Characterisation of Noncovalent AB5 toxin assemblies by means of Mass spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry ASMS Texas 2005 Susan E. Slade*1, Jonathan P. Williams1, Brian N. Green2, Daniel C. Smith1, James H. Scrivens1 1. Biological Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, CV4 7AL. 2. Waters MS Technologies Centre, Micromass UK Ltd, Floats Rd, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LZ, UK. Experimental The TOF instrument is not capable of tandem mass spectrometry experiments so further examination was performed solely on the B chain pentamer. The recombinant SLT AB5 holotoxin noncovalent complex and the noncovalent B5 homopentameric binding subunit were expressed and purified according to the detailed procedure described by Williams et al. [1]. The CT AB5 holotoxin noncovalent complex and the noncovalent B5 homopentameric binding subunit were purchased from Sigma. (ii) Triple-Quadrupole MS for the B5 SLT homopentamer. The SLTx pentamer B5 consists of five identical subunits that arrange into a pentameric ring structure (Figure 1A). Each subunit has a molecular mass of 7.7 kDa and is composed of 69 amino acids that form two three-stranded antiparallel β sheets and an α helix . Analysis of the SLTx B-chain preparation (2 pmol/µL) in acetonitrile/H2O + 0.2 % formic acid confirmed the homogeneity of the protein (Figure 3, inset). The Maximum Entropy program suggested the molecular weight of 7688.5 Da for the B subunit which is in good agreement with the predicted mass. The mass spectrum obtained for the noncovalent complex of SLTx-B5 buffered with ammonium acetate at pH~6.6 clearly shows that the isolated B-pentamer remains intact during the ESI process (Figure 3 ). Overview Aim To observe the Shiga-like (SLTx) and Cholera (CTx) AB5 holotoxin noncovalent complexes at a range of pH and probe the gas phase dissociation pathways of the noncovalent B5 homopentameric binding subunit of the toxins. Method A single ToF instrument provided the extended mass range capable for the observation of noncovalent complexes in the gas phase. A triple quadrupole instrument facilitated tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments for the investigation of dissociation pathways. Results The intact SLTx and CTx AB5 holotoxin complexes were observed in the gas-phase of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer at a range of pH, including one representing physiological conditions. Furthermore, we report the dissociation of the noncovalent homopentameric binding subunit of the toxins by means of in-source collision induced dissociation (CID) and CID in a collision cell of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer allowing us to probe the gas phase dissociation pathways. Introduction (SLTx) produced by enterohemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli (EHEC) belongs to a family of structurally and functionally related AB5 protein toxins that are associated with human disease. EHEC infection often gives rise to hemorrhagic colitis, whilst toxin-induced kidney damage is one of the major causes of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and acute renal failure in children. The A-subunit (~32 kDa) is positioned on one face of the non-covalently-associated B-chain homopentamer (~7.8 kDa/subunit, Figure 1A), with the A-chain C-terminus anchored non-covalently in its central pore (Figure 1B). Mass Spectrometry. To investigate the noncovalent AB5 and B5 toxin assemblies, a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer and a single Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) were utilised. Data acquisition and processing was carried out using MassLynxTM (V3.5). Instrumental parameters used in the study were: • Triple quadrupole MS – Quattro Ultima (Waters MS Technologies, Manchester, UK) • ToFMS – LCT (Waters MS Technologies, Manchester, UK) • Ion mode: ESI positive • Capillary: 3.0kV • Cone: 20-75V • Source Temp: 110oc • Desolvation Temp: 110oC • Pressure: Optimised for