A Secure and Dynamic Group Auditing Over Cloud D.Chandrika

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 5 – Dec 2014
A Secure and Dynamic Group Auditing Over Cloud
D.Chandrika1, N.Satyanarayana2, A. Phani Sridhar3
Final M.tech Student,2Assistant Professor,3Head of the Department
Dept of CSE, SanketikaVidyaParishadEngg. College, PothinaMallayyaPalem, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
Abstract: In cloud service providers the data owners
outsource their data in cloud databases. There are many
users access their data. In this there are some security
issues to provide security to outsourced data. So we
introduced the secure method to provide security for data in
cloud and frequent verification of multiple clouds using
signature verification and symmetric cryptographic
techniques. This method provides maximum security to
outsourced data and secure authentication to all data
owners in cloud service.
In storage network systems it is very critical to
compute the confidentiality and security over the stored
data. The increasing growth of the members using the
cloud services are creating more distortion to data which is
stored in cloud service.
There are some security
parameters such as authentication and authorization,
availability, confidentiality and integrity, key sharing and
key management, auditing and intrusion detection[1].
Data should be secured during its entire life-cycle.
Authentication and authorization are the most basic
security services that any storage system should support.
Authentication is defined as the process of corroborating
the identity of an entity(called entity authentication or
identification) or the source of a message (also called
message authentication).The storage servers should verify
the identity of the producers, consumers, and the
administrators before granting them appropriate access
(e.g., read or write) to the data. The act of granting
appropriate privileges to the users is called authorization.
Authentication can be mutual; that is, the
producersand consumers of the data may want to
authenticatethe storage servers to establish a reciprocal
trust relationship.Most of the businesses require continuous
dataavailability. System failures and denial of service
attacks(DoS) are very difficult to prevent. A system that
embedsstrong cryptographic techniques, but does not
ensure availability,backup, and recovery are of little use.
Typically,systems are made fault tolerant by replicating
data or entities that are considered as central point of
failure. However,replication incurs a high cost of
maintaining the consistencybetween replicas.
Storage systems mustmaintain audit logs of
important activities. Audit logs areimportant for system
recovery, intrusion detection, and computerforensics.
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Extensive research has been done in the fieldof intrusion
detection [8]. Intrusion detection systems (IDS)use various
logs (e.g., network logs and data access logs) andnetwork
streams (e.g., RPCs, network flows) for detectingand
reporting attacks. Deploying IDS at various levels
andcorrelating these events is important[10].
As the data gets produced,transferred, and stored
at one or more remote storage servers,it becomes
unauthorizedmodifications, and replay attacks. An attacker
can change or modify the data while traveling through the
network or when the data is stored on disks or tapes.
Further, a malicious server can replace current files with
valid old versions [4,6]. Therefore, securing data while in
transit as well as when it resides on physical media is
crucial. Confidentiality of data from unauthorized users can
be achieved by using encryption, while data integrity
(which addresses the unauthorized alteration of data) can
be achieved using digital signatures and message
authentication codes. Replay attacks, where an adversary
replays old sessions, can be prevented by ensuring
freshness of data by making each instance of the data
For protecting the data in cloud includes some challenges,
such as
 The data is highly broadcasted in network and
increasing the complexity of the management by
introducing the vulnerability status.
 In decentralized system it creates the storage system is
shared by the users in various security domains with
different policies.
 In the extended time gives more windows for attackers.
This raises the less compatibility issues and the data
migration process including encryption algorithm moving.
We now briefly review some common data
storageprotectionmechanisms.Access Control typically
includes both authentication and authorization. Centralized
and de-centralized access management are two models for
distributed storage systems.
Both models require entities to be validated
against predefinedpolicies before accessing sensitive data.
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These accessprivileges need to be periodically reviewed or
re-granted.Encryption is the standard method for providing
confidentialityprotection. This relies on the necessary
encryptionkeys being carefully managed, including
processes for flexible key sharing, refreshing and
revocation. In distributedenvironments secret sharing
mechanisms can also be usedto split sensitive data into
multiple component shares.Storage integrity violation can
either be accidental (fromhardware/software malfunctions)
or malicious attacks [3,9].Accidental modification of data
is typically protected bymirroring, or the use of basic parity
or erasure codes.
Thedetection of unauthorized data modification
requires theuse of Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
or digitalsignature schemes. The latter provides the
stronger notion ofnon-repudiation, which prevents an entity
from successfullydenying unauthorized modification of
data.Data availability mechanisms include replication and
redundancy.Recovery mechanisms may also be required
inorder to repair damaged data, for example reencryptingdata when a key is lost. Intrusion Detection or
Preventionmechanisms detect or prevent malicious
activities that couldresult in theft or sabotage of data. Audit
logs can also be used to assist recovery, provide evidence
for security breaches, as well as being important for
General threats to confidentiality include sniffing
storage traffic, snooping on buffer caches and de-allocated
memory. File system profiling is an attack that uses access
type, timestamps of last modification, file names, and other
file system metadata to gain insight about the storage
system operation. Storage and backup media may also be
stolen in order to access data.
General threats to integrity include storage
jamming (a malicious but surreptitious modification of
stored data) to modify or replace the original data,
metadata modification to disrupt a storage system, and
subversion attacks to gain unauthorizedOS level access in
order to modify critical system data, and man-in-themiddle attacks in order to change data contents in transit.
