50th annual meeting: March 11 – 12, 2016 POSTER REGISTRATION FORM First Name: Class Standing: Last Name: □Freshman □Sophomore □Junior □Senior Phonetic pronunciation of name: Email: Home Address: City: Gender: Zip: Home Phone: □Male □Female School Name: Sponsoring Teacher’s Name: Poster Title: Important Information No team posters are allowed. A team project must be entered and presented by one student only. Be sure to check the website (http://www.atu.edu/jshs) for poster session guidelines. There will be cash prizes of up to $125.00 awarded for the top posters in each of the two school categories. Students and teachers will participate in judging the category which does NOT include his or her own school to determine the cash awards. BRING THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME ON MARCH 11, 2016