observation of noncovalent complexes • Collision gas: Argon (2.5 x 10-3 mbar) Quattro Ultima • Concentration: 5-10µM in 10mM ammonium acetate • Direct infusion: 4µL/min Harvard Apparatus (South Natick, MA, USA) Model 22 Syringe Pump 7600 7800 8000 1500 % B4+ B6+ AB518+ 2500 AB519+ AB517+ B5+ B6+ 1 0 1 0 0 (B) CE= 25eV 5+ B 7+ B6+ % B4+ B6+ 0 0 0 1 % 0 0 1 0 AB518+ 0 0 1 % 0 1000 pH~3.0 B4+ B6+ 1500 2000 AB518+ 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Figure 2: ESI-TOF mass spectra for the AB5 SLT holotoxin at various pH 5000 m /z 5 2 B5+ 0 3000 B7+ % B515+ m /z 3 5 00 B6+ B8+ 1 0 0 0 0 14+ B3+ *B5 0 2 5 0 B38+ 0 3 0 0 0 3 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 m *B513+ B3 B513+ B37+ 3 0 0 0 B49+ 3 5 0 B37+ B37+ + (B27+) B38+ + (B26+) B513+ 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 B2+ B25+ *B37+ 3 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 m /z B2+ + B25+ B3+ + B24+ Figure 5: ESI-Triple quadrupole pseudo-MS/MS/MS mass spectra and fragmentation pathways of the SLTB5 noncovalent complex. The precursor ion selected for MS/MS is marked with an asterix Our data obtained by pseudo-MS/MS/MS experiments on the B49+ and B37+ ions show that these ions do undergo further dissociation forming product ions which suggest the loss of a further B subunit as shown in Figure 5. This sequential loss of individual subunits from the pentamer, tetramer and trimer ions indicate that the noncovalent interactions maintaining the quaternary structure of the B-pentamer are extremely strong. % m 100 / z % 100 % B7+ *B517+ CE= 15eV B3+ + (B414+) B4+ + (B413+) B5+ + B412+ B6+ + (B411+) B7+ + (B410+) B8+ + (B49+) % B7+ B6+ B5+ B4+ B8+ B5+ B7+ B8+ % 0 1000 B518+ B8+ B6+ B517+B B6+ AB519+ B5+ B518+ 16+ 5 B515+AB % 20+AB 19+ 5 5 1500 B6+ 2000 B5+ 2500 B517+ 16+ AB 20+ B5 15+ 5 AB 19+ pH~4.0 B518+ B5 5 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 m/z 5500 B5+ B8+ 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 B4+ B 7+ 2 3000 3+ 12+ *B517+ B /B4 3500 Figure 6: ESI-TOF mass spectra for the AB5 CT holotoxin at various pH B27+ + (B310+) m /z Figure 8: ESI-Triple quadrupole MS/MS mass spectra and fragmentation pathway of the CT- B5 noncovalent complex. The precursor ion selected for MS/MS is marked with an asterix pH~5.0 B7+ B8+ B517+ B7+ B6+ pH~7.0 B517+ B516+ AB 20+ pH~6.0 5 B518+ B515+ AB519+ B7+ CE= 45eV CE=45eV 16+ 5 B515+ AB520+ Conclusions It has been demonstrated that the SLT and CT AB5 holotoxins remain intact during the ESI process and can be observed in the mass spectrum over a range of pH including including one representing physiological conditions. As far as we know this is the first time the cholera holotoxin has been observed intact in the gas by mass spectrometry. The increased sensitivity afforded by ToF mass analysers for observing noncovalent assemblies has been shown. Pseudo-MS/MS/MS experiments for the SLT B5 homopentamer have shown that the tetramer and trimer ions formed from the loss of a single B unit undergo further dissociation forming product ions which suggest the loss of a further B subunit. References Figure 4: ESI-Triple quadrupole MS/MS mass spectra and fragmentation pathways of the SLT- B5 noncovalent complex. The precursor ion selected for MS/MS is marked with an asterix m /z 3500 CE=15eV 100 B517+B B6+ 0 100 B37+ + (B26+) B38+ + (B25+) 3000 0 B48+ B3+ + (B410+) B4+ + B49+ B5+ + B48+ B6+ + (B47+) 2500 100 / z B48+ 0 B5+ 2000 (iii) Triple quadrupole MS/MS of the CT homopentamer B5. