General Assembly Minutes   October 8, 2015

 General Assembly Minutes
October 8, 2015
Call to Order o Time: 9:53 ● Attendance o Anderson: 4 out of 5 one proxy for VP of Finance o Berkshire: not present o Cassell & Nebraska: 2 out of 3 o Centennial: 3 out of 5 o Hughes: 5 out of 5 one proxy for VP of Advocacy o Leonard: 5 out of 5 o Letts Clark and Roper: 4 out of 5 o McDowell: 4 out of 5 one proxy for VP of Finance ● Minutes Approval o motion to approve the minutes by unanimous consent: Laura Hoyos o Seconded by : Max Zimmerman ● Agenda Approval: o Motion to approve the agenda by unanimous consent after adding swearing in new members by: Sam Rogers o Seconded by: Kenneth Brofman ● Hall Reports o Anderson: ▪ appointed Deputies, they are used as proxies ▪ want to appoint hall senators to ensure input from as many residents as possible ▪ talked about their contribution to Fall Fest, they will have face painting, and supply toasters for the winners ▪ working with the RA’s to get a DJ for Fall Fest, the DJ will be paid for by the RA’s budget o Berkshire: ▪ not present o Cassell & Nebraska: ▪ working on the haunted house on October 19th, all are welcome ▪ planning events for the semester ▪ filling the hall council o Centennial: ▪ filled the vacant positions on the hall council ▪ planned upcoming events, with a focus on Fall Fest ▪ talked about getting rental vacuums for the hall ▪ planned events for the semester o Hughes: ▪ created new positions like director of Fundraising, Director of Sustainability, and Chief of Staff, appointed people to these positions ●
▪ planned the Haunted House, theme will be American Horror Story Circus ▪ started a healthy vending machine initiative ▪ want to buy HDMI cables for all of the lounges ▪ want to form advisory council for residents from each floor ▪ want to start a social media outreach program o Leonard: ▪ discussed the meet the council event (nacho bar) and haunted house (circus) ▪ worked to fill the vacant positions, working on making new positions ▪ setting up a input box for feedback ▪ had an open forum for residents who wanted to bring up an issue o Letts Clark and Roper: ▪ appointed people to the vacant positions/ all buildings represented ▪ working on short term goals for October ▪ introduction to the hall council event on Monday the 12th ▪ approved $200 to general Fall Fest ▪ want to get a cigarette ash tray on the side of Nebraska to prevent liter, want to start a vacuum program o McDowell ▪ filled all the hall council positions, working on getting deputies ▪ finalizing budget for tabling and haunted house ▪ working on reaching out to residents through social media ● Executive Board Reports o President: ▪ Attended Safety Fest Meeting ▪ Attended the Alcohol Prevention Taskforce ● Opportunities for them to help fund weekend and late night events ▪ Attended a meeting with Sasha ● Discussed possible opportunities to collaborate ● Need to meet with Alex to discuss advocacy initiatives ▪ All­American Weekend is next week, working with Audrey to plan that ▪ SAWG committees will be sent out soon ­ will update as needed ▪ Setting up a meeting with Lisa ▪ Going to set up meetings with all of the RD’s to update them on what we are doing in RHA o Vice President of Administration and Finance: ▪ in the Finance Roundtable, approved 2 HDP Fund requests one for Fall Fest and one for the Haunted House and 1 Grant Fund request for Sigma Epsilon philanthropy for $125 (reduced amount from what was asked) ▪ will have a Grant Fund request this coming week for Thanksgiving ▪ worked on the budget o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination ▪ I met with Sara from the Wellness Center to discuss Step Up training and other sexual assault prevention programming in the halls ▪ I contacted Lisa Freeman to set up a meeting regarding guest visitation policy and safety in the residence halls. ▪ Eboard met with Chris Moody regarding alcohol policy. ▪ I started reviewing all the information and marketing materials for our upcoming blood drive in November o Vice President of Programming ▪ held a Perch event with the Filipino American Coalition on Tuesday featuring safe relationships ▪ went to a Fall Fest meeting o National Communications Coordinator ▪ finalized registration for CAACURH o Chief of Staff ▪ set up a meeting with Christine from HDP so I can get the RHA website updated ▪ worked on completing the hall council roster ▪ working to set up meetings with Aboard ▪ had a one on one with Daniel o NRHH given by Paul Wells ▪ working on increasing OTM submissions ▪ focusing on reorganizing and improving ▪ getting ready for the national conference ▪ there is a packet about OTM’s that will be given to the hall councils o Advisors ▪ attended meetings with Eboard and had a Safety Fest meeting ▪ Daniel and Cait are here to provide updates that pertain specifically to the residents ▪ reminder of the email about the temperature, there will be a change from air conditioning to heat, this change will also come with RA’s and RD’s entering into all of the rooms for health and safety inspections ▪ policy violations should not be in the room but any violations will lead to a conversation with the RD and possible other repercussions ▪ pests are looking for a place to go that is warm as it gets colder outside so remind residents to keep food closed as to not give rodents and bugs a reason to go into the room ● Old Business o N/A ● New Business o Swearing in new members: ▪ oath given to seven new members of GA o Administrative Board: ▪ we will go through each member of the Aboard, they will give a brief description of why they were chosen, there will be a period of debate, and then a vote ▪ Jake: Deputy of Finance, working under Harrison, worked at a grocery store with customer service, worked with money also worked with a blood drive for fund raising, will work with the VP’s of finance and help Harrison as needed ▪ Debate: ● seems very motivated to make a difference­ Autumn ● Vote: 28­0 ● Kenneth Brofman: motion to vote by voice o we can motion by unanimous consent instead ● Autumn: What hall? o Anderson ● How does the finance requests relate to him? o
