Secure and Efficient Data Transaction over Cloud Based On Signature

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume17 Number6–Nov2014
Secure and Efficient Data Transaction over Cloud Based On Signature
Generation Technique
GundaSowjanya 1, V.Lakshmiprasad2
Final M.Tech Student, Asst.professor
Dept of CSE,Sarada Institute of Science, Technology And Management(SISTAM), Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
In cloud,transactional database provides
authorization, it is one of most important for proof of
authorization, it I the base for performance evaluation. In
this paper we are concentrating on mainly on three
concepts i.e. one is the authorization of users in the cloud.
For this we are using concept of digital signature for user
authentication. Second one id for accuracy of each
transaction, we implemented group key protocol for
sharing of data in the cloud. Third one is security of cloud
transaction we are AES algorithm for encryption and
decryption of cloud transaction. Before performing
encryption and decryption of transaction data if check the
given transaction coming from the trust user or not. By
performing trusted transaction database we are using file
transfer technique for generation trusted transaction or not.
After completion of trusting we can perform encrypt and
decrypt operation of transactional database. By providing
those technique we are provide high performance, accuracy
and more precision for secure cloud transaction.
policies, publish it, and then enforce the policies by
granting keys.
The Internet and the Web have enabled tools and
systems for quickly disseminating data, by posting on Web
sites or broadcasting in the user communities in a large
variety of application domains and for different purposes.
Whatever is because of legal requirements, organizational
policies or commercial reasons and selective access to data
should be enforced in order to protect data from
unauthorized accesses. The modern access control models
like XACML and allows one to specify access control
policies that are expressed in terms of conditions
concerning the protected objects against properties of
subjects referred to as identity attributes and the
characterizing the users accessing the protected data.
There is an ever-increasing amount of data
available in digital form, and almost invariably that data is
now near a network. Recent research of integration systems
and peer-to-peer databases has created new ways for
diverse groups to share and process data. But in most
practical cases, complex constraints of trust and
confidentiality exist between these cooperating or
competing groups. As a result, in many cases data is
disseminated only when there are no security or
confidentiality issues among any possible recipient. This
means the data that could safely be disseminated to certain
parties remains hidden behind a firewall or a server.
The trust, confidentiality and security issues
involved in sharing data are immense, however there are
few a tools for managing access to the data that peers are
encouraged or required to share (especially when
distributed data processing is needed). In this paper we
introduce a framework to allow a database owner to
express rich access policies, generate a single, partiallyencrypted version of the data that enforces all access
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A critical issue in such a context is represented by
the fact that very often identity attributes encode privacysensitive information and this information has to be
protected, even from the party distributing the contents.
The privacy is considered as key requirement in all
solutions and initiatives for digital identity management. It
is important to point out that because of the problem of
insider threats and today recognized as a major source of
data theft and privacy breaches, identity attributes should
still be strongly protected even if the party is distributing
the contents and the content recipients belong to the same
organization. The problem of disseminating contents to
user groups by enforcing attribute-based access control at
the same time assuring the privacy of the user identity
attributes has not been addressed.
Cloud computing has been visualize the next
generation architecture of IT endeavor due to its large list
of advantages in the IT history: on demand service,
location independent, resource pooling and rapid resource
elasticity. From users side in clouding both individuals
storing data distant into the cloud in easier on demand
manner brings requesting benefits: relief of the burden of
storage management global data access with dependent
geo-graphical locations and reducing of large disbursement
on hardware / software and personnel maintenances etc.
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Present days cloud service is a frequently
increasing technology due to its efficient features as a
resource area and data storage area. It can be used as an
application, an osor virtual machine and many advantages
with cloud service technology. Cloud service provider
follows pay and use relationship with clients and the data
owner. They do not know where the real data is stored but
he/she can surf the cloud when it required by verifying
themselves with their authentication credentials.
Data Owner: Data Owner or User is a person
stores more amount of data on server which is maintained
by the service provider or the individual who is storing data
or data component to the service provider. User has a
privilege to upload their data on cloud without bothering
about storage and maintenance. A service provider will
provide services and privileges to the user. The major goal
of cloud data storage is to achieve the exactness and
probity of data stored in cloud.
Third Party Auditor: Third party auditors acts as
verifier, verifies on users request for storage exactness and
probity of data. This Auditor Communicates with Cloud
Service Provider and monitors data components which are
uploaded by the data owner.
The proposed work describe that user can browse
the data stored in cloud as if the local one without
bothering about the probity of the data. Therefore TPA is
used to verify the probity of data. It maintains the privacy
protecting public auditing. It verifies the probity of the data
and the storage exactness. It also maintains data dynamics
& batch auditing. The main benefits of storing data on a
cloud is ease of burden in storage maintenance, global data
access with location independent, reducing of large
expenditure on hardware / software and self-maintenance.
Batch Auditing: It also maintains batch verifying
through which efficiency is increasing. It allows TPA to
process different thread parallel which reduces
communication and calculation cost. Using this method we
can find the invalid response. It uses BiLinear Signature
BLS which is proposed by Boneh, Lynn and Shacham to
achieve batch verifying.
