28 FEBRUARY 2008
Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) held in the
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present::
H C Cordeaux (Chairman)
J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman)
Mrs P Bevan Jones
B Cabbell Manners
P W High
S C Mears
T H Moore
J H Perry-Warnes
J D Savory
Mrs A C Sweeney
Mrs J Trett - substitute for Mrs A R Green
Mrs L M Brettle - Glaven Valley Ward
R Combe - Astley Ward
Mrs H T Nelson - Sheringham South Ward
Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control
Mr R Howe - Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager
Mr P Godwin - Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager
Mr G Lyon - Acting Development Control Manager (West)
Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer (West)
Miss K Witton - Landscape Officer
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mrs A R Green.
substitute Member attended the meeting as stated above.
The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 31 January 2008 were approved
as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which he wished to
bring before the Committee.
Councillors B Cabbell Manners and H C Cordeaux declared interests, the details of
which are given under the minute of the item concerned.
(269) Holt – Tree Preservation Order (HOLT) 2007 No.10 Orchard Piece and Oakside,
Kelling Road, Holt
The Committee considered item 1 of the officers’ reports in respect of the
confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order at the above site.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
Public Speaker
Mr Cliffe (objecting)
The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager responded to comments made by the
public speaker.
It was proposed by Councillor P W High, duly seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That Tree Preservation Order (HOLT) 2007 No.10 at Orchard Piece and
Oakside, Kelling Road, Holt be confirmed without amendment.
Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications;
updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting
to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered
Members’ questions.
Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents,
letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for
inspection at the meeting.
Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and
Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below.
Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1
unless otherwise stated.
(270) BLAKENEY - 20080118 - Retention of dwelling incorporating revised design
details; Lost Plot Coronation Lane for Ms B Ward Jones
The Committee considered item 2 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Ms Ward Jones (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicant’s agent had submitted three
possible proposals to reduce the amount glazing in the tower. He read to the
Committee the accompanying letter. A further alternative had been suggested by
officers which would be more in keeping with the original permission.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that five further letters of objection had been
received on similar grounds to those contained in the report and on additional
grounds relating to loss of light and loss of value.
Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, requested a site inspection.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor J D
Savory and
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site
inspection by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of
the Parish Council be invited to attend.
(271) CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - 20071941 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; Hill Top
House Hilltop for Mr W Garfitt
Councillor H C Cordeaux declared an interest in this application due to
acquaintanceship through past employment and left the Council Chamber during
consideration of this matter.
Councillor J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair.
The Committee considered item 3 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Batten (objecting)
Mr Garfitt (supporting)
The Acting Development Control Manager reported that the Parish Council objected
to this application. The applicant had confirmed that the land was in his ownership.
An amended plan had been received in respect of access improvements. The
Highway Authority continued to object on highway safety grounds.
Councillor P W High stated that he had visited the site and considered that the site
was unsuitable for the size of dwelling proposed. He supported the Highway
Authority’s objections in respect of the access.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, duly seconded and
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site
inspection by the Committee and that the local Member, Chairman of the
Parish Council and a representative of the Highway Authority be invited
to attend.
(272) HELHOUGHTON - 20071248 - Demolition of dwelling and erection of two twostorey detached dwellings and detached garage; 1 and 2 Raynham Road for Mr
G Morris
HELHOUGHTON - 20071249 - Demolition of dwelling; 1 and 2 Raynham Road
for Mr G Morris
The Committee considered items 4 and 5 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Morgan (objecting)
Mr Morris (supporting)
The Acting Development Control Manager reported that one further letter of objection
had been received.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones read to the Committee the comments of Councillor
Miss D A Wakefield, the local Member, which explained in detail her concerns
regarding the impact of this proposal on the Conservation Area, historical importance
of the building, highway issues and drainage. Councillor Miss Wakefield had also set
out the comments of a planning agent who had been present at a previous meeting
and who had also expressed concerns regarding impact on the Conservation Area
and the benefits of restoration of the cottages. Councillor Miss Wakefield considered
that restoration of the cottages would enhance the area. She had referred to the
large number of existing and proposed dwellings at the former RAF base at West
Raynham. She considered that these applications should be refused.
Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones proposed refusal of the applications, which was not
Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that the Committee had to work within the policy
framework and he considered that an appeal against refusal would be lost. He
stated that with some sadness he would propose approval of these applications.
Councillor J D Savory stated that he had supported these applications at previous
meetings and continued to do so. He referred to the decision by English Heritage not
to list the building, which was in poor condition and had been altered several times.
He considered that it did not enhance the Conservation Area. He stated that there
were modern buildings on either side and considered that the proposal would
enhance the site.
Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones considered that approval would be premature as there
was still an opportunity to challenge the decision of English Heritage not to list the
The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended delegated approval
subject to confirmation that there had been no challenge to the decision not to list the
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor J D
Savory and
RESOLVED by 9 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve these applications subject to there being no challenge to the
decision by English Heritage not to list the building, and subject to the
imposition of appropriate conditions.
