Northampton special issue 2004-2005 northampton community college annual report Community College Magazine

Community College Magazine
special issue 2004-2005 northampton community college annual report
3835 green pond road
bethlehem, pa 18020
community college
john eureyecko
community college
foundation board
susan k. kubik
vice president
dr. arthur scott
emily eider
thomas duncan
randy monceaux
philip stein
production coordinator
marianne atherton
art director
traci anfuso-young
kate schaffner
heidi butler
emily eider
michael e. nagel
sandy stahl
james l. johnson
paul joly
annual report
“on the move”
cover photos by philip stein/above photo by randy monceaux
dr. arthur scott
by dr. arthur scott, president
Years from now when we look at the history of Northampton Community College, the
2004-2005 academic year will be remembered as an incredible 12-month period when
significant changes and decisions occurred that affected the life of the college for
many, many years. Our purchase of the Southside Center, after two years of investigation and negotiation, will
open the door for thousands of students and present us with countless program opportunities. This major investment of
resources, both financial and human, illustrates the College’s commitment to access and to connecting in a very positive
way to our community. The Southside Center will require years of additional work for us to realize its full potential, but
no other project has generated more community support or excitement on campus than our move to the Southside.
Rivaling the Southside for hot topics in the hallways
is the opening of the Spartan Center, the hiring of two
new vice presidents and the promotion of a third, and our
reaccreditation by Middle States. One only needed to see
the facial expressions of faculty and students as they
entered the Spartan Center at commencement to realize
how impressive a facility it is. Students and community
members will benefit from this state-of-the-art facility that
effectively combines teaching stations with student lounge
space. Now we anxiously await the completion of the 11 new
classrooms that will occupy the old gym.
The three new vice presidents are Dr. Michael McGovern,
vice president for academic affairs; James Dunleavy, vice
president of finance and operations; and Mardi McGuireClosson, vice president for student affairs. Mardi, of course,
has been our dean of students since 1992 and has earned the
promotion to vice president. Mike and Jim bring a wealth of
experience and a sincere commitment to student/customer
service. Our success is dependent upon strong leadership
that honors and supports the work of others. I am confident
that Mike, Jim and Mardi will provide excellent enlightened
thinking for years to come.
In 2004-2005, we also experienced a leadership change
within the board of trustees. David Reed, chairman for 15
years, stepped down and was replaced by Karl Stackhouse.
Karl has been on our board for 18 years, serving as vice
chairman for 15 years. The visionary leadership provided
by David and Karl has allowed Northampton to develop
into a progressive, responsive institution that was recently
identified by our Middle States visiting team as a college
“on the move.” A Middle States self-study, culminating this
past spring, found our college to have met all 14 standards
for accreditation.
Next year, our challenge will be to continue to find ways
to build on our past successes. In 2005-2006, we plan to:
lace even greater emphasis on the importance of civic
engagement throughout our curriculum.
ocus on gaining local and state support to have a comprehensive campus in Monroe County.
l further institutionalize our assessment efforts.
As indicated in the pages that follow, the community
support we have received has been overwhelming. The
success of our capital campaign illustrates this support, but
it is also an indication of how much a part of the community
the College has become.
We remain excited about our work, and we thank all
who have supported us, studied with us and been part of this
remarkable journey. l
annual report
annual report
photo by randy monceaux
lege on the move
This spring, Northampton Community College successfully completed
its every-10-year reaccreditation process when the Middle States
Commission on Higher Education assessment team gave the college a
flawless review report.
The team cited 22 accomplishments and attributes as exemplary. The commendations
focused on academic processes, curriculum matters, student services, financial integrity and internal
This annual report to the community uses seven of the Commission’s commendation topics
as convenient section headers for organizing the year’s accomplishments.
responsiveness to student needs
community service
faculty development
making education accessible
commitment to diversity
workforce development
annual report
annual report
left-photo by philip stein/right-ncc stock
Northampton’s “responsiveness to
student needs” leads a list of exemplary
attributes cited by the Middle States
Commission on Higher Education
in its 2005 evaluation report. “The
entire College community should feel very proud,”
said Dr. Arthur Scott, NCC president, after receiving
the evaluation. “The report could not have been
more positive.”
Through the year, some high-visibility examples of
the College’s responsiveness were playing out and unfolding.
Enrollment growth continued unabated, impacting class
scheduling and straining room campus space accommodations.
A new student activity facility, christened the Spartan
Center, was completed just in time to host a crowd of
nearly 3,000 for spring commencement ceremonies.
Without a break, work began on the next big
project, converting the former gym area into
classroom space. The renovated area will include
11 new classrooms, a large tiered lecture hall, two
computer labs, and two multi-purpose rooms that
can be set up in a variety of ways. Faculty offices
and an expanded food preparation area for the
cafeteria are also in the plans.
NCC enrolled 11,997 credit students in 20042005, an increase of 7 percent over the previous year.
In-county enrollment increased 5 percent. The 20042005 academic year culminated in the first commencement
ceremonies held in the new Spartan Center, when over 1,000
students received their degrees. l
annual report
annual report
NCC strives to respond to students by making the College
experience as enriching as possible. A thriving theatre
program provides opportunities for students to perform on
stage or just to simply enjoy live theatre, with programs
from classical to contemporary.
celebrating community
Each year, the
College welcomes
the community
onto campus with
public events.
From Springfest, to
open lectures, to NCC
Theatre performances,
campus life isn’t just
for students. The College’s
commitment to access for all can
be seen throughout the year as
students and neighbors enjoy
educational and cultural
offerings on campus.
left-photos by randy monceaux–insets by hub willson/right-photos by emily eider
Quad banners promoted the College’s
election participation. Below, Paul
DeGregorio, vice-chairman of the U.S.
Election Assistance Commission, came
to campus and lauded efforts of students
and staff.
As the pivotal 2004 general election approached, NCC received a
$25,000 grant from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s
“Help America Vote College Poll
Worker Program” to encourage
voter participation.
The grant was awarded to enable the
College to recruit and train students to
assist in voter registration offices and/or
at the polls in a three-county area (Lehigh,
Monroe and Northampton). The funding was
commissioned in response to a nationwide shortage of poll workers in the 2000 election.
Coordinated by Debbie Bohr, service learning administrator at Northampton Community College, the project
organized students and staff to provide on-site assistance, with a secondary goal of inspiring some students to
continue working as volunteers in
future elections. The initiative was
one of many activities the College organized to promote civic
engagement during an election
year. Others included voter registration drives, debate watches,
roundtables with local candidates,
a national issues forum, a panel
discussion examining media coverage of the presidential campaign, an
election night open house, and a postelection forum titled “How do we Sustain
Civic Engagement After the Elections?”
Only 15 grants were awarded nationwide through
the “Help America Vote College Poll Worker Program.”
Northampton Community College was the only recipient in
Pennsylvania. l
annual report
annual report
developing strong leadership
y b
ne H
driksen H
Before a dinner crowd of more than 500
employees and faculty, Assistant
Professor of English Randy Boone
received the prized Christensen
Award for Excellence in Teaching
for 2005.
Sharon Hendriksen, director
of the College’s Learning Center,
received the Professional Staff
Excellence Award.
The Adjunct Faculty Excellence in
Teaching Award went to Joseph Locke,
and Ann Raines was awarded the Excellence in Non-Credit Instruction Award.
Jackie Bare, faculty secretary, was
selected for the Support Staff Excellence Award.
At the awards ceremony, Trustee
Chairman Karl Stackhouse announced that retiring dean,
Doreen Smith, would be named
Smith joined the faculty
in 1969 as an instructor of
English, served many years
as dean of arts and sciences,
and retired as acting vice president for academic affairs. l
The College gained three top administrators last year — one through
promotion from within and two through aggressive recruitment.
The board of trustees at its June meeting appointed Mardi
McGuire-Closson to vice president for student affairs, Dr. Michael
J. McGovern to vice president for academic affairs, and James F.
Dunleavy as vice president of finance and operations.
McGuire-Closson served as NCC’s dean of students since 1992
and as director of admissions prior to that.
Dr. McGovern came to NCC from College Misericordia in Dallas,
PA. He has an extensive background in higher education, both as
a faculty member and as an administrator. He has taught at Lehigh
University, Alvernia College and Lehigh Carbon Community College.
Dunleavy came to NCC with more than 20 years of experience
in financial management, strategic planning and business
development. His immediate prior position was at Easton Hospital
where he was in charge of business development and planning.
Previously, he served as director of finance and then as vice
president/general manager of Lehigh Valley Health Network – Health
Services Area and as vice president of home health and network
development for Sacred Heart Healthcare System. McGovern and
Dunleavy were selected from a field of more than 100 candidates
from across the United States and Canada. The search committees
for both positions included a cross section of faculty and staff who
made recommendations to the president.
left-photos by randy monceaux/right-photo by thomas duncan
commitment to
expanding access
is demonstrated
in monroe and
pike counties,
and most
recently in
As the College’s Monroe Campus
in Tannersville continued to see rapid
enrollment growth, an assessment team from
the Middle States Commission on Higher
Education commended the College’s commitment to increase the number of full-time
faculty assigned to the Monroe Campus.
Partnership programs continued with Monroe County
Technical Institute and the regional high schools, with a
particular emphasis on recruiting students for technology
careers in demand by Monroe County employers including
Aventis Pasteur and the Tobyhanna Army Depot.
Dr. Matthew Connell, Monroe dean,
identified the year’s focus for
Monroe Campus in four areas:
Integrating assessment
into the classroom.
l Strengthening
relationships between
the academic staff and
student affairs.
l Better managing the
campus and facility usage to
achieve a balance between the
academic responsibilities and
social needs of students.
l Completing and analyzing a
Monroe Campus Climate Survey and
developing action steps based upon the
data from the survey.
A project to determine the effectiveness of student
learning across the curriculum marked the year. Faculty
participated in assessment projects, evaluating course
learning outcomes and classroom assessment techniques.
The project included a text-selection process focusing on
the link between a text and course outcomes; individual
student conferences to better track learning gains; group
projects with more clearly defined group and individual
outcomes; revised testing processes that engage students
for more effective studying, with the ultimate aim of
enhancing learning. l
annual report
NCC’s new Pike
County Center in
Shohola, north of
It was a year when NCC’s commitment
to expanding access wherever possible
showed results in Pike County and on
Bethlehem’s Southside.
After more than a year of stops and starts in negotiations to purchase property on the former Bethlehem Steel
site, the deal became real in September with the purchase
of a building from the Da Vinci Discovery Center of Science
and Technology. It was hailed as securing needed facilities
for both organizations’ commitment to educational excellence in the region.
Ninety minutes away to the north, the College opened a
new center in Shohola, serving the residents of Pike County.
Northampton has been offering adult literacy programs
and continuing education classes in nearby Milford for
several years and recently added degree programs in early
childhood education and criminal justice, as well as courses
leading to a specialized diploma in real estate. The move to
a larger facility enables the College to expand the selection
left-photos by philip stein/right-photo by thomas duncan
of classes for adults and to provide more programming for
elementary and secondary school students.
Northampton’s Southside Bethlehem center is expected
to become a higher education magnet for residents, giving
them greater access to College services. It also promises
to become a destination for students from outside the
neighborhood who will be drawn to cultural activities, work
force training and programs to be developed in partnership
with existing Southside organizations.
“Our goal,” according to the dean of community
education, Paul Pierpoint, “is to enable everyone to benefit
from the tidal wave of economic development that is going
on in South Bethlehem.”
To the north, the surroundings look different, but
the goal is similar. John Drake, director of the new Pike
County Center, points back to the College’s commitment to
accessibility. There are no other higher education services
available to residents of rapidly growing Pike County. A
growing number of both credit and non-credit offerings
at Northampton’s Pike County Center are seeing strong
demand from the start, and plans are underway to provide
even more in the coming year. l
annual report
martin luther king
The life and work of civil rights leader
Martin Luther King Jr. inspired a series
of events at the College in January.
“Following the Footsteps of the Dream,”
a multimedia presentation with dance,
music, dramatic readings and more,
united the campus and community,
both in participation and attendance. A
presentation of “Echoes of the Dream,”
an award-winning video produced by
NCC Professor Mario Acerra, showed
the events of the early ‘60s through the
eyes of Lehigh Valley residents. And
theatre students presented the play
“For Colored Girls Who Have Considered
Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf,” a
mix of poetry, movement and feminism.
The College’s annual Doo-Wop Live concert gave respite from the
Lehigh Valley’s mid-winter doldrums in February. Featuring the
legendary Paragons and the Blue Notes, this popular event
brought back the harmonious sounds of the ‘40s and ‘50s to a
sell-out crowd. Ronnie I, founder and president of the United in
Group Harmony Association (UGHA), hosted the event, which also
featured Things to Come, Connie & the Decoys, and the Sheps.
photos by randy monceaux
gambian kora
Alhaji Papa Susso, a musician and
oral historian from The Gambia,
West Africa, brought his kora to
campus in January for a lively and
informative demonstration. The
kora, a 21-stringed harp-lute, is
traditionally played by Mandinka
Jalolu (Griot), itinerant musicians,
who were often attached to royal
courts. Papa Susso, who has been
playing the kora since he was
5 years old and is considered a
master player, comes from a long
line of oral historians within the
Mandinka people.
annual report
annual report
The College’s commitment to diversity was singled out for praise by the accreditation
team. Northampton’s “concern for diversity and efforts to create a climate of respect” were
acknowledged in the final report. NCC’s mission statement says the College strives to help students not only to
understand but to value diversity. The statement of institutional values also speaks about diversity, noting that “each of us
contributes in a unique way to the accomplishment of our mission.” In an age of political correctness, such assertions are
expected in official documents, but how many colleges have alma maters that sing diversity’s praises? Penned in 1987, NCC’s
alma mater proclaims: “We take strength in our community. We take pride in our diversity. And the hopes we share, and the
dreams we dare, our unity.” Composer Mario Acerra, a long-time member of the faculty, believes the lyrics reflect “the heart
of the institution — who we are.”
NCC’s president, Dr. Arthur Scott, puts it a different way.
colleges and universities and businesses that are only beginIn meeting with candidates for faculty positions, he tells them
ning to discover the richness this dynamic provides. Why,
up front: “If you want to teach at a college where everyone
then, did the College recently become the first community
looks alike, Northampton Community College is not the place
college in the country to commission Dr. Sue Rankin, a
for you. At Northampton, the faculty who are
highly respected diversity consultant, to conduct a divermost successful are those who celebrate
sity climate survey?
the diversity of our students.”
The answer, according to Dr. Scott, is simple. “You
As home to students, faculty and
want to do better. And you always can.” Rankin praises
staff from many different backgrounds,
NCC for taking such a stance. “Typically, colleges and
NCC might be the envy of other
universities begin talking about diversity issues in
response to tensions or to outright conflicts. To do so
in the absence of a problem demanding immediate
action is unusual and exemplary.”
More than 750 students, faculty and staff
filled out the survey administered by Rankin &
Associates last spring. In general, respondents
reported positive experiences at Northampton.
Very few people (less than 2 percent) said they
had been present at a campus event where the
illustration by leslie loomis/photo by hub willson
climate was not welcoming. Close to 90 percent said they
rarely or never heard NCC employees make insensitive or
disparaging remarks. The majority felt the classroom and
the workplace were welcoming for people from underrepresented groups and that the campus was accessible to people
with disabilities. Many (84 percent) reported taking advantage of the opportunity to get to know people from
different cultures or groups.
The survey confirmed, however,
that NCC is not exempt from the
challenges that face society as a
whole. More gay respondents
(18 percent) and people of
color (17 percent) reported
harassment (primarily in the
form of being the subject of
derogatory remarks or being
ignored) than heterosexuals
or Caucasians. Students and
employees who are in the
majority in terms of race or
sexual orientation also had a more
favorable view of how welcoming
the College is to underrepresented
groups and of how inclusive the curriculum
is than did individuals considered to be from
minority groups. And although most respondents gave the
College high marks for safety, some respondents reported
feeling uneasy at times due to their gender (14 percent), race
or ethnicity (9 percent), or sexual orientation/gender identity (7 percent).
Based on the results of the survey, College committees
a five-year
plan will include
specific action
steps regarding
designed to
make ncc a
model for
are now focusing on four different
areas: institutional culture and values;
ways of improving recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty and staff; the challenges of helping students who are struggling
with “difference” succeed and persist to graduation; and
issues specific to the Monroe campus. Their work will enable
the Diversity Task Force to develop a five-year plan that
will include measurable objectives and specific action steps
designed to make NCC a model for other colleges — and for a
society still searching for a way to achieve the goal of equal
opportunity for all. l
annual report
perf rm nce
annual report
Northampton’s technical training programs continue to grow
and expand to meet the needs of the local community and an
even greater geographic region. New training courses were
developed this year in high performance, quality improvement
and standards, and strategic planning. Courses covering the International Builders Code and International Construction Code were given for a wide range of
building professionals. The College’s maintenance-related diploma programs continue to
be the education of choice for individuals preparing for high-demand, rewarding careers.
CBI creates tailored
training programs for
business clients.
Contracted technical training was
provided to 43 different organizations
over a large geographic area spanning
from Harrisburg to Elizabeth, N.J. NCC’s
Industrial Maintenance Institute delivered
training in a wide range of skills including
electrical, mechanical and welding.
