Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |
Reiter Boldt
(202) 885-1878
Devon Wallick
Vice President of
Administration and Finance
(202) 885-3606
General Assembly Agenda
Rajita Sanji
Vice President of Advocacy &
Community Coordination
(202) 885-1742
Hayat Abu-Ghazaleh
Vice President of
(202) 885-2772
Patricio Barnuevo
National Communications
(202) 885-3676
Marieka Cober
Chief of Staff
(202) 885-2179
Daniel DeHollander
(202) 885-3138
April 10, 2014
Call to Order
o President Reiter Boldt called the meeting of the General Assembly to order at
9:17 pm.
o Anderson 3/6 with one proxy
o Cassell 3/5 with one arriving late
o Centennial 4/5
o Hughes 4/6
o Leonard 3/6
o Letts Clark and Roper 2/6
o McDowell 4/4
o Nebraska None
Minutes Approval
o Minutes approved by unanimous consent
 seconded
Agenda Approval
o Agenda approved by unanimous consent
 seconded
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Hall Wars and finishing strong for the end of the year
o Cassell
 In the process of making posters for door decorating competition
 Planning study break event
 Getting quotes for an advocacy program
o Centennial
 EBI cupcake event
 Planning Spring Fling
 6th grade tours on the 21st
 South Side pride bucks exchange
 Mentors & McKinley
o Hughes
 Excited for the Northside Block Party
 Tabling for Day of Service
 Transition
o Leonard
 Block Party
 Taste of Leonard on Saturday
• Trash talking each other
 Potential Super Smash brothers tournament
o Letts Clark and Roper
 Second cereal bar on Monday
 Ice cream bar coming up
o McDowell
 Excited for Block Party tomorrow
 Planning for McFormal
 Northside Pridebucks Exchange
o Nebraska
 No Nebraska Hall
Executive Board Reports
o President
 What I did
• Constitutional Review work
• Transition
 What I am doing
• See above
o Vice President of Administration and Finance
o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 What I did
• Met with Nate to start transition
• Worked on transition document
• Hall Wars planning
 What I will do
• Spring training assessment
• Work on transition document
• Continue working with Nate for transition
• More Hall Wars planning
o Vice President of Programming
 What I did
• Catering for transition
• Sent transition documents
 What I plan to do
• Finalizing transition
• Relay for Life
o National Communications Coordinator
 Purchasing tickets for NACURH travel with Daniel after GA
 Voted in regional special election
 Submitted regional awards
o Chief of Staff
 “Hey all! Sorry I can't be here tonight! Shout out to the awesome
Jamie for taking minutes! Next week I plan to finish drafts of my
transition documents, write some final speeches for transition, finalize
transition details with Hayat, and take the plaques in to get engraved”
o Advisor
 What did Daniel Do?
• Confirmed RHA Elections with Paul and Reiter (4/5)
• Attended Hall Wars: Record Setters (4/5)
• Met with Reiter (4/8)
• Reviewed Devon’s suggestions for the Hall Financial Policies
• Attended Constitutional Review Committee (4/10)
 What did Daniel Not Do?
• Schedule a meeting with Zoe
 What does Daniel Plan to Do?
• Schedule meetings with Zoe
• Meet with Meg and Megan on 4/11/14
• Attend Hall Wars on 4/12/14
• Attend Relay for Life on 4/12/14
• Run/walk/skip in the Poker Run 5k on 4/13/14
 HDP and Other Updates
• Health and Safety Inspections
o Happening 4/10/2014-4/14/2014
o Changing from heat to air conditioning based on DC
weather forecast
o All rooms will be checked for general safety and
potential policy violations
• Hall Closing and Late Departure Process
o The residence halls close at 12pm (noon) on
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
o Anyone who is requesting to stay in the residence halls
after 5/7/2014 must fill out the form located at
• Opportunities for Campus Collaborations:
o Poker Run 5K (Rec. Sports and Fitness)
 Sunday, April 13th at 9:15am
o Recreational Sports and Fitness’ Member Appreciation
Day (See flyer)
 Wednesday, April 16th ALL DAY
Administrative Board Reports
o Parliamentarian
 Happy Thursday
 Certified the election results with Daniel and Reiter
 Finished transition report and remarks for transition
 Finished constitutional review stuff
o Deputy Programmers
 Meg
• Record setters was great!
• Getting in contact with winners and making sure HOTY points
are assigned
• Sending out thank-yous to companies
• Centennial won Do-it in the Dark! Yay!
• Congrats to Hughes for winning the video competition
• Final Perk: Picked a Theme and Name
o Beach Day on the Quad; April 29th
• Meeting with Daniel tomorrow
 Sarah
• Was in contact with Veteran services on campus for Day of
o Social Media Deputy
 What I did:
• Hall Wars Advertising
• Social Media Post for National Holocaust Week Event
 What I didn’t do:
 What I will do:
Those five posters…hopefully/probably/at some point/ I’m
sorry I’m the worst
More advertising for Hall Wars!
