Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Work Session Meeting June 17, 2013

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
Work Session Meeting
June 17, 2013
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met for a work session on June 17, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the
Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Kay
Wright Norman, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Susan Cox, and Mr. Chuck Hughes. Mr. Josh Wagner
was on vacation and Mr. L. A. Overcash had a work conflict. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mrs.
Julie Morrow, Mrs. Kristi Rhone, Mr. Gene Miller, Mr. Nathan Currie, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to
the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Norman officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dr. Miller asked for a moment of silence.
Adopt Agenda
Dr. Miller requested to adopt the agenda with the latitude of moving into closed session when the
attorney arrived.
**Mrs. Cox moved the adoption of the agenda as amended. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously
approved. (5:0)
Superintendent and Board Comments
Consideration of the Consent Agenda
 BOE Minutes of May 20 and Called Meeting of June 3, 2013
 Title I Application
**Mrs. Norman moved approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Mr. Hughes seconded.
Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Discussion Items
2013-2014 AIG Plan
Mrs. Kelly Feimster and Ms. Renee Stepp reviewed the revisions to the 2013-2014 AIG Plan of 20132016.
**Mr. Hughes moved to adopt the 2013-2014 AIG Plan as submitted. Mrs. Kennedy seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Closed Session
Mrs. Norman made a motion to move into Closed Session at 5:13 p.m. to consult with an attorney
employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the
attorney and the public body [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(3)]; to consider personnel action that
involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC
Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential
pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1). seconded. Unanimously approved.
Legal Opinion
Report of Closed Session
The Board reconvened Open Session at 5:55 p.m.
Salisbury High School Gymnasium Complex Addition – Phase 2
Dr. Avis Williams, principal of Salisbury High School and Dr. Windsor Eagle addressed the BOE along with
Mr. Gene Miller. Mr. Miller reviewed a drawing that represented the first phase of the SHS gymnasium
project. He gave a description of Phase 2 and how the funding will be raised.
Dr. Eagle gave a brief history of the athletic complex. Dr. Williams explained the need for proceeding on
with Phase 2 of the process. She said the addition will help in establishing a true room for health classes
because at this time the classroom being used is not equipped with technology. She said the weight
room and wrestling facility is now a safety issue because of the lack of space.
The Board viewed the diagram of the proposed addition. Mr. Miller said the cost of the addition with the
two of the rooms deleted would be $700,000. However, with new brick on top of old brick with extra
rooms would cost $1M. Mr. Miller explained that there would be fund matching through the matching
funds program. The money in that program comes from revenue from sales tax. He said the school
could receive up to $10,000 a year toward the project.
Dr. Eagle said they are asking for Board approval, so they can form a board of directors and begin
Mrs. Norman asked how, as a system, other schools needs are met when the community is asked to
donate to such a large project at one school. She stated that there is only so much money that you can
get from the same community.
Dr. Eagle said the community asked will be very broad, and SHS Alumni classes that are interested.
**Mrs. Cox move to proceed with phase 2 of the SHS athletic facility. Mr. Hughes seconded.
Unanimously approved. (5:0)
STEM Academies: Salisbury High, Knox Middle, and Isenberg and Overton Elementary
Dr. Williams directed the BOE to view a video presentation. Mr. Brian Whittson explained that SHS has
had a science and math academy for the past two years. He said they are asking to expand their STEM
Dr. Williams said their goal is to incorporate the technology and engineering components. She stated
that STEM will allow them to engage more students, including CTE with the bio-technology classes.
Mr. Whittson said they want to put themselves in the group with some of the larger LEAs. He said
Rowan-Salisbury Schools will be able to compete with them because our students are very capable.
However, we need to give them what they need.
Mr. Whittson stated that more than 20% of the Science and Math seniors graduated as scholars of
distinction. He said many of them are going on to prestigious institutions and received scholarships.
Dr. Miller asked what additional resources are needed. Dr. Williams said more engineering-based
classes. She said they already have some to start with because the CTE classes already offer
engineering and technology courses. Dr. Williams also said that they would need to offer professional
development for the teachers.
Mr. Whittson said much of the early expansion will be in CTE funding, which receives federal dollars.
**Mrs. Norman moved approval of the expansion to the Math and Science Academy at Salisbury High.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Dr. Grissom explained that some of the other schools are being considered for expanding math and
science classes.
Dr. Grissom said Mr. Marvin Moore and Mrs. Betty Tunks are very interested in moving toward being a
STEM school. Dr. Grissom explained all STEM schools will work collaboratively, and the staff would be
writing grants to try to receive additional funding.
2013-2014 School Bell Times
Mr. Colby Cochran reviewed the new bell schedule because of the 180 days and requirement of 1025
hours. He said bell time at most of the elementary schools needed to be increased to make sure that
they had enough instructional hours. Mr. Cochran said he worked with transportation and principals to
make sure the shared bus schedules would work appropriately.
**Mrs. Norman moved to accept the bell schedule as presented. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously
approved. (5:0)
New CDL Requirements for RSS
Ms. Judy Burris said after talking with Mr. Miller and interim HR director, Gordon Millspaugh, another step
had been developed to ensure our students are safely transported to and from school. She
recommended approval of the additional requirements for obtaining a CDL.
Mr. Hughes said he would be more stringent toward anyone with DWI or DUI. Mrs. Burris said the state
will allow only one in a driver’s history, but the BOE took action a couple years ago not to allow any. Mr.
Hughes said he would like to add that the DMV records would be reviewed as far back as 10 years.
**Mrs. Cox moved to accept the revision with the editorial added. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously
approved. (5:0)
West Rowan High School Track Replacement
Mr. Miller reviewed the West Rowan High School track bids. He explained the WRHS track is the worst in
the system, and it is in dire need of replacement. Mr. Miller advised that the money is in the athletic
paving account and capital outlay budget.
