Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting December 19, 2011 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on December 19, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mr. Mike Caskey, Mr. Bryce Beard, and Dr. Richard Miller. Mrs. Kay Wright Norman was absent due to the death of her mother. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Rebecca Smith, Mr. Gene Miller, Mrs. Delores Morris, attorney Don Sayers, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Beard officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Caskey shared the opening meditation. Adopt Agenda Dr. Miller moved to adopt the agenda as submitted. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Election of Chairman Dr. Grissom asked for nominations for the 2012-13 Board of Education Chairperson. **Mrs. Kennedy nominated Dr. James Emerson. Dr. Miller moved to close nominations. Dr. Emerson was unanimously approved. (6:0) Election of Vice Chairman Dr. Emerson asked for nominations for Board of Education Vice Chairperson. **Mrs. Freeze nominated Mrs. Jean Kennedy as Vice Chairperson. Dr. Miller moved nominations be closed. Mrs. Kennedy was unanimously approved. (6:0) Dr. Emerson requested that Mr. Bryce Beard be the BOE liaison with the Board of Commissioners when business is being discussed between the two boards. Celebrations Congratulations to the following staff and students of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments: Congratulations to the following teachers that have renewed their certification as a National Board Certified Teacher. Dr. William Dwayne Robertson is the NBCT Coordinator. Carolina Annas Mitchell Anderson Starr Atwell Elizabeth Doran Sonya Ferguson Cleveland Elementary West Rowan High Millbridge Elementary Salisbury High Erwin Middle 1 Andrea Fulghum Ashley Lanning Mary Martinelli Melissa Powers Leigh Yelton South Rowan High South Rowan High West Rowan High West Rowan High Knollwood Elementary Communication to the Board Mr. Ty Cobb and Mr. Gerry Wood addressed the Board. Mr. Cobb said that he felt there were too many students who do not stand up to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. He noted that when he addressed the Board previously suggesting that a video be made to teach the students why we pledge, Mrs. Kelly Feimster developed a video, but he didn’t think that the video sent the message he and Mr. Wood were hoping for. Mr. Cobb asked Mr. Phil Hardin to play a video he and Mr. Wood had created and hoped the Board would allow it to be shown in the classroom. Mr. Cobb said he and Mr. Wood offer the video to the school system to use as they see fit. He said he would recommend that the video be shown at least twice per year. Mr. Tim Jones – a parent of a Faith Elementary student. He said he was a concerned parent who questioned the protocol on safety at the schools. He said that his daughter was threatened in the classroom, and he didn’t feel that the incident was handled properly at the school. Mr. Rudy Joshua – a parent who was a concerned about the way his son was disciplined for an incident at WRMS. Mr. Joshua said that he felt the teacher and principal did not react proactively to find out who wanted to fight his son. Mr. Joshua said his son was involved in a fight, but he felt ten days was too much time for his son to be suspended, because his son had told the administrators somebody wanted to fight him. Mrs. Christina Riley – a parent who was upset that a class meeting had taken place at her son’s school when her son was sent out of the classroom. Mrs. Riley said this is an open form of bullying and that it is not okay. Mrs. Riley said she feels a written policy should be put in place to stop this kind of meeting. Superintendent and Board Comments None Consideration of the Consent Agenda November 2011 Financial Summary BOE Minutes of November 28, 2011 November 2011 Budget Amendments ** Mrs. Freeze moved approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Discussion Items 2012-2013 Proposed 10-Month School Calendar Mr. Cochran said the calendar committee, which consisted of 10 individuals made up of teachers, administrators, parents, and students met on December 6, and reviewed state law and he believes the 2 committee put together a calendar that complies with the law. He reminded the Board that for the 2012-13 school year, there will be 185 student instructional days instead of 180. Mr. Cochran reviewed the proposed calendar. He noted that the legislature may make a change that would allow school to begin before August 25, since the 25th is on a Saturday. Dr. Grissom said one of the problems with this calendar is because August 25 is on Saturday and June 10 is on a Monday. Dr. Grissom also suggested the students and staff will be going to school on some Saturdays for snow make up days. Dr. Emerson said he would have to be opposed to the Labor Day holiday being on September 28 instead of September 3. **Dr. Miller moved to accept the calendar with the exception of moving the Labor Day holiday to September 3. Mr. Beard seconded. Mrs. Kennedy said she was concerned about students being in school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Dr. Grissom said even though November 21 was an Early Release Day for students, she was concerned as well. Dr. Emerson said the Board could defer the decision of the Veteran’s Day holiday until there is a decision by the legislature. Mr. Cochran said November 12 could be a full day for students and the 21st students would be out in lieu of Veteran’s Day. Dr. Emerson said he would like to leave Veteran’s Day on November 12. Dr. Miller amended his motion to include making November 21 a day out of school and April 1 an Early Release Day. (5:1) Mr. Beard opposed. Henderson Local Option Goals for the ABCs Mr. Cochran said alternative schools are required to participate in the state accountability program. The accountability model for an alternative school is based on achievement and the degree of success that the school has in meeting three objectives. Mr. Cochran reviewed the local option goals Henderson Independent High School had developed. **Mrs. Kennedy moved to approve the accountability program local option goals for 2011-2012, which are Attendance, Dropouts, and Higher expectations for student achievement. