B fuirn "a BankofBaroda No.BCC:lSD/107l161565 Date: 04th November 2015 President Ltd., The Vice The Vice Presldent Nationat Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Exchange Plaza, Datat Bandra Kurta Complex, Bandra (E) li^umbai - 400 Mumbai - 400 051 BSE CODENSE CODE - BANKBARODA E.mail:"corp.relations@bseindia,com" Emait:"cnlist@nse.co.in" BSE Street Towers 001 532134 Dear Sir Rei / lyladam, Bank of Baroda 05.1 1.2015 - Revision of lnterest Rates on Term Deposits w.e.f. date We adyise that our Bank has decided to revise the rates of interest payabte on Domestic Term Deposits inctuding NRE (TD) across various maturities for Rs.1/crore and above. The revision witL be appticabte to the renewat of existing deposits and fresh deposits, with effect from OSth November 2015 as per detaits enclosed. We request you to take note of the above pursuant to ctause 36 of the Listing Agreement. Kindty uptoad the information on your website. Yours faithfutty, tl Ul---.- ) M. L. Jain DGI - Company Secretary & Comptiance v\ Enct: As above srqi€ +s{, S-26,* <fir, ffi.grdlolq}m, arql (f ), f+i 400051 qr.d Baroda Corporate Centre, C 26. G Block, Bandra Kurta Comptex, Bandra (E). tvlumbaiTEtqI $lq/ Phone 1*ai 91 22 66985812/5846. +N/Fax 4OO 051. tndia 91 22 2652 6660 E mart : companysecretary bcc@bankofbaroda com . is / Wet : www. Oan kofbaroda com fu*tifraflqr iankotBarcda BCC: BR: 107541 DATE 04 NOVEMBER 20{5 lssuEp BY TREASURY & lNVEsr E{rs DEPARrtrrENr CIRCULAN. TO ALL BiAt{CHES IN INDIA B:F|LE: DEP-2 Dear Sir, Re RBvision of inte.est rates on Term Deposits w,e,t. Date 05,11,2015 It has been decided to revise the rates of interest payable on Domesic Term Deposits including NRE (TD) across various maturities for tL crore and abovi.' , The revision will be applicable to the renewal of existing deposits and fresh deposits. with efiect from Osth November, 2015, With the above revision, Rates of lnterest on Domestic Term Deposits, NRQ Deposits & NRE Deposits of all buckets will be as under: 1. For Domesti. & NRO gulk Deposit Rates [PerAnnum] lFrssh & Renewalj The existing and the suggested changes of interest rates fol term deposits and above are as under Existinq Rol Maturity Range td of (1 crore Revised deDoslts 41c.. to alo cr. (w.e.f 05,10.2015) {$.e.f 05.11.2015) 7 to14 Days 4.50% 4.50v" 15 to 45 Days 4.50% 4.50% 46 to 90 D?ys 6-25 b.9U:(t 6."1596 6.25 181 to 270 Days 7.00% 6AOEO 271 Days to Less thsn 1 Year 7 .O0o/" 6n0% L y€ar 7 .2591, 6.75% Above lyear trp tO 2 yearS Abovs 2years Lrp to 3 years Above 3years up to 10 years 7.25i5 6.75v. 7.25 6.75i 91 to 180 tayg 7 .25qo 6.7 50A \z ,h, n. l:ta RE rrfi, {t-84, * a}lr. qr lrai *km, 1ff r0o osr. e.q"r.t \\ Yt<Vwal4qr TEsury B6mh + Fter, E.rod. Sun Tow. Btoct, Brndr. xun! comC.A MMb, C,34, G ;r / tef6phon6: @1* *s, lffi llax:. a22-r6s2e.o it(x) OCl. tw Efrn aila Bankof Baroda Existinq Revised ROI fo. deposits Above t10cr. to ?25 cr, Maturity RanOe 05.10.20r.5) Revised Existino ROI fo. deposits Above t25cr. to (50 er. (w.e.t 05.10.2015) 4.500h (w.e.f 05.11.2015) 71014 Days 4.1Q9o 05.11.2015) 4.50% 15 to 45 Days c50% 4.50% 4.500/o 4.50e/. 