Residence Hall Association 2 American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |
Reiter Boldt
(202) 885-1878
Devon Wallick
Vice President of
Administration and Finance
(202) 885-3606
General Assembly Agenda
Rajita Sanji
Vice President of Advocacy &
Community Coordination
(202) 885-1742
Hayat Abu-Ghazaleh
Vice President of
(202) 885-2772
Patricio Barnuevo
National Communications
(202) 885-3676
Marieka Cober
Chief of Staff
(202) 885-2179
Daniel DeHollander
(202) 885-3138
January 30, 2014
Call to Order
o Reiter Boldt called the meeting to order at 9:04 pm.
o Anderson 6/6
o Cassell 4/5
o Centennial 5/5
o Hughes 6/6
o Leonard 3/6
o Letts Clark and Roper 5/6
o McDowell 4/4
o Nebraska 0
Minutes Approval
o Motion to approve last week’s minutes, unanimous consent
 seconded
Agenda Approval
o Motion to approve this week’s agenda, unanimous consent
 seconded
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Shopping for upcoming events this weekend
 Excited for the Superbowl
o Cassell
 Valentine’s Day grams
 Tailgate and block party
 Presents for Valentine’s Day!
o Centennial
 Excited for Superbowl
 Working with RAs on Winter Olympics viewing
o Hughes
 Planning Valentine’s Day candy grams
 Olympic event
o Leonard
 Superbowl party on Sunday
 Working on Dodgeball tournament
 Taste of Leonard!
o Letts Clark and Roper
 New GA member, Ethan
 Bought candy for grams
• Sending money to Relay for Life team
 Superbowl party!
o McDowell
 Superbowl party with RAs on floors
 Planning Olympics event
• Co-programming with Hughes
 Not present
Executive Board Reports
o President
 Constitutional committee being set up
 Working on strategic plan
o Vice President of Administration and Finance
 Still working on getting the budget
 Met with all financiers and had first roundtable
 Working on the financial policies
• Want to review a few things
• Should be done in next two weeks
 Relay for Life team – join it!
• Everyone who signs up between now and next Thursday gets
2 HOTY points!
• Do it because it’s fun and cancer sucks
o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Blood drive next Thursday
• Sign up to donate blood
 Recyclemania, had the first meeting
 Promoting swag with other organizations
 Working on HOTY
o Vice President of Programming
 Dates and times for Founder’s Day came out today
 Tasting was today, it was great
 Rajita, Meg, Hayat, and Sarah working on Hall Wars
 Had one-on-ones with deputies
• Will be scheduling some with programmers
 Tailgating event on Feb 26
 Basketball game at 1 after training
 Do it on the Dark with the Green Eagles
o National Communications Coordinator
 Getting ready for No Frills on Friday
 Working on NCC amendment
o Chief of Staff
 New calendar for RHA events
• Public for viewing
• Events added after they are submitted on the advertising form
• Calendar link:
 Website almost ready!
o Advisor
 Attended President’s Roundtable Meeting on 1/27/14
 Had a conference call with Devon and My Favorite Student on
 Attended Residential Education Athletic Engagement Committee
Meeting on 1/29/14
• S’More Spirit Tailgate (2/26/14 at 5:30pm)
• It will be awesome!
 Met twice with Reiter to discuss Strategic Plan
UEC Class of 2016 Faculty Reception (2/11/14 6-7:30pm)
• Thank you Centennial and McDowell Hall Councils for
contributing to the event promotion!
 Attended Cassell Hall Council Meeting
 Reminders from 1/23/2014
• Spring 2014 Room Change Process
o This process will begin after the Housing Freeze
(Monday, January 27, 2014)
o Process Overview:
 Resident will fill out room change application.
 RD will meet with student and approve or deny
 Student completes move after receiving a
Resident Room Change Permit.
• Fall 2014 RA Selection
o For anyone who attended an information session, the
deadline for Application Materials is 11:59pm on
Friday, January 31, 2014
• 2014-2015 Housing Selection
o Three Stage Process at
 STAGE 1: Online Housing Application, due
Friday, January 31st at 5pm
 STAGE 2: Group Declaration, February 10th –
February 23rd at 11:59pm
 STAGE 3: Room Selection, February 26th –
March 5th
o Information Session:
 Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30pm in
McDowell Hall Formal Lounge
 Current RA or Interested in the RA Position?
• Participate in the process as if you are
NOT applying to be an RA
 Questions/Concerns:
Administrative Board Reports
o Parliamentarian
 Email Paul about vacant positions on the hall councils
 Met with Lecloper this week!
 Spring elections for RHA
• Application will be going live on March 7
• Sending email to vote
 Not present
o Deputy Programmers
 Working on hall wars, transition, and own event
 Founder’s Day will be awesome, so get tickets
 Multicultural night, Hall Wars, and Do it in the Dark are happening
 Final Perk at the end of the semester
o Social Media Deputy
 Social media plan
 People are using the form which is great
 Finished ads for dodgeball and Superbowl
NRHH Report
o Dan, VP of Finance and Administration for NRHH
o Work with residents like RHA
o Goals for NRHH
 Marketing and OTMs
 Events that work on professional development
 Coordinate with RHA
o Apply to be in NRHH this semester!
New Business
o Constitutional Review Committee
 Presented by Reiter
 Talked with presidents on Monday
 Setting up committee to review Constitution
• 12-15 members
• Meet a few times, most done remotely
• Limited commitment
 If interested, send an email to
o HOTY Challenge
 Presented by Rajita
 Like the RHA facebook page!
 Challenges
• 5 people like the facebook page… HOTY points!
• By next GA
 Questions
• What if we go above 5?
o Yes, HOTY points are discretionary from the e-board
o Recyclemania Event Challenge
 Presented by Rajita
 AU trying to be Zero Waste by 2020
 Feb 2-March 29
 Competition between schools in USA and Canada
 Avoid contamination
 Feb 8 basketball game will have activities
• Trash’ket Ball
• Bring an empty coke product and donate it… free coke
 Take a picture with recycled things… HOTY points!
 Creating an event to promote green/zero waste
• Everyone who comes up with an event gets a prize
• Email idea to
o Hall Wars Shirt Competition
 Presented by Rajita and Hayat
 Anyone in the halls can submit designs
• 2 weeks from today, designs are due (Feb 12)
• Can be drawn or printed
• Shirts come in all colors, keep that in mind
 Last year’s was made by Glenn from Lecloper
 Hall Wars points for submitting and more for winning
Will vote for the winning design
• If we sketch it, will someone make it fancy?
o Yes, will adapt winning design if needed
• How many colors are printed on the shirts?
o Good to stick to black and white
o Few words as possible
• Can we write a description of the design?
o No… please provide a picture
• Can we ask other people in the hall?
o Anyone can submit designs
• Is Clawed okay?
o Nothing trademarked
• Can I submit lots of designs?
o Yes! As many as you want!
• How do we submit?
o Email or put on Rajita’s desk
• Can a bald eagle be on our shirt?
o Can draw it, don’t take it from google
Open Forum
o Shoutouts
 Leonard hall council for their schedule of events
 Maxim for carrying goodies from Giant
 Lecloper for being awesome and organized
 Anderson even though the fire drill happened
 Dan for talking to RHA and being an awesome RA last year
 Advocacy roundtable for setting deadlines
 Centennial for creating awesome videos
 Joyce and Gabby for bulletin board
 E-board and a-board for working on Founder’s Day tickets
 Everyone standing in line for tickets
 Hayat for being there
o Interested constitutional committee, email
o RSVP to training by midnight tonight
o Are calendar requests required?
 No, just strongly recommended
o Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.