In addition to training, NCC also works
to interest school-age children in technology,
trades and science, cultivating the future
work force. Funded primarily through
grants from the Center for Optical Technologies at Lehigh University and the Nanofabrication Manufacturing Partnership at Penn
State, Northampton made dozens of technology and science presentations at regional
schools. A new explorers program in trades
and technology was launched this year, and
NCC staff helped organize summer camps
in optics and nanotechnology, and launched
the new SMART Girls event involving nearly
200 fifth- and sixth-grade girls in activities
involving technology and science.
Individual clients also benefited
from the “anytime, anywhere” access to
online training programs offered through
the Colleges ACT Center. The year saw an
increase in individual learners pursuing
online training classes through “ed2go.”
Subject areas that were of most interest
included: grant writing, business administration, web design, networking, test prep,
nonprofit management, medical terminology, and speed Spanish.
left-photos by philip stein/right-photo by randy monceaux
Over the past year, 19,000 people participated in classes and training sessions offered
through the College’s Community Education division. More than 1,200 non-credit classes
enrolling 6,600 students were run on campus. Some highlights include:
Classes were offered at Saucon Valley High School with
over 140 enrollments and at Pocono Mountain West High
School with over 175 enrollments. And the College began
offering non-credit and credit classes at its new Pike County
Center at Shohola.
l Continuing education programs for primary and secondary
school teachers remained popular.
l The third annual Martin Guitar Design Workshop brought
15 participants from around the United States and Canada.
l A Nonprofit Management Leadership series and a weekend
with Harry Rinker and his Antiques Appraisal Clinics were
two new successes to the department this year.
l Horizons for Youth offered 400 classes during the school
year, with over 2,234 enrollments, including expanded
offerings in Monroe and Pike counties. On main campus, the
Lehigh Valley Huaxia Chinese School continues to partner
with Horizons for Youth and has enrolled over 170 students
in language and culture classes this year.
l The annual fall and spring Scholastic Youth Chess
Championship spun off a Chess Academy Club, giving
students an opportunity to play tournament style
and develop their game skills. A fencing program
was successfully developed and offered in
Monroe County.
l In preparation for the new SAT test that
was launched in March, the department
updated course materials and resources,
standardized the text book, and created a combo SAT Math
and Verbal Prep — 2005 course that was offered late fall and
early spring to prepare students for the new test.
The Horizons for Youth summer program continues
to be very successful, having reached an all-time high for
enrollment on both campuses, with over 600 classes offered.
On the main campus, 2,180 school-age youth participated
in academic and enrichment programming during an 11week program over the summer. On average, 135 students
participated weekly in the wrap-around camp program.
In Monroe County, 431 students participated in summer
programming held for the third year at Monroe Career and
Technical Institute, assisted by a partnership with Sanofi
(Aventis) Pasteur. Sanofi provides bus transportation to and
from its site for students enrolled in Horizons for Youth.
NCC’s Center for Adult Literacy & Basic Workforce
Development offered 835 sessions showing a 20 percent
increase in registration.
Literacy instruction in the areas of English as a Second
Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED, family
literacy, tutor training, literacy life skills, computer
literacy, job readiness/job preparation, and
vocational training were offered in many
locations throughout Northampton, Monroe,
Pike and Wayne counties. Nearly a third of
the Center’s students come from Monroe,
Pike and Wayne counties. l
The Martin Guitar Institute gives participants an
opportunity to creatively design their own guitars.
annual report
annual report
Left, 3-D design programs allow students to create and manipulate images.
Classrooms equipped for multimedia presentations help students learn
complex material. Below, software development instructor, Michael Sidaras,
teaches using visual-aid technology. Right, biology instructor, Charles
Rinehimer, gives a classroom lecture.
illustrations by mark koberlein/photos by randy monceaux
The Middle States assessment
report recognized the College’s
commitment to technology in
every possible area. From the
best computers and instructional
software in classrooms and
teaching labs, to the most
advanced enrollment and
scheduling systems, to a campuswide network of wireless hotspots
so students can stay connected
with laptops – NCC continues
to keep up with technology
The Art Department alone
has three computer labs equipped
with Apple G5 dual processor
computers running design
programs found in some of the
most advanced commercial
design operations.
annual report
annual report
It was a rebuilding year for several
NCC sports teams. After coming off
winning seasons in recent years,
the men’s and women’s basketball
teams did not make it to the
finals this year. Other teams
finished their seasons with
respectable records.
However, as the year came to
a close, the Lady Spartans softball
team washed away any lingering
disappointment the NCC fans may
have felt. The women’s softball
team became the only college
softball team in the country to
finish without a loss – a perfect
40-0 record. Their season ended
as decisively as it had begun. In
Myrtle Beach, the Lady Spartans
became the first team in 25
years to finish the tournament
undefeated. Their eight-game
sweep included a victory over
last year’s state champs
from New York.
“They are probably the
best team I’ve ever seen,” Scott
Ensworth told a sportswriter
from The Express Times. Ensworth
coaches a team from Community
College of Beaver that has
owned the Western Pennsylvania
Collegiate Conference title
for many years.
lady spartan softball team
photo by philip stein
financial REPORT
income sources
federal, state, grants & other
auxiliary enterprises
tuition & fees
local sponsors
income application
student aid
auxiliary enterprises
education & general
annual report
annual report
This past December, I was elected chairman of the Northampton
Community College Foundation board. Chairing a college board is
both an honor and a challenge. If you happen to follow a chairman
of the caliber of our immediate past chairman, Paul Mack, it can
also be particularly daunting. Through his passionate leadership and his commitment to making both the College and the Foundation better, Paul has left big shoes
to fill. Paul, on behalf of the community, the College and the foundation board, I would
like to take this opportunity to publicly thank you for your hard work, your vision and
your dedication to the cause of making Northampton Community College a better
institution by leading the charge to seek the funds necessary to do so.
As I write this, a special task force of the Foundation, that for the past four years
has been engaged in raising funds for a $13.5 million comprehensive campaign, is
busy trying to raise the last $1 million needed to meet the goal. Sept. 30 is the official
deadline for what has been a labor of love for a dedicated group of community leaders
under the direction of Paul and NCC alumnus David Shaffer. When we started this task,
$13.5 million seemed like a daunting figure. In fact, the results of our feasibility study indicated that we could probably raise significantly less than that amount. But the volunteer
leadership was convinced that the community would respond to the priorities in this campaign:
student scholarships, land in Monroe, a student activity center, a student leadership program, a
technology fund and, finally, a new center on the Southside of Bethlehem. And respond the community did.
As you read this report, you’ll see names you recognize and some you probably do not. It is
an impressive list of hundreds of members from the Lehigh Valley who believe in the mission
of Northampton Community College and who were willing to support it with their gifts. For
your generosity and continued belief in what we do, we thank you. Northampton is a special
place. I’m reminded of that fact every time I listen to a student scholarship recipient tell his
or her story. Inevitably, I get choked up realizing the impact that private dollars can make on
someone’s life. Those dollars come from you. On behalf of the students who receive them and
of this foundation board, I thank you.
John Eureyecko
Northampton Community College Foundation
Board Chairman
photo by randy monceaux
fiscal year 2005 (unaudited)
funds were transferred to the college for use
in the following areas:
Scholarships & Student Aid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664,120
Faculty Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,820
Library, Academic & Student Services, Program Equipment &
Development, and Capital Renovations.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383,282
Foundation Related Salaries.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,938
Gift-in-Kind Contributions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,200
total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,350,360
statement of receipts and disbursements
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2005
Unrestricted.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179,930
Gifts-in-Kind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188,887
Restricted Funds & Awards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,290
Restricted Funds – Non Awards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318,023
Loan Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Capital Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,477
Quasi-Endowment Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,395
Endowment Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264,257
35th Anniversary Capital Campaign.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,497,059
Title III Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,214
Housing Rental.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863,024
Administrative Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,412
Monroe Addition Lease Payments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,800
total receipts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,681,013
Administrative.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,108
Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,656
Charitable Annuities.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,895
Fund Raising Expenses:
Culinary Cuisine.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –
Golf Tournament.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,505
RadTech.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –
Night at the Races. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,215
White House Dinner.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,061
Chef in Residence.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,963
Party of Presidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,494
Gifts-in-Kind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,686
Staff/Faculty Presentation
Presidential Discretionary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,315
Board Discretionary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,023
H Schaffer Exec in Residence.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,867
Alumni Walkway.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Awards, Scholarships and Expenses.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,272
Wood Company.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000
Administrative Fees.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,412
Housing Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573,595
Monroe Center Expenditures.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,284
total disbursements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944,667
transfers to the college
Unrestricted Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,088
Restricted Funds – Awards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,790
Restricted Funds – Non Awards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303,517
Quasi Endowments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149,874
Endowment Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,791
Capital Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Title III Funds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,758
Capital Gains.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194,846
Capital Campaign.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346,243
Gifts-in-Kinds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,200
total transfers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,350,360
total disbursements & transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,295,027
net increase for the year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,385,986
investment performance *For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2005
the common fund
Market Value
% of Total
Short Term Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238,023.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.33%
Multi Strategy Equity Fund.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,442,015.. . . . . . . . . . . 69.41%
Multi Strategy Bond Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,244,992.. . . . . . . . . . . 29.26%
total invested.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,925,030.. . . . . . . 100.00%
investment income and rate of return
Investment Income
Income Rate of Return
Short Term Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,852.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.07%
Multi Strategy Equity Fund.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,629.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.24%
Multi Strategy Bond Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,353.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.74%
total income.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337,834.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99%
income rate of return.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99%
total rate of return.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.97%
market gain and loss
Multi Strategy Equity Fund.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951,743
Multi Strategy Bond Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242,226
total gain.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,193,969
annual report
annual report
Thomas G. Ackerman Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2004
Alumni Association Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985
American Federation of Teachers
Local 3579 Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983
Arcadia Foundation Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Arcadia Foundation Campus Enhancement Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2001
John W. & Annette Arnts Communications
Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Bob & Fran Ashman Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Athletic Equipment Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985
Auto Technology Quasi-Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Barnette Scholarship Endowment Fund.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Bennett Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2005
Bethlehem Kiwanis Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
David M. Bolasky Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995
Karen & Tim Brady Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
August J. Buzas Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Janet Christopher Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Laverne G. Clark Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Caruso Family Memorial Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Child Care Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1993
Martin Cohen Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995
Caitlin and Mary Conaway Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Community Fabric Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Cook Family Endowment .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982
Drs. Edward B. and Arnold R. Cook
High School Scholarship Award Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Culinary Arts and Restaurant/Hospitality
Management Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Dental Auxiliaries Equipment Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Dorene DiStefano Dental Hygiene Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . 1994
Ruth and Roger Dunning Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Early Childhood Education Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Eureyecko Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Dr. David Feinberg Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Stephen Fisher Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2004
William A. Foltz Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995
Kathryn J. Fournier Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Carl N. & Edith A. Fretz Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . 2001
Funeral Service Education Endowment for
Academic Achievement.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Funeral Service Equipment Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986
General Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Grabar-Lucas American Legion and James P. Gahagan,
Jr. Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1993
Thomas & Pearl Hahn Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
The Hannig Family Endowment in Support of Child Care.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
Richard D. Herman, M.D., Radiologic Technology
Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1991
Herbert Holland Dental Auxiliaries Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . 1989
Hispanic Heritage Cultural Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Hughes Foundation Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
International Student Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Job Training Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Dr. George M. Joseph Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2004
Journalism Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2002
Alexander Craig Kennedy Memorial Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983
Craig A. Kennedy Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Kelley Kissiah Teacher Education Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . 2001
Sharon & Kenneth Kochey Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
John Kopecek Endowment in Support of Child Care
Services for Children.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Dr. Robert J. Kopecek Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Catherine D. Edelman Kratzer Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1994
Patrick J. Kraus Freshman Drawing Competition Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . 1990
Landscaping Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983
Floyd R. Lear Jr. Memorial Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985
Lehigh Valley Dental Societies Scholarship
Endowment for Dental Auxiliaries Students.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Lehigh Valley Dental Alliance Tuition
Assistance Program Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Lehigh Valley Hospital/Muhlenberg Campus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Lehigh Valley Hospital Student Tuition Aid Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Lenehan Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Tim & Colleen Lewis Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Library Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986
Library Technical Assistance Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1981
Deborah A. Libricz Early Childhood Education Scholarship.. . . . . . . . . . . 1993
photos by randy monceaux
Alumni Association and
Foundation fund-raisers had
historic presidential themes.
Andrea Luecke Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2004
Mack Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Chris Martin & Diane Repyneck Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Sylvia Maurer Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1984
Owen McCall Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
John & Gwen Michael Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Sylvia Miller Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Northampton Community College Family
Memorial Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Craig & Pamela Muff Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2004
Cecilia M. O’Grady Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Clinton Budd Palmer Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979
Palmeri Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Brenda Paulich Memorial Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Pearson Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Radiography Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Francis W. Rafferty Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2005
Rotary Club of Northampton Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Brian D. Ruth Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2002
Michael C. Schreier Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
Hal Shaffer Executive in Residence Memorial Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . 1985
Slate Belt Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Blanca Class Smith Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
St. Luke’s Hospital – Allentown Campus Student Tuition
Aid Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Starner Family Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
Student Senate Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1987
Student Services Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1987
Ronald L. Taylor Family Scholarship Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1993
Harry B. Tenges Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2002
Guy Tomaino Memorial Firefighters Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982
Mario José Donate Torres Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . 2003
Two Rivers Health & Wellness Foundation &
Easton Hospital Caroline S.Q. Coddington
Radiography Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2005
Two Rivers Health & Wellness Foundation &
Easton Hospital Nursing Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2005
W2A Design Group Architectural Studies
Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Wachovia Bank Community Partnership Fund Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . 1989
Ralph H. Walters Nursing Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995
Beverly Weaver Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Dr. James G. Whildin Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
Gary S. Wogenrich Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995
Wood Dining Services Chef-in-Residence Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Robert T. Yavorski Memorial Scholarship Endowment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
Mary Ann Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982
annual report
Relationships keep
NCC strong and
moving forward.
annual report
year-end giving report
From all sources, the Northampton Community College
Foundation raised $6,982,487.57 in gifts and pledges
during the 2004-2005 year. The breakdown is as follows:
h Annual Fund
h Private Foundations Support
h In-Kind Gifts
h Comprehensive Campaign
comprehensive campaign
This past year, the Northampton Community College
Foundation received $6,155,577.41 toward the comprehensive campaign. A listing reflecting all contributors to the
campaign since inception follows:
A & H Sportswear Company/
Herman B. Waldman
Lester G. Abeloff
Charles M. Achenbach
Sandra Achey, ’93
Gladys Ackerman
Adams Foundation, Inc.
Cynthia C. Adams
Ruth E. Adams, ’90
Anthony O. Agbeh
Ebrahim Ahmadizadeh
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Albarell Electric, Inc./Michael &
Lynn M. Albarell
Allentown Art Museum
Adam F. & Judith Ambielli
Dr. Vasiliki Anastasakos
Joanne C. Anderson
Ronald & Sharon Angle
Anonymous Donors
The Arcadia Foundation
James L. & Jan S. Armfield
Arts Quest
Robert E. & Francine M. Ashman
Douglas W. & Marianne Atherton
Dr. Lujean Baab
Patricia E. Bailey
Ross J. Bandics
Banko Beverage Company/
Mary Ellen Racz
Charles S., ’71 &
Debra Barhight, ’72
David R. & Kathleen Barner, Jr.
Curtis H. & Loris J. Barnette
Mali M. Bartges
Lucille Bavaria-Kozsey
William F. Bearse
Bel Haven Capital Group, Inc./
John F. & Donna Eureyecko
Scott & Jennifer L. Bell
Joan E. Bender, ’89
James I. Benner
Bernard C. Harris Publishing, Inc.
Dr. Brooks Betts
Binney & Smith, Inc.
Robert J. & Deborah A. Birkas, ’75
Mary Jean Bishop
John J. & Susan Blair
Dick Boak
Elizabeth Bodien
Margaret M. Bogdanski
Sheri Bollinger
William F. Bond &
Dr. Sharon S. Lee-Bond
Randy L. Boone
Ross J. Born Family Charitable
Trust/Ross J. & Wendy Born
Dr. William F. & Agnes Boucher
Marta Boulos Gabriel, ’83
Patrice M. Boulous, ’82
Robert G. Boyer
Boyle Construction, Inc.
Anthony J. & Gail Boyle
Carol Taylor Boyle, ’97
Bracy Contracting, Inc.
Dr. Patricia & L. Jack Bradt
Carolyn M. Brady
Timothy J. & Karen M. Brady, ’74
Donald K. Bray, ’91
Thomas C., ’85 &
Marianne Briggs, ’98
Britech, Inc./Brian J. &
Denise McCall, ’75
Brown-Daub, Inc./W. John &
Dita Daub
Brown-Daub Foundation
Bruce M. & Susan Browne
Mary B. Bruinooge
Dr. Elizabeth T. &
Tarek M. Bugaighis
Lawrence R. & Harriet B. Butler
C.F. Martin & Co., Inc.
Theresa M. Calantoni
Sam C. Canone, ’73
Rosemarie Capra
Rachel A. F. Cardelle
Elba Carides
Caruso Benefits Group, Inc./
Michael J. Caruso
The Century Fund
Citigroup Foundation
City Line Plaza, Inc./
Atty. Dennis E. Benner
L. William & Nancy S. Clark, ’75
Clyde F. Closson &
Margaret McGuire-Closson
photo ncc stock
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
of the LV
Dr. Joseph B. Conahan
Concannon Miller & Co. P.C.