(273) HINDOLVESTON - 20071804 - Erection of four dwellings; 3 Melton Road for Mr
N Beckett
The Committee considered item 6 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Howard (Hindolveston Parish Council)
Councillor R Combe, the local Member, considered that the scheme should be
redesigned to take account of the street scene, reduce the number of dwellings and
protect the open space behind the village hall.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
Councillor J A Wyatt suggested that Plot 2 be deleted from the scheme.
It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, duly seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be refused on grounds of overdevelopment, impact
on the amenities of 1 Melton Road, and that the scheme as proposed is
out of character with the prevailing grain of development in the area.
(274) HOLT - 20071754 - Erection of detached dwelling and cart lodge; land adjoining
10 Kelling Road for The Fishmongers Company
Councillor B Cabbell Manners declared a personal interest in this application as he
was the Council’s representative on the Board of Governors of Gresham’s School.
The Committee considered item 7 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mrs Coleby (supporting)
The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager stated that the Human Rights section
of the report should refer to refusal of this application.
Councillor P W High, a local Member, considered that this proposal was
overdevelopment of the site. He was very concerned at the close proximity of the
proposed dwelling to the existing dwelling.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that this application should not be refused
as the principle of development in this location was acceptable. He considered that
this application should be deferred to allow negotiations for an acceptable scheme.
It was proposed by Councillor P W High, seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt
RESOLVED by 9 votes to 1
That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation
of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
(275) LITTLE SNORING - 20071317 - Removal of condition 2 of planning permission
20011826 to permit full residential occupancy; Dragonflies Thursford Road for
Mr and Mrs J Bowns
The Committee considered item 8 of the officers’ reports.
The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager amended the suggested replacement
condition to read 'This permission shall enure solely for the benefit of the applicants,
John and Priscilla Bowns, for so long as both or either of these named persons
occupy the property and are engaged in management of the County Wildlife Site.
Upon the cessation of permanent occupation by both of these named persons or
upon their ceasing to be involved with the management of the County Wildlife Site
the property shall revert to holiday use in accordance with condition 2 of planning
permission reference 20011826 unless a further planning permission to vary or
revoke this condition has been granted by the Local Planning Authority beforehand.’
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
Councillor Mrs J Trett considered that Councillor Mrs A R Green, the local Member,
would be happy with the suggested amendment.
It was proposed by Councillor S C Mears, seconded by Councillor Mrs P Bevan
Jones and
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of a
replacement condition as suggested by the Planning Legal and
Enforcement Manager.
Reason: The Committee considered that there were exceptional
circumstances related to the management of the County Wildlife Site
and associated grazing of cattle.
(276) LITTLE SNORING - 20080047 - Erection of two-storey linked extension; Old
Chapel The Street for Mr R H Fuchs
The Committee considered item 9 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Verrall (Little Snoring Parish Council)
Mr Tuck (objecting)
The Senior Planning Officer stated that the proposed extension would measure
8.21m x 7.2m and 7m to the ridge and not as stated in the report.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Councillor Mrs A R Green, the local
Member, considered that the proposed extension and glazed link were out of keeping
with this part of the village and did not adhere to the North Norfolk Design Guide.
She had requested a site inspection. A further letter of objection had been received
from a neighbour which also referred to the Design Guide. He stated that officers
considered that the proposal was in conformity with the Design Guide and would not
be out of keeping with the area.
Councillor J D Savory stated that The Chapel was one of the more historic buildings
in the village and there were concerns regarding the glazed link in the context of the
existing building.
It was proposed by Councillor J D Savory, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes
That this application be refused on grounds that the scale of the
proposed extension is not subordinate to the original dwelling and the
glazed link is out of keeping and detrimental to the street scene.
As an amendment, it was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, seconded by Councillor
P W High
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site inspection by
the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish Council
be invited to attend.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared lost with 4 Members voting in
favour and 7 against.
The original proposition for refusal was put to the vote and RESOLVED by 8 votes to
1 with 2 abstentions.
(277) SHERINGHAM - 20071180 - Erection of twenty-two flats; Central Garage 49
High Street for Mr N J Wright
The Committee considered item 10 of the officers’ reports.
The Acting Development Control Manager reported that a letter had been received
from the applicant’s agent which suggested that there was a potential total of 1000
vehicle movements per week associated with the site. A further letter had been
received from the agent on the morning of the meeting stating that there was no
basis for refusal and threatening to appeal if the application were not approved.
The Acting Development Control Manager recommended deferral to await the views
of the Highway Authority in respect of the traffic information provided by the
applicant’s agent.
Councillor Mrs H T Nelson, Member for Sheringham South Ward, considered that the
site had the potential to provide a high quality development for the town. She stated
that the LDF proposals included possible retail development to the east of the clock
tower. She stated that she had no objection to demolition of the existing buildings
and supported the recommendation for deferral.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell
Manners and
RESOLVED unanimously
That consideration of this application be deferred to await the
comments of the Highway Authority in respect of the traffic information
provided by the applicant’s agent.
