Call for Abstracts and Short Courses Improving Diagnostic Decision Making

16th Biennial
European Conference
June 12-14, 2016
London, UK
Society for Medical Decision Making
Call for Abstracts and Short Courses
Improving Diagnostic Decision Making
The Society for Medical Decision Making and the NIHR Patient Safety Translational Research Centre of Imperial College
London are proud to host the 16th Biennial SMDM-European Conference in London, June 12-14, 2016.
The meeting will be held at 30 Euston Square, in the heart of London, next to Euston Station and 5 minutes from St Pancras station (Eurostar Terminal).
The meeting’s special focus is on “Improving Diagnostic Decision Making”. The meeting will feature two keynote speakers (Professors Ralph Hertwig
and Mark Graber) and two invited symposia on vaccination decision making and on cancer diagnostic delays. Our aim is to bring together highquality, oral and poster presentations from psychology, epidemiology, health economics and other scientific disciplines involved in the study of
medical decisions.
Chair: Olga Kostopoulou, PhD, MSc (Imperial College London),
Co-chairs: Anne Stiggelbout, PhD (Leiden University Medical Center) and Elisabeth Fenwick, PhD, MSc (ICON Health Economics)
SMDM is now accepting abstracts for Oral and Poster Sessions and proposals for Short Courses to be presented at its 16th Biennial
European Conference, Special Focus on Improving Diagnosis.
Oral abstracts are organized around common themes and are presented
in no more than three concurrent sessions. The top rated oral abstracts
will be presented following the Keynote Presentation on Monday, June 13.
Poster abstracts: Two time slots per day are dedicated to poster
viewing, allowing the author to delve into and discuss the specifics of
an abstract in one-on-one and small group conversations with other
meeting attendees.
Short Courses will be offered on Sunday, June 12. Our meetings have
a mixture of half-day and full-day courses at either beginner, intermediate
or advanced levels. SMDM encourages short course proposals within
the Scientific Areas of Inquiry and/or related to the European Conference
special focus on “Improving Diagnostic Decision Making”.
Scientific Areas of Inquiry at SMDM Meetings Include:
Relevant Topics
Decision Psychology and
Shared Decision Making
Risk perception/communication; clinical reasoning; medical
education; decision support; patient/physician decision aids;
health behaviors
Applied Health Economics Cost analyses; Cost-effectiveness analyses;
Health economics; Pharmacoeconomics
Health Services, Outcomes Administrative database and outcomes research;
Applied modeling analyses; Clinical strategies
and Policy Research
and guidelines; Comparative effectiveness research;
Ethical, legal and social issues; Global health
research; Health policy; Health services research;
Health technology assessment
Quantitative Methods and Bayesian methods and analyses; Advances in
Theoretical Developments simulation and decision modeling; Model
calibration/validation; Decision theory
Patient and Stakeholder
Preferences and
Stated-preferences methods (including discrete
choice experiments, conjoint analysis, best-worst scaling,
contingent valuation); Qualitative, mixed methods and
quantitative studies exploring the priorities and preferences
of patients and other stakeholders; Patient and stakeholder
engagement in research; Utility and health state valuation
Please visit our website, for more information and to submit your abstract or course proposal.
All submissions will be reviewed in March and submitters will begin to be notified of their acceptance in mid-April 2016.
Please contact with any questions.