**Mrs. Norman moved acceptance of the bid. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Rowan County Early College Facility Expense
Mr. Miller distributed a spreadsheet that reflected the cost of construction services and related fees to
purchase the Pod Unit for Rowan County Early College. He said their classes had to be moved from the
community college classrooms to make room for planned renovations.
Mr. Miller said the school system discussed with the community college that we would lease/purchase the
unit for three years and will own it. He said the facility is a very nice and sound constructed 7872 square
foot building. Mr. Miller explained he thought that would be the end of it. However, RCCC came to him
with bills they wanted us to pay. He said he did not agree with the amount being requested because
there was no consultation between the two of them of how the money was spent. Mr. Miller noted that
the spreadsheet had the amount requested and the amount the school system was willing to pay. The
difference is $55,000.
Dr. Miller said he felt it is important to know that this was a cooperative project with RCCC and RSS. He
said the MOU states that the Board’s contribution is for the instruction and teachers, and a community
college liaison. RCCC is to provide the space and offer our juniors and seniors the college courses for a
Dr. Miller stated that with the community college’s bond initiative for needing more space, the
community college was cut $6 - $7M, so they came to us to pay more. Mr. Miller said that the school
system is trying to make this most advantageous.
Dr. Grissom said the early college has been in the pod since January, and they like them more than in
the building. They have said it is more of a self-contained space, and wanted to remain in the facility.
She said the school system already pays for the textbooks and student fees.
Mrs. Norman asked Mr. Miller, Dr. Grissom, and Dr. Miller if they agreed with the costs. Mr. Miller said
they understand them, but do not agree with them. Dr. Miller said the costs are retroactive, not moving
**Mr. Hughes moved to reject the offer of the $202,433.50. Motion died for lack of a second.
Dr. Miller said if we are true partners, he would suggest splitting it in half. $101,216.25.
**Mrs. Cox moved to purchase the 8-pod unit and pay Rowan-Cabarrus Community College half of the
request submitted ($101,216.75). Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved.
(4:1) Mr. Hughes opposed.
System Insurance Coverage and Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage for 2013-14
Mr. Miller explained the purpose of changing companies. He said Mrs. Gardner has worked very hard in
keeping our workers compensation premiums down, but they have not usually requested quotes on
insurance each year.
However, this year we found ourselves in an unfortunate situation when Key Risk pulled out of NC.
Mr. Miller said three quotes were submitted, and Fisher-Greene came up with the lowest bid on workers
compensation. NCSBA/$439,000; Surry Insurance /$431.000; Fisher-Greene/$414,366
Mr. Miller recommended remaining with Surry Insurance for liability and auto insurance, bond insurance,
and umbrella and excess premiums - $589,000
Fisher-Greene with $414,366 for Workers Comp
**Mrs. Cox moved to accept recommendation of Fisher-Greene with $414,366 for workers compensation
insurance. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Budget Update
Mrs. Tara Trexler noted that there were a lot of differences in the Senate and House budget proposals.
She stated that at this point, she is not prepared to make further consideration for cuts. However, there
may be a need for a called meeting for the BOE to move forward with cuts. She noted that it would all
depend on the county commissioner appropriation.
Mrs. Trexler said the house package is expected to face a quick rejection because of the large difference
with the senate package.
School Safety Update
Dr. Grissom reviewed the outline distributed earlier to Board members. She advised that the team
continues to meet and discuss ways to improve the safety of our schools.
Dr. Grissom said at this time they have moved forward to have more consistent lockdowns, a video has
been produced and all staff are to view it before school begins. Dr. Grissom said flip charts will be in
every classroom by the fall, and she is pleased to say that within the next week or two all of our
elementary and middle schools will have buzzers at their entrance doors.
Dr. Grissom stated that front office coverage is in the budget at this time. She said a lighting survey was
done and many lights were not working just because of non-reporting to Duke Energy. She advised that
60% are now working and it is making difference on campus. All schools have signage.
Closed Session
Reconvened into closed session at 8:20
BOE Closed Session Minutes of May 20 and June 3, 2013
June Personnel Report
The Board took a short recess.
Report of Closed Session
**Mrs. Kennedy moved to accept the recommendation of the superintendent to hire Jennifer Lentz as
principal of Southeast Middle School. Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
**Mrs. Norman moved to accept the recommendation of the superintendent to hire Mr. Dennis Hobbs as
principal of China Grove Middle School. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
**Mrs. Cox moved to accept the recommendation of the superintendent to hire Mrs. Mary Hemphill as
principal of Koontz Elementary School. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
**Mr. Hughes moved to accept the recommendation of the superintendent to hire Mr. Rick Vanhoy as
principal of Erwin Middle. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
**Dr. Miller moved to accept the recommendation of the superintendent to hire Mrs. Julia Erdie as
principal of East Rowan High School. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
**Mrs. Cox moved to approve the June Personnel Report. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously
approved. (5:0)
**Dr. Miller moved to approve the probationary contracts. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously
approved. (5:0)
**Dr. Miller moved to approve career status for Ms. Susan Kepley and Ms. Amy Cozart. Mrs. Cox
seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
BOE Meeting/Long Street/5:00 p.m.
HOLIDAY (Offices and Schools Closed)
BOE Curriculum/Technology Sub-comm. Mtg./Long St./12:00 noon
7-22/24 BOE Called Meeting (Closed Session)
**Please remember that all schools and offices are working a 10-hour/4 day work week, and are
closed on Fridays through the week of August 5.
**Mrs. Kennedy moved to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Dr. Richard Miller, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary