Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education “Special” Called Meeting June 18, 2012

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
“Special” Called Meeting
June 18, 2012
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on June 18, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at the Long Street
Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy,
Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mr. Mike Caskey, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman and Dr. Richard Miller via telephone.
Mr. Bryce Beard was absent due to a conflict. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mr. Nathan
Currie, Attorney Mr. Ken Soo and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Emerson officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Norman led a moment silence.
Adopt Agenda
Mrs. Kennedy moved to adopt the agenda as submitted. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously
approved. (6:0)
Closed Session
**Mrs. Kennedy moved to recess into Closed Session at 1:32 to consult with an attorney employed or
retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and
the public body. [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(3)] and to prevent disclosure of information that is
privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1)] Mrs.
Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Report of Closed Session
** Dr. Miller moved to adjourn at 1:57 p.m. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary