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This product is part of the Pardee RAND Graduate School (PRGS) dissertation series.
PRGS dissertations are produced by graduate fellows of the Pardee RAND Graduate
School, the world’s leading producer of Ph.D.’s in policy analysis. The dissertation has
been supervised, reviewed, and approved by the graduate fellow’s faculty committee.
Effective Capital Provision
Within Government
Methodologies for Right-Sizing
Base Infrastructure
Joshua C. Weed
This document was submitted as a dissertation in September 2004 in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the doctoral degree in public policy analysis at
the Pardee RAND Graduate School. The faculty committee that supervised and
approved the dissertation consisted of Greg Ridgeway (Chair), Bart Bennett,
and Ed Keating.
The Pardee RAND Graduate School dissertation series reproduces dissertations that
have been approved by the student’s dissertation committee.
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This dissertation outlines a new methodology that provides better estimates of an
Air Force base’s contract-quarters requirements, allowing more-accurate capacitytradeoff analyses. Metrics and methodologies currently employed by the Air Force and
other services underestimate the need for on-base lodging facilities by underestimating
the number of contract quarters at a chosen on-base capacity. This analysis shows that a
simple difference of demand and supply, even at the daily level, is a bad predictor for
actual contract quarters. Beyond documenting the deficiency, this dissertation provides
an alternative methodology to improve capacity right-sizing within the Department of
Defense (DoD). The modeling tool developed here can also enable decisionmakers to
assess the impact of various lodging policies on cost. It explores the effect of macro (onbase capacity size) and micro (lodging management) policies on lodging costs, both onand off-base.
Looking first at the macro policy, right-sizing capital infrastructure is a difficult
problem requiring more-complex analytic modeling than is currently being employed by
the Air Force or the Army. On-base utilization rates are the primary managerial metric
used in capacity determination by the Air Force. But these aggregate metrics do not
account for important factors that affect the cost-minimizing capacity decision, such as
the seasonality of demand, daily-demand variability, or the contract-quarters price.
Using aggregate metrics can lead to capacity determinations that do not minimize total
lodging cost. Minimizing the combined cost to the government of both on- and off-base
quarters should be a leading objective in the capacity decision.
At times, the Air Force goes beyond aggregate metrics and performs formal
tradeoff analyses to determine the least-cost capacity level. However, the methodologies
employed in these need assessments and similarly by the Army’s right-sizing model
underestimate the actual contract-quarters requirement by using aggregated data and
assuming too much efficiency in on-base facility utilization. Aggregating data into
weekly or monthly averages conceals important phenomena occurring at the daily level,
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such as demand spikes, that are essential in capacity determination. The studies also
neglect on- and off-base movement restrictions and lodging’s other micro policies, which
enforce placement criteria that span multiple days and constrain some on-base
placements. Tradeoff analyses that ignore these factors and utilize the lower off-base
estimates will recommend efficient-capacity levels that are, in general, too low.
For better capacity determinations, tradeoff analysis should (1) utilize daily supply
and demand data and (2) more accurately estimate the actual on- or off-base facility
placements. The aggregation of daily occupancy data into monthly or annual averages is
a primary reason for both the annual occupancy metrics and the needs assessments
yielding incorrect capacity recommendations. The recent improved capability to export
daily occupancy data from the lodging touch system (LTS) should allow future tradeoff
analyses to utilize daily data and ameliorate this problem, which accounts for almost half
of the understated contract quarters in our example. However, even daily data cannot
fully correct the constraints created by lodging-management policies that constrain some
on-base placements and necessitate contract quarters beyond those predicted by daily
supply and demand alone. To correct these problems, analytic models must generate
hypothetical lodging placements based on lodging’s management rules, movement
restrictions, course schedules, individual stay lengths, required facility types, and many
other factors. Simply put, tradeoff analyses used for capacity determination must do
better at estimating the actual contract-quarters requirement for a given demand pattern
and chosen on-base capacity.
This dissertation outlines a tradeoff analysis that improves upon current methods.
Based on the inventory-theory literature, the new methodology develops a simulation
model that replicates the lodging reservation system at Maxwell Air Force Base.1 The
1 The inventory literature’s standard daily model, which accounts for shortages by differencing
supply and demand, does not sufficiently capture all shortages.
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model estimates the off-base lodging requirement by accounting for course demanders
whose lodging placements depend upon a list of factors spanning the lengths of their
courses. Better estimates for the actual lodging placements will improve the accuracy of
the tradeoff analyses. Lodging cost functions, both on- and off-base, are estimated from
Maxwell’s cost data and are applied to the simulation’s more-accurate facility placements
to generate total lodging costs. The simulation evaluates different supply capacities to
determine the least-cost size of Maxwell’s lodging operation for a given demand
Chapter 6 includes specific model results for our chosen case study. For FY03
demand, the efficient-capacity level required construction of two additional facilities:
phase II and phase III of the Squadron Officer College (SOC) lodging plan. The Air
Force is on track, having opened phase II in January 2004, and funding for phase III was
appropriated in FY04. At this least-cost capacity, on-base occupancy rates are projected
to be approximately 76 percent, below the 85 percent Air Force target, suggesting the
deficiency of using utilization alone as the evaluation metric. The facility
recommendations are contingent upon the FY03 demand distribution, and changes to
demand could affect them. The growth of Maxwell’s training programs since FY00 did
not slow in FY04, by which time an additional 70,000 bed spaces were needed. Despite
the increase in demand, the FY04 analysis recommended constructing only two
additional facilities; however, construction of a third facility became a relatively more
attractive policy option. Total cost estimates for constructing either two or three facilities
were approximately equal, so the decision could be made on the basis of criteria other
than cost. In determining efficient facility capacity, Air Force decisionmakers must
determine what they believe represents a future annual demand profile, and they must
evaluate their preferred construction decision against other-than-expected demand
Apart from being a capacity right-sizing tool, the simulation is useful for
estimating the effect of lodging’s management policies on total cost. Strategic
managerial decisions such as scheduling courses, establishing course linkages that
necessitate overlap, the course-weighting scheme, and on-base/off-base movement
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policies are often made with little or no understanding of the impact on total lodging cost.
Up to this point, it has been relatively difficult to project the effect of these changes on
lodging, due to the complexities of projecting the resulting facility placements and
contract quarters. The simulation presented here provides a planning tool for estimating
the impact of lodging-related policy changes by accurately projecting on-base and offbase facility placements.
Although the model was narrowly tailored to replicate several Maxwell-specific
placement rules, the modeling framework is generalizable to other Air Force or DoD
lodging operations. More broadly, the methodological shortcomings of right-sizing
metrics (Chapter 3) are applicable to any right-sizing problem with daily demand
variability, seasonality, and placement criteria that span multiple days. Acknowledging
and addressing these methodological issues in current Air Force and Army models is a
necessary first step. There appear to be two avenues for improving the current system of
right-sizing metrics and models. The more accurate, but resource-intensive, method
would be to adopt the more advanced simulation model presented in this dissertation.
Alternatively, if this model is not adopted, current right-sizing methods could be
improved by using daily data in future tradeoff analyses. The new capability to extract
daily occupancy data from LTS should allow this added detail. However, these
adjustments would not fully correct the understated contract-quarters totals, and the
resulting capacity recommendations should be adjusted accordingly.
This dissertation develops a significantly more accurate means of determining the
cost-minimizing number of lodging facilities at a base. It demonstrates that current
managerial metrics and tradeoff analyses often will not yield this number. The
simulation tool has the flexibility to be used for a variety of capital-infrastructure policy
decisions, both macro (capacity determination) and micro (lodging management). It
enables contract-quarters projections to be more accurate, yielding better tradeoff
analyses and better informing decisionmakers of the costs of lodging.