Outline of activity Modern Languages Fourth Level

Modern Languages
Fourth Level
Employability, Life and Work
Il mio blog
Experiences and Outcomes
I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my
choice to help me plan my writing in ways that engage my reader, using ICT when
appropriate. MLAN 4-12a
I can write more extensively over a widening range of topics in a range of formats, using some variety of structures, tenses and linking words. MLAN 4-13a
I can use my knowledge about language , including structure, spelling and punctuation, using success criteria to take responsibility for the accuracy of my writing.
MLAN 4-14a
Learning Intentions
We are learning how to: - improve the way we plan our writing
Writing task and mind map
- use ICT to engage our readers
- use a range of tenses to add depth to our
Pupil Voice
“ I enjoyed having the opportunity to write in a
way that is relevant to me. I liked being creative and researching different types of blogs to
help me create my own”
“It was difficult to organise what I wanted to
write. Using examples of blogs and forums
that real Italian people have written on,
helped me improve my vocabulary and the
way I write about myself.”
“I liked having the freedom to use statements
that real Italian people had written on forums.
My favourite was “ la mia voglia di trovare
sempre il lato migliore delle cose.” I adapted
this to fit in with what I wanted to say and I
found this made my writing seem more authentic.”
- use a range of adjectives to describe ourselves
at length
- check the accuracy of our work
Success Criteria
Outline of activity
Pupils were asked to imagine that they
were writing a blog to promote themselves and be headhunted.
Pupils were put into pairs and asked to
complete a mind map task. There were
a number of headings and pupils had to
look through their notes and identify
relevant words and phrases. They used
this mind map and excerpt of real blogs
and forums to write the first draft.
Then pupils were encouraged to redraft
their work and include hashtags and
images in order to make their blog more
appealing to the reader.
I can: - use headings to help me arrange information in a logical order
- use positive adjective to describe myself
- use at least two tenses in my writing
- give detailed reasons to back up my opinions
- use reference materials of my choice and success criteria to help
me check the accuracy of my work
Significant Aspects of Learning
Learners can:
- use more complex sentences
- produce written language with increasing complexity
Learning Statements
Learners can apply their knowledge about language by writing for a range of purposes in a variety of increasingly challenging contexts.
Learners use an increasing range of interesting vocabulary which goes beyond
basic personal language. They can use it for an increasing range of purposes, including writing fiction and non-fiction.
Teacher Voice
“ Pupils enjoyed having the opportunity to
read real blogs and adapt them to help
them write their own. They were able to
see the relevance of what they were doing
because they were encouraged to use
hashtags and test them out on different
social media sites. This allowed them to
find other authentic sources to help them
with their blog. Pupils were encouraged to
include images and focus also on the
presentation of their work.”
Experiences and Outcomes
Modern Languages
Fourth Level
Employability, Life and Work
I can write more extensively over a widening range of topics in a range of formats, using some variety of structures, tenses and linking words. MLAN 4-13a
I can write about experiences, feelings and opinions and can offer reasons for
having those opinion. MLAN 4-13b
I can use my knowledge about language , including structure, spelling and punctuation, using success criteria to take responsibility for the accuracy of my writing.
MLAN 4-14a
Learning Intentions
We are learning how to: - organise information
Mon CV
- use a scenario to inform what we write
Writing task
- state our opinion and give reasons for having
these opinions
- use a range of tenses to add depth to our
Pupil Voice
“Having the chance to do my CV was
useful because next year I will be able
to look for a weekend job and I will
need to know how to talk about my
“Having headings helped me put the
right information in the right places. I
am now able to think about what I am
writing and how best to organise information so that it makes sense.”
“I have a better understanding of how
to write my CV. This will come in
handy next year when I am able to
look for a weekend job.”
- check the accuracy of my writing
Success Criteria
I can: - use headings to help me arrange information in a logical order
- use positive adjective to describe myself in order to fit the
criteria presented in the job advert
- use at least two tenses in my writing
- give detailed reasons to back up my opinions
- use reference materials of my choice and success criteria to help
me check the accuracy of my work
Significant Aspects of Learning
Learners can:
- use more complex sentences
- produce written language with increasing complexity
Learning Statements
Learners can apply their knowledge about language by writing for a range of purposes in a variety of increasingly challenging contexts.
Learners use an increasing range of interesting vocabulary which goes beyond
basic personal language. They can use it for an increasing range of purposes, in-
Outline of activity
Pupils were asked to imagine that
they were applying for a summer
job in France.
Pupils were placed into groups of
3 and given 3 headings. For each
heading they were asked to discuss the information they would
have to provide. They then looked
through their notes and highlighted useful vocabulary.
Pupils completed their CV after
the group discussion.
Teacher Voice
“ Pupils saw the value in what they
were doing as the CV task coincided
with the “My Skills and Qualities” unit
in PSE. Some pupils found it useful to
write their CV in English first as it gave
them a chance to think about what
they wanted to say and how they
wanted to say it. More able pupils then
participated in a mock job interview.”