John & Olga F. Conneen
Connell Funeral Home/
Patrick J. Connell
Dr. Matthew J. Connell &
Evelyn Baxevane, ’75
William A. & Wendy J. Connor, ’99
Dr. Arnold R. Cook
Christopher M. Coro
Corporate Environments/
Steve R. & Nancy Hovey
Fredric B. & Carol Cort
County of Northampton
William B. & Barbara Cramer
Jacqueline A. Crocetti
Mark K. Culp
Atty. Bruce E. Davis
Wesley S. & Susan T. Davis
Nick J. DeMatteo
Atty. Scott & Rae Anne DeNardo
Valarie J. Deemer
Thomas S. & Laraine A. Demshock
Monica M. Diaz
John W. & Anita M. Dickson
Jay T. Dieter
Jason W. Dittmar & Melissa Starace
Kathleen M. Dolin
Debra A. Doll
Thomas J. & Marilyn Doluisio
The Donley Foundation/
Edward & Inez Donley
David & Susan E. Drabic
Dr. E. Ruth & Roger A. Dunning
East Stroudsburg Savings
Association Foundation
Easter Seals
Easton Hospital
Robert M. & Linda Eater
Anne L. Egan
Paul D. Emrick
Sandor Engel &
Dorothy Stephenson
Engle Hambright & Davies, Inc.
The Express-Times
Scott V. & Cathy D. Fainor, ’85
Anthony L. & Linda Falcone
Feather Ventures LLC/
Jeffrey P. & G. Kathryn Feather
Robert R., ’75 & Pamela Fehnel
Paul J Feldman
Rosalie Finegan
Deborah M. Fisher
Thomas S. & Karen L. Flad, ’74
Robin L. Flemming, ’76
Jeffrey W. Focht
Follett Corporation/Steven &
Jeanne Follett
Don S. & Mibs Follett
Howard B. & Pamela Foltz
Drs. Beall & Marlene
“Linny” Fowler
Carol L. Frace
Jeffrey E. & Maria T. Frey, ’81
Dr. Steven & Kathleen
D. Friedenberg
Harry H. & Tina L. Frindt
Alfred E. Fuchs
Jeannie E. Galick
Dr. Sharon T. Gavin-Levy
Russell D. Geise
General Supply Company
Scott C. George
Dr. Howard M. & Deborah L.
Manuel A. Gonzalez
Gordon Bennett Painting, Inc.
Richard T. & Rebecca Gorton
David E. & Carol N. Goss
Donna Bodek Goss, ’72
Laurie Gostley-Hackett
Kenneth W. Graves
Mark Greene &
Teresa J. Sigal Greene
Attorney John F. Gross &
Sandra M. Stahl
Paul Gross
Marvin L. Gruber
Jack L. & Emmajane P. Hagenbuch
Edward J. & Diane K. Hagerty
Mary C. Hall
Charles M. & Joan Louise Hannig
Hanover Engineering Associates
Keith K. Hartranft
Fred G. & Ethel Harvey
Marna Hayden
Mary L. Hayes
Robert K. Hays
Maryann Haytmanek
Dr. Douglas E. & Ellen M. Heath
Dan & Sharon Hendriksen
Mark W. & Judith Henry
Atty. Andrew L. & Dorothy Herster
Gary & Melissa Hiller, ’79
Dr. Elizabeth Jill Hirt
Hites Scholarship Foundation
Holiday Hair Fashions
Holiday Inn Conference Center
Diana M. Holva
Chad & Beverly Hoover
Ralph & Kara M. Howe
Mrs. R. Dale Hughes
Carl K. & Nancy C. Hutt
J.G. Petrucci Co. Inc./James G. &
Jeannie Petrucci
Lois A. Jaikes, ’93
William J. Jefferson
Brenda Johnson
James L., ’89 & Barbara A. Johnson
Paul J. & Maureen S. Joly
Sherri I. Jones
Just Born, Inc.
Scott E. Kalamar
Karch Realty Company
Sharon L. Karonias, ’69
James G. & Pauline C. Kennedy
Carolyn M. Kern
Keystone Nazareth Charitable
Thomas M. & Cathy D. Kiley
Craig C. & Barbara B. Kilpatrick
Cynthia L. King
Joseph R. & Charlene A. Koch
Dr. Kenneth C. &
Sharon C. Kochey, ’68
Dr. Robert J. & M. Suzette Kopecek
Albert R. & Kim W. Kortze, Jr.
K. Michele Kostem
John W. Kratz
Michael A., ’71 & Jane Krupa
Andrew S. & Florence Kubik
Beth S. Kuehn
John M., ’70 & Jacqueline Kulick
Susan LaRose
Lafayette Ambassador Bank
William E. & Karen M. Landis
Joyce Lang
Linda Lantaff
Floyd R. Lear, III
Atty. Harry F. Lee
Brian R. Leidy, ’88
Roger M. & Patricia W. Levin
Timothy & Colleen Lewis
Life on Wheels, Inc.
Christina M. Lincoln
Atty. Herbert G. &
Sharon E. Litvin, ’84
Dr. Aaron M. Litwak
Robert A. & Jeanette Litz
Peter B. Locke & Nancy R.
Fournier, ’78
Barbara Love
annual report
annual report
Dr. John Robert & Sandra M. Lovett
John V. Lunsford
Darren & Sara M. Luyke Roskott, ’81
MCS Industries, Inc./
Richard Master
Paul F. & Harriett Mack
Dr. W. Edmund & Patricia A.
Magann, Jr.
Lisa H. Magness, ’04
Rev. Raymond A. Malec &
Jane C. Pearson, ’79
Larry S. Mancino & Mary
Sinibaldi Mancino
David S. & Susan R. Manela, ’96
Denise L. Manhart
Thomas O. Marakovits
Teresa A. Marks
Steve J. & Patricia A. Marshall, ’79
Martin Guitar Charitable
Martin Luther King Tribute
Christian F. Martin & Diane
S. Repyneck
Dr. Richard Martin & Susan C. Yee
Anthony E. & Barbara A.
Martino, ’95
Marie J. Matyas, ’70
Richard D. & Mary Jane
McAteer, ’76
James R. McCarthy
Dr. Lisa Marie McCauley
Barbara A. McElrone
Brian P. & Bernadine M. McKenna
Dory McMahon
Dr. Joseph F. McMahon, Jr. &
Mary G. Teklits
Edmund G. Mehlig & Tamara
Tucker-Mehlig, ’87
Merry Maid/Michael J. Ruggiero
Annie Laurie Meyers, ’73
Sherri L. Meyers, ’84
Gary L. & Mary Ann Millenbruch
Michael B. Miller
Dr. Rebecca A. Miller
Minsi Trail Council BSA
Suleiman, ’86 &
Carol Ann Modjadidi
Rachel N. Moeller
Michael Molewski
Moravian Hall Square/David
& Susan E. Drabic
The Morning Call
Dr. Donald Morris &
Dr. Susan H. Stadler
Robert A. & Sarah Moser
Carolyn H. Moyer
Craig T. & Pamela S. Muff
Shelly L. Mule
William K. & Christine L. Murphy
Mitchell E. & Jessica M. Murtha
Michael & Lynn Nagel
Mark & Jennifer A. Napierkowski
Richard & Judith A. Neunzig
Edwin E. Nieves
Northampton Rotary Club
John C. O’Donnell
G. Robert Oles
Ricardo A. Orench &
Maria Teresa Donate
Mark W. Orse
Geraldine Owens
PA Higher Ed Foundation
PA RV Camping Association
PA RV Camping Ed Foundation
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
Earl R. Page
Bruce Alan, ’77 & Judith A. Palmer
Paragon Technologies
Karen L. Parker
Charles J. & Gwyneth A. Peischl
Louis P. Pektor, III
Linda S. Perin
Nolan Perin
Daniel R. Peters, ’82
Darryl A. Peters, ’82
Dr. Paul E. & Alison J. Pierpoint
Dr. Debora Plehn-Dujowich
Pocono Produce
Pocono Real Estate Academy
Pocono Record
Nicholas Politi
Frank B. Pologruto
Pool Health Care Trust
Posh Construction, Inc./
Joseph T. Posh
Frank J. & Donna Marie
Posivak, ’75
Brian K. Post
Sandra Preis
R & R Provision Company
R. K. Laros Foundation
Dr. Melba T. Ramos
Kathryn Rector
Rebecca Reddin
David A. & Gretchen Reed
James R. Regan
Joseph M. Reibman
J.B. Reilly
Dr. Bruce D. & Lorraine Reish
Resorts USA, Inc.
Judith Rex
Sheila J. Riddle
Rider-Pool Foundation
Dr. Robert J. & Catherine E. Rienzo
Colleen Roan
Dr. Leonard R. Roberts
Norman R. Roberts & Alma
D. Smith
Donald W. & Linda C. Robertson
Deanna W. Robinson
Richard Rogers, II
Matilde E. Roig
Martin A. Romeril, ’88
Nan Ronis
Larry W. Ross
Matthew & Susan M. Roth
Soma Roy
Michael J. & Maria C. Ruggiero
Robert A. & Rebecca Rupel
Frank P. & Jamie Russo
Renee Saleh
Dr. Edward M. & Carol Salgado
Samer Insurance/William R.
& Judith G. Samer, ’03
Sanofi Pasteur
William R. Schaffer
Recreational Concepts
Development/Stuart W. Schooley
& Jane Wells-Schooley
John P. Schreiber
Brenda M. Schroder, ‘98
Kenneth & Carmela A. Schuchman
Paul & Judy Schuchman
Joseph Scozza
Dr. Arthur L. Scott &
Susan K. Kubik
Bart & Tari L. Seitz
Thomas Shillea & Santa
Bannon-Shillea, ’03
Richard Siegfried
Robert E., ’83 & Kathleen
T. Siegfried, ’95
Skytop Lodge
Gary L. & Elizabeth Anne Smith
Snyder-Hinkle & Lunsford
Funeral Home
Sodexho/Robert C. Wood
Sovereign Bancorp
Geoffrey & Colleen Spitko, ’91
St. Luke’s Hospital
Karl A. & Jan Stackhouse
Frank E. Stanton
Ray J. Starner
Thomas G., ’72 & Martha L. Stear
R. Charles Stehly, ’77
Hank & Rita J. Straub, ’85
Raymond & Jane L. Suhocki, ’76
Summit Management and Realty
SunGard Pentamation, Inc.
Frank & Sally Swienckowski
Michael A., ’00 & Pamela P. Tabery
Glenn & Donna G. Taggart, ’73
Joseph C. & Donna H. Talaber
Marlene S. Talaber
Melvin & Jacqueline B. Tatem, ’84
Anne C. Taylor
Laureen P. Taylor
Nancy A. Taylor
Tom A. Tenges
Odell B. & Marcia E. Theadford
John G. & Terry A. Thomas, III
Martin Till
John H. Tindell
Roger B. & Rhonda L. Tita, ’89
Laurie Ann Tomsho
Edward Townsend &
Gail M. Mrowinski
George Treisner, Jr.
Eileen Trustt
Charles & Irene Tuskes
Two Rivers Foundation
William Underwood
Dr. John H. & Ruby Updegrove
Dorothy H. VanderMaas
Michael V. Vasilik
Issis Vela
Karen L. Veres
Dr. William A. &
Suzanne Viechnicki
Wachovia Foundation
Harold A. & Marcia Wagner
Waldman Charitable Trust
Bruce & Judy Waldman
James J., ’74 & Brenda K. Weppel
Charles R. & Cheryl Werkheiser
Christine V. Wetzel-Ulrich
Lorraine Whildin
Dr. John H., ’01 &
Frances L. Whipple
Helene M. Whitaker
Robert E. & Ronnie Wilkes
William & Patti Lehr Foundation/
William H. & Patsy A. Lehr
Dr. David & Margriet J. Williams
Zhiming Xia
Adrian E. Yaguez, ’02
Lifen Yang
Jeffrey A. & Cora A. Yockers
Dr. Janice M. &
Thomas A. Young, Jr.
John A. & Catherine L. Young
Lealan Megan Zaccone
Mary T. Zegarski
Zoland Z. & Claudia A. Zile
Kent B. & Susan L. Zimmerman
photo by randy monceaux
Foundation Board Chair John Eureyecko in
a historic conversation with George
Washington at the Foundation’s
“Party of Presidents” event.
annual report
annual report
Annual Fund Donors
The Northampton Community College Foundation
received $281,315.00 in
pledges and commitments from
the following foundations:
Berte & Bernie Cohen Foundation
Citicorp Foundation
East Stroudsburg Savings
Association Foundation
Martin D. Cohen Family Foundation
Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation
R.K. Laros Foundation
Ross J. Born Family Charitable Trust
Two Rivers Foundation
Waldman Charitable Trust
special gifts &
memorial gifts
One of the most thoughtful
contributions an individual
can make is a gift in memory
of a relative or friend. A
memorial gift is an appropriate
way to recognize someone’s
life and accomplishments.
In 2004-2005, the foundation
received gifts in memory of
the following individuals:
Charles Bubbenmoyer
Janet Christopher
Andrew M. Cusano
William Dempler
Bernard C. Droney
Dr. David Feinberg
Paul M. Fellencer
Kathryn J. Fournier
Marie Haytmanek
A. Richard Herman
Geri Hoffich
Dr. George Joseph
Anne Kopecek
Duke Kraus
Cecil Lipkin
Al Lipperini
Thomas Mayock
Cecil O’Grady
Mildred Beck Pine
Steven Riley
Milton Riskin
Ida Roszkowski
Brian Ruth
Richard Schaffer
Dr. James Whildin
trustees’ club
$10,000 plus
A & H Sportswear Company/
Herman B. Waldman
Berte & Bernie Cohen Foundation
DaimlerChrylser Corporation Fund
Dr. E. Ruth & Roger A. Dunning
Easton Hospital
Lehigh Magnetic Imaging Center
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Peter B. Locke & Nancy R.
Fournier, ’78
MCS Industries, Inc./Richard &
Susan E. Master
James G. & Jeannie Petrucci
St. Luke’s Hospital
Waldman Charitable Trust
$5,000 – $9,999
Anonymous Donor
Curtis H. & Loris J. Barnette
Greater LV Auto Dealers
Dr. Kenneth C. & Sharon
C. Kochey, ’68
Christian F. Martin &
Diane S. Repyneck
NCC Alumni Association
Pocono Medical Center
Dr. Richard C. & Patricia
B. Richardson, Jr.
Starfish Brasserie
Victaulic Company of America
Harold A. & Marcia Wagner
chairman’s club
$2,500 – $4,999
Robert E. & Francine M. Ashman
Timothy J. & Karen M. Brady, ’74
The Brown-Daub Foundation
Country Meadows-Bethlehem/
George M. Leader
W. John & Dita Daub
Jeanne Feinberg
James G. & Pauline C. Kennedy
Paul F. & Harriett Mack
John F. & Jane H. Malloy
The Martin D. Cohen Family
Foundation/Atty. Martin D. &
Beth Cohen
NCC Actors Club
NCC Springfest
president’s club
$1,000 – $2,499
Gladys Ackerman
Allentown Area Corvette Club
Steve & Jane L. Auvil, ’77
John J. & Susan Blair
Bridges Foundation, Inc.
Britech, Inc./Brian J. &
Denise P. McCall, ’75
Frank S. & Paula E. Buchvalt
Buzzi Unicem USA, Inc.
Clyde F. Closson &
Margaret McGuire-Closson
Cook Incorporated
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Bernard E. Droney
Duggan & Marcon, Inc.
Dennis C. Ebersole & Rosemary
Gish Ebersole
Embassy Bank
Fleming & Van Metre Advertising
Dr. Steven & Kathleen
D. Friedenberg
Friends of Debrah A. Libricz/
George J. Libricz, Jr., ’78
Douglas C. Green, ’84
The Guardian Life Insurance
Heide Hafner, ’04
Charles M. & Joan Louise Hannig
Patricia B. Herman
Steve R. & Nancy Hovey
Brenda Johnson
Herm & Kelley Kissiah
Dr. Robert J. &
M. Suzette Kopecek
Lehigh Valley Section-American
Society for Quality
Timothy & Colleen Lewis
James A. & Louise Luecke
Dr. Lisa Marie McCauley
photo by randy monceaux
Ethan Csaszar, award
recipient in the 2005
Kraus drawing
Middle Smithfield Presbyterian
Moravian Hall Square/David &
Susan E. Drabic
Michael & Lynn Nagel
Gerald J. O’Grady
Bruce Alan, ’77 &
Judith A. Palmer
Charles J. & Gwyneth A. Peischl
PenTeleData, Ltd.
Linda S. Perin
Rizzetto Construction Management
Robert A. & Rebecca Rupel
Frank P. & Jamie Russo
Stuart W. Schooley &
Jane Wells-Schooley
Dr. Arthur L. Scott &
Susan K. Kubik
Sports Car Club of America, Inc.
