Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting June 27, 2013


Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education


June 27, 2013


The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on June 27, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Long Street

Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman,

Mr. L. A. Overcash, Mrs. Susan Cox, Mr. Chuck Hughes, and Mr. Josh Wagner. Mrs. Jean Kennedy was absent due to a church obligation. Also present, Mr. Nathan Currie, Mrs. Tara Trexler and Benita

Jones, Attorney. Mrs. Carole Croshaw served as recording secretary.

Call to Order

Dr. Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Cox officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr.

Miller asked for a moment of silence.

Adopt Agenda

** Mr. Hughes moved the adoption of the agenda as submitted. Mrs. Norman seconded.

Unanimously approved. (6:0)

Communications to the Board

Amanda Eller: Daughter of Jennifer and Donald Knox. Resident of Rowan County, and former graduate of SRHS. Expressed appreciation for having the opportunity to have concerns heard by the board. It was stated that hurtful and deceitful information has been spread in the community and that it was time the truth be given the opportunity to be heard. The outcry of the community should be enough to question the decisions this board made on June 17, 2013.

(240 signatures from church members, RSSS Employees, parents and supporters of said High

School) This entire process showed a huge lack of communication. (Written documents given to clerk.)

William Lowe: Served as JROTC instructor for 8 years under three different principals, each was a consummate professional, though all different in the way they accomplished their duties.

Of the three, said the current administrator ranks exceedingly high in his care and concern for the students of his high school. A man of the utmost integrity. This individual is fair, does not practice favoritism. . .his actions seem deeply guided by his faith. (Written document given to clerk.)

Malia Cobb: Retired school teacher. Spoke giving full support of administrator who has been transferred. Challenged the board to do what was right and listen to the community and people who put them into office. (Written document given to the clerk)

Ben Cobb: A 2013 graduate and class salutatorian of said High School relinquished his time as he felt he would not be able follow Board guidelines. He did give a written transcript to the clerk for a record.

Anthony Chapman & Eric Perry: Residents of Rowan County were dismissed due to not following Board procedures.


Loretta Stancil: A community member and parent in the southern end of the county. Expressed concern and bewilderment over a Board decision concerning a transfer of an administrator.

Addressed the Board by saying it was the Board’s duty to address the complaints made against their decision for this transfer of said administrator. (Written document given to the clerk)

Karen Miller: Teacher at SRHS, was dismissed due to not following Board procedures. (Did not have written comments to submit to clerk).

Jeff Chewning: Was on the list to speak. Chose not to do so. (Did not have written comments to submit to clerk).

Superintendent and Board Comments


Consideration of the Consent Agenda


Discussion Items

Continuation Budget Resolution for 2013-2014


Mrs. Tara Trexler stated that the Continuing Budget Resolution is the legal document for the

Board to approve in order to continue operating this year until the budget is passed in Raleigh.

**Mr. Wagner moved to adopt the Continuing Budget Resolution for 2013-2014. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)


May and June Budget amendments were finalized in the afternoon. Mrs. Trexler distributed budget amendments to each Board member. Mrs. Trexler then proceeded to review each amendment with members of the Board.

**Mr. Overcash moved to approve the May and June budget amendments. Mr. Wagner seconded.

Unanimously approved. (6.0)

Closed Session

Mrs. Norman made a motion to move into Closed Session at 5:20 p.m. to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-

318.11(a)(1)], to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-

318.11(a)(3)] and consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6] Mr. Wagner seconded.


Review of applications submitted for the position of superintendent.

Student Transfer Appeals Report

Personnel Issue


Report of Closed Session

**Mr. Wagoner moved to postpone transfer action of employee referenced in Closed Session for one month. Mrs. Cox seconded. Failed (3:3) Dr. Miller, Mrs. Norman, & Mr. Overcash opposed.


**Mr. Overcash moved to adjourn at 8:42 pm. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)

Dr. Richard Miller, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary

