
literacy, maths and expresssive arts.
Other programmes are based on 5-14 guidelines.
Nursery and P1 staff have worked together to unpack
experiences and outcomes in maths/ numeracy and
monitor progression in early level.
P7 staff are working collaboratively to provide challenging
learning experiences using maths experiences and
All staff are identifying current opportunities for
developing numeracy and literacy across learning
Totality of the Curriculum
The curriculum is developed mainly through individual
subject development with time allocations as
recommended in 5-14 guidelines. The elaborated
curriculum is used for children with complex additional
support needs(ASN)
Topic work takes place mainly through environmental
studies and specialists deliver music and PE once per
week to provide non class contact time for staff.
Nursery and P1 staff plan together for interdisciplinary
learning. The life and ethos of the school is strong and all
children participate in a variety of charity, community and
national extra curricular events .
Successful learners
children are enthusiastic
and motivated and are
able to learn
independently and as part
of a group
Confident Individuals
children achieve and
celebrate success in
different areas of activity
and are encouraged to
make healthy life choices
Responsible citizens
children are actively
involved in conserving the
local environment through
eco school activities
Effective Contributors
children are encouraged
to develop enterprising
attitudes and problem
solving approaches
Personal Support
Children are well supported at nursery to primary and a
transition programme which takes account of prior
learning is in place
Personalisation and choice are developed through
provision of a range of lunch clubs for P1-3 and after
school activities for pupils P4-7
Individual learning needs are taken account of and
children have involvement in setting their own targets and
identifying next steps in English and mathematics
Some principles are applied across curriculum areas in
5-14 (depth and progression)
A variety of lunch clubs are offered to children in P1-3 to
provide personalisation and choice
The learning experiences provide enjoyment but not
always challenge for all learners
Some, but not all ,social studies topics provide rich and
relevant contexts for learning
Learning and Teaching
Total communication is well embedded across the school
Staff lack confidence in involving young people in active
learning opportunities(ASN)
Active learning approaches are being developed in the
nursery and P1; early years staff work together to plan
rich and relevant contexts for learning
Staff work with stage partners to plan collaboratively for
aspects of the curriculum
AifL strategies are being consistently used throughout the
school, with children involved in setting their own targets
and success criteria
Children have access to and explore curriculum areas
appropriate to their stage and development (ASN)
Whole school events promoting and celebrating Scottish
culture are held in January and November each year but
opportunities need to be planned to develop a better
understanding of Scotland’s place in the world
Children and young people develop skills for learning life
and work through a planned programme of enterprise
opportunities throughout the school
Arrangements for Assessment
National Assessments are currently used throughout the
school to confirm attainment.
Learning stories are being used in nursery and P1 to
evidence progress.
In writing, staff use stage partners to confirm
professional judgement for national assessments.
Children are involved in self and peer assessment.
Electronic personal profiles are being developed within
the cluster to support effective transition to secondary
Does each child or young person have regular opportunities to discuss progress and plan next steps with an adult who knows him/her well?
What will it look like in the future?
Our curriculum helps all children to develop the qualities
skills and attributes required to become successful
learners and effective contributors
Totality of the Curriculum
A blend of discrete subject development and
interdisciplinary learning provides rich learning
opportunities and highly motivating contexts for children
Staff ,children ,parents , partner organisations and the
wider school community work together to provide an
enriched and highly motivating learning environment.
Planned opportunities for developing the life and ethos of
the school are provided for all children
Our curriculum is inclusive and relevant for all learners
All children are actively involved in planning their own
Experiences and Outcomes
Experiences and outcomes are developed through the
four contexts for learning, providing a varied and rich
learning environment.
The principles are consistently developed across all
curriculum areas and subjects.
Progression in learning is tracked and monitored within
and across the experiences and outcomes for all
curriculum areas.
International education, enterprise, sustainable
development and creativity are developed using
experiences and outcomes and are embedded themes in
our learning
Personal Support
All children and young people are supported in
transitions and strong partnerships provide a coherent
experience for all learners 3- 18
Needs are identified early and appropriate support is in
place prior to transition .
Young people have appropriate information, advice and
guidance about all learning and work opportunities
available to them to support them into positive and
sustained destinations
Outdoors and the wider community are used to provided
rich learning environment. Children practise their learning
in real settings and apply skills in relevant contexts.