Tom A. Tenges
Thomas W. & Janet M. Tully
Laurie J. VanMetre
James & Cynthia Waddington
Z Architect/John A. &
Catherine Young
founders’ club
$500 – $999
Dr. Atul K. & Patrice R. Amin, ’74
William F. Bearse
Pamela K. Boland, ’72
Kenneth D., ’75 & Dawn Buck
Dr. Frank &
Catharine Capobianco
Norman M. Carter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Doebbeling
Thomas J. & Marilyn Doluisio
Eastern PA Funeral
Directors Association
Cynthia Fellencer
Dr. Elizabeth
Jill Hirt
F. Robert & Barbara
G. Huth, Jr.
IMAC, Inc./Ike Eisenhart
Ike’s 25th Street Exxon
Ike’s Airport Sunoco
Steven J. & Lynn V. Matzen
NCC Phi Theta Kappa
NCC Team Act 101
G. Robert Oles
Earl R. Page
Parkland Dental Center
Dr. Paul E. & Alison J. Pierpoint
R. Dean Pine &
Louise Moore Pine
Pocono Mountains Chamber
of Commerce
Ms. Leslie A. Raub, ’83
Albert M. & Erma L. Reed
David A. & Gretchen Reed
James R. Regan
H. Marvin & Mary Jane
Riddle, III
Samer Insurance/William R. &
Judith Samer
Schisler Funeral Home/
Arthur R. Schisler
Michael & Janice C. Schoenen
Joel E. Serfass
Sertoma Club of Easton
Swift Transportation
Glenn & Donna G. Taggart, ’73
Thoreau Veterinary
Hospital, Inc./Dr. Elizabeth
E. Burke, ’73
Dr. John H. & Ruby Updegrove
Voiture Locale No. 697
Andrew Warner
Dr. John H., ’01 &
Frances L. Whipple
Helene M. Whitaker
Wright Veterinary Medical Center
Zoland Z. & Claudia A. Zile
associates’ club
$250 – $499
Dr. Christine & Adalgery Beck
Bethlehem Jr. Women’s Club
Dr. Brooks Betts
Dr. Sharon S. Lee-Bond &
William F. Bond
Paul A. & Nancy E. Bouis, ’95
Donald K. Bray, ’91
John Martin Buffi, ’78
Dr. Jack E. & Lynn Cole
John & Olga F. Conneen
Josephine F. Cusano, ’72
Jo Ann F. Dempler
Dr. Douglas D. & Jane W. Ditmars
Chris A. Druckenmiller, ’87
Warren M. Farnell, ’92
Thomas J. Frangicetto
George Bensing Funeral Home, Inc.
Jay Gilbert Services/
Jay H. Gilbert, ’79
Robert D. Goodman & Rochelle
Makela-Goodman, ’93
Richard T. & Rebecca Gorton
Shirley M. Hahn, ’75
Maryann Haytmanek
Sherri I. Jones
Robert M. Joseph
Peter & Sarah B. Jubinski
Judith A. Kempf, ’76
Craig C. & Barbara B. Kilpatrick
Ronald Richard, ’75 &
Barbara A. Kopfer
Susan S. Koss, ’85
Vincent Kratzer
LV Dental Hygiene Association
Althea A. Livirrie
John V. Lunsford
Rob & Alison Lutton
Thomas O. Marakovits
Northampton County
Medical Society
Palmeri Funeral Home, Inc./
James Joseph Palmeri, ’79
Pencor Services, Inc.
Dorothy M. Petruno, ’74
Anthony G. & Rita G. Rampulla
John J. Remaley, ’74
Norman R. Roberts &
Alma D. Smith
Donald W. & Linda C. Robertson
Larry W. Ross
Ronald G. & Sandra J. Ruth
Craig L. & Kim Supers
Richard D. Trexler
Two Rivers Foundation
Daniel N. White
Patrick M. White &
Maureen A. O’Grady
David W. & Ellen Wolff
J. Marshall & Katherine M. Wolff
annual report
annual report
friends’ club
$125 – $249
Mario J. & Donna S. Acerra, ’76
Charles M. Achenbach
Francis M. Albarelli, ’70
Richard J. & Claire L. Ashby, Jr.
Ernest John, ’69 & Julia T. Barbarics
Jack O. & Lois E. Beamer
Frances M. Bedics
Benco Dental Supply Company
Dr. Eric C. & Marissa T. Bluestone, ’98
Randy L. Boone
Patrice M. Boulous, ’82
Carolyn M. Brady
Theodore & Barbara Burger, ’86
Lawrence R. & Harriet B. Butler
Timothy & Mercedes O. Case, ’78
Castle Dental P.C./Drs. David &
Lorri Burt
Thomas W. & Joan M. Christopher, ’91
L. William & Nancy S. Clark, ’75
Christopher M. Coro
Jacob P. Crisafulli, ’70
Atty. Bruce E. Davis
John W. & Anita M. Dickson
Jason W. Dittmar &
Melissa Starace
Debra A. Doll
J. Anthony & Carol Donaldson
John H. Fisher, Jr. & Mary Lee Coffin
Michael S., ’95 & Kristine Frace, ’76
Michael J. Gebhard, Sr., ’73
Ralph A. & Barbara P. Gerra, ’94
Donna Bodek Goss, ’72
Robert K. Hays
Dr. Douglas E. & Ellen M. Heath
William F. & Margaret Hecht
Robert C. & Cheryl A. Hoch
Charles R., ’71 &
Donna M. Humphrey, ’86
Joseph W. Jacques, ’73
Daniel M. & Sharon
L. Jordan Kaplan
Carolyn M. Kern
Keystone State Distributing
Dr. Alan & Sheila Korhammer
Richard E. & Geraldine L.
Koskey, ’89
Elizabeth S. Krupka, ’86
Joseph M. Lane & Linda N. Arra
Dr. Joseph Lavelle
Victoria I. Leach
Theodore O., ’72 & Michele Litke
Robert A. & Jeanette Litz
Douglas R. Litzenberger, ’80
Thomas C., ’71 & Carol Long
Scott M. Loupos, ’79
Dr. Robert P. Marcincin
Steve J. & Patricia A. Marshall, ’79
Dr. Leon J. & Anne McGeady
James R. & Sarah P. McIntosh
Edmund G. Mehlig &
Tamara Tucker-Mehlig, ’87
Van & Katherine Merle-Smith
Richard G. Meyers
John L. Mitchell
Robert A. & Sarah Moser
Daniel & Donna Mulholland
William K. & Christine L. Murphy
NCC Ski Club
NCC Sport Management
William H. & Florence E. Norton
Suzanne Debbie Opitz, ’70
Michael D., ’82 &
Rosanne L. Pickett, ’83
Brian K. Post
The Hon. Glenn F. &
Sue Ann Reibman
William R. Schaffer
Michael B., ’82 & Judith Schmauder
John P. Schreiber
Larry S., ’72 & Jane Sechney
George S. Shelling, ’69
Robert E., ’83 & Kathleen
T. Siegfried, ’95
Gary L. & Elizabeth Anne Smith
Marvin L. & Mylee S. Snyder, ’84
Karl A. & Jan Stackhouse
Marie F. Sterlein, ’83
Hank & Rita J. Straub, ’85
Brian R., ’97 & Gabriella Swanson
Kevin L. Taylor, ’98
Harold K. & Anita J. Tish
Dr. James A. &
Christina A. Tomasetti
Ronald D. Wagner, ’82
Judith Bobeck Williams, ’76
Joseph T. Winters
Carol A. Wogenrich, ’86
sustaining club
$1 – $124
Warren W., ’03 & Wendi L. Achey
Jan James Ackerman
Michael T. Ackerman
Joseph & Barbara A. Adamcik, ’70
Ruth E. Adams, ’90
Joyce I. Ahles, ’70
Ravi & Suzanne Elizabeth Ahuja, ’80
Krisann J. Albanese, ’88
Agnes Albarell
Carolyn F. Albert, ’88
Deborah L. Albert, ’71
C. Patricia Albertson, ’78
Christine E. Albright, ’80
Richard & Kelly J. Aldinger, ’86
Kathleen A. Alexander, ’91
Lois V. Allen, ’84
Michael J. Allen, ’88
Robert P. & Karen A. Allwein, ’86
Cynthia F. Alpaugh, ’83
Raymond L., ’86 &
Jacqueline A. Altemose, ’93
American Legion First Ward
Dag & Deborah Andersen
Bernard & Margaret A. Anderson, ’72
Andrew Ovsak Funeral Home, Inc.
Clyde C. & Joan Andrews
Lois I. Andrews, ’84
Cathleen P. Anfuso-Moroney, ’94
Michele Rose Ankele, ’95
Anonymous Donors
Brian Anthony, ’83
Dennis John, ’69 &
Lucille M. Aranyos
Robert A., ’04 & Olga I. Arlt, Sr.
Judith P. Arnold, ’75
Roger Andrew Arsht, ’98
Alan & Susan M. Augello, ’82
Vincent J. Aversano
Robert M. & Virginia M. Ayars, ’78
Dr. Michael A. Babyak, ’85
Molly (Marilyn A.) Bacak, ’69
Lois Bachman, ’86
Robert Scott Bachman, ’78
Douglas B., ’83 & Carol Badger
William C. & Florence
M. Badnaruk
Paul, ’81 & Ethel M. Bahnick
Patricia E. Bailey
Dorothy M. Baiza, ’80
James C. Baker, ’79
Janet L. Baker, ’83
Jeanne Baker
Virgil H. & Betty Baker, Jr.
Dr. Stephen F. &
Josephine M. Balshi
Ross J. Bandics
David A. Banko, ’79 &
Maryann C. Trimmer
Ruth C. Banko, ’81
by jim johnson ’89
One equation you’re not
likely to find on an NCC
math exam is this: one
bum knee + a lot of time on
your hands = ____? For Sharon
Litvin, ’84, the answer was as easy as
slipping on a pair of earrings. Make
that 500 pairs of earrings. The answer
is Earrings • Nothing But, Litvin’s hot
new business that’s decorating the lobes of the Lehigh Valley and beyond.
Accessorizing ears with dazzling dangles was not Litvin’s first career choice
though. Until her knee forced her into retirement, Litvin worked at NCC for 10 years as
a faculty member teaching adult education, as an administrator managing the College’s
Bethlehem Center, and as a career services specialist. Along with her associate’s degree
from Northampton, Litvin holds a bachelor’s degree in English and education, as well as
a master’s degree in reading and education. “The College is just a wonderful, wonderful
place,” she says of NCC, the school that gave her her first experience with higher education.
As a certified reading specialist, Litvin gives back to the community, volunteering each
Thursday to work with adults in the English as a second language program at the Easton
Public Library.
Litvin’s success at turning pain to profit began as a couch-bound patient-in-waiting.
After taking her ailing knee through the rigors of physical therapy, an orthoscopic surgery,
and another go-around with pain therapy shots, the knee finally deteriorated to the point
where she could barely stand, let alone walk. Finally, the pain was traced to a hole in Litvin’s
femur. “A necrosis,” she says, “a dead part in the bone, a big hole right on the end of it.” That
gruesome news was a prescription for a total knee replacement that eventually led to the
Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, part of Columbia University. But to get on her
surgeon’s calendar was a three-month wait. It was an interlude she put to good use.
“I had been making earrings as a hobby for about six years, just nice things to give as
Sharon Litvin, ’84, at
work in her home jewelry
design studio.
continued on page 35
photo by randy monceaux
annual report
annual report
Jenean A. Barbera, ’80
Dr. John J. & Joyce Barilla
Lynnette P. Barlip, ’94
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Barnako
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Barner
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Barnes
Martha Barnett, ’77
John E., ’76 & Donna M. Barnum, ’76
Margaret R. Barry, ’88
Mali M. Bartges
Richard A., ’78 & Jane
Jacqueline Bartolomeo, ’94
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Baseley
Nancy Batovsky, ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bauman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Baylor
Patricia M. Beaky, ’83
William Walter, ’69 &
Sarah Ann Marlatt Beal, ’76
Kathleen E. Bechtel, ’74
Darrell V. Beck, ’79
Joseph & Lynne A. Beck, ’75
Theodore J., ’81 & Connie L. Beck, ’81
Gary L., ’77 & Jane L. Becker, ’85
Frank M. Bedics, Jr., ’73
Debra A. Bednar, ’86
Carol A. Beidleman, ’88
Mary Ann Belchunes
Naomi R. Benedek, ’73
Rudy E. Benko, ’86
James I. Benner
Todd K., ’94 & Jan Bensing
Eleanor M. Berg, ’83
Judith Bernd
William J. Berry, ’87 &
Karen Norvig Berry
Amanda Besemer
Debra M. Bevilacqua, ’95
Andrea L. Bickert, ’77
David & Laura Bielaski
Judith T. Biffen, ’91
Randall W. &
Mary Catherine Biggs, ’90
Harold & Shirley K. Billheimer
Mark Stephen Binkley, ’75
Richard R. & Katherine A. Biolsi, ’91
Robert J. & Deborah A. Birkas, ’75
James E. Bissey, ’89
Karl Charles Bissey, ’74
Katherine E. Bitler, ’85
Louis Edward Bizarie, ’69
Robert M. Black, ’72
Carrie E. Blake, ’91
Stacy K. Blake, ’85
Christine Blanco, ’80
Charles L. & Nancy A. Blatnik, ’71
Frank Wm. & Margaret M. Blatnik, Jr.
Jessica Bobal, ’75
William C. & Kathleen Ann Bogart, ’75
Jeffrey L. & Debra A. Bohr
Ethel H. Bolash
Patricia C. Bold, ’84
David G. & Marie C. Boltz
Donald N., ’72 & Corrine Boone
L. Wesley Boots
Leonard S. Borini, ’73
Ernest R., ’72 & Debra L. Bossert, ’73
Margaret L. Bova, ’86
Victoria J. Bowyer, ’75
Dolores B. Boyko, ’93
Benjamin C. & Eleanor A. Boylston
Dr. James P. Bozzuto, ’76
Harry G. & Dorothy Bradley
Joseph V. Brady, ’02
Matthew G. Brand, ’90
Bernard C. Brandstetter, ’96
Edward J., ’72 & Marie A. Braxmeier
Charlene L. Breiner, ’79
Barbara J. Brennan, ’93
Bonnie S. Breslin, ’75
Sandra J. Bressler, ’93
Michael C. Brett, ’91
Ricky R. Briggs
Richard R. & Harriet Bright
Patricia A. Brinley, ’90
Georgene D. Brobst, ’80
Edward, ’87 & Gail A. Broczkowski
Peter A. Brooks, ’93
Louise L. Brossman
Alice A. Brown, ’78
Carole K. Brown
Charlene L. Brown, ’90
Bruce M. & Susan Browne
Merritt W. & Eileen C. Brown, ’94
Gary Richard Brueningsen, ’76
Alice L. Brugger, ’82
Elisabeth M. Brune, ’71
Maureen C. Bruneio, ’83
Vincent J. Brunetti, ’73
Susan Brunnabend, ’82
Steven E. Budge, ’76
John Budnick
Peter M., ’81 & Karen L. Buis, ’81
Amy Elizabeth Burke, ’87
Robert E. & Kelli L. Burlingame
John K. & Barbara J. Buss, ’81
Timothy P. Buss, ’76
Olga M. Butchko, ’95
Bonnie B. Butler
Helenann Rose Butterfield, ’75
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Calabro
Rebecca Anne Calloway, ’73
Dale W. Campbell, ’72
Hale & R. Kathryn Campbell, ’80
Alex & Patricia A. Canavan
Cindy K. Canfield, ’75
Diego & Paula Canovas
Carol D. Capra, ’77
Anthony M. & Evelyn S. Carfagno
Robert A. Carl, ’84
Allison D. Carpenter
Gladys D. Carter, ’74
Lawrence W. Cascario, ’86
Pamela S. Casciani, ’78
Heidi L. Casciano, ’84
Lynette M. Casciotti, ’75
Richard A., ’72 & Lynn J. Cassidy
Libardo Castaneda, ’95
Midic & Nancy L. Castelletti, ’72
Victor & Eileen M. Causerano, ’91
Wilfred J., ’85 & Sylvia B. Cesanek
Chadwick & McKinney Funeral
Home/Rodger F. McKinney, ’84
John R. Chaffier, ’92
Rebecca Chando, ’93
Mary J. Chaponis, ’78
Susan M. Check, ’75
Donna L. Chianese, ’98
Joseph Paul Chiavetta, ’71
Richard A. Chimarys, ’74
Dave & Donna M. Chouiniere, ’93
Roger M. & Sandra A. Christman, ’94
Wendy S. Christman, ’72
Patricia Chuckalovcak, ’95
Eileen O. Chuss, ’81
Iris M. Cintron, ’71
Albino R. Ciotti, ’76
City of Bethlehem
Claudia M. Clark, ’90
Melissa I. Clewell, ’85
Douglas Clift & Cynthia C. Clift, ’91
Magdaline Nicholas Clouser, ’76
Holly-Jo Cloutier, ’01
Charles & Nancy J. Coffey
Dennis M. & Margaret A. Coffin
Paul J., ’72 & Eileen E. Colahan, ’72
Barbara J. Coleman, ’00
Kathleen Collina
Charmaine M. Collins
Jenny S. Collins
Kathleen A. Collins
Katie A. Collins
Lori Colon, ’89
sharon litvin profile
Louise A. Comunale, ’80
Atty. Augustine & Mary Concilio
Dr. Matthew J. Connell &
Evelyn Baxevane, ’75
Paul Connolly
Paul J. Connolly, Jr.
Celia L. Connor, ’75
Joan E. Connors, ’99
Dorothy A. Conover, ’93
Anthony J. Consentino, ’76
Michael J. Considine, ’77
Deborah J. Corcoran, ’93
John B. Cornish
Gyl G. Corona, ’77
Steven M. & Connie L. Costello, ’76
Joan M. Covert, ’87
Patty A. Coxe, ’74
Jan A. Craven, ’82
Leon E. Creyer, Jr., ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Crocetti
Darrell W. & Linda C. Crook
James K. & Joann G. Crosson, ’02
Paula A. Csaszar, ’89
Edward J. & Jean M. Csencsits
David L. Csencsitz, ’78
Brian J. Cullen, ’96
Robert W. Curzi, ’83
Michael J., ’74 &
Eileen Czekner, Sr.
Bruce F. & Marie B. Dague, Jr.
Joel G., ’75 & Janet Dalrymple, ’74
Neil W. & Mary Ann P. Dancho, ’86
Joyce E. Danner, ’80
Katherine B. Danser, ’78
Donna M. Darrohn, ’94
Lenn C. & Lois L. Daugherty, ’72
Mary K. Davey, ’73
Gwendolyn Davis, ’74
James M. Davis, ’80 & Linda T.
Majer-Davis, ’81
Robert George Davis, ’74
continued from page 33
gifts,” Litvin says. “So, when this happened, I just stayed on the couch, ordered all my beads,
silver and materials over the Internet, and sat making earrings all day long.” As the days
added up, so did Litvin’s inventory. By the time she had her new knee in place and healed to
the point of mobility, she was, well, up to her ears in earrings. A person can only give so many
gifts, and with over 500 pairs sparkling up her house, something had to give.
Necessity, the mother of invention, can also birth a new business. Earrings • Nothing
But was about to be born. It was the skills she used to market students to prospective
employers in her role as career services specialist that helped her gear up for presentations
to store owners. Those skills and, of course, a solid product. Together, they landed her four
accounts in short order.
Her consignment arrangements, advertising and word-of-mouth have brought clients
from across the Lehigh Valley. She has also custom-made jewelry for people as far away as
Montana, for a man who wanted earrings
made from African Kazuri beads; and
necessity the mother of
from Maryland, for a woman who “just
had to have a coral necklace she saw”
invention can also birth
in one of Litvin’s ads when she was
staying at the Lafayette Inn. Soon she
a new business
will go global. “I have a friend of one of
our former students [from NCC] who is
designing a Web site for me,” she says. “And now I’m also making bracelets, necklaces, hair
sticks, even sterling bookmarks and wine charms. Pretty much anything to do with beads.
It’s part of me, and I feel wonderful when people find something attractive that I created.”
But Litvin isn’t one to stand — or even sit — still. It is the act of creating that is
most important to her, and she is constantly seeking ways to improve on that. “I took
a class in glass blowing at Dragonfly Studio in Coopersburg,” she says. “I learned how
to use the torch and turn the glass and layer in the colors. Now I know how to make my
own glass beads.” She is also looking for a class in soldering to expand her creative
universe in making custom silver jewelry. “My studio is too small to use torches and
things though,” she continues, “but if I become successful enough, I’ll find a place
where I can do this other stuff.” That shouldn’t be too long in coming. Litvin seems to
have found a working formula for success: the love of her creations, plus the life-long
desire to learn new ways to create. l
annual report
annual report
Janet N. Day, ’95
Ruth A. DeLong, ’94
Linda DePowers, ’73
Anthony & Janet L. DePrima, ’90
Barbara DeYoung, ’72
Dean & Associates/H. Joel Dean
Zane R. Deckhut, ’75
Linda Lee Deemer, ’97
James C., ’84 & Bonnie Deisher
Vicky A. DelGrosso, ’77
Andrew & Lois E. Demchak
Thomas S. & Laraine A. Demshock
Scott & Leslie A. Dennis, ’81
George & Judith Eileen Dettmer, ’75
Lisa A. Detweiler, ’92
Don Lytle Detwiler, III, ’78
Anthony Dicandia
Michelle A. Dicker, ’80
Danny Diefenderfer
Kent R., ’82 & Holly A.
Diefenderfer, ’86
Karen M. Dietterick, ’78
Brian A. & Stephanie C. Dillman
Ray R. & Gayle L. Dimmick, Jr., ’81
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Dobbs
Stephen J., ’69 & Donna Dolak, Jr.
James M. & Barbara A. Dolan, ’81
Diane Doll
Francis R. & Rose M. Donchez
William A. & Katarina Doney
J. Robert & Alice R. Dornish
Winona A. Dotson, ’99
Michael R. Drago, ’87
Anthony J., ’72 & Blanche Dragotta
Cynthia J. Duelley, ’71
Cynthia L. Durnin, ’93
Deborah A. Durnin, ’93
Gregory J. Durnin, ’84
James P. & Rae L. Durnin
Barry J. Dutt, ’81
Karen Dyonda, ’76
Bruce A., ’73 & Jennifer L. Ealer, ’88
Roxann M. Ealey, ’89
Mary V. Easterly
Easton Orthopaedic Group
Jeannette A. Eckert, ’70
Robert P., ’90 & Suzette M. Eckhart
Marcia A. Eddy, ’75
Lynne C. Edwards, ’77
George C., ’83 & Janet M. Egbert, ’03
Diana L. Egleston-Moyer
Elwood D. Ehrgott, ’90
Otto & Helen M. Ehrsam, Jr., ’71
Mark & Emily Eider
John T. & Marilyn Eisenhard
Sandra A. Elbert, ’94
Cynthia R. Elgharby, ’91
Harvey L., ’82 & Eugenia A. Emert
Thaddeus J. Encelewski, ’83
William G. & Patricia L. Ender, ’91
Amy N. Engle, ’99
Daryl & Cheryl Lynn Eppley, ’79
Robert F. & Judy Erb, ’87
Jeffrey A., ’82 & Cheryl A. Erdie
David G. & Christine J. Evans, ’80
H. Scott & Wendy J. Everett, ’82
Dolores J. Faas, ’76
Norman O. Failla
John A., ’89 & Lynn P. Fairall
Frank J., ’81 & Donna M. Falk, ’88
Atty. Terence L. & Sharon P. Faul
Sandra P. Faust
Robert R., ’75 & Pamela Fehnel
Elizabeth Fehr, ’78
Rev. Michele Dolores Fehr, ’80
Dr. Alex I. & Harriet Feig
Joanne A. Fekete, ’96
Richard A. & Elvira A. Fenner, ’72
Barry L., ’70 & Judith L. Fenstermaker
Emily Fenstermaker
James & Dorothy Ferri
Diane F. Fetzer
Richard L. Fine, ’87
Andrew D. Fioca, ’88
Samuel G. & Trena L. Firmstone, ’86
Lynn Fischer
Fisk Camera Shop/William Fisk
Michael A. Fitch, ’72
Terence J. Fitzpatrick, ’74
Evelyn G. Flannigan
Gerald E. & Frances Flavelle, Jr.
Barbara Flecksteiner
John J. & Margaret Flynn
Kenneth A., ’72 &
Ann L. Detweiler Fogel
Dr. Don C. Follmer
Jane A. Follweiler, ’89
Carolyn M. Folmer, ’78
Ami M. Forchielli, ’98
Marie S. Ford-Clemens, ’91
Lena M. Fornauf-Romig
Patricia A. Fox, ’80
Susan L. Fox, ’88
Donna A. Frable, ’83
Joan L. Frable
Darla R. Frack, ’94
David P. Fragassi, ’73
Martin Frankenfield, ’83
Thomas Clair, ’71 &
Maria Frankenfield
Brenda S. Frantz, ’78
Frederick Chevrolet, Inc.
Larry R. Frederick, ’80
David T. Free, ’77
The Hon. Robert A. Freedberg
Carole J. Freeman, ’73
Jan French, ’73
William A. & Elizabeth A. Fretz, Jr.
Julie A. Freudenberger, ’91
Gordon L. Frey, ’94
Karen E. Frey, ’85
William T., ’71 & Jane Frey, ’72
Robert J., ’86 & Sharon Friedman, ’74
John & Cynthia Friend, ’71
Rhonda K. Fries, ’86
Harry H. & Tina L. Frindt
Claudine Fritz
Inez Fungard
Thomas O. & Tacey J. Funk, ’86
Francis & Linda M. Gaal, ’82
Joanne M. Gadd
Sharon T. Gage
Jeffrey F. Gahman, ’92
Marie Garin, ’78
Evelio Garriga, ’83
Geraldine M. Gasdik, ’75
Michael E. Gassler, ’78
Angelina Gaudiuso
Dr. Sharon T. Gavin-Levy
Gail L. Gebhardt, ’82
Debra L. Gelatt, ’78
Robert S., ’82 & La Rue Gellock
Frederick W. & Marilyn B.
Genther, III
Robert E. & Staci M. George, Jr., ’94
Beth A. Gerenser, ’96
Diane M. Gerny, ’89
Debra A. Getz, ’90
Mary S. Gibson, ’85
Barbara A. Gibula, ’84
Jennifer P. Gifford, ’80
Martin C. & Barbara Gilchrist, ’84
Terri L. Gillow, ’91
Lowell E. & Lois Janet Glaser, ’74
Rhoda J. Glazier
Kathleen M. Glicas, ’96
Gracinda S. Glick, ’92
Sharon M. Godiska, ’88
Russell J. Gofus, ’85
David L., ’72 & Deborah L. Golden, ’72
Patrick Michael Golden, ’75
Dr. Howard M. Goldstein &
Deborah L. Levin-Goldstein
Theodore S. & Jennaver L. Adams
Golowski, Jr., ’94
Stephen M. Goosley
Rudolph, ’76 & Lisa M. Gosztonyi
Ronald R. Gotto, ’71
Regina Gourniak
John & Cynthia L. Graberitz, ’89
Elaine G. Graham, ’70
Susan M. Graham, ’84
Richard J., ’83 & Cynthia J. Grebs, ’81
Raymond T. & Marilyn Gregorek, ’94
Sharon K. Griffin, ’82
Kenneth & Sharon L. Griffith, ’78
Steven J., ’72 & Margaret R. Grimes
Gregory L., ’70 & Pamela Grimm, ’70
Gregory E. & Lois Groff, ’74
Neil K. & Diane M. Groller, Jr., ’75
Darlene Groner
Jeffrey F. & Jo Ann Gross
Kenneth Gross &
Elizabeth Stoltz Gross, ’86
Richard Gross
Cindy L. Grube, ’91
Karen S. Grube, ’74
Russell C. & Livia M. Grube
Marvin L. Gruber
Maureen L. Guffy, ’77
Glenn C. Gunkle, ’87
Linda Gunnels
Alexander M. & Carol J. Guranich, ’87
Michael A. Guttman, ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Marc E. Guy, Jr.
Lorraine B. Gyauch, ’87
Kathleen M. Gyulai, ’73
Valerie R. Haas, ’78
Brian R. Hafer, ’80
Christine A. Hafner, ’88
Linda A. Hager, ’89
Joseph J., ’73 & Karen L. Haggerty, ’85
Michael J. Hahn, ’76
Naomi A. Hahn
Trevor J., ’89 & Kathryne R. Hahn
Stephanie L. Haines, ’01
Kathleen H. Halkins, ’80
Bradley Lewis &
Marianne Frances Hall
Mary C. Hall
William & Sharon L. Hamilton
Agnes O. Hamlen
Anne H. Hammersmith, ’76
Mr. & Mrs. William Hanak
Genevieve T. Hanchick, ’88
Virginia F. Handley, ’80
David C., ’91 &
Karen A. Hanzelman, ’86
John Charles Harbove, Sr., ’75
Tammy L. Harding, ’84
Jay M., ’86 & Dorena Harris
Robert & Jacquelyn D.
Harris, Jr., ’86
Kenneth L., ’84 & Carol L. Harryn
William A. Hart, ’80
Michael J. Hartigan, ’75
Peter A. Hartman, ’84
Janet H. Hartzell, ’77
Raymond & Patrice E. Hartzell, ’80
Dr. Richard V. Hartzell
Robert S., ’80 & Clare M. Hassick
Sandra Lee Hassler, ’69
Donald R., ’82 & Helen J. Hausman
Scott E. Hay, ’82
Marna Hayden
Harry & Donna A. Heater, ’86
Barbara J. Heath, ’98
Krista L. Heath, ’94
Linda E. Heck, ’77
Rodney D. Heckman, ’86
Carel N. Heil, ’76
Edward H. & Wendy A. Heil, ’87
Linda Heilman, ’74
Vicki Hendershot, ’77
Gayle F. Hendricks, ’77
Pamela S. Hengstenberger, ’78
Joseph R. Henick, ’73
Mark W. & Judith Henry
Andrew J. Hensel, Jr., ’79
John & Elizabeth D. Hepburn, ’79
Peter D., ’75 & Deborah Ann Hepler, ’75
Donald F. Heptner, ’77
John B. & Phyllis A. Herman
Karen Herring
Robert & Diane M. Hess, ’78
Jill M. Hester, ’85
E. Barry & Joanne E. Hetzel, ’81
Rose Dolores A. Hilaire, ’81
Stephen J. Hilaire, ’80
Pearl V. Hill, ’89
Ruth B. Hill
Shoshanna M. Hinder, ’96
Dennis J., ’93 & Elaine C. Hlavaty, ’81
Dennis J. Hock
Jill A. Hock, ’90
Tony & Janet Hodick, ’76
Nelson E. & Sherri L. Hoff
Kathleen J. Hoffert, ’74
Eugene E. Hoffman
John & Anna P. Hoffman, ’74
June L. Hoffman, ’84
Kurt A. & Candace B. Hoffman, ’79
Dr. Todd P. Hollander
James M. Hollsandner, ’71
Marjorie A. Holmes, ’90
Patricia A. Holmes, ’81
George & Debra A. Homan, ’82
Franklin L., ’75 & Shirley Homme
Charles O., ’78 & Anna M. Hood
Irene Horkott
Mary Beth Horner, ’93
Darlene E. Horwath, ’77
Joan Hottle, ’77
Mary S. Howell, ’69
Mr. & Mrs. John Hudak
Michael S., ’95 & Jane E. Hudak, ’89
John W. Huebner, III, ’96
George & Linda R. Hughes, ’76
James L. & Linda K. Hunsicker, ’86
Bruce E., ’69 & Suzanne Hunt, ’70
Alan D. Husowitz, ’98
Joseph J., ’71 & Stephanie B.
Husser, ’71
Frances A. Huth, ’76
Carl K. & Nancy C. Hutt
George H. & Mary Ellen Hyndshaw, ’71
Patrick D., ’00 & Lucia A. Iampietro
Daniel S. Ilao, ’92
Julia Marie Intrepido, ’98
Kenneth & Sally F. Jablonski, ’78
Michael C. Jablonski
George M. Jain-Cocks
Robert & Mary P. James, ’83
Ann Marie C. Janders
Cynthia A. Jenkins, ’76
Virginia K. Jenkins, ’77
Richard L. Jennings, ’74
Natalie M. Johnson, ’94
William R., ’70 & Janet L. Johnson, ’72
Paul J. & Maureen S. Joly
Patricia S. Jones, ’80 &
John Flenner
William G. Jones, Jr., ’81
William J. Jones, ’93
Linda K. Joseph, ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Salem Joseph
Debra A. Julia, ’85
Just Born, Inc.
Paula A. Kacmarcik, ’71
Linda C. Kalapay, ’75
David Kaniper
Joy Kaniper
Dean A. Kantz, ’72
Jeffrey & Kathy L. Kapcsos
Rosemarie E. Kapish, ’82
Dr. Jerome P. & Dorothy J. Kaplan
Ed & Rita Kapun
Jacqueline Y. Karpow, ’00
annual report
annual report
Angelina Kasperkoski, ’77
Susanne B. Katz, ’77
Edward G., ’74 & Josephine Kavcak
Kenneth J. & Mildred R. Keck, ’81
Rosalie Keenhold
James F. & E. Jane Kegg
Mary L. Keil, ’71
Regina DeLucia Kelechava, ’76
Judy M. Kelly, ’82
Lanita L. Kemezis
Elizabeth A. Kemmerer, ’80
Richard E. Kempf, ’84
Suzanne M. Kessler, ’96
Judith A. Kestel, ’91
Diane M. Kiefer, ’83
Jacqueline M. Kilbanks
John A. Kintzer
Donna A. Kipila, ’71
Michael P. & Maryann H. Kipila, ’82
William J. & Rebecca Kirk
James J., ’77 & RoseAnn Kisilewicz, ’95
Michael M. Kisilewicz, ’72
Richard P., ’77 & Dorothy M. Kitlar
Evelyn G. Klammer, ’95
Joseph J. Kleca, ’74
Kathy D. Kleinle, ’76
Cathy L. Kline, ’92
Jeffrey P. Kline, ’72
Ronald C. Kline, ’86
David & Susan M. Klinger, ’97
Dorothy J. Klotz, ’82
Peter J. Klotz, ’73
Deborah Ann Koch, ’77
Steven T. Koch, ’82
Wallace E. Kocher, ’72
Anita H. Koehler, ’81
Eileen M. Koehler, ’92
Claude E., ’75 & Lenore Kohl, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gottfried Kohler
Stephen J. Kohler, Jr., ’80
Nikolai J. & Pamela J. Kolba, ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kopecek
Gloria Kornhausl
Michael A. & Amy J. Korpics, ’87
Bonnie M. Kosman, ’77
Ronald E. Kosman, ’86
Robin A. Kostenbader, ’79
Veronica P. Kostenbader, ’83
Joseph F. & Marjorie P. Kovacs, ’89
Carol A. Kovalchik, ’78
Thomas M. Kovalchik, ’77
Paula A. Kowalski, ’81
Joel & Tanya C. Kowalski, ’89
Denise L. Kowitz, ’83
John V. Kozauer, ’78
Stephen S., ’73 & Jane Kraemer
Attorney Ellen M. Kraft
Mary J. Krafty, ’79
Elizabeth B. Kralick, ’93
James E., ’78 & Rita Marie Kramer, ’78
Michael P. Kramer, ’78
John J. Krantz, ’80
Steven & Margaret Krawiec
Kathryn M. Krell, ’85
James E. Kresge, ’83
Brian, ’77 & Stephanie W. Kress
John T., ’86 & Susan A. Kressley, ’83
Glenn M. Krier, ’75
Jo-Ann Kristofic
Richard R. Kroboth, ’75
Deborah G. Kromer, ’82
Thomas P., ’82 &
Mary Elizabeth Krupa
Andrew J. & Lisa M. Kubik
Monica K. Kuebler, ’78
Margaret M. Kuehner, ’79
John & Debra J. Kugel, ’97
Loree D. Kuhns, ’73
John M., ’70 & Jacqueline Kulick
Donna E. Kulik
Kathryn A. Kulp, ’75
Jerry & Tracy A. Kulp, ’85
Pamela A. Kuplen, ’72
C. Eileen Kutzler, ’84
Tammy L. LaBar-Hoffman, ’00
Attorney Karl K. LaBarr
Jeanne M. LaChapelle, ’78
Joseph Lacey
Anita Lalaian, ’77
Jeri Ann Lambert, ’83
Scott A. Lander, ’80
Kevin B., ’94 & Heidi D. Landis, ’93
James D. Landrigan, Jr., ’75
David J. Lane, ’72
Richard G. & Eileen M. Lang, ’95
Donna L. Langston, ’87
Patrick Anthony Langton, ’74
Linda M. Lapointe, ’91
Daniel M. & Vicki L. Larimer
Donna M. Larizzio
Allen G. & Leona Larosh, ’87
Lisa L. Latourette, ’94
Marianne Laub, ’78
Susan E. Lavelle, ’93
Mary E. Lawler, ’77
Diane Lazer, ’90
Michael J. Leach
Harold R. Leamon, ’74
Donald R. & Ann Lear, Jr., ’01
Sandra I. Lebo, ’87
John H. & Linda A. Lech
Winsor A. Lee, ’85
Robert J. Lehotsky, ’80
Paul A. & Jaleh Lehrich
Joan P. Leicht, ’80
Daniel J. Lenner, ’75
James & Dianne Lennon
Susan K. Leraris, ’90
Gregory D. Lerch, ’02
Kenton W., ’73 & Jacqueline Lerch
Constance L. Lewis, ’92
Thomas D. & Patricia E. Lewis
Rosina Brickler Liggitt, ’73
Sandra A. Limpar
Diane M. Linde, ’81
Margaret E. Linebaugh, ’76
Ronald W. Lintner, ’90
Kenneth W. Lipina, ’77
Cynthia L. Litzenberger, ’99
Charleen A. LoPrete, ’73
Ronald & Judith S. Lobach
Long Funeral Home/
Wallace M. Long
Gloria June Longenbach, ’74
Greta G. Longenecker, ’80
Cindy M. Lopresti, ’74
Wayne C. Lopresti, ’76
Pam S. Lott, ’83
Jeffrey H. Luckenbach, ’94
Kelly L. Luckey, ’81
Matthew L. Ludivico, ’95
MaryAnn Ludka
Charles H. Luecke, ’71
William G. Lund &
Kathleen A. Zelko-Lund, ’80
Lucia M. Luther, ’82
Deborah A. Lutz, ’84
Woodrow D. & Susan L. Lutz, ’90
Martin J. Lynn, III
Norman T. Mable, ’91
John F. & Susan L. MacArthur, Jr.
Michael E., ’90 & Gwen Macarro
John & Audrey S. Macey, ’70
Michael, ’80 & Carol A. Machain
Paul J. Macher, ’89
Donna M. Machin, ’76
Rena M. Mack, ’73
David M. & Noreen F. Mackay, ’86
Deborah Mackes, ’86
Kay L. Macsi, ’73
David D. Madea, ’74
John A. Madeira, ’85
Wendy Jean Magocs, ’76
Robert Maicks
photos by randy monceaux
Chef-in-residence is one of the
foundation’s most popular
Marta Malaspina, ’72
Deborah A. Mankos, ’77
Alton A. & Joanne E. Mann, Jr.
Linda K. Mann, ’78
Michele L. Mann, ’84
Michael Manoway &
Dina Uliana-Manoway, ’77
Elva Mante, ’02
Mario M., ’02 & Rosalie Marcozzi
Alexander Margaritis, ’97
Patricia J. Markowitz
Samuel N. & Margaret S. Marsh, ’81
Edward J. & Mary Marshall
Thom Mason &
Rosemarie E. Christopher, ’69
Edward L. Martin, ’82
Delia E. Martinez
Juan A., ’75 & Saida Martinez, ’86
Donna Maruszewski, ’79
Paul H., ’75 & Janet L. Maslany
Patricia Masonheimer, ’74
Jean Elizabeth Master, ’71
John N. Mathious, Jr., ’69
Dennis & Patricia A. Mathisen, ’80
Edward D. Matla, ’74
James & Patricia A. Matthews, ’89
Michael P. & Susan M. Matula, ’80
Ryan A. Matz, ’03
Atty. William W. &
Debra Jane Matz, Jr., ’76
Drs. William W. &
Mary D. Matz, Sr.
Dr. J. Gordon Maule
Frank T. Maurek, ’84
Juliann M. Maurek, ’77
Marshall Edward &
Judith A. Maurer, ’84
Mary Lenore Mayer, ’84
Mary C. Mayock
Dianne S. McCann, ’89
Henry G., ’72 & Jean McCarty
Pamela A. McCarty, ’81
Jackie A. McClellan, ’87
Atty. James J. McConnell
Joseph G. McCullough, ’84
Bridget A. McEnrue, ’82
Joan McGarvey
James & Judith A. McGinley, ’97
Rosemary Catherine McGouldrick, ’91
Peter & Julie A. McKeon
James W., ’95 & Diane McLain
Mary McLain
Thomas F. McLaughlin
Donald McNellis
Robert P. McPeek, ’76
Louise B. Mease, ’73
Fred W., ’74 & Carole E.
Mebus, II, ’78
Patti M. Meckes, ’95
John R. & Deborah F. Mehler, RNC, ’83
Anthony & Eran Meilinger, ’84
Daniel L., ’72 & Carol J. Meixell, ’88
Thomas N. Melber, ’79
Linda J. Mellon, ’76
Joni L. Melnick, ’94
John N. & Melonie J. Merlo, ’77
Jeffrey M. Mertus, ’78
Deborah Messinger, ’92
Sherman & Floyce R. Metzgar
Lawrence O. Micci, ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Miles
John J. & Sheri Milisits, ’87
Brian E. Miller, ’78
Cathy A. Miller, ’84
Dennis Keith Miller, ’79
Gwendolyn E. Miller
Joan M. Miller, ’72
John W. Miller, ’76
Rosemarie Miller, ’86
Terry L. Miller, ’72
Janice C. Millets, ’91
Deborah K. Miltenberger, ’77
Jeffrey A. Miltenberger, ’95
Thomas Minchin, ’85
Christine Minnich, ’75
Ronald C. Minotti, ’76
Jerome S. & Theresa A. Miranda, ’99
Patricia A. Mitchell, ’78
Sandra Ann Mitchell, ’71
Kathryn Mixon, ’73
Rachel N. Moeller
Maryjo V. Moerkirk, ’84
Diane T. Moncman
Bruce Robert Moninghoff, ’76
David Moore &
Julia R. De Beauclair, ’85
Mr. & Mrs. James Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Moore
Monica M. Moore, ’86
Barbara H. Moran, ’94
Brenda L. Moran, ’83
Moravian Academy
Raymond & Carole
Jeanne Moretz, ’77
Dale L. Morgan, ’73
Marsha M. Morgan, ’80
Thomas J. & Shirley J.
Morganelli, ’95
Anastasia C. Morganello, ’90
Cheryl A. Morris
Denise D. Morris, ’89
Richard A. & Sally L. Morrison
Katherine A. Morrow-Voelker, ’74
Weda Mae Mosellie, ’70
David R. & Shirlene G. Moser
Patricia A. Moser, ’83
Steven A., ’82 & RoseMarie Moser, ’00
Cindy L. Moskella, ’94
Rebecca A. Moskella, ’01
William A. & Nancy S. Mosteller
Noel R. & Karyn L. Moyer, II, ’84
Perry L. & Darlene C. Moyer
Shelly L. Mule
Mary Anne Murphy, ’75
Mitchell E. & Jessica M. Murtha
Regena M. Muschlitz, ’77
Julius S. Muzikar, ’72
George Warren Myers, ’78
NCC Chemistry Club
NCC Christian Fellowship
NCC Commuter
NCC Criminal Justice Club
NCC Funeral Service
NCC Gay Lesbian & Bi Club
NCC Impact Club
NCC International Students
NCC Monroe Early Childhood
NCC Monroe Student Services
NCC Political Science
NCC Progressive Student
Leadership Association
NCC Residence Hall Council
NCC Social Activities
NCC Turkish Friendship
NCC Women’s Club
Frederick J., ’73 & Yvonne Nagy, ’71
Gary A. Nagy, ’86
Janice Marie Napoli, ’82
Donna L. Nardo, ’86
Flora M. Nehilla
Michele A. Nelson, ’84
Robert S. & Faye Nelson, ’76
Warren J. & Susanne C. Nelson
Joann M. Nemeth, ’74
William E. & Jo Ann Nenow, ’77
John P. Nerino, ’98
Steve C. & Elaine M. Nesbit, ’85
Robert W. Newman, ’71
Carl F. & Frances Newswanger
Richard & Gina S. Nichol, ’95
annual report
annual report
Jeff & Janet Nichols, 91
Susan J. Nichols, ’70
Gladys L. Nigrone, ’80
Barbara A. Ninno, ’88
Kerry Ninno, ’92
Sam A., ’73 & Linda Ann Nittle, ’00
Carol A. Noga, ’90
Timothy & Lori C. Noldy, ’81
Anne W. Nordstrom
Northampton County Reporter
Donald M. Nush, ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nykaza
Sandra K. O’Brien, ’73
Marie R. O’Connors, ’76
Joseph J. & Nancy O’Keefe
Christine Oberg
Maria L. Oberly, ’89
Carol Occhipinti
Roger G. & Joann M. Ochse
Michael T., ’76 & Virginia M. Olivi
Carole Renee Olszewski, ’97
Pamela M. Opp
Lois C. Oranczak
Joseph B. Oravec, Jr., ’74
Lois Jane Ormiston Kehoe, ’78
Martha D. Orsi
Lisa M. Ortwein, ’88
Mark J. Ortwein, ’89
Tammy Marie Ortwein, ’85
Lynn A. Ostopowicz, ’83
Jeffrey S. Oswald, ’89
Lee David & Dawn D. Oswald, ’85
David E. & Christine A. Ott
Edward T. Ott, ’79
Kathryn H. Ott, ’80
William & Kathy A. Ottinger, ’77
Jerzy A. & Elisa Owczarek
David D. Owens, ’83
Russel P. & Beverly A. Pacala, ’77
Susan C. Paden, ’94
Kay L. Padula
Frank & Marsha Palmieri
Bonnie M. Pancoast, ’91
Sandra Kay Panick, ’78
Anthony J., ’85 &
Jacqueline K. Panuccio
James A. Pany, ’70
Sal Pappalardo
Jeffrey A. & Susan F. Parks
Curtis L., ’95 & Kelly G. Parsons, ’90
James E. & Kay E. Parsons
Roberta J. Parsons, ’75
Rel D. Pascoe
Lorraine M. Pasquali, ’87
Carey D. Patterson
Joan M. Patti, ’00
Jocelyn J. Paulus, ’96
Carol J. Pavlinsky, ’00
Peter J. Pavlish, ’80
Doreen Pawling, ’92
John T. Pearsall, ’88
Francis Joseph, ’74 &
Kathleen Pecuch, ’74
Michelle Pelizoto, ’82
James & Joann P. Pennington, ’83
Mary Lu Peppel
Daniel R. Peters, ’82
Danny J. Peters, ’71
Darryl A. Peters, ’82
Jessica Ann Petriello, ’01
Dr. Nicholas D. &
Thelma T. Petruccelli
Susan M. Pettit, ’72
Jane R. Pheiffer, ’91
Marianne Phifer, ’73
Mary Heinz Phillips
Jill M. Piehl, ’85
Yvonne M. Pietrouchie, ’79
Dr. Anthony R. & Eleanor S. Pinto
Leonard J. & Karen A. Getz Pinto, ’78
Sharon W. Pinto, ’71
John & Stephanie D. Piper
Eugene & Jessie Piscitello
Ronald P. & Marsha S. Plantone
Francis J. Plover, ’80
Hobert J. & Ardith Poellein
Allen & Angela Pope, ’81
John F., ’87 & Eileen R. Pors
Rosemary S. Powell, ’81
Todd Powell, ’99
Stephen Cyril Pramick, ’72
Sandra Preis
Paula M. Priestas, ’98
Gladys E. Pritchard, ’73
Denise M. Prockl, ’83
Charles Pugliese, ’77
Arlyne Pursell
Sandra A. Pursell, ’90
Joan E. Quarry, ’72
John A. & Catharine C. Quinlan, ’70
Robert Thomas, ’78 &
Tammy Radcliffe
Richard Staylor Rader, ’78
Daniel M., ’75 & Joan Radogna
Thomas C. Raidline, ’86
Dr. T. Ramakrishnan
Christopher L. Ransel, ’84
Mary J. Rauch
Elwyn Rawson, ’72
Shirley J. Rawson
Beverly Lynn J. Raymond, ’86
Robert M. & Donna M. Reagle, ’88
Allen & Gail A. Reaser, ’74
Susan E. Reed, ’76
James A., ’90 & Susan Reese
Ronald W. Reeser, ’82
Dr. John C. Reganis
Kevin Steven Reichel, ’81
Charles T. Reichl, ’74
Joanne D. Reid, ’71
Paul & Miriam Reiff
Holly Reish
Dr. Richard Reisner
Frank J. Renaldi
Barbara R. Renkert, ’80
Rentschler Corporation
Stephen, ’75 & Diane Repasch
Joel Reynolds, ’81
Deborah A. Rice, ’84
Rick N. Rice, ’83
Charles K. Rickenbach, ’81
Charles E. Rinehimer
Laurence Riola
Louis L. Rippert Jr., ’82
Ismael, ’76 & Myrna L.
Rivera, Jr., ’87
Valerie Roberts, ’79
Scott T. Rodenbach, ’80
Kelly Bruce Rogers, ’78
Sharon A. Rohal, ’70
Linwood A. & Mary A. Rohrbach
Ruth A. Romero, ’83
Erika N. Roos, ’81
Glenn & Darla J. Rossetti
Dr. A. M. Rossi
Michael Jeffrey Roth, ’81
Janis M. Rotondo, ’85
Quentin David Rotzell, ’78
James D. Rounsaville, ’77
Faust M. & Gwendolyn J. Ruggiero
Stephen J., ’87 & Holly L. Ruggiero
William D. Ruggiero
Janice D. Ruland, ’85
Larry Charles, ’75 &
Paulette Ruppert
Dennis Michael, ’70 &
Patricia L. Rush
Richard C. Rutledge, Jr., ’80
Dr. John J. & Faith Ann Ryan, ’74
Kathy A. Ryan, ’92
Margaret G. Sabetti, ’85
Diane E. Sable, ’71
Dr. Micah R. & Michelle F. Sadigh
Maryann L. Salabsky, ’80
by michael e. nagel
For Milton “Scottie” Wood, it all started with a single restaurant.
“My dad started in the business when he opened a restaurant on
North Seventh Street in Allentown in 1940,” said Bob Wood. That
one restaurant soon became four. When Scottie Wood heard that Muhlenberg
College was looking at options for its food service program, Wood Dining Services (and the
Wood Company) was born. “My dad brought his attitude as a restauranteur
to the college,” said Wood. “He was one of the first to treat the college
student as a customer.” The Wood Company built on that early
success and was soon providing dining services to a wide spectrum
of local hospitals, schools and businesses.
Bob Wood has had a long and successful association with the
Wood Company, dating back to his first assignment as a chef at
Allentown College (now DeSales University) in Center Valley
in 1967. But the food business isn’t just about food. “Good
quality is important, but this is a relationship business,”
Wood notes. “Taking time to get to know the customer
and their ideas is critical. Our personnel are often seen as
more a part of the client’s staff than ours. We encourage
that sort of partnership.” In April of 2001, Wood Dining
Services became part of the Sodexho Alliance. What
brought the two together? “Sodexho was impressed with
our culture,” Wood said, “and hoped, through the alliance, to
ingrain the Wood Dining Services culture into Sodexho.”
Bob Wood brings that same enthusiasm for relationship
building to his role on Northampton Community College’s foundation board, where he has
served for over a decade. Impressed by the College’s leadership role in the TQM movement
(Total Quality Management) that was popular in the ’90s, Wood has always seen NCC as an
“important touch with the needs of industry and the community.” Over the years,
the Wood Company has provided extensive and generous support to the College, especially
in the upkeep and evolution of the Wood Dining Room in College Center.
Not surprisingly, Bob Wood is very interested in the College’s culinary art’s program.