46 to 90 Days 6.2s% 6.00% 6.25 6.00% 91 to 180 Days 6.50% 6.zsvn 6.50V. 6.25'/" 181 to 270 Days 271 O6ys to Less than 1 6.75% 6,40vo 6.t5% 6.40'k 7.OO 6.60Va 7.OAe/c 6.6OYo 6.'11yo 7 .25V. 6.75% 6.75Yo 6.759o Year l year 7 >1vr uo to 2 vears >2yr5 up to 3 years >3yrs up to 10 years Maturity Range .2SD/" 6.75 7.25y. 2s% 6.7SYo 7 E)ristioo Revised 1.25% '1 for depositr Above <50cr. to tloo cr. (w.e.f (w.e,f 0s.l-0.201s) os.r.1.201s) 4.50% 4.50e4 AOI 7 to14 DayE -250/. 4.50Vo Revised Exittinq Rol for deposits Above {100 c.. (w.e.f (w.€.f 05.10.2015) 05.11-2015) 4.50% 4.54o/o 15 to 45 Days 4.500/n 4.SOYo 4.500t 4.50% 46 to 90 Days 6.25o/o 6.00% 625o/o o.u0,rb 91 to 120 Days 6.50v. 6,25 6.50./o o.z516 L2L to 180 Days 6.5Oo/o 6.25 o.5u% 6.25%, to 239 Days 6,'lsa/o 6.44 6.15% 6.40 240 Days to 270 Days 6--l5Yo 6,40% 8.7 5o/o 6.40% 271 Days to 330 Dayg 331 Days to Less than 1 Year l year 7.00% 6.60% 7.A00/6 6.60% 7.OOV. 6.60% 7 .AO9o 6.5096 -25% 6-75% 7.25vo 1.81 7 6.75 >1yr up to 2 years >2yrs up to 3 years >3yrs up to 10 years YG/ A ltrsr, 4{r i-{, lrtfi s{ .rrj *44. S F}tr, -ar gni *R{n, m Tr6,'!ry Br.ich,4i Ftoor, Bsroda Sun l#3l / telephongi oa2-d6a6 Iow, r6,!t 1!rg mo C-34, G Block, BarLLa Xurla Cordpl.!, irumb3i ifi t lax: ozz-amcpao 4OO 661. osr. e"ee L. NRE t*er *m z{rn Bankof Baroda Term & Bulk Depo6it Rafe5 LPerArnuml [FBsh & Renewal] NRE TERM (KUPEE} DEPOSITS Rs,l crpre to Rs. Xaturlty Range l (w.e.f 05.1o:015) (w.e.f 05.11.2015) 7.25%, 6.73% 6,75% Year l Above year up to 2 years 7 Above 2 years up ta 3 yeaB Above 3 years up to 1.0 crorEg I0 years .25% 7.2504 6-75 7.250h 6.75% NRE TERM Exigtiho RevisEd ROl for deposits above (10cr. to a25 cr. Maturity REnge 05.10.2015) 7.25V. 1 year Above lyear !p tg 2 vdars Abav6 2years up to 3 0s.11.2015) 6.75% 7.25d/o 6.15 1.25% 6.75% 7.2.5Yo 5.t5.h 7.250/. 6_15% rs NRE TERM Rsvised Existlng Maturity Xange Existinq l50cr. to i100 cr. (w.e,f 05.10.2015) year 7 .25eh Revised nol for deposlts above f!00 cr. ROI for deposits abovQ l Existina Revised for depo3lts above <25cr, to t50 cr. (w.e.f (w.e,f 05.10.2015) 05.11.2015) 7,25% 5.t5'b ROI (w.e.J (,,Y€.f 05.10.2015) 05.11.2015) 6,75% (r,r.e.f 05.11.2015) 6.7504. 7.254/6 Above lyear to 16 months Above 16 months t]p to 2 yerrs Above 2years up to J years Above 3years up to 4 years $/ t/ lqt trl{r, {qI ftr, rf{r {1 Ir.slry E rrcn,4& nooq Arro.h tifF6Ya / tnfephona; ot-aas, cm, #a4, di 6t6,, S$ To,G, C'34, irrr tirg ar gnt G 8106r, Bandra Xwra I la]/.]. 022-6r6so1o rHm, rirS roo C.npL& lagltrb;i4$ 051. osr. e:sarorr ta $rn adlw aa**Bamda 6 Caplt l Gein Aecount Schome, t9g8 For 6ll Deposits und$ Capital Gaih Accou.ts Sch6me, 1gBB, interest rate w t be applicqble a6 per noryrial time & psriod. ." Approyal f.om Troasury for accspgngrquotitlg for Bulk Deposits above t 25 crorc. ln respect of deposit of above <25 cr. th6 Bank will have th6 sole diiffetion to either r.cept Or rejecl the otrer, depeflding upon the Bank's requirement. Branchca dre advisod io obtain prior appriyEl from Trsasury through their Rogional Offloei be{ore ageptirg/submitting Bids/Ouote6 for any single dep@ii of more than &ore from any tli cus{omer. Branchgs are also advisod to report to Treasury immediately on recaipt of any depogit in exc?ss 125 6. d Your6 faitMully, L Al\^"^ov,*; \2 l' D. N. ' Jhurmarvala Genoral tlarager {Tre€sury & lnveelrrents} Y vv, qO nl{r, I"r-a-d, {rt{I qE rr{{, S<4, il;rnf', IrGrlfy Br.n.h,.ti Fro<r.Ea.oda sun rowor, C,gd 6 Blocr, a:iidfa / t6lephone: @z-6d6 errn trrg HH*, aiar F-df ,!{S 400 ooi. p.ser or{ B.ndc,tu;e colnpb( omdaaoo 051, t |aix' oze-czaegto