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Bus Inspection Report and Efficiency Rating Ms. Burris reviewed and explained the bus inspection report. She noted that the transportation department received an average score, but a small item such as a single bulb that is burned out or one screw out of 120 that is out of the bus floor can keep bus from running. She said in both cases where they failed inspection, the bus was out of service less than a day. Ms. Burris said she takes this report very seriously, but their buses are safe. Ms. Burris reviewed the transportation funding information. The Board was given handouts that detailed the funding and efficiency rating. 3 2010-2011 Energy Report Mr. Mike Austin thanked the Board and Dr. Grissom for their continued support for the energy program. Mr. Austin said the original base line year was 2001-02 when the program was implemented. However, rather than to compare this year to the original base line year, he moved the base line to 2007-08 for the comparison, which will have the new schools in the report. Mr. Austin said there was a reduction in cost of $271,021 or 7.4% last year as compared to 2007-08. He said 32 of our schools qualify for the Energy Star status. 2012-2013 High School Curriculum Guide Mrs. McDuffie distributed and reviewed the changes to the High School Curriculum Guidebook. She noted the additional information She said in the next year she would request that the Board give permission to replace Allied Health Science with Health Science II and for this class to meet the local science requirement. **Dr. Miller moved to accept the changes to the 2012-2013 High School Guidebook. Mr. Mike Caskey seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) House Bill 720/Session Law 2011-379 School and Teacher Paperwork Reduction Act Mrs. Trexler noted there would be criticism no matter if the teacher new pay is approved or not. She showed a presentation that gave a history of the legislation requiring teachers to receive a full month of pay on August 31. Mrs. Trexler said in 2012, legislation mandated that teachers not be prepaid on August 31, 2012. She said a correction has been crafted on technical language by NCSBA, NCASA and NCAE. Mrs. Trexler said this may delay and remove requirements for a year. Mrs. Trexler said payroll would issue payment on August 31 for the days teachers actually work, with full month of the each other months, and pay for only the days worked in June. She said an option is to receive half of their teacher supplement in August with their short check. Mrs. Trexler said one consideration that has to be looked at is payment of employee health premiums. Mrs. Trexler said the administrative team suggests delaying the new payment plan for one year. Mrs. Trexler said she would recommend the Board approve the resolution to that effect. **Dr. Miller moved to adopt the resolution. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Update on Administrative Office Mr. Miller said that he is on the City Council agenda for December 20 at 4:00 p.m. He said he will be requesting approval for land in the 300 block of S. Main Street, and that the council make good on the promise to build a paved parking lot to accommodate 140 – 160 parking spaces. He said he would stress and clear up any misconceptions about parking. Mr. Miller also advised the Board that we are on the agenda for the January 3, 4:00 p.m. meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. 4 Mr. Miller said he received a request from commissioner, Mr. Jim Sides, for all information regarding the proposed central office discussion from the November 28 meeting of the BOE. He said that on December 2, he met with Mr. Ford and Mr. Sides, and there was a statement made that they did not believe there was as much savings as the Board says there is. Mr. Miller said he reviewed the report by Dixon Hughes Goodman and Mr. Sides said he felt we would have savings. Mr. Miller said that Mr. Ford and Mr. Sides, along with the county’s IT person toured Long Street on Dec. 8. He said both Mr. Ford and Mr. Sides said they thought there was a need for a central office. Mr. Miller said they both would support the Board on a building, but not to be located downtown. Mr. Miller asked if the Board would like for him to propose the Ellis Street site as a 2nd option. Mr. Miller noted it would in the historical district, but developer, Mr. Barwick said he felt he could still get new market tax credits at the Ellis Street location. Mr. Beard said the two boards have to collaboratively work on this construction. He said that we have been working on consolidating the central offices for 21 years, and now we are in good shape on schools and seats for the students. Mr. Beard said the BOC has finally agreed that we do need something, so we have to stay on course. Mr. Beard said Mr. Miller should stick to the downtown location, and if the Board of Commissioners offer the Ellis Street location as another option, advise them we will look into it. The Board concurred. Communications to the Board – Dr. Emerson None Superintendent/Board Comments – Dr. Grissom None Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 7:25 p.m. to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Statute 143-318.11 (a)(3)]; to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1); Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Ledbetter and Breedlove vs. Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education BOE Closed Session Minutes of November 28, 2011 December Personnel Report The Board took a short recess. Report of Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy moved to approve the December personnel report. Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Announcements 12/23 Winter Break (Students Out) 5 12/26 - 27 - Christmas Holiday (Schools & Offices Closed) 12/28 - 30 - Winter Break (Students Out) 1/2 New Year Holiday (Schools & Offices Closed) 1/4 BOE Personnel Sub-committee Meeting/Ellis Street/3:00 p.m. 1/5 CANCELLED - BOE Finance Sub-committee Meeting 1/9 BOE Work Session Meeting/Long Street/5:00 p.m. Adjournment Dr. Emerson he would like for the Board to look at block scheduling at the next work session. Dr. Miller said he would also like to look at the possibility of a technology advisory board. On another matter, Dr. Miller said he is concerned that there are a couple county commissioners who think they can direct our employees. He also said that he feels that when there is an employee meeting with two county commissioners, more than one school system employee or Board member should also be present. **Mr. Caskey moved to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 6