Bob Wood and Ilene Hoehberg
with “Chef-in-Residence” Shawn
Doyle of Savory Grille.
continued on page 43
photo by randy monceaux
annual report
annual report
Aleen E. Salisbury, ’80
Bruce W. Samson, ’71
Debra J. Sands, ’82
Allen A. Sandt, Jr., ’86
Bonnie D. Sankovsky, ’79
Curtis D. Santee
Carol A. Santoro, ’76
Joseph & Csilla Sarkozy
Diane Marie Sauers, ’77
Barbara G. Saunders, ’93
Michael & Dawn A. Savaria, ’77
Paul, ’84 & Susan M. Sawka
Dolores K. Scanlon, ’70
Barbara A. Scattene, ’87
Michael & Victoria A. Schafer, ’87
Charles W. Schaffner, ’90
Sherri A. Schall, ’88
Mary Ann Schankel, ’85
Marcia S. Schechter, ’80
Joseph P. & Hilda T. Schedler
Robert T., ’72 & Nancy C. Scheid, ’73
Susan C. Scheirer
David A. Schell, ’85
Wayne D. & Sherry A. Schissler
Karen L. Schlamp, ’74
Tracy A. Schlegel, ’88
Robert E. & Eileen S. Schmidt
Walter J. & Barbara R. Schmidt, ’83
David J., ’93 & Jodi L. Schnalzer, ’82
John & Patricia H. Schoeller
Dale Richard, ’71 & Dolla D. Schrey
Mark F. Schumacher, ’76
James & Judith A. Scab, ’83
Richard E. Scan, ’88
Cheryl A. Scenk, ’94
Jeffrey J., ’91 & Jane E. Seasholtz
Ronald E. Seeds, ’73
Diane N. Seier, ’75
Rodney L. & Sheila M. Seifert, ’74
Shirley J. Seip, ’80
David H. & Janice M. Sell
Linda K. Semmel, ’86
Senick, Inc.
Fred & Alison K. Sensenig, ’96
Joseph J. Sentiwany, ’76
Ann Marie Serfass, ’88
Randy C. & Kimberly S. Setzer, ’87
Ernest & Bonnie A. Shaffer, ’73
Heidi L. Shaffer, ’01
Harry T., ’72 &
Kathleen M. Shamenek
Jill A. Sharkey
Anne E. Shelley, ’79
Thomas & Santa Bannon-Shillea, ’03
Cameron T. Shipman, ’83
Donald Lee Shipman, ’79
W. James Shoenthal, III
Sandra F. Shosh
Richard C. Shupp, Jr.
Mary Frances Silberman, ’74
Patricia Ann Simonetta, ’75
Ronald P. & Kathleen Sipler, ’86
Davida Siwy, ’72
Diane C. Skidmore, ’80
Janine P. Skraban, ’78
Andrew M. Skrzenski, ’94
Dr. Michael J. & Bella Skweir, Jr.
James A. Slaton
Dawn L. Slifer
Donald F. & Karen C. Smith
Donna F. Smith, 80
Douglas R. Smith, ’82
James Richard Smith, ’76
John C. Smith, ’77& Monica Smith
Kyle R., ’80 & Theresa Smith
Mary W. Smith, ’94
Matthew F. Smith, ’97
Roy & Joan R. Smith, ’95
Stephen Randall, ’70 &
Pamela Smith
Steward S. & Esther W. Smith, ’81
Lisa L. Smulligan, ’84
Jane Snyder
Jennie Snyder
Richard O. & Martha J. Sodl
Dale L. & Stefanie P. Sommons, ’89
Robert Sorensen
Penny L. Sorrentino, ’80
Charles M. Sottosanti, ’86
Daniel & Suzanne M. Spaar, ’72
Bruce S. Spadaccia, ’84
Gregory & Pamela A. Spadoni, ’89
Joseph L. Spadoni
Susan J. Spaziani, ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Spohn
William Charles Springer, ’78
Frank M. Stachina, ’84
Wanda L. Stackhouse, ’86
Judy A. Stancombe, ’79
Linda J. Stanley, ’73
Nancy Stano, ’74
William B., ’97 & Julie L. Miller
Thomas G., ’72 & Martha L. Stear
Kathleen L. Stehly, ’77
Thomas N. Stehman, ’71
John H. & Janice L. Steidinger, ’74
Mary Stein
Therese Ann Steinhardt, ’78
Frank A. & Debra Steirer
William R. Steirer, ’76
Steven P. Stepansky, ’02
Judy A. Stern, ’76
George Sterzen
Antoinette K. Stevens
Thomas Michael Stevens, ’80
Kenneth F. Steward, ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stewart
Sharon D. Stine, ’75
Richard W. Stocker, Jr.
Patrick Stofanak
Stefanie A. Stoudt, ’94
Shirley Straubinger-Knecht, ’73
Louis F. & Ethel W. Strohm
Albert B. & Mary H. Stubbmann
Jacqueline Stubits, ’88
Raymond & Jane L. Suhocki, ’76
Jeffrey S., ’80 & Cynthia A. Surovi
John S. & Beverly A. Surovi, ’90
Scott J. Surovi, ’86 & Beth Surovi
Dr. Mark D. & Pamela Swank
Hugh E. Sweeney, Jr., ’95
H. Michael Swint, ’81
Mark & Maureen L. Sychterz, ’96
Ann Szmania
Barbara A. Szymanski, ’79
Deborah P. Tamulis, ’72
Stephen K. & Gloria Tarby, ’84
Melvin & Jacqueline B. Tatem, ’84
John D. & Regina V. Tauke
Mary Jane Taylor, ’82
Francis D. & Beverly Thackeray
Ruth A. Thinesen, ’94
Carol D. Thomas, ’84
Steven B., ’83 & Sandra L. Thomas, ’83
Irene Thompson
James A. Tomaino, ’76
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Tomaszewski
Rosemary E. Towne
Edward Townsend &
Gail M. Mrowinski
Michele L. Townsend, ’94
Trans-Bridge, Inc.
Keith & Heidi L. Troxell, ’84
Jennifer Nemeth Trumbauer
William E. Trumbore, III, ’84
James A. & Marilyn Truscott
Emilie M. Tuberty, ’84
Greg & Christina M. Turn, ’84
Philip & Caroline P. Turnbach, ’90
Tonya J. Turtzo, ’81
Mark Tusan & Judith A.
Zalewski-Tusan, ’81
Nicholas F. Tylenda, ’81
Virginia Mae Uhl, ’69
bob wood
Dennis J. Uhler, ’85
Trudy P. Unangst, ’93
Jamie J. Unger, ’91
Ralph J. Valente, ’95
Joseph W. & Susan M.
Van Brackle, Sr., ’84
Donna N. Van Cott, ’73
Koenraad Van Linden Tol
Kim D. Van Why, ’90
Francis J. & Margaret Vari
Gladys M. Velazquez, ’82
Deborah A. Veres, ’84
Roxane H. Vermillion, ’87
Michael S. Veszpremi, Jr., ’83
Mark D. Viola, ’82
Judith A Visaggi, ’94
Susan L. Vitez, ’93
James A. Vivian, ’95
Audre B. Vogler
James Lawren & Jill Volkert, ’74
Paul V. Vrablic, ’89
Pat & Sandra Vulcano, ’72
Barbara A. Wagner, ’92
Bradford D., ’73 &
Monica G. Wagner, ’76
Cindy Jo Wagner, ’95
Keith & Elizabeth G. Wagner, ’91
Frank J., ’81 & Malissa Walczer
James C. Walker
Willina L. Walker, MEd.RPRP, ’73
Mark & Nancy Walters
Conrad & Cecelia A. Walton, ’91
Randall E., ’74 & Kelly A.
Wambold, ’95
Susan E. Wanamaker, ’74
John J. & Dorothy M. Ward
Patricia Ward, ’88
Jolaine T. Wasso, ’77
Randy & Robyn C. Waters, ’03
Thomas S. & Kathy A. Watters, ’82
Carol A. Weaver, ’70
continued from page 41
He started thinking about what he might do to enhance it, which lead to the creation
of the Chef-in-Residence program, underwritten through an endowment created by the
Wood Company. Twice annually, the Chef-in-Residence program brings a prominent
chef, recruited by Wood, to campus for two days. The agenda includes classes taught by
the chef, public interaction and menu planning. The event culminates in a full dinner
for 60 guests on the second night, with the featured chef’s signature dish prepared by
Northampton’s culinary students under his or her direction. “My hope is that students
are inspired in a way that doesn’t happen in the classroom,” explains Wood. “In my
experience, successful chefs have that ‘something’ that’s hard to define, but it’s what
helps make them successful. I think it is helpful to expose students to successful chefs
from all aspects of the profession.”
Healthier lifestyles and busy schedules make good planning another integral part of
success in the food industry. “The average college student eats five meals a day, starting
about 11 a.m.,” Wood said. “But while they may be concerned about healthy food, they
aren’t willing to sacrifice taste. Recognizing and adjusting to this and other trends is
important. We consider many factors in deciding how and where to offer our services
— where customers live, campus schedules, the number of commuters. The industry has
become more retail-oriented, and flexibility is the key; even down to providing the sort
of atmosphere that makes customers want to hang out in the dining area.”
Wood is very active in our community. But he is modest about his volunteer roles.
“I recognize that my success in life is not all my doing,” he said. “It was created by
other people, and I’ve accepted the role of helping others succeed in their lives.” Once
again, everything comes down to relationships. “I’ve made friends at local colleges
and businesses that I interact with on a daily basis; which is why I always say that I
get a lot out of the volunteer work that I do in the community.”
Ever the idea man, Wood could not resist adding just one more thought. “I
think we should consider adding a course to the College catalog, one that speaks to
citizenship and volunteerism, and is required of everyone. We need to encourage
people in the community to accept responsibility to make a difference, instead of
waiting for someone else to make a difference. One of the biggest challenges facing
local communities is finding a way to make cultures inclusive, and the very best way
to achieve that is through education.” l
annual report
Dr. Arthur Scott
at Spartan Center
annual report
James D. Weaver, ’81
Kevin & Betsy A. Weaver, ’86
David W. Weber, ’79
Dean S. Weber, ’79
Kraig E. Weber, ’72
Lauren Elizabeth Weber, ’02
John Frederick Wehr, ’72
Katherine M. Weichel
Stephen Weinstein
Bernice F. Weiss, ’94
Frederick Maurice Weiss, ’79
Gerald E. Weiss
Dennis L. Welty, Jr., ’90
James J., ’74 & Brenda K. Weppel
Marlene K. Werkheiser, ’92
Dr. John D. & Annette Werley
Aileen D. Werner
Richard F. Werner, ’71
Wayne Edward Werner, ’80
Richard & Margaret Z. Wesner, ’86
Christine V. Wetzel-Ulrich
Craig A. White
Kenneth R. Whitehead
David W. Whitehouse, ’95
Gary Ken & Kelly K. Whiting, ’79
Edward W. Wieder, ’70
Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Wiegand
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin R. Wilcher, Jr.
Mark A. Wildfeuer, ’74
George Edward Williams, ’02
James C., ’74 & Lynn Williams
John E. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Williams
Lucinda M. Williams, ’91
Dr. David & Margriet J. Williams
Randy Williams & Kimberly
Colyer-Williams, ’87
Ruth A. Willis
Lynn L. Wilson, ’79
Margaret A. Wilson, ’94
Marie A. Wilson, ’77
Steve W., ’84 & Theresa J. Wilson
David & Martha F. Woglom
Wilbur E. Wohlbach, ’00
Eric Wood
Kay L. Wood, ’83
Jean A. Woodring, ’70
Corinne Woodworth, ’75
Richard & Dorothy K. Woodyatt, ’78
James E. Worley, ’78
Susan I. Worman, ’94
Paul M. & Mary E. Wozniak, ’92
Barbara A. Yager, ’77
James F. Yagerhofer, ’94
Adrian E. Yaguez, ’02
Dorothy J. Yannes, ’96
Dennis W., ’79 &
Deborah M. Yeakel, ’77
Elwood Yeakel
Glenn S. Yeakel, ’76
Donna M. Yelles, ’83
Thomas J. Yencho, Jr., ’85
Louise Yoder
Wanda A. Yohn, ’82
Barbara A. Young, ’87
Beverly Young
Edward A. Young, ’89
Jeffrey A., ’78 & Debra Young, ’87
Mary F. Young, ’79
Eric S. Yuhas, ’87
John J. Yurish, ’70
Thomas J. & Kristina A. Yusko, Sr.
Cynthia L. Jones Zakanycz, ’73
Melody H. Zebro, ’95
Jodie Zeeman, ’83
Richard Louis Zelko, ’72
Theresa M. Zellner, ’84
Anna Zervos, ’79
Janet Ziegenfus, ’75
John Zieserl, III, ’69
Brent Stephen Zimmer, ’92
Emory W. & Linda L.
Zimmers, Jr., ’91
Jennifer Lee Zingales, ’92
Charles W., ’74 & Jamie Zovko
Linda M. Zrinski, ’71
The Guardian Life
Insurance Company
Johnson & Johnson
Lafayette Ambassador Bank
MassMutual Financial Group
Merck Company Foundation
MetLife Foundation
Minerals Technologies, Inc.
PNC Bank
PPL Corporation
Procter & Gamble Fund
Tandy Corporation
Tyco Matching Gifts Program
UPS Foundation
Verizon Foundation
matching gifts
in-kind giving
AT&T Foundation
ACCO Brands Inc.
Agere Systems Inc.
Air Products Foundation
Anheuser-Busch Foundation
BASF Corporation
Bank of America Foundation
Binney & Smith, Inc.
Day-Timers, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
AAA East Penn
Accessories Etc. for the Home
Adams Outdoor Advertising
Air Products Healthcare
Krisann Albanese, ’88
Albarell Electric, Inc.
Hope Anwyll
Apollo Grill
Arcadia Properties, LLC
Austin Wallace Group, Inc.
Banko Beverage Company
Baurkot Beer Distributors
The foundation would
like to recognize these
28 companies for their
matching gift programs,
which generated $9,331.00
of the support received by
the foundation during its
2004-2005 campaign:
NCC received gifts of
equipment, materials
and supplies worth
$188,886.44 in 2004-2005.
The foundation is grateful
for the gifts received from:
photo ncc stock
Daniel A. Bayak
Bethlehem Brew Works
Binney & Smith
Robert & Deborah A. Birkas, ’95
John J. & Susan Blair
Blue Grillhouse
Richard P. Boak
The Bon Ton
Brandywine Components
Buckno, Lisicky & Company
C.F. Martin Guitar &
Company, Inc.
The Cafe
Callie’s Candy Kitchen
Camelbeach Waterpark
Michael J. Caruso
The Center Valley Club
Citadel Broadcasting Company
Civic Theatre of Allentown
Barry R. Clauser, ’74
Clear Channel Broadcasting
The Club Maker
The Club at Morgan Hill
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Corporate Environments
Fred B. & Carol Cort
Crystal Signatures
Frederick, ’90 & Kathleen Curcio
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
DeSales University
Thomas S. & Lorraine Demshock
Robert E. Doney
Robert M. & Linda Eater
Elysian Fields Specialty Flowers
John F. & Donna M. Eureyecko
Ami M. Forchielli, ’98
General Motors Corporation
General Surgical Associates
Genesis Bicycles
Glasbern Country Inn
Green Pond Country Club
Grille 3501
Hampton Inn – Easton
Harding-Fox Funeral Home
The Harrison
Hilton Norfolk Airport
Holiday Inn Bethlehem
Steven R. & Nancy Hovey
Duncan C. Howden
Inn of the Falcon
Sally F. Jablonski, ’78
Patricia R. Jamann, ’75
James, ’89 & Barbara Johnson
Roger Johnson
Joseph Ambler Inn
Just Born, Inc.
Patricia M. Kesling
Lafayette Ambassador Bank
La Belle Cuisine
Susan LaRose
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Timothy & Colleen Lewis
Gerald T., ’76 & Jill Long
Lutron Electronics Company, Inc.
Francis A., ’76 & Susie Macri
Majestic Athletic
Malady & Wooten Public Affairs
Manor House Inn
Marblehead Grill
Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn
Martin Guitar Charitable
Richard G. Master
Brian & Denise McCall, ’75
Lisa Marie McCauley
Men’s Warehouse
Merchants National
Bank of Bangor
Nicole M. Miller, ’97
Mobile Container Service
Randy Monceaux
Donna Marie Montoro
Morningstar Inn
NCC Athletic Department
NCC Community Education
Michael & Lynn Nagel
Nassau Broadcasting Company
Paolo’s Italian Restaurant
Frank B. Pologruto
Public Image
Radisson Hotel Bethlehem
Riverview Country Club
Royal Photographics, Inc.
Savory Grille
Thomas Shillea
Silver Creek Country Club
Skytop Lodge
Southmoore Golf Course
Starfish Brasserie
State Theatre
Staybridge Suites
Dorothy Stephenson
Marie F. Sterlein, ’83
Steven James DeCasperis
Target Select Cable Advertising
Kevin L. Taylor, ’98
Technicolor Spa
Laurie Ann Tomsho
Touchstone Theatre
Tremont Plaza Hotel
TuWay Communications, Inc.
Cecile Tucker
Sandra Vulcano, ’72
Bruce & Judy Waldman
Woodring-Roberts Corporation
Woodstone Golf Club
Brian F. & Dianne L. Yarsevich
special events
Following is a list of supporters of the foundation’s
events: Chef-in-Residence,
Golf Tournament, the
Alumni Association’s An
Evening with Franklin D.