o it does not ▪ Zak Avis: from Minnesota, potential Deputy of Advocacy, loves talking to communities, and understanding them, and helping work to improve them, connect with them, and help getting the messages put to the community ● Chris: any prior experience with SG or hall council? o worked with the debates team advocating for policies and debates, worked on student government lots of advocacy in high school ● Nana­any other organization participation? o the Roosevelt institute (a policy think tank), working on a policy to make AU more transparent right now, AU dems ● Jalin­how well do you multitask? o if there are halls working on similar tasks, help the hall councils combine and work together ● Martin­what is the top priority right now? o wants to help improve student voices on campus and help organizations be heard, like the ideas alex is coming up with ● Debate: o Jill: very compelling candidate especially as a freshman, likes his commitment to transparency ● Kenneth: motion to approve by unanimous consent, o seconded by Martin ▪ Seeing as two Deputies are absent, they will be approved at the next GA Finance Budget Report ▪ Autumn: point of information: How does getting the money work, can we just get it? How often is GA notified about the budget? ● on the website there will be this budget breakdown, under the bylaws it is the job of the Financiers to approve requests under a certain amount, financiers in each hall may fill you in ● you have to fill out a form, to be reviewed by the VP of Finances ▪ Martin: Will we be getting a breakdown of founder’s day and other programing? ● questions can be directed to Audrey about where the Founder’s Day budget is going ▪ Tyler: Is Founder’s a hall council event, if not why are we paying for it? ● it is a AU tradition for all of the students, the majority of attendees is typically residents, so we continue to help fund it ▪ Nana: How do we get the extra funds? Must we run out of funds before we get extra money? ● get a form from the office, explain the event, your account does not need to be empty, if the amount is under $500 it goes to the finance round table, if it is above it goes to GA ▪ Debate: ● Even: the plan is very comprehensive ● Cole: everything seems well thought out not much to question o
● Nana question?Eeboard funds are used for campus wide events? o yes ● Kenneth: motion to approve by unanimous consent o seconded by sam o motion passes ● Point of info Max: how much money is NRHH getting? is that 1% of our budget o $800, yes is its less than 1% o In the bylaws it says the NRHH should comprise of 1% of the residents, they have a little less than that, the money does not go towards the members it goes to charity events, and improvement projects, members are chosen by nomination in the spring Safety Fest ▪ It is a co sponsorship with HDP, Public safety, and RHA. ▪ October 20th on the quad 11­2 ▪ the event works on developing knowledge of safety resources for residents and students ▪ looking for volunteers to sign up, there will be a tabling event, and help needed running cotton candy machine, cook out, etc. more info is given to those who sign up, ▪ Academic Support Center, and Counseling Center will be there ▪ there will be an obstacle course, race a public safety officer ▪ rain date is October 28th NACURH Report ▪ student fees are used to go to these conferences, work is done, resources are coming back to campus ▪ Daniel has worked as RD for 3 years, has seen the work we do, is a great resource ▪ going to conferences helps to make a well rounded resume ▪ stands for National Assoc of College and University Residence Halls ▪ the conference was in North Dakota last year ▪ to prepare for the conference soda pop tabs were collected for the Ronald Mcdonald House ▪ this year it is adopt a family, giving toys and resources to families in need in the area, halls can consider helping the cause ▪ while at the last conference participated in a park clean up ▪ it is leadership, team building, and fun ▪ the upcoming national conference is in Delaware 2016, Will will create a plan for it ▪ Will gets to coordinate a delegation to a national conference ▪ the CAACURH region sits together, but also get to meet other regions ▪ the key note speaker was Jonathan Sprinkles, message was how to inspire student leaders to want to make the resident halls a better place, and take time to take action ▪ everyone deserves recognition for the work they are doing ▪ Eboard sat down with administration for an hour and a half to help effect change, change happens when you work with administration ▪ AU was recognized for winning 8 OTMs, people who make the resident halls a better place ●
▪ while at conferences people attend programs to help learn about many different aspects such as dining hours and sustainability ▪ Daniel’s program was discussing ways students can enter careers in Housing and Dining programs, it was interactive, printed on recycled paper, worked on ways to build a professional career with the tools gained ▪ Daniel wants to work towards giving presentations at AU ▪ Daniel is working to plan a national conference in Montreal in March ▪ talk to Daniel if you want more information on careers ▪ pieces of legislation that are important, was changed from the NACURH board of directors to the National Board of directors, to include organizations outside the US ▪ NACURH will be incorporated indefinitely, all of the taxes and things associated with the organization will be kept open so they do not need to be renewed ▪ Will is working on the reaffiliation of the school to ensure we stay a part of NACURH and CAACURH, to help get resources and materials Open Forum: o none General Announcements: o Will: sent out email about forming committees, the Disciplinary and Bylaw Review committees, respond if interested, read the emails o Paul: reminder that OTMS due November 5th o Jaime: If you have an opinion please voice it and give feedback, it is one of the reasons you are here o Max: forming an alcohol committee and late night dining committee stay here after the meeting if interested o see Audrey if interested in Safety Fest Recognition: o Sam: recognize Harrison for great budget o Paul: best budget presentation o Audrey for running around with the microphone Adjournment: o
motion to adjourn by unanimous consent made by: Sam o
Seconded by: Martin o
Time: 11:14 