NRHH Report
o Presented by Sam
o NACURH pin day
o Selected new members
 Inductions happening on the 27th
o Hosting elections for next year’s E-board
o Mugs coming in
o STARs week was last week!
o Working on some events
 DESTRESS WITH DOGS on the 25th
o This is very important
o OTM results will come this weekend
 Last batch to count for points BUT you can still write one for the
month of April
• FUN FACT: OTMs never stop
RHA Executive Board-Elect Report
o Megan has gotten the ball rolling
o Started the process for appointments
o Started to look into next year’s swag orders
o Meeting with Daniel tomorrow
New Business
o Parliamentary Procedure Review and Last GA
 Things were a little messy last meeting
 Would like to stress that while we can appropriate more money than
is asked for, it comes across as frivolous and it can impair the
program—so we shouldn’t do that
 Clarification on main orders
• Once a main motion is called on a request, that vote is on the
• The amount is subject to change by motions to amend
• If you want to appropriate more or less, killing the motion
does not allow you to reintroduce a motion and do that
o McDowell Fund Request
 Presented by McDowell Hall Council
 Fund request for McFormal Event
 Info on event
• Annual event
• Dancing, music, formal attire and Angelico’s catering
• Wednesday April 23rd 7:30-10:00 time
• Take place in McDowell Formal Lounge
 Pricing:
• Angelico’s: $345
• Safeway: $100
• Party City: $60
• Total: $505
 Questions:
• What entrees?
o Pastas, not sandwiches
o Meat and Meatless options
• Angelico’s will provide silverware?
Silverware was put in buffer for Party City though it
isn’t specified
 Point: coming out of Hall discretionary fund
 Pro/Con
• Pro:
o They’re only asking for $140 and there’s only two
weeks of school left; event appears well organized
• Con:
o If it’s open only to McDowell residents, then the money
should be used for all residents
 Clarification: Only first half hour is for McDowell
residents, after that it is open to everyone
• Pro:
o McDowell formal is a strong tradition that is a very well
planned and fun event.
o It won an OTM
• Pro:
o Seems like a good way to give back to the residents
and the HDF is to be used for this purpose
• Pro:
o Very sure that no other Halls have asked for money
from the HDF; school is almost done with, we may as
well just give it to them
 Move to call the question for the amount as requested by placard vote
• Seconded
 Voted:
• 21 in favor
• 0 opposed
• 4 abstaining
 Approved, passes
Hall Wars Briefing – Day of Service
 Presented by Rajita
 Relay for Life on Saturday!
• Come, have fun, stay as long as you want
• Rajita will be sleeping on the Bender floor
• Recommended that one person from your team be walking at
all time
• Wear comfortable shoes and Hall Wars Shirt or Hall Shirt
• Behave yourselves plz
• Smile and encourage residents to attend
• Pitches Be Trippin’ (with Hayat!) is preforming at 2:30 am
• Will have sign-up sheet for residents
• Not too late to raise money
 Day of Service
• Cannot make religious or political statements
• Please look at flyer in presentation and put it at your table to
make sure residents are following rules
• Question:
o No religious stuff?
 Can say that you’re praying for someone; can’t
be religion-specific
• Question:
o Where are we sending them?
 Operation gratitude
Will assign points by counting letters
o Are these letters or cards?
 Up to you!
o For Relay for Life, if people in your hall already have
teams, what do they do for us?
 Just stop by and sign in as a resident
o Are markers provided?
 Yes, just make sure you come and ask for them
 Leader board still needed from Hughes
o Introduction to Constitutional Review
 Presented by Reiter
 Main change: primarily structural
• Instead of four separate documents (complicated) we have
 Probably 90% the same
 Gender neutral terms
 Putting titles instead of articles
 Divided into seven sections
 Major changes
• Stipends for E-board were at a set amount, then percentages
o This was silly
 Going back to fixed amounts, which makes the
Financier’s job easier
• No board of elections (never used)
• General Assemblymen to General Assembly Delegates
• Reworking of NCC position description
• Added NRHH under external organizations
o memorandum of understanding ala Student
 Would be signed every year stipulating RHA’s
budget and what is expected from NRHH and
• Rules and procedures have been updated
• Updated financial policies
 Not doing anything with this document tonight, but the document will
be posted on facebook and go out with the minutes
 Please read and email Reiter with opinions
 Reiter will be going to the round tables to talk to everyone so changes
that need to be made can be done before next week’s meeting
 Question:
• Grammar counts?
Open Forum
o Shout outs:
 Jamie for taking minutes
 Meg for a great Record Setters!
 Everyone for their part in Record Setters
 Everyone who helped with Constitutional Review
 Reiter for his hard work on the Constitutional Review
 E-board elect for going through transition
 Meg for an amazing Hall Wars Event
 Charlie for swiping Sarah into TDR
 Nate’s Holocaust Remembrance Week Event
Everyone coming to Acapalooza tomorrow
Joyce’s Hall Council because finals are coming up and everyone’s
been really stressed but they make a great team and Joyce is
honored to work with them
 Patricio for having the most energy at Record Setters even though he
 Joanne for her successful election and being the first E-board member
from Leonard in years
 Everyone coming to the block party
 McDowell Hall Council for working their butts off, especially Nicole
 Nicole because it’s her birthday this Sunday
 Devon for teaching Joanne stuff today
 Everyone RSVPing to Transition
 E-board for smiling and waving when Alya passes by the office
 Daniel for showing up to Record Setters on his birthday
 Daniel for certifying the election on his birthday at 10 am and being
so patient
o Motion to adjourn meeting by unanimous consent
 Seconded
o Meeting adjourned at 10:14 pm.