Julius Caesar Memorization Passage Directions: Choose one of the following passages to memorize. Each student will perform the passage with creative delivery that enhances the meaning, rhythm, clarity, and emotion of the passage. Paying attention to stage directions, perform the passage with complete memorization, proper emphasis, and correct context. List of selections: 1. Marullus (Act I, scene 1) lines 32-55 2. Cassius (Act I, scene 2) lines 135-157 3. Cassius (Act I, scene 3) lines 57-78 4. Brutus (Act II, scene 1) lines 10-34 5. Portia (Act II, scene 1) lines 279-287 + 291-302 6. Caesar (Act III, scene 1) lines 46-48 + 58-73 7. Antony (Act III, scene 1) lines 256-275 8. Brutus (Act III, scene 2) lines 13-33 9. Antony (Act III, scene 2) lines 73-107 10. Antony (Act III, scene 2) lines 169-197 Tricks for memorizing Shakespeare: 1. Do your homework before you perform! Be able to paraphrase the passage, define difficult words, look up words for help with proper pronunciation, etc. Once you understand every word and every line, then work on memorizing. 2. Read the passage aloud to yourself several times. 3. Rewrite the passage in your own handwriting word for word. 4. Study different visual renditions of the scene for different perspectives/ interpretations. This will help you visualize the lines for memorization as well help with your interpretation of the performance. 5. Try to memorize one or two lines at a time. Do not move on until you have mastered these lines. Try to visualize the lines in your head as you say them aloud. 6. If you get stuck, make sure you know what the line means and why it is being – that may be the hang up. Tips for performing Shakespeare: 1. Make sure you are comfortable with the scene and content you have chosen, especially if you get nervous or you are a giggler. 2. Your entire performance must be appropriate according to the content of the passage (i.e., use of stage, props, gestures, emphasis). 3. Practice in front of the mirror to study your gestures, facial expressions, movements, etc. 4. Make sure your volume is appropriate for the scene and loud enough for the entire audience to hear you! 5. Finally, perform your scene for three critics. Be sure to choose people that will give you honest and constructive criticism!