NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE LEARNING CENTER Frequently Confused Words accept except verb, “to take” verb, “to leave out” preposition, “leaving out” board bored noun, “piece of wood” noun, “food” (room & board) adjective, “uninterested” access excess noun, “a way in” noun, “too much” breath breathe noun, “air in the lungs” verb, “to take in air” addition edition noun, “increase” noun, “issue of a book” capital adapt adept adopt verb, “to adjust” adjective, “skilled” verb, “to take as one’s own” capitol adjective, “upper case or major” noun, “top of a column” noun, “wealth, net worth” noun, “city of government” noun, “gov’t. building” advice advise noun, “guidance” verb, “to guide” choose chose verb, “to pick” verb, “picked, past tense” cite site sight verb, “to acknowledge” noun, “a place” ;verb, “to locate” noun, “the ability to see” coarse course adjective, “not fine” noun, “path or unit of study” complement noun, “completer” verb, “to provide balance” noun, “flattery” verb, “to flatter” affect effect verb, “to influence” noun, “an emotion” verb, “to bring about” noun, “result” aid aide noun, “help” noun, “helper, assistant” aisle isle noun, “a space between rows” noun, “island” compliment already all ready adverb, “previously” pronoun/adverb, “prepared” conscience conscious noun, “inner sense of right” adjective, “aware” altar alter noun, “table, place of sacrifice” verb, “to change” council counsel noun, “legislative body” noun, “advice” angel angle noun, “supernatural messenger” noun, “corner” dairy diary noun, “place for milk products” noun, “daily journal” arc ark noun, “curve” noun, “boat” defer differ verb, “to put off” verb, “to disagree, be dissimilar” ascent assent noun, “rising” noun, “agreement”; verb, “to agree” bare bear adjective, “naked” noun, “animal”; verb, “to carry” descent dissent decent noun, “the way downward” noun, “disagreement” adjective, “proper” desert dessert verb, “to leave”; noun, “dry land” noun, “sweet course ending meal” College Center Suite 315 610-861-5517 Adapted from: Gefvert, Constance J. The Confident Writer, New York: Norton, 1988. 440-446. Print. LC November 2011 dew do due noun, “condensed moisture” verb, “to act” adjective, “payable or owed” dyeing dying verb, “coloring” verb, “losing life” peace piece noun, “not war” noun, “part or section” personal personnel adjective, “intimate” noun or adj., “employees” precede proceed verb, “to go before” verb, “to continue” principle principal noun, “moral conviction” adjective, “major” noun, “head of school” envelop envelope verb, “to enclose” noun, “enclosure for a letter” fair fare adjective, “objective or pale” noun, “food or fee” formerly formally adverb, “before” adverb, “not casually” quiet quit quite adjective, “silent” verb, “to stop” adverb, “very” forth fourth adjective, “forward, ahead” adjective, “number 4” respectfully respectively adverb, “with respect” adverb, “in reference to” hear here verb, “listen & understand adverb, “in this place” than heard herd verb, past tense of hear noun, “group of animals” then preposition, “besides”; conjunction, “as” adverb, “at that time” hole whole noun, “gap” adjective, “in one piece” their there they’re possessive of “they” adverb, “in that place” “they are” incidence incident incidents noun, “frequency of occurrence” noun, “happening” noun, plural of incident its it’s pronoun, possessive of “it” pronoun/verb, “it is” though tough thought through thorough trough taught “despite or however” adjective, “not tender” noun, “an idea” prep. “in and out” adjective, “complete” noun, “shallow basin” verb, “past tense of teach” later latter adverb, “after a while” adjective, “last mentioned” to too two preposition, “toward” adjective or adverb, “also” adjective, “2” lead led noun, “a metal” (rhymes “head”) verb, “to guide” (rhymes “heed”) verb, past tense of “lead” weather whether noun, “rain, wind, snow” conjunction, “if” lose loose verb, “to misplace” adjective, “not tight” miner minor noun, “one in a mine” adjective, “small” ; noun, “one under age” wear were we’re where verb, “to have clothes” verb, past tense of “be” “we are” adv. or conj. “in a place” who’s whose “who is” possessive of “who” past passed noun, “not present” verb, “past tense of pass” your you’re possessive of “you” “you are”