Modern Languages
Fourth Level
Employability, Life and Work
Outline of activity
Experiences and Outcomes
I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my
choice to help me plan my writing in ways that engage my reader, using ICT when
appropriate. MLAN 4-12a
I can write about experiences, feelings and opinions and can offer reasons for
having those opinion. MLAN 4-13b
La mia famiglia ed io
Writing task and mind map
I can use my knowledge about language , including structure, spelling and punctuation, using success criteria to take responsibility for the accuracy of my writing.
MLAN 4-14a
Learning Intentions
We are learning how to: - to plan what we are going to write
- state our opinion and give reasons for having
these opinions
Pupil Voice
“ I liked being able to discuss my ideas
with a partner because it helped me
think about what I wanted to say and
how I could go about saying it.”
“ The mind map really helped me
when I was doing my writing task because it helped me remember what I
had learned. It also helped me organise my ideas. “
“When I was saying why I got on with
my sister my partner kept asking me
“Why?”. That made me realise that I
need to back up what I am saying.”
- use a range of vocabulary to add detail to my
Pupils were asked to write a short statement
about their family and describe their relationships with specific family members.
Firstly, pupils were put into pairs and given a
mind map to complete. They were allowed to
use class notes, worksheets and a dictionary.
The headings for each section allowed them to
gather all of the vocabulary and grammatical
structures that they had learned and use this to
help them plan their piece of writing.
Then pupils were asked to work on their own to
write about their family, using the mind map to
help them. At the end, pupils were given the
opportunity to check their work using the place
- check the accuracy of my writing
Success Criteria
I can: - select key words and phrases from notes and adapt them to add
detail to what I am writing
- use a range of adjectives to describe my family members
- state at least two positive opinions and one negative opinion
- give detailed reasons to back up my opinions
- use reference materials of my choice and success criteria to help
me check the accuracy of my work
Significant Aspects of Learning
Learners can:
- use more complex sentences
- produce written language with increasing complexity
Learning Statements
Learners can apply their knowledge about language by writing for a range of purposes in a variety of increasingly challenging contexts.
Learners use an increasing range of interesting vocabulary which goes beyond
basic personal language. They can use it for an increasing range of purposes, including writing fiction and non-fiction.
Teacher Voice
“ During paired discussions pupils
were challenged to ask each other the
question “Why?” as often as possible
to reinforce the importance of backing
up opinions with valid reasons. At
first, the pupils found this difficult.
After some practice, the more able
pupils were able to demonstrate a
range of opinions. These pupils were
then paired up with less able pupils to
complete the mind map task.”
Modern Languages
Fourth Level
Employability, Life and Work
Outline of activity
Experiences and Outcomes
I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my
choice to help me plan my writing in ways that engage my reader, using ICT when
appropriate. MLAN 4-12a
I can write more extensively over a widening range of topics in a range of formats, using some variety of structures, tenses and linking words. MLAN 4-13a
La mia esperienza lavorativa
Writing task and place mat plan
I can use my knowledge about language , including structure, spelling and punctuation, using success criteria to take responsibility for the accuracy of my writing.
MLAN 4-14a
Learning Intentions
We are learning how to: - to plan what we are going to write
- use linking words and a range of structures to
ensure that my writing engages my reader
- use a range of tenses to add depth to our
Pupil Voice
“Comparing example texts allowed
me to understand why it is important
to plan your writing and make sure
that it is structured well.”
“Thinking about tenses was difficult
but it makes sense because when you
describe your experiences in English,
it is always about the past or what
you would like to in the future.”
“Having success criteria helped keep
me on track because it was like having
a checklist of things to include.”
Pupils were asked to imagine that they had just
come back from their work experience and
were asked to write a short statement about it.
Firstly, pupils were put into groups of 3 and given a place mat to complete. Class notes, worksheets and dictionaries were made available to
them throughout. The headings for each section
allowed them to plan out what they wanted to
write about.
Then pupils were asked to work on their own to
write about their work experience, using the
planning sheet to help them structure their
work. At the end, pupils were given the opportunity to check their work using the place mat.
- check the accuracy of my writing
Success Criteria
Teacher Voice
I can: - use a range of vocabulary, structures and link words to describe
my work experience
- use at least 3 tenses in my writing
- state my opinion and give reasons
- use reference materials of my choice and success criteria to help
me check the accuracy of my work
Significant Aspects of Learning
Learners can:
- use more complex sentences
- produce written language with increasing complexity
Learning Statements
Learners can apply their knowledge about language by writing for a range of purposes in a variety of increasingly challenging contexts.
Learners use an increasing range of interesting vocabulary which goes beyond
basic personal language. They can use it for an increasing range of purposes, including writing fiction and non-fiction.
“Pupils enjoyed having the opportunity to compare example texts and
adapt them to help them write their
own. They were able to see the relevance of the planning process and
the importance of structure in
written pieces . Pupils were encouraged to include a range of tenses to
ensure that their work reflected not
only their previous work experience
but also their plans for the future.”