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was used to investigate the dissociation pathway of the homopentamer B517+ ion. The two dominant ions in the mass spectrum of the homopentamer correspond to B516+ and B517+. The latter ion was selected as a precursor ion to undergo CID in the collision cell of the instrument, the collision energy being varied to obtain intense fragment ions. The multiply-protonated pentameric species B517+ selected for CID dissociated almost entirely via the loss of one subunit to form monomer, dimer, trimer and tetramer ions but no peaks which could be unequivocally assigned to trimer ions were observed, as shown in Figure 8. These ions could still be formed, however as the ions B33+, B36+ and B39+, cannot be distinguished from the ions B+, B2+ and B3+, B22+, B24+ and B26+ and B44+, B48+ and B412+ respectively, to which some of the peaks have been assigned. However, not all of the ions that are predicted to form were detected. This was either due to their being present in very low abundance or due to the m/z ratio of the ion being beyond the upper m/z range of the instrument, 4000, as discussed above. The multiply-protonated pentamer species B517+ selected for CID dissociates almost entirely via the loss of one subunit as shown to form primarily abundant monomer ions. A very low abundant dimer B27+ ion is also observed. B8+ 0 B3+ + (B411+) B4+ + B410+ B5+ + B49+ B6+ + B48+ B7+ + (B47+) 1 5 0 0 1500 B518+ Figure 7: ESI-Triple quadrupole mass spectrum for the B5 cholera holotoxin B48+ 0 9+ 7+ B4 B3+ 0 B3+ % 0 B4+ B3+ 0 1 0 0 0 100 B3+ *B37+ B2+ CE= 10eV B. (i) TOFMS for the AB5 CT holotoxin. The individual A and B subunits but not the intact holotoxin have been observed by ESI previously [4]. Here, as shown in Figure 6, we demonstrate that the intact AB5 cholera holotoxin remains intact during the ESI process over a range of pH. B48+ B49+ B410+ B37+ B5+ 0 B36+ 2500 B3+ + B36+ CE= 25eV (E) B514+ B5+ 100 0 2000 1 0 0 B49+ B3+ B4+ B4+ (D) CE= 18eV B6+ 0 pH~3.5 B4+ B6+ *B49+ B3+ 0 m/z 0 1 0 0 B6+ 0 B5+ 5 (C) CE= 15eV 0 pH~7.0 pH~6.6 AB518+ 1500 % 3500 *B514+ B4+ B 0 % B5+ 100 3000 (A) CE= 15eV % 0 B3+ 0 1000 (B) B512+ (iii) Triple quadrupole MS/MS of the SLT homopentamer B5. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was used to investigate the dissociation pathways of the SLTx B513+, B514+, B49+ and B37+ ions respectively. The multiply-protonated pentamer species B514+ and B513+ selected for CID dissociate almost entirely via the loss of one subunit (Figure 4) to form monomer, trimer and tetramer ions. However, not all of the ions that are predicted to form were detected. This was either due to them being present in very low abundance or due to the m/z ratio of the ion being beyond the upper m/z range of the instrument, 4000. 0 B4+ mass The mass spectrum demonstrates that the homopentamer B5, the dominant form of the B subunit protein in solution, remains intact during the ESI process. Mass spectra obtained previously, and during this investigation for the noncovalent complex for the homopentamer B5 demonstrate that under the conditions specified, the pentamer is stable and can be transferred from the liquid phase to the gas phase intact. 1 B5+ 8200 2000 0 100 In this study ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS has been used to examine the noncovalent interactions that exist between the subunits of the complete SLTx and cholera holotoxins or the pentameric B-subunit. The ability to rapidly identify and characterise such interactions will be very important for future research into this class of pathogenic protein. 7400 B516+ B36+ B4+ + (B35+) 7200 Figure 3: ESI-Triple quadrupole mass spectrum for the B5 SLT holotoxin and inset showing the maximum Entropy deconvoluted spectrum of the monomer subunit % Electrospray ionisation (ESI) is a powerful technique that aids the study of biological noncovalent assemblies. ESI permits the assemblies to be transferred from the liquid phase to the gas phase intact allowing detection by mass spectrometry (MS). In order to study noncovalent assemblies intact by means of ESI-MS, the internal energy of the ions formed by the electrospray process must be kept to a minimum to avoid dissociation. Collisional stabilisation is accomplished by increasing the backing pressure between the source and ion guide interface region of the mass spectrometer 0 1000 B515+ Figure 1(B): Structure for theAB5 SLT holotoxin 100 CE= 15eV % B49+ 0 1000 B513+ B514+ B515+ B4+ % 10 0 7688.50 7688.50 0 7000 % CTx is also an AB5 protein