The Outsiders Ch 3 and 4 Discussion

Answer the following question in your journal.
In chapter 3, Ponyboy reflects, “I felt the tension
growing inside of me and I knew something had to
happen or I would explode.” What literary device
is this an example of? Why do you think he feels
this way?
• When you are done, begin looking at the questions your
book club will discuss today.
• Did you finish your homework and save it in your
Moodle Journal?
Driving Questions
1. What are the costs and benefits of conformity or
nonconformity to a peer group? How do we measure
these costs and benefits?
2. How does a person's relationship with his/her
peers affect the kind of person he/she will become?
The Outsiders—Chapter 3/4 Discussion
• Use the questions on your
group’s Google Doc to guide the
• When speaking/answering, use
text evidence to support your
• Everyone should speak at least
once for each question.
Discussions will
Be prepared to
mark the text.
Tape or staple the
text into your
Step 1: First Read
Silent read the text for understanding
Diffuse any unknown words
Step 2: 2nd Read
Mrs. Davis will read the text aloud
Analyze and annotate as you listen
Step 3: Partner Up
Check your overall understanding
Discuss the text
▫ Was anything confusing or unclear?
▫ Was something shocking?
▫ Did you make any connections?
Step 4: 3rd Read
Independent read the
text and annotate
(underline, highlight,
Answer key idea and
detail questions
Step 5: Class Discussion
• What new insights about the text have you gained
from the process of close reading?
Point of View
• What point of view is the story told from?
• How does point of view impact the plot of a story?
Step 6: Respond
Directions: In a Word doc, respond to the following prompt . Copy and paste
your response into the netschool journal topic for a grade.
Consider these two chapters from the point of view of
either Bob or Johnny. Rewrite the scene in the park in
first person, present tense, as either of these two
characters. Think about what might be going through
their minds as the scene unfolds. Both are thinking
about more than just the violence that gets played out in
the park. Are they thinking about their friends? Their
families? The other social group? What are their
emotions throughout the scene?