(278) UPPER SHERINGHAM - 20060982 - Erection of 6 dwellings (including 2
affordable units); Depot Blowlands Lane for North Norfolk District Council
The Committee considered item 11 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer outlined the concerns raised in one further letter of
objection that had been received from a local resident.
Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney, the local Member, considered that the proposal would
improve the site provided that the roof pitch of the dwellings was appropriate to the
character of the area.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that three of the dwellings should be
The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that the proposal complied with
the requirements of the current Local Plan in respect of affordable housing provision.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved in accordance with
recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
(279) UPPER SHERINGHAM - 20071934 - Erection of garage and alterations to
access; Blowlands Sheringham Road for Mr A Buckingham
The Committee considered item 12 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that he had contacted the applicant following
the site visit in respect of positioning the garage square on the site. The applicant did
not wish to do so as it would result in the loss of a cherry tree and make access to
the garage more difficult.
Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney, the local Member, considered that the garage should
be sited in accordance with the building line.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney, seconded by Councillor J D Savory
RESOLVED by 8 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That this application be refused on grounds that the proposed garage
would have an adverse impact and intrusive appearance in the street
scene and on the Conservation Area.
The Committee considered item 13 of the officers’ reports.
That consideration of the following applications be deferred to allow an
inspection of the sites by the Committee and that the local Members and
Chairmen of the Parish Councils be invited to attend:
WALSINGHAM – 20080050 – Change of use and conversion from
hostel/café/chapel to C1 (Religious Retreat), including construction of
covered walkway, new shopfront, additional dormer windows, Bell Cotte
and fenestrational changes; 47, 47A and 49 High Street, Walsingham for
Mr P Hoye
WALSINGHAM – 20080051 – Demolition of single-storey extensions,
internal alterations and construction of covered walkway, additional
dormer windows, new shopfront and fenestrational changes; 47, 47A
and 49 High Street, Walsingham for Mr P Hoye
WIGHTON – 20080021 – Erection of water treatment buildings; Wighton
WTW Wells Road for Anglian Water Services Limited
The Committee considered item 14 of the officers’ reports.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
The Committee considered item 15 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee considered item 16 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee considered item 17 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee considered item 18 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee considered item 19 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee considered item 20 of the officers’ reports which sought approval of
the draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals for
Sheringham for public consultation purposes.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners requested that references to “Beeston Hill” be
amended to read “Beeston Bump”.
The Committee discussed the possibility of including some additional traditional flint
housing along Cromer Road, at its junction with Station Road.
The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager stated that Conservation Areas
should ideally be contiguous in their coverage. He considered that the buildings
concerned could be candidates for local listing. There was a gap in terms of
character and quality between the current Conservation Area boundary and the
buildings concerned. Whilst these buildings could be included, he was of the view
that it would water down the Conservation Area and undermine its status and
cohesiveness. However, he suggested that the Draft Character Appraisal and
Management Proposals be amended to include the whole of the eastern frontage to
Station Road and 7-11 Cromer Road and that they be approved for public
consultation. The matter could be reconsidered following the public consultation.
The Head of Planning and Building Control concurred and suggested that the
proposed Conservation Area be amended accordingly prior to public consultation.
Councillors Mrs P Bevan Jones and Mrs H T Nelson requested that the buildings and
areas concerned be included within the proposed new Conservation Area boundary.
Councillor Mrs H T Nelson requested that her gratitude be conveyed to the
consultant and the Conservation and Design Officer responsible for producing the
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones, duly seconded and
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008
RESOLVED unanimously
That the Draft Sheringham Conservation Area Character Appraisal and
Management Proposals document be approved for public consultation
purposes, subject to the inclusion of the whole of the eastern side of
Station Road and nos. 7-11 Cromer Road within the proposed new
Conservation Area boundaries, and that references to ‘Beeston Hill’ be
amended to read ‘Beeston Bump”.
That following the public consultation and meeting, the proposals be
brought back for further consideration and final adoption.
The Committee considered item 20 of the officers’ reports which sought approval of
the draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals for
Wells for public consultation purposes.
Councillor Mrs J Trett, a local Member, stated that many buildings in Staithe Street
were being renovated and the fire damaged building on the Quay was to be
redeveloped. She stated that the entrances to the town needed improvement.
Councillor J D Savory, also a local Member, supported Councillor Mrs Trett’s
comments regarding the entrances to the town.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners queried the spelling of the term Holm(e) Oak.
The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager drew attending to the value of
the document as a mechanism for the control of development and in particular the
need to respect the inherent ‘townscape’ character of Wells.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, seconded by Councillor J D Savory and
RESOLVED unanimously
That the Draft Wells-next-the-Sea Conservation Area Character
Appraisal and Management Proposals document be approved for public
consultation purposes.
That following consultation, the proposals be brought back for further
consideration and final adoption.
The meeting closed at 1.00 pm.
Development Control Committee (West)
28 February 2008