Roosevelt Dinner and Nite
at the Races:
Daniel & Diane J. Abeles, ’82
Cynthia C. Adams
Edward A. Adams
Albarell Electric, Inc./
Michael Albarell
Louis R. Albright, III
Karissa H. Alexander
Allentown Municipal Employees
Alvin H. Butz, Inc./Lee Butz
Mary Jane Andrew
Archive LTD
Larry Axiotis
Bank of America
Richard H. Baumann
William F. Bearse
Bel Haven Capital Group, Inc./
John F. & Donna Eureyecko
Mary Ann Belchunes
Olga Bennett
Anthony J. Betz, ’72
Robert R. Bieri
Robert A. & Susan C. Boehret
Lucille S. Bogert
Drs. Pricha & Gloria Boonswang
Timothy J. & Karen M. Brady, ’74
Allyson E. Brown
Brown-Daub, Inc./
W. John & Dita Daub
Thomas A. & Diane Buchner
annual report
annual report
Kenneth D., ’75 & Dawn Buck
CC Inc. Construction Services/
Charles R. Werkheiser
Tino Calantoni
John T., ’80 & Flora Cathers, Jr.
Charles Tuskes & Son, Inc./
Charles M. Tuskes
Thomas W. & Joan M.
Christopher, ’91
Ralph A. & Georgia P. Cianci
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of the LV
Atty. Martin D. & Beth Cohen
Patrick J. & Christine Connell
William A. & Wendy J. Connor, ’99
Charles Cooper
Cope Floor & Wall Coverings
Corporate Environments/
Steve R. Hovey
David & Susan Covey
Frederick R., ’90 &
Kathleen Curcio, Sr.
D’Huy Engineering, Inc.
Dave & Wayne Auto Center
Joseph A. & Doreen J. DeCapua
James C., ’84 & Bonnie Deisher
Bruce A. & Trudi Denlinger
Jason W. Dittmar &
Melissa Starace
Thomas J. & Marilyn Doluisio
Dr. E. Ruth & Roger A. Dunning
Robert M. & Linda Eater
Shirley Ellsworth
Embassy Bank
Gerry, ’03 & Joan M. Finn
First Star Savings Bank
The Hon. Michael V. &
Elaine Franciosa
Fraser Advanced
Information Systems
Gallagher & Gallagher
Beverly M. Galtman
General Supply Company
Paritosh Ghatak
Albert J. & Palma Giordano
Gordon Bennett Painting, Inc./
Gordon J. & Lucinda U. Bennett
Jack & Lynn Greene
Dwight A. & Elizabeth Gregory
Barbara Gubanich
H.T. Lyons, Inc./Henry T. Lyons, Jr.
Wayne M. & Linda Haluska
Charles M. & Joan Louise Hannig
Charles T. & Barbara Hanson
Dale A. Harleman
Gary L., ’86 & Susan Hartney
Fred G. & Ethel Harvey
James Heilman
Thomas P. Herrity
H. Richard & Elaine R. Herzog, ’87
Rebecca Hess, ’03
Rebecca E. Hoechst
Duncan C. Howden
Julia Marie Intrepido, ’98
J. L. Cohen & Associates LTD
J D Carton & Son
JTP Properties/Joseph T. Posh
Kenneth & Sally F. Jablonski, ’78
Patricia R. Jamann, ’75
Thomas E. & Charlotte Jankowski
Edward C. Jirolano
H. A. Johnson, III
Sherri I. Jones
Just Born, Inc./David N., ’77 &
Susan Shaffer
Kenneth Kahle
Suzanne M. Kell
Maureen A. Kirlin
Susan S. Koss, ’85
Dr. Charles A. & Donna R. Kosteva
Carol Kowal
George P. Kurtz, Jr.
Lafayette Ambassador Bank
James P. & Janet M. Laubenstein
William T. Laws
Lehigh University
William H. & Patsy A. Lehr
James Leiding
Gregory D. Lerch, ’02
Timothy & Colleen Lewis
John C. Locher
Gordon Loewenstein
Gerald T., ’76 & Jill A. Long
Darren & Sara M. Luyke-Roskott, ’81
Paul F. & Harriett Mack
Francis A., ’76 & Susie Macri
Dr. Terry L. Marcincin
The Martin D. Cohen
Family Foundation
Martino Marketing Group/
Anthony E. Martino
Richard D. & Mary Jane
McAteer, ’76
Mary McCornac
Merchants National Bank
of Bangor
Merry Maid/Michael J. Ruggiero
Andrea J. Miles, ’99
Anthony P. & Julie K. Milia
Joseph E. Milutis
Vincent M., ’98 &
Debra S. Mondillo
Dr. Gladys D. Morales
Moravian Hall Square/
Susan E. Drabic
Robert Morgan
Susan L. Moser
Mary Ann B. Moyer
William K. Murphy
NCAS Pennsylvania
Rose T. O’Brien
Officemax - A Boise Company
Suzanne Debbie Opitz, ’70
Osmegen, Inc./Robert C. Ashford
Bruce Alan, ’77 & Judith A. Palmer
Parente Randolph LLC
Beverly A. Paulus
Linda S. Perin
Michael D., ’82 &
Rosanne L. Pickett, ’83
Gail M. Pizzino, ’74
Ronald P. & Marsha S. Plantone
Frank B. Pologruto
Dr. Hayden N. Pritchard
Kathleen Pritchard
Nicholas & Melissa S. Recchia, ’90
Recreational Concepts Develop.
Corp./Stuart W. Schooley &
Jane Wells-Schooley
David A. & Gretchen Reed
Ronald L. & Mary Jo Reed
Joseph M. Reibman
Thomas & Virginia Remely
Stephen, ’75 & Diane Repasch
Judith Rex
Michelle I. Richie, ’99
Rizzetto Construction Management
Norman R. Roberts &
Alma D. Smith
Ruth A. Romero, ’83
Atty. Nicholas R. Sabatine, III
Dr. Mykola & Martha Salata
Samer Insurance/William R. &
Judith G. Samer, ’03
Sanofi Pasteur
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Paul & Judy Schuchman
Dr. Arthur L. Scott &
Susan K. Kubik
Robert Shaffer
Barbara J. Smith
Nancy K. Smith
Sodexho/Robert C. Wood
Melissa J. Stappen, ’89
Guests enjoying A Party
of Presidents.
Thomas G., ’72 & Martha L. Stear
Michael G. & Patrice
Vernan Steckel
Marie F. Sterlein, ’83
Richard J. & Anna Adeline
Stofko, ’77
Shirley Straubinger-Knecht, ’73
Dorothy Talago
A. Francine Taylor
Kevin L. Taylor, ’98
Stanley E. & Marcia Theodoredis
David A. Thoroughgood, ’03
Dr. Philip J. & Catherine A. Tighe
Brian & Linda Tretiak
TuWay Communications, Inc.
UGI Corporation
Victaulic Company of America
Pat & Sandra Vulcano, ’72
W2A Design Group/Frederick A. &
Carol F. Bachl
Bruce & Judy Waldman
Elizabeth K. Webb, ’93
West Side Electrical Service, Inc.
Gabriele Whittier
Roberta Williamson
Woodring-Roberts Corporation
Helma Young
Jeffrey R. Zettlemoyer
laureate society
The Laureate Society is a
giving society for members
whose cumulative giving
to the foundation exceeds
$50,000. Members include:
l 2001
Adams Foundation
photo by randy monceaux
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Anonymous Donors
The Arcadia Foundation
Binney & Smith, Inc.
Michael & Sandye Caruso
Berte & Bernie Cohen Foundation
East Stroudsburg Savings
Association Foundation
First Union Bank
Drs. Beall & Marlene O. Fowler
Mr. Elmer D. & Mrs. Betty J. Gates
Hughes Foundation, Inc.
R. K. Laros Foundation
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil D. Lipkin
Dr. Aaron Litwak
Lucent Technologies
Paul F. & Harriett Mack
PPL Corporation
F. L. Smidth
Ronald & A. Francine Taylor
Waldman Charitable Trust
Wood Dining Services
l 2002
Aventis Pasteur
Dr. Arnold R. Cook
W. John & Dita Daub
Fleet Bank
Christian F. Martin &
Diane S. Repyneck
MCS Industries/Richard &
Susan E. Master
Mack Printing Group
The Martin D. Cohen Family
Foundation/Atty. Martin
D. Cohen
Northampton Community College
Alumni Association
Piercing Pagoda, Inc.
Victaulic Company of America
Charles & Joan Hannig
Linda Perin
l 2004
Anonymous Donor
The Donley Foundation/Edward &
Inez Donley
James & Pauline Kennedy
Robert & M. Suzette Kopecek
Lafayette Ambassador Bank
William & Patti Lehr
Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation
PA RV Camping Ed Foundation
St. Luke’s Hospital
Harold A. & Marcia Wagner
Floyd R. Lear, III
(for the Lear Family)
Alice Palmer
Bernard & Berte Cohen
Dr. Edward B. & Helen Cook
Jack M. & Cecile Shaffer
Elmer D. & Betty Gates
Lester S. & Aileen Pearson
Dr. Kathryn Krausz Holland
James G. & Pauline Kennedy
August J. & Jennie Buzas
Kenneth C. & Sharon Kochey, ’68
Hall Weaver
Marie J. Matyas, ’70
Herman B. & Elvira Waldman
George J. Libricz, ’78
Ronald L. & A. Francine Taylor
The Cornerstone Society
is a giving society for
members who have given,
or have caused to have
given $10,000 or more to
the foundation. Members
l 1983
Dr. Arnold R. Cook
Mildred D. Kennedy
Dr. Robert J. & M. Suzette Kopecek
Dr. Aaron Litwak
Paul F. & Harriett Mack
Donald H. & Mary Trautlein
Margaret R. Walters
Michael J. & Sandye Caruso
Attorney Martin D. Cohen
Nancy B. Foltz
Dr. Arthur L. Scott &
Susan K. Kubik
Nancy A. Taylor
annual report
Alumni White House, FDR.
annual report
Cecil & Eleanor Lipkin
Patricia B. Herman
Vincent Kratzer
Gerald O’Grady
Carol Wogenrich, ’86
Brenda Bolasky
Ron & Pat DiStefano
Chris Martin, IV & Diane Repyneck
John & Gwen Michael
Hap & Marcia Wagner
George & Lou Wolf
Dr. E. Ruth & Roger Dunning
Brian & Denise McCall, ’75
Richard & Maris Rogers
Hank & JoAnne
Jeannie Joseph
Tim & Colleen Lewis
Linda Perin
Ronald & Sandy Ruth
l 2004
Gladys Ackerman
Mike & Lynn Albarell
Steve & Nancy Hovey
Herm & Kelley Kissiah
Michael, ’71 & Jane Krupa
Peter Locke & Nancy Fournier
Charles & Gwen Peischl
Richard & Patricia Richardson
Charles & Pamela Tuskes, Jr.
Robert & Ronnie Wilkes
Annette Arnts
Dr. Jack E. & Evelyn Cole
John F. & Donna Eureyecko
Marlene (Linny) Fowler
Charles M. & Joan Hannig
R. Dale & Frances Hughes
Lois Lenehan
Blanca Smith
Ray Starner & Susan
LaRose Starner
Richard & Susan Master
Timothy & Karen Brady, ’74
Carl N. Fretz
William & Patsy Lehr
Bruce, ’77 & Judy Palmer
Robert E. & Francine Ashman
heritage society
The Heritage Society is a
giving society that perpetually recognizes those
individuals who have
provided for the future of
Northampton Community
College through a bequest,
trust life insurance policy
or similar provision. Members include:
Robert E. & Francine Ashman
Joseph & Caroline Ayers
Paul W. Belles & Virginia Gonzales
Ronald & Irene Coen
Dr. Jack & Evelyn Cole
Alice Dornish
Dr. E. Ruth & Roger Dunning
Miriam W. Dyan
Carl N. Fretz
Kenneth Graves
Atty. Andrew & Dorothy Herster
Dr. Alan & Sheila Korhammer
Dr. Irene F. Laub
Cecil & Eleanor Lipkin
Dr. Aaron Litwak
Jean E. Lobb
Marie J. Matyas, ’70
Elizabeth Meihoffer
Joseph J. Risbon
Michael C. Schreier
Dr. Arthur Scott & Susan Kubik
Susan Tretter
Ralph H. Walter
Margaret Walters
Lorraine Whildin
Dorothy L. White
John Zieserl
Dr. Richard C. & Pat Richardson, Jr.
Michael Caruso
Kenneth C. & Sharon Kochey, ’68
Lorraine C. Wettlaufer
Nathan E. Young
Mary Jane Zonin
our responsibility
to you
The foundation has the
responsibility to be accountable
to our constituencies: to our board
of directors, who serve without
remuneration; to Northampton
Community College and its
leadership, faculty, staff and students;
to donors; to our volunteers; and to
our own staff.
One of the ways in which we do
so is to make accessible materials
that we believe should be available
to those who care about the mission
and success of the Northampton
Community College Foundation.
We make the following items
l Financial audit conducted by our
external auditor.
l An annual report of giving and
activities, including an honor roll
of donors.
l Our policies on disbursement of
gift funds.
l Investment policies and
expenditure guidelines.
l Our action plan establishing
You may obtain these items by
writing or calling:
Office of the Executive Director
Northampton Community
College Foundation
3835 Green Pond Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020-7599
In spite of our best efforts to avoid them, mistakes occur. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed your name.
If you find any errors, please call them to our attention at 610-861-5461.
photo by randy monceaux
board of
alumni board
of directors
John F. Eureyecko, Chair
Scott V. Fainor, Vice Chair
Michael Albarell
John J. Blair
Damian Braga
Dale N. Capone
Martin D. Cohen, Esquire
Bruce E. Davis, Esquire
Thomas J. Doluisio
Susan E. Drabic
James F. Dunleavy, Treasurer
Robert M. Eater
Charles M. Hannig
Steve Hovey
James G. Kennedy
Robert J. Kopecek
Michael Krupa
Susan K. Kubik, Executive Director
William E. Landis
William H. Lehr
Tim Lewis
Keith Lombardi
Paul F. Mack
John Malloy
Denise McCall
Bruce A. Palmer
Charles J. Peischl, Esquire
Diane S. Repyneck
Robert A. Rupel
Frank Russo
Stuart W. Schooley
Paul Schuchman
Dr. Arthur L. Scott
Dorothy Stephenson, Esquire
Donna G. Taggart
Tom A. Tenges
Bruce Waldman
Charles Werkheiser
Robert C. Wood
Karl A. Stackhouse, Chairman
Robert R. Fehnel, Vice Chairman
Bruce M. Browne, Secretary
Bruce A. Palmer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Brooks Betts II, D.O.
Joseph L. Craig
Thomas J. Doluisio
Charles M. Hannig (Monroe County Liaison)
Charlene A. Koch
Sue LaRose (Monroe County Liaison)
Nicholas F. Politi, Jr.
David A. Reed
F. Jeffrey Reimer
Richard Siegfried
Margaret J. Williams
Gerald T. Long ’76 & ’84, President
Sally F. Jablonski ’78, Vice President
Kenneth D. Buck ’75, ex-officio
John T. Cathers, Jr. ’80
Wendy J. Connor ’99
Frederick R. Curcio, Sr.’90
James C. Deisher ’84
Stephen J. Dolak, Jr. ’69
Ami M. Forchielli ’98, ’00, ’01, ’02
Gary Hartney ’86
Patricia Jamann ’75
Jim Johnson ’89
Debi Julia ’85
Ronald R. Kopfer ’75
Susan Koss ’85
Francis Macri ’76
Carl L. Mancino ’75
Mary Jane McAteer ’76
Nicole Miller ’97 & ’99
Renee Panuccio ’79 &’84
Melissa Plantone Recchia ’90
Stephen Repasch ’75
Larry Sechney ’72
Marie Sterlein ’83
Anna Stofko ’77
Brian Swanson ’97
Sandra P. Vulcano ’72
William F. Boucher, M.D.
Arnold R. Cook, D.D.S., M.S.D.
John J. Fischel
Sheila M. Korhammer
Sponsoring School Districts
Bangor Area School District
Bethlehem Area School District
Easton Area School District
Nazareth Area School District
Northampton Area School District
Pen Argyl Area School District
Saucon Valley School District
Wilson Area School District
Board Members Emeriti
Arnold L. Cook, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Sheila M. Korhammer
a donor bill of rights
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition
of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that
philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors
and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations
and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
I. To be informed of the organization’s
mission, of the way the organization
intends to use the donated resources,
and of its capacity to use the
donations effectively for their
intended purposes.
II. To be informed of the identity of
those serving on the organization’s
governing board, and to expect the
board to exercise prudent judgment in
its stewardship responsibilities.
III. To have access to the
organization’s most recent financial
IV. To be assured their gifts will be
used for the purposes for which they
were given.
V. To receive appropriate
acknowledgement and recognition.
VI. To be assured that information
about their donation is handled with
respect and with confidentiality to the
extent provided by law.
VII. To expect that all relationships
with individuals representing
organizations of interest to the donor
will be professional in nature.
VIII. To be informed whether those
seeking donations are volunteers,
employees of the organization or
hired solicitors.
IX: To have the opportunity for their
names to be deleted from mailing
lists that an organization may
intend to share.
X. To feel free to ask questions
when making a donation and
to receive prompt, truthful and
forthright answers.
developed by:
American Association of Fund
Raising Counsel (AAFRC)
Association of HealthCare
Philanthropy (AHP)
Council for Advancement and
Support of Education (CASE)
National Society of Fund Raising
Executives (NSFRE)