toxin produced by the gram-negative bacillus Vibrio cholerae. The disease resulting from infection and production of this toxin causes watery diarrhoea, and remains a major public health problem in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Indeed there are over 200 000–500 000 reported new cases of cholera each year, although the actual number of cases is likely to be much greater. Without medical treatment, mortality associated with cholera infection is 20–50%. Furthermore, CTx has been characterised as a potential ‘biowarfare’ agent by the US and UK defence agencies, and has been reported to be of medical relevance as a novel immune adjuvant. The A-subunit (~27 kDa) is positioned on one face of the non-covalently-associated B-chain homopentamer (~11.6 kDa/subunit), with the A-chain C-terminus anchored non-covalently in its central pore, similar to the SLT holotoxin as shown above . CTx binds to, and enters intestinal cells through interaction of the B subunit pentamer with the GM1 ganglioside receptor. The interaction of the B subunit with its receptor is also thought to mediated the immunomodulatory functions of the toxin. Within the cell cytosol the A subunit causes constitutive activation of adenylyl cyclase by activation of the stimulatory G protein Gsα, resulting in elevated levels of intracellular cAMP. Elevation of cAMP produces active secretion of salt and fluid through activation of Cl− channels in the apical plasma membrane of intoxicated cells. CE= 5eV % 0 B517+ 100 0 % Results and Discussion (ii) Triple-Quadrupole MS for the B5 CT homopentamer. The pentamer B5 consists of five identical subunits that arrange into a pentameric ring structure. Each subunit has a molecular mass of 11.6 kDa and is composed of 103 amino acids. The mass spectrum obtained for the noncovalent complex of B5 buffered with ammonium acetate at pH~5.0 is shown in Figure 7. The mass spectrum obtained clearly shows that the isolated B-pentamer remains intact during the ESI process. % 10 0 B513+ B514+ 100 A. (i) TOFMS for the AB5 SLT holotoxin. Previously, nanoelectrospray was performed on a 10 pmol/µL aqueous solution of the holotoxin and at pH 3.5 AB5 ions were observed [2], however it was reported that at neutral pH only a weak ion signal corresponding to the polyprotonated B5 pentamer was observed. It was assumed that the AB5 ions were being generated by the nanoelectrospray process at neutral pH but at mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios that exceeded the m/z 5000 capability of the FTICR mass spectrometer. In order to test this assumption, a study of the toxin was carried out in the time-of-flight instrument at different pH values (Figure 2). Our data confirms that of a previous investigation showing that the AB5 holotoxin remains intact during the ESI process. However, in contrast to the results of the previous study, the mass spectra obtained for the holotoxin shows a strong signal for both the B5 pentamer and the AB5 holotoxin at pH~7. Our data clearly shows that within the pH range 3 – 7, the same three protonated holotoxin AB5 ions are formed and no holotoxin ions were observed beyond m/z 5000. As far as we know this is the first time the holotoxin has been observed intact at physiological pH. *B49+ CE= 5eV (no gas) 10 0 (A) 0 100 1 Figure 1(A): Structure for the B5 SLT homopentamer (iii) Triple quadrupole pseudo-MS/MS/MS of the SLT homopentamer B5. Previous results obtained via BIRD in an FTICR mass spectrometer concluded that the B4 ions were resistant to further dissociation over the temperature range studied [3]. The B49+ and the B37+ ions, formed from in-source CID, were therefore subjected to CID in the collision cell in order to investigate their fragmentation under these conditions. 1. JP Williams et al. (2005) Biochemistry (in press). 2. EN Kitova, PI Kitov, DR Bundle, JS Klassen, (2001) Glycobiology, 11, 605-611 3. N Felitsyn, EN Kitova, JS Klassen, (2001) Anal.Chem., 73, 4647-4661. 4. 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