Data Dynamics: It maintains data dynamics where
user can rapidly update the data stored on a cloud service.
It supports block level manipulations such as insertion,
deletion and modification. Author of [2] proposed method
which maintains parallel public verification capability and
data dynamics. It uses Merkle Hash Tree works only on
encoded data. It uses MHT for Cloud Service Provider who
provide some sort of methods through which user will get
the acknowledgement that cloud data is secure or is stored
as the same. Through this alterations can be done and there
ISSN: 2231-5381
will be no data loss. Organization provides different
services to cloud users. Acquaintance and probity of cloud
service data should be supported by cloud service provider.
The service provider should protect user’s data and
applications are secured in cloud. Cloud service provider
may not alter or access user’s data. The Cloud Service
Provider allows the Data Owner to upload the data items
and allows Third Party Auditor to verify whether he/she is
Cloud storage is an important service of cloud
computing which allows data owners to change data
location from their local computing systems to the cloud.
More owners initiate to store the data in the cloud. This
novel prototype of data deploying service also introduces
novel security issues. Owners would distress that the data
would be lost in the cloud. This is because of data loss
could happen in any infra-structure, no matter what high
degree of dependable parameters cloud service providers
would take. The cloud service providers might be corrupt.
They could throw away the data that have not been
browsed or very few times accessed, to save the storage
space and claim that the data still stored in the cloud.
Therefore the owners required to be satisfied that the data
are systematically stored in the cloud.
Deploying data into the cloud reduces the cost and
complexity of big scale data storage and it does not action
any agreement on data probity and availability. This
complication is if not properly inscribed may block the
successful hosting of the cloud architecture. As users no
long time physically possess the storage of their data and
the traditional cryptographic parameters for the ambition of
data security protection process cannot be directly
included. Therefore to maintain the exactness of deployed
data without the regional copy of data files becomes a main
task for data storage security in Cloud Computing. It is
very simple for downloading the data for its probity
verification is not a practical result due to the
expensiveness in input or output cost and translating the
file over the network. It is generally insufficient to find the
data corruption when browsing the data might be very late
for recovering the data loss or damage or corruption. Let us
consider large size of the deployed data and the user’s
awkward resource capability and the ability to verify the
exactness of the data in a cloud habitat can be dangerous
and cost for the cloud users.
Approaches closely related to our work have been
investigated in three different areas: selective publication
and broadcast of documents as well as attribute-based
security and group key management. The database and
security communities have carried out extensive research
concerning techniques for the selective dissemination of
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documents based on access control policies. These
approaches fall in the following two categories.
1) Encryption of different subdocuments with
different number of keys which are provided to users at the
registration phase, and broadcast the encrypted sub
documents to all users.
2) Selective multi-cast of different sub documents
to different user groups and where all sub documents are
encrypted with one symmetric encryption key.
The latter approaches assume that the users are
honest and do not try to access the sub documents to which
they do not have access authorization. Therefore, these
approaches provide neither backward nor forward key
secrecy. In the traditional approaches users are able to
decrypt the sub documents for which they have the keys.
However, such approaches require allow some keys be
distributed in advance during user registration phase. This
requirement leads difficult to assure forward and backward
key secrecy when user groups are dynamic with frequent
join and leave operations.
Further, the rekey process is not transparent
therefore shifting makes burden of acquiring new keys on
existing users when others leave or join. In this case our
approach makes rekey transparent to users by not
distributing actual keys during the registration phase.
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is another approach for
implementing encryption based access control to
documents. Under such type of approach the users are able
to decrypt sub documents if they satisfy certain policies.
ABE has two variations: the associating encrypted
documents with attributes and user keys with policies;
associating user keys with attributes and encrypted
documents with policies.
In either case the cost of key management is
minimized by using attributes that can be associated with
users. These approaches require the attributes considered in
the policies to be sent in clear. It contains clear texts that
reveals sensitive information about users during both
registration and document distribution phases. In contrast,
our approach preserves user privacy in both phases in that
users are not required to reveal the values of their identity
attributes to the content distributor. Group Key
Management (GKM) is a widely investigated topic in the
context of group-oriented multicast applications. Early
work on GKM relied on a key server to share a secret with
users to distribute keys to decrypt documents. Such
approaches suffer from the drawback of sending O(n) rekey
information and where n is the number of users, in the
event of join or leave to provide forward and backward
secrecy. Hierarchical key management schemes, are the
key server hierarchically establishes secure channels with
different sub-groups instead of with unique users are
introduced to reduce this overhead.
However, they only reduce the size of the rekey
information to O (log n) and each user needs to manage at
worst O (log n) hierarchically organized redundant keys.
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Similar to the spirit of our approach, there have been
efforts to make rekey a one-off process. The secure lock
approach based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
performs a single broadcast to rekey. However, the
proposed approach is inefficient for large n values as it
involvingcongruence’s each time a new document is sent.