International education, enterprise, creativity and
sustainable development are prominent themes in
Successful Learners
Children are motivated
and enthusiastic in their
learning and are able to
use technology to
enhance learning
Confident Individuals
Our children live as
independently as they
Learning and Teaching
Technology is used more actively to support learning
and total communication for all our children (ASN)
Staff have a shared understanding of active learning
which is embedded in practice at all stages and across
all curriculum areas.
Staff work together in teams to plan for interdisciplinary
Children and young people are actively involved in
agreeing learning intentions, success criteria and
personal learning planning informs the learning
All children and young people have access to a broad
and general education which takes account of individual
interests and needs
‘Trusted professionals’ help devise a programme of
learning tailored around the young person’s needs
Responsible citizens
Children have an
understanding which
helps them developing
informed views and
attitudes about Scotland
as part of the world
Effective Contributors
Children are able to apply
critical thinking in new
contexts and transfer skills
across learning
There are many and varied opportunities for children to
exercise personalisation and choice within the curriculum.
Breadth, depth and challenge are provided through a
blend of discrete subject development and
interdisciplinary learning
The principles are applied systematically across the
totality of the curriculum , including life and ethos of the
school .
Learning is mapped into the principles across curriculum
Tracking and monitoring of young people into positive
destination takes place with early intervention and
support where difficulties emerge
All children and young people have an appropriate
understanding their environment and of Scotland’s place
in the world today.
Arrangements for Assessment
Each child or young person has regular opportunities to
discuss progress and plan next steps with an adult who
knows him/ her well
Assessment,tracking and monitoring are an integral part
of planning (including transitions)
NAR is used to support the school’s own assessment
strategies and promote rigour in assessment procedures
in line with national and EA guidance
AifL strategies are firmly embedded across learning at all
Local moderation and collaboration within the learning
community develops and ensures consistency of
standards in attainment and achievement
How are we going to do that?
Children and parents are invited to contribute to
developing a school curriculum plan.
Totality of the Curriculum
Complete audit across the four contexts for learning for
all stages
Set up six councils made up of children, staff and
community partners to each take responsibility for one
whole school event.
Identify opportunities for developing the life and ethos of
the school through the six school council whole school
events using experience and outcomes
Review current ways for celebrating achievement.
Provide planned opportunities for children and young
people to share and record their personal achievements.
Identify opportunities for children and young people to
have personal achievement accredited and built on
Develop interdisciplinary learning approaches and set
up collaborative learning teams for one study
Year 1
Learning and Teaching
Staff collaborate and share ideas and practice with each
other within their own setting and in other establishments
across sectors
Staff share expertise and work alongside each other in
learning teams for interdisciplinary learning
Develop use of IT including Glow across the school
Use glow groups to give children opportunity to share
learning across stages and with others
Introduce the Personal Bests Passports as pilot in
several classes
Responsible Citizens
Confident Individuals
Experiences and Outcomes
Science programme is reviewed and revised to take
account of the outcomes and experiences
Expressive arts experiences and outcomes are further
developed with focus on tracking and monitoring
Identify opportunity to develop literacy, numeracy, health
and wellbeing across all curriculum areas.
Personal Support
Review current progress towards personal learning
planning and develop process further
Review provision for all children and young people to
access a broad general education
Successful Learners
Staff ensure that they
provide highly motivating
contexts for learning
Effective Contributors
Rich contexts for learning
provide opportunities to
apply learning in new
Consider opportunities for personalisation and choice
Introduce mixed stage interdisciplinary learning teams
with a choice of topics for study available to children
across several stages once per year
Involve all children and young people in the process
Interdisciplinary learning opportunities will provide
opportunity for independent and group working
Consider how the school currently develops the life and
ethos of the school and identify opportunities for further
developing the principles and the capacities
Review nursery to primary transition programme to
ensure progression in learning through building on prior
learning. Use shared interdisciplinary learning study to
map this.