General threats to availability include (distributed)
denial of-service, disk fragmentation, network disruption,
hardware failure and file deletion. Centralized data
locationmanagement or indexing servers can be points of
failurefor denial-of-service attacks, which can be launched
using malicious code. Long-term data archiving systems
present additional challenges such as long-term key
ISSN: 2231-5381
management and backwards compatibility, which threaten
availability if they are not conducted carefully[4,2].
General threats to authentication include wrapping
attacks to SOAP messages to access unauthorized data,
federated authentication using browsers that can possibly
open a door to steal authentication tokens, and replay
attacks to deceive the system into processing unauthorized
operations. Cloud-based storage and virtualization pose
further threats. For example, outsourcing leads to data
owners losing physical control of their data, bringing issues
of auditing, trust, obtaining support for investigations,
accountability, and compatibility of security systems.
Multi-tenant virtualization environments can result in
applications losing their security context, enabling an
adversary to attack other virtual machine instances hosted
on the same physical server.
In proposed work we designed a protocol that we
have three roles such as clients, cloud service provider, and
verifier. The client store data in cloud service provider.
There are multi-owners present in the network in the cloud.
The client store data in encrypted format in cloud service
The to be encrypted by random alphabetic encryption
process which is shown below:
Random Alphabetical Encryption and Decryption
Algorithm :
Encryption: P=plain Text
Key with variable length (128,192, 256 bit)
• Rappresented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows
andNk columns, Nk=key length / 32
• key of 128 bits= 16 bytes Nk=4
• key of 192 bits= 24 bytes Nk=6
• key of 256 bits= 32 bytes Nk=8
Block of length 128 bits=16 bytes
• Represented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows
andNb columns, Nb=block length / 32
• Block of 128 bits= 16 bytes Nb=4
State = X
1. AddRoundKey(State, Key0)
for r = 1 to (Nr - 1)
a. SubBytes(State, S-box)
b. ShiftRows(State)
c. MixColumns(State)
d. AddRoundKey(State, Keyr)
end for
2. SubBytes(State, S-box)
3. ShiftRows(State)
4. AddRoundKey(State, KeyNr)
Y = State
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5. Collect signatures from receivers
6. Monitor files
7. Send Status
4. Receive signatures
from multiple
owners file
7. Send Status
8. Decrypted file
2. Send meta details
Data Owner 1
3. Send encrypted File
Cloud service
Data owner 2
1.Encrypt file, generate signature
Signature Generation Algorithm:
KeyGeneration(Ks)→(pk , sk , skh). The key
generation algorithm takes no input other than the implicit
security parameter Ks. It randomly chooses two random
numbers for selecting random numbers generate two prime
numbers from P. Then calculate primitive roots of the two
prime numbers and those two primitive roots are st
,shrepectively and belongs to Prime number group as the
tag key and the hash key. It outputs the public tag key as pt
= gsKs mod G2, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key
sh. Then generate hash for sh is calculated by using simple
hash function which means second random value given
input to hash function that explains as follows. For
example consider that each input is an integer I in the range
0 to N−1, and the output must be an integer h in the range 0
to n−1, where N is much larger than n. Then the hash
function could be h = I mod n (the remainder of I divided
by n), or h = (I × n) ÷N (the value z scaled down by n/N
and truncated to an integer) or so many other formulas.
Signature Generation (M, st ,sh) → T. The
signature generation algorithm takes each data component
M, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key sh as inputs.
It first chooses s random values r1, r2, …. , xn є I and
computes uj = gxj mod G1 for all j є [1, n]. For each data
block mi(i є [1,n]), it computes a data challenge as:C=({c1}I€SChal,{rn} n€j
where Wi = FID||i (the “||” denotes the concatenation
operation), in which FID is the identifier of the data and i
represents the block number of mi. It outputs the set of data
tags T = {ti}iє[1,n]. Chall(Minfo) → C. The algorithm takes
the brief information of the data Minfo as the input And it
selects some different data blocks to construct the
Challenge Set Q and generates a random number for each
chosen data block mi(i є Q). It computes the challenge
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stamp R = (pt)r by randomly choosing a number r є Z*p. It
outputs the challenge as
T p=
Proof(M,T,C) → P. The proving algorithm takes as inputs
the data M and the received. The proof consists of the tag
proof TP and the data proof DP. The challenge proof is
generated as
To generate the data proof it first computes the sector
linear combination of all the challenged data blocks M Pj for
each j є [1, s] as
Then, it generates the data proof DP as
It outputs the proof P = (T P,DP).
Verify(C,P, sh, pt ,Minfo) → 0/1. The verification algorithm
takes as inputs the challenge C, the proof P, the secret hash
key sh, the public tag key pt and the abstract information of
the data component. Initially itcomputes the identifier hash
values hash(sh,Wi) of all the challenged data blocks such as
hash value is calculated by using SHA256 method and
computes the challenge hash Hchallange as
Then it verifies the proof from the server by the following
verification equation:
If the above verification equation holds it outputs 1.
Otherwise it results 0.
In this paper, we proposed an efficient secure dynamic
verifying protocol. It defends the data privacy over the
auditor by combining the cryptography method, rather than
using the mask technique. Our multi-cloud batch verifying
protocol does not require any additional organizer. Our
batch verifying protocol can also support the batch auditing
for multiple owners. Our auditing scheme less
communication cost and less computation complexity of
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the auditor by moving the computing calculations of
auditing from the auditor to the server which is greatly
increases the efficiency auditing performance and applied
to large-scale cloud storage systems.
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