The access control polynomial approach encodes secrets
given to users at registration phase in a special polynomial
of order at least n in such a way that users can derive the
secret key from this polynomial. The special polynomials
used in this approach represent only a small subset of
domain of all the polynomials of order n and security of the
approach is neither fully analyzed nor proven.
To delegate policy changes enforcement to the
server, avoiding re-encryption for the data owner, we adopt
a two layer encryption approach. The owner encrypts the
resources and sends them to the server in encrypted form,
the server can impose another layer of encryption
(following directions by the data owner).We then
distinguish two layers of encryption.
Base Encryption Layer (BEL), performed the data
owner before transmitting data to the server. It enforces
encryption on the resources according to the policy existing
at initialization time.
• Surface Encryption Layer (SEL), performed by
the server over the resources already encrypted by the data
owner. It leads to the dynamic changes over the policy.
Both layers enforce encryption by means of a set of
symmetric keys and a set of public tokens between these
At BEL level we distinguish two kinds of keys:
derivation keys and access keys. Access keys are the ones
actually used to encrypt resources and derivation keys are
used to provide the derivation capability via tokens, i.e.,
tokens can be defined only with the derivation key at
starting point. Each derivation key k is always associated
with an access key k an obtained by applying a secure hash
function to k, that is, a = h (k). In other words, keys at the
BEL level always go in pairs, hk, kai. The rationale for this
evolution is to distinguish the two roles associated with
keys, namely: enabling key derivation (applying the
corresponding tokens) and enabling resource access.
Now days sharing data through network in a secure
manner. By providing security of data we are using
cryptography technique for converting plain text into
unknown format. The converting of plain text into
unknown format is nothing but encryption process and
converting cipher text into plain text is nothing but
decryption process. In this paper we are concentrating on
mainly on three concepts i.e. Authentication of users,
trusted transaction identification process and encryption,
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decryption of data.The overall description of proposed
system as follows.
Signature generation:
In this module the end user will generate signature for
transmitting data. Before storing data in cloud the end user
generate secret using points. After generating secret key the
end user will upload transferring data and generate
signature for that file or data. The process of generation
signature as follows.
Operation of Consumer:
In this module the consumer or end user will perform
verification of users. After successful verification of user
the end user will retrieve points form group key manager.
Using those point the consumer will get secret key. The use
of secret key is decrypt the data coming from the cloud.
Before stored data into cloud the end user will generate
signature for transferring data. After generating the end
user will send the data and signature to group key manager.
If any user wants retrieve that stored he/she generate key
and decrypt it.
Algorithm: generating signature of file or data
Input: The plain text
Output: signature of that file and append that file
Procedure :
Msg_Len= Calculate length of file (F)
Operation of Group key manager:
Block_len=length of block is 128 or 256 or 512
The group key manager randomly generate group key K
and also generate polynomial function f(x) with degree of t
to pass through points of t+1, (0,k) and (ai,bi+R i) where
i=1….t. The KGC also generate additional points pi
generate shared key for group members. After generating
points the group key manager randomly send each three
point to individual users. Before sending these point the
group key manager will generate Lagrange’s equation for
generation of secret key. The form of this equation as
Res_bits---->take the 16 bits are reserved bit
Flappend the Q zeros to end of file
Else if(Q<0)
3. Verify authenticationcode
1. Generate authentication code
2. Send authentication code
Trusted Center
4.Verify authentication code& send status
7. send signature
6. Generate signature
5. upload file
8. verify signature
11. Decrypt stored data in cloud
9. Encrypt the stored data
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10. stored data into cloud
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providing those concept we can provide more efficiency,
security and authentication of users.
Flappend R zeros to end of the file
Fl the reserved bits are append to end of file
The following steps are generating signature of file as
Len calculate length of file after append zero to end of
For I 1 to count
Where BAscii value of character(A)
After generation of signature of the file the end user will
append the file and signature send to group key manager.
Encryption and decryption process:
In this module the KGC will retrieve the transferring
data and signature from the end user. After retrieving the
KGC will separate file data and signature. The KGC will
generate signature for that and compare to coming
transaction data trusted one or not. After checking
signature the KGC will encrypt the data and stored into
cloud. In this module the decryption process can be done
by the end user and getting plain text from the cloud. The
encryption and decryption of data can be done by using
AES algorithm.
The recent days cloud computing will place major role for
increasing of network efficiency and also security of shared
data. Before sharing data the cloud should check the
particular data coming from the trusted users or not. By
performing these operation we propose concept of
signature generation for particular shared data. In this paper
we are proposed concept of authentication of users,
generation of shared key, generation of signature,
encryption and decryption of by using AES algorithm. By
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M.Tech(CSE) in Sarada Institute of
management,Srikakulam. She Received
her B.Tech from Sri Vaishnavi College Of
Engineering, Singupuram- Vill, &
Post,Srikakulam. Her interesting areas are Java and
database management.
is working as a
Asst.professor in Sarada Institute of
Science, Technology And Management,
Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. He received
his M.Tech (CSE) from GMRIT Rajam
,Srikakulam District, JNTU Kakinada
Andhra Pradesh. His research areas include Computer
networks, Datawarehouse and Datamining.
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