Review primary to secondary transition programmes to
ensure coherence. Use shared interdisciplinary study P7S1 to develop collaborative approach and involve learner
in agreeing next steps
Arrangements for Assessment
Provide planned opportunities for children and young
people to build on and develop personal achievement
Develop and agree school assessment procedures
taking account of Building the Curriculum 5 and EA
Introduce Personal Best passports at identified stages
and consider ways of linking these with personal learning
How are we going to do that?
Review and adjust curriculum plan
Review impact of six new school councils. Expand or
adjust as appropriate.
Ensure that all children are included in membership of
one council and have opportunity to be a member of
another council each year.
Review personal best passports – extend use to whole
school if successful.
Develop further opportunities to build on personal
Experiences and Outcomes
Totality of the Curriculum
Review experiences and outcomes across all curriculum
areas for relevance and coherence.
Provide planned opportunities to develop the life and
ethos of the school and build on personal achievement
Identify relevant contexts which provide deeper level
learning and provide rich learning experiences
Review interdisciplinary learning teams approach and
evaluate impact on learning. Extend to two shared
Responsible Citizens
Confident Individuals
Review experiences and outcomes across all curriculum
areas and establish system for tracking and monitoring
progression in learning.
Identify clusters of experiences and outcomes which
connect learning and provide opportunity to transfer and
apply knowledge understanding and skills across
curriculum areas.
Year 2
Learning and Teaching
Staff implement active learning approaches across
learning and evaluate progress and impact with the
Develop collaborative learning teams and evaluate
impact on learning and teaching
Use peer evaluation and support to further develop
collaborative approaches
Explore different ways of evidencing progression
Identify and develop further opportunities for developing
skills for learning, life and work; involve partner agencies
including CLD’s in sharing expertise
Successful Learners
Effective Contributors
Provide master classes for children to explore particular
interests and meet individual learning needs.
Offer appropriate support and challenge to promote
achievement through master classes
Review use of experiences and outcomes to develop
health and wellbeing across learning
Personal Support
Provide regular opportunity for all young people to
discuss progress with an appointed adult who knows
them well
Develop links to support planning for choices and
Two shared interdisciplinary studies across sectors will
promote coherence at transition for nursery to primary
and primary to secondary
Further develop the principles across interdisciplinary
learning and track progression in learning across
interdisciplinary studies and projects
Provide master classes for in depth study and choice to
explore a particular subject or area of interest
Arrangements for Assessment
Provide regular opportunity for all children and young
people to discuss progress and plan next steps with an
adult who knows them well
Achievements in master classes will be planned for and
built on through personal learning planning and personal
bests passports.
How are we going to do that?
Totality of the Curriculum
Year 3
Learning and Teaching
Review and adjust curriculum plan
Review and extend partnerships in learning
Review and extend opportunities for personal
achievement and consider accreditation for this
Ensure that active learning approaches are embedded in
all aspects of school life, providing enjoyment and
challenge for all learners
Host a cluster/community councils conference and a
community Learning Festival to share learning with the
wider community and partner agencies
Identify opportunities in interdisciplinary projects to further
strengthen and develop literacy and numeracy skills
Identify opportunities to make relevant connections to
enterprise and develop skills for learning life and work
Involve all children and young people in personal learning
planning and setting challenging goals.
Introduce Young Leader of Learning
Review different ways to evidence progression , share
and develop with cluster colleagues
Promote networking with two other schools in other local
authorities to share ideas, successes and challenges.
Experiences and Outcomes
Responsible Citizens
Confident Individuals
Review experiences and outcomes across all curriculum
areas and subjects for depth, breadth and challenge in
Consider progression in learning across levels and
review tracking and monitoring for all children
Review and evaluate benefits and impact of master
classes and extend range and choice for all children
Successful Learners
Effective Contributors
Evaluate progress across all levels and identify areas for
further development and review
Personal Support
Review transition support across sectors and consider
ways to further build on prior experience and learning
Evaluate shared interdisciplinary projects and consider
whole school overview of interdisciplinary learning, to
ensure breadth, depth, progression, challenge and
Explore further involvement of community partners to
provide expertise
Arrange for individual day placements for P7 young
people to support development of skills for learning life
and work.
Arrangements for Assessment
Review and evaluate effectiveness of provision of
adult/mentor support for learners
Evaluate effectiveness of new procedures and adjust to
suit needs of all children and young people