ROWAN-SALISBURY BOARD OF EDUCATION Work Session May 11, 2015 Long St. 4:00 p.m. Board of Education Members Present: Chairman Mr. Josh Wagner Vice Chair Mr. Dean Hunter Mr. Travis Allen Mrs. Susan Cox Mr. Chuck Hughes Mrs. Jean Kennedy Staff Present: Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent of Operations Dr. Julie Morrow, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Ms. Eva DuBuisson, Attorney April Kuhn, Executive Director for Administration and Legal Services Kristi Rhone, Executive Director for Human Resources Patty Overcash, Clerk to the Board *Dr. Miller was not present at the meeting. Call to Order / Roll Call Chairman Wagner called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Hughes officiated the Pledge of Allegiance, and Chairman Wagner requested that everyone share a moment of silence. Adopt Agenda Chairman Wagner moved to amend the Agenda by moving Closed Session to the beginning of the meeting. ***Mr. Hughes made a motion to adopt the amended agenda. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Closed Session ***Mr. Hunter moved to recess into Closed Session at 4:04 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this Board [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], To prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. state 143318.11(a)(1) and 143-318.11(a)(3)]. And To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat.#143-318.11(a)(3)] Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Discussion/Information Items Proposed Policy 7340 - Employee Dress and Appearance – Mrs. April Kuhn, Executive Director of Administration and Legal Services Dr. Moody stated that she and Kristi Rhone, Director of HR would design a committee and work on a guideline for the Board to preview at the June Board of Education Meeting. Proposed Policy 6420 - Contracts with the Board – Mrs. April Kuhn, Executive Director of Administration and Legal Services The Board asked Mrs. Kuhn to add a $90,000 cap in the Policy. Proposed Policy 4600 - Student Fees – Mrs. April Kuhn, Executive Director of Administration and Legal Services Mrs. Kuhn informed the Board that the Policy needed to be updated, Because most of the fees have increased in cost. Proposed Policy 7730 - Employee Conflict of Interest – Mrs. April Kuhn, Executive Director of Administration and Legal Services No request for change in this Policy from the Board. VIF Splash - Dr. Julie Morrow, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Kevin Smith gave a presentation to the Board concerning VIF Splash. The Board of Education would like to bring this program back to the Business Meeting on May 26, 2015 for a vote. Report of Closed Session ***Mr. Allen made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation to hire Derek McCoy for the position of West Rowan Middle School Principal. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) *The Board took a 10 min. break at 5:20 Update on Long St. Administrative Office – Mr. Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Mayor of Spencer the Honorable Barbara Mallett, Town Administrator Macon Sammons, Jr. and UNC School of Government Rory Dowling spoke to the Board of Education concerning acquiring the Long Street property and the Town of Spencer plans for the building Kizer Building - Mr. Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Johnny Morgan Executive Director of Grateful Heart Community Services, asked the Board of Education to if there was any way the Kizer Building could be donated to the Grateful Heart Community Services. Bleachers - Mr. Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Mr. Vann updated the Board on the bleacher repairs. Teacher Assistant Classroom Support- Alesia Burnette, Executive Director of Elementary Education Mrs. Burnette provided the Board with a chart on how much instructional support teacher assistants give to students on a daily basis. Bus Driver's Reimbursement - Mr. Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Mr. Vann and Tim Beck, Director of Transportation, reported back to the Board of Education that bus driver’s reimbursement could be paid before the 30-day wait. This item will be brought to the Business Meeting on May 26th for a vote. Proposed 2015-16 Middle & High Coaching Supplements – Dr. Stewart Hobbs, SystemWide Athletic Director Dr. Hobbs gave the Board an update on middle and high schools coaching supplements. *The Board took a 10 min. break at 7:10 2015-2016 Budget Request to County Commissioners – Tara Trexler, Chief Finance Officer Mrs. Trexler presented to the Board the Budget Request that would be given to the Rowan County Commissioners. ***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Budget request. Mr. Hughes seconded. The Board held a discussion concerning the Budget request. ***Mrs. Cox made a motion to amend her motion by adding the list of long range needs that were discussed at the Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners Retreat on April 29, 2015. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) ***Mrs. Cox made a motion to wave the Board of Education Policy to have the Board Business Meeting on the fourth Monday of each month for the month of June, and to have the June Board Meeting on June 30, 2015. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Adjournment ***Mrs. Cox made a motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Mr. Josh Wagner, Chairman Lynn